Singapore Polytechnic School of Chemical & Life Sciences Diploma in Chemical Engineering Biopharmaceutical Engineering (CP5074) Experiment 1 report Lecturer: Dr Jin Kai Class: DCHE/ELE/FT/06 Group Members: Full Name Admission Number Chai Zhi Xun 1614220 Andrew Lai Wen Qian 1613977 Goh Choon Shane 1614189 Guap Qing Yuen 1613696 WRITTEN ASSESSMENT 1. Answering BOTH questions: (1) Explain the function of each type of agar medium you have formulated for achieving your experimental objective. (10 marks) The first agar medium was formulated to ensure that the cells are able to grow in normal cell culture medium. The second agar medium is formulated to ensure that the plasmid DNA is present in the cells and ensure the segregational stability of the cell. The third agar medium is formulated to ensure the cell’s structural stability. The fourth agar medium is formulated to ensure that the cell has both structural and segregational stability and thus can express the gene. The agar medium used are (LB + A) and (LB + A + IPTG) (2) Tabulate your colony counting results from various agar plates and calculate the plasmid stability in terms of the percentage of cells containing the correct foreign gene insert. (10 marks) Colonies LB+A LB+A+I 1 Does not glow Does not glow 2 Glows Glows 3 Glows Does not glow 4 Glow Does not glow 5 Does not glow Glows 6 Glows Does not glow 7 Glows Glows 8 Does not glow Glow 9 Glows Does not glow 10 Glow Does not glow Cell that contains GFP will either glow in LB+A or LB+A+I. Since 9 out of 10 colonies has shown positive result, the percentage of cell containing the foreign insert gene is 90%. 2. Memo writing Write a memo (not more than 2 pages with Arial 12-point font and 1-inch margins) to your superior, Mr Song, explaining your findings; and provide appropriate recommendation(s) if any. You should attach suitable pictures of your agar plates with developed colonies (not part of the 2-page limit) to support your findings. (30 marks) To: Mr Song Date: 8/8/2017 Subject: Re-Selection of plasmid DNA Dear Mr Song, Our team is tasked to analyse the colonies produced by carrying out reselection.of plasmid DNA. Therefore we selected 10 colonies for analysing. We used two agar plates for selection. One contain ampicillin (LB+A), and the other with ampicillin and IPTG (LB+A+I). The table below shows the result. Colonies LB+A LB+A+I 1 Does not glow Does not glow 2 Glows Glows 3 Glows Does not glow 4 Glow Does not glow 5 Does not glow Glows 6 Glows Does not glow 7 Glows Glows 8 Does not glow Glow 9 Glows Does not glow 10 Glow Does not glow Figure 1. 10 colonies each on 2 agar plates, LB+A and LB+A+I There are 4 different outcomes from the experiment as shown in figure 1. Firstly, the colonies that glow on LB+A but not LB+A+I, the lac suppressor and pLysS plasmid is not working as intended, but the pET vector and pLysS are still working correctly. This outcome is undesired as the colonies are unstable and we are not able to control the protein induction time. Secondly, the colonies that does not glow on both LB+A and LB+A+I means that the cell contains the pLysS plasmid but it delete its GFP gene on the LB+A+I agar plate. This is another outcome that is not desired. Thirdly, the colonies that glows on both LB+A and LB+A+I means that the lac repressor and the pLysS leaked and is not very effective. This is an undesired outcome Lastly, the colonies that does not glow on LB+A but glows on LB+A+I means that the colonies contains the second plasmid and it also contain the GFP gene. It also means that gene expression is carried out by the cell.This is the most desired outcome. In conclusion, our team recommend colony 5 and 8, which is the best colony to be used for gene expression. Regards, Zhixun Singapore Polytechnic School of Chemical & Life Sciences Diploma in Chemical Engineering Biopharmaceutical Engineering (CP5074) Experiment 2 report Lecturer: Dr Jin Kai Class: DCHE/ELE/FT/06 Group Members: Full Name Admission Number Chai Zhi Xun 1614220 Andrew Lai Wen Qian 1613977 Goh Choon Shane 1614189 Guap Qing Yuen 1613696 WRITTEN ASSESSMENT Writing Technical Report: Draft a technical report (not more than 3 A4 pages with Arial 12-point font and 1-inch margins, excluding the cover page) for Mr. Song of GeneProducts Pte Ltd, recommending with reasons, an optimized fermentation process for the fermentation group to follow. You are required to use the format prescribed below. (50 marks) Hypothesis and Objective The objective was to formulate hypotheses regarding the effects of selected fermentation parameters on cell growth and gene expression, construct appropriate experimental designs for recombinant fermentation and conduct experimental inquiries to either verify or nullify the hypothesis. Our hypothesis is that the smaller the inoculum size, the greater the cell count density. Material and Method Material ● Shaker incubator ● Sterile shake flasks ● Sterile fermentation medium containing antibiotics ● Inoculation loop ● Microcentrifuge ● Spectrophotometer ● UV lights ● IPTG Method A. Setting up shaker incubators 1. Change the existing set points for temperature and agitation speed if necessary. 2. Ensure the flask holders are firm. 3. Operate the shake incubator to ensure the temperature and agitation speed are controlled at set points. B. Carry out inoculation 1. Fill the sterile shake flasks (250 ml) with 50 ml of sterile fermentation medium containing antibiotics in the Biosafety cabinet. 2. Aseptically transfer starter cultures to the shake flasks containing 50 ml of fermentation medium (The inoculum size is designed by you). 3. Fix each shake flask with the flask holder inside the shake incubator. 4. Close the door and start the cell cultivation. C. Perform cell induction 1. Take samples from shake flask cultures for OD (600nm) measurement. 2. Cells are induced with IPTG at the determined final concentration (designed by you) when the OD (600 nm) reaches a specific value (designed by you). 3. The temperature set point of the shake incubator may be changed to a new value (designed by you). 4. The flasks are placed back to the shaker incubator and grow for a period determined in your own protocol. D. Analyze cell growth and gene expression 1. 1 ml of cell culture is taken for OD (600 nm) measurement using a spectrophotometer. 2. 1 ml of cell culture is centrifuged at 14,000x g in a microcentrifuge for 2 minutes, and supernatant is discarded. 3. The cell pellet is observed under UV lights and saved in a freezer (20oC) for subsequent SDS-PAGE analysis. Results and Discussion Inoculum Size Time Cell Count Density Low 1000 0.02 1100 0.36 1200 0.54 1000 0.20 1030 0.56 1130 0.7214 High Conclusion The greater the inoculum size, the higher the cell density. As seen from the results, cell density of high inoculum size is larger compared to when inoculum size is low. A possible reason for this could be related to the time that the cell medium stays in the reactor. With lower inoculum size, the cell count density after fermentation should be higher than that of high inoculum size as lesser toxins are produced and accumulated. However, in our case, the cell density is lower. This may be due to the fact that the fermentation process in both cases did not finish and is stopped. Thus, the fermentation in both cases did not reach the stationary phase and is stopped at the log phase. Recommendations for Future Work We recommend that for future inoculation, prepare a few samples to be inoculated with loops of different sizes to find the relationship between the various inoculation loop size and the cell count density to find the optimal loop size. Singapore Polytechnic School of Chemical & Life Sciences Diploma in Chemical Engineering Biopharmaceutical Engineering (CP5074) Experiment 3 report Lecturer: Dr Jin Kai Class: DCHE/ELE/FT/06 Group Members: Full Name Admission Number Chai Zhi Xun 1614220 Andrew Lai Wen Qian 1613977 Goh Choon Shane 1614189 Guap Qing Yuen 1613696 Answer ALL questions: 1. State the chemical compositions for each solution used in the protein purification protocol designed by you. (15 marks) 1. Sodium phosphate stock solution, 5x (100ml) -500mM NaH2PO4, 50mM Tris Cl, pH 8.0 2. 1M imidazole solution(50ml)pH 7.0 3. Deionised water Wash buffer 1. 5ml of sodium phosphate stock solution 2. 45ml of deionised water Elution buffer 1. 10ml of wash imidazole solution 2. 5ml of sodium phosphate stock solution 3. 45ml of deionised water 2. Resolve the following issue: Supposed that one of your team members, Mr. Siew Huat Tat, approached you one day and said, “Supposed, hypothetically – I mean just for discussion purposes – that a staff from our company is approached by a head-hunter to work for a competitor. Do you think this staff can share some of his knowledge about this company with the competitor? After all, the offer by the competitor is very attractive, let’s say several thousand dollars of one-time joining fee, and up to $800 more in monthly salary than what one can get in GeneProducts. In any case, I think in this business, a competitor can always come up with similar products or protocols very quickly, so – again, hypothetically – the risk to this company from anyone sharing insider knowledge or secret is quite minimal. What is your view on this?” You suspected that Mr. Siew Huat Tat is in fact referring to himself, and that the competitor is none other than Good Genes Pte Ltd, who is known to have invested in novel protein purification techniques. In fact, Mr. Song is quite weary of the company, as it had successfully lured one of GeneProducts’ research scientists to join the company 2 months earlier. Good Genes had been aggressively expanding its presence in the region, and more poaching of staff can be expected. In addition, you and your team had not signed any document pledging secrecy on the new protein purification protocol that your team developed; so technically, before anything was signed, one is not prohibited by company regulations to divulge any important information that you might possessed. Explain your views to Mr. Siew Huat Tat (not more than 1 A4 page with Arial 12- point font and 1-inch margins) with relevant code of ethics (such as that in IChemE, or AIChE) to support your answer. (15 marks) Personally, I do not think that the stuff should share his knowledge about the company to the competitor company. Even though the protein purification protocol developed has not been signed pledging secrecy, it is the company’s property and the company has the right to sue anyone who shares this protocol without consent. Furthermore, in the competitive market of biopharmaceuticals, the company has to have an edge over other companies. Even though it might be true to say that other companies can come up with protocols very quickly, a slight edge over other company might translate to increased revenue gained by the company. Lastly, sharing of the protocol might cause you to lose your credit as the competitors can easily claim this technology or protocol as theirs. PowerPoint Slide Preparation Mr. Song asks you to prepare a set of PowerPoint slides to brief senior management about your newly developed purification protocol. Mr. Song added: “These are all very busy people, and they may not fully understand the concepts. Try keeping your slides to a minimum, using simple terminology. I suggest that you do not use more than 10 slides, excluding the first opening slide and the last closing “Thank You” slide.” Note: You should name your file as CP5074_E5_XX_Y.PPT; where XX is your class and Y is your group number, and submit through email. You submission will be graded for both technical accuracy and good slide design. (20 marks)