Wiglesworth reflections on Leaders of Learning a. Review/scan pages 70-73. How did you organize your FC groups? When do they meet? Grade level or content teams? What do you do with your specialists and/or SPED personnel? At Antilles Elementary School the FC groups are organized by grade level teams. They meet every Wednesday from 1:30 to 3:00. The ESOL and SPED teachers join the grade level to which they are assigned and serve. b. Review/scan pages 68-70. Did you face any challenges as you planned your groups? How have you overcome these challenges? Do the challenges still exist? Do you need additional support? Challenges continue to rise. While the school administration does a good job providing guidance on what to discuss during meetings and providing the appropriate support; there is no Assistant Principal and the Principal has been out of school for an extended period of time. Teams continued to meet, but without school administration presence. Additionally, various make-up PDs and other matters continue to press-in on the time. c. Review/scan pages 79-87. Share any data you have gathered/observed about the work of your FC groups. What stages have you observed? Are groups fluid through the stages or do you find that the work of the group remains static in one or two stages? How can you move your groups forward? Have you used the FCOT? I am looking at FC data for the entire district using the FCOT data. The district continues to increase in total # of FCOTs completed. I am planning on proposing to ESOL teachers that we do some data analysis of BAS/SRI scores for ELLs and bring this information to the team meetings if they grade levels have not already begun to address this topic. We should have midyear data to compare with BOY data now.