Exam 1 Study Guide

Study Guide
Exam 1
Chapter 1:
Difference between Genetics and Biochemistry
The use of model organisms in genetics
o Quick generation time
o Studied in the lab
o Mice, C. elegans, D. melanogaster, A. aegypti etc – good to know names
 Should be able to do genetics with them!!!
Germ plasm theory
o Contemporary idea of how we have gametes
o Sexual reproduction
Mendelian inheritance
o Know Mendel and his importance to the field of Genetics
o Rediscovery in the early 20th century
The gene is the fundamental unit of heredity
Genes come in multiple forms called alleles
Genes and their alleles determine the phenotype
Genes are encoded in DNA
Genes are located on chromosomes
Central Dogma: genetic information is transferred from DNA to RNA to Protein
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
DNA  RNA  Protein
Genes are transcribed from DNA into RNA and translated into
Mutations are permanent changes in genes – important in evolution
o UV Radiation
o Errors in Replication
Chapter 2:
Differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
o Prokaryotic: Bacteria and Archaea
o Eukaryotic: Humans, Plants, Yeast (single celled organism) etc.
o Eukaryotic cells aren’t always multicellular (such as yeast)
o Know structural differences (ex. Prok. doesn’t have a nuclear membrane,
Eukaryotic cells do)
Prokaryotic cell division
o Used to reproduce (replicate)
Eukaryotic cell cycle – Know the phases.
Basic structure of a chromosome
Diploid vs haploid
o Diploid – two sets of homologous chromosomes (2n; zygote)
o Haploid – one set of chromosomes (1n; example: gametes)
Cell division in prokaryotes is called binary fission; (usually) only one circular
chromosome to replicate.
What is the function of cell division in prokaryotes? Reproduction.
Cell Cycle
o G1 phase - growth
o G0 phase (quiescence) – post mitotic cells.
 Can maintain in this phase for extended periods of time
o S Phase – replication of DNA
o G2 Phase – growing and preparation of mitosis
o M Phase - Mitosis
o All the stages
 At what stage do DNA molecules double?
 In S phase DNA content doubles, but the actual molecules
do not separate until anaphase (which is then the doubling of
the DNA molecules because there are now two)
o What the purpose of Mitosis is? Cell Division
From prophase to cytokinesis:
o Prophase - centrioles go to the poles of the cell, the nuclear envelope
disintegrates, chromosomes condense, mitotic spindles begin to form
o Prometaphase - spindles attach to the kinetochores (protein structure)
which formed on the centromere (DNA region)
o Metaphase – alignment of the chromosomes at the metaphase plate.
o Anaphase – Sister chromatids  >:< 
o Telophase – reformation of nuclear envelope, disintegration of
o Telophase ≠Cytokinesis
o Cytokinesis – division of cytoplasmic contents O|O
Structure of Eukaryotic Chromosome
o Telomeres – the ends of linear DNA
o Centromere –where the kinetochore forms and the spindle fibers attach
o All chromosomes have chromatin (form of gene regulation)
 Euchromatin – genes more likely to be expressed
 Heterochromatin – genes less likely to be expressed
o Why? To increase genetic variety, to form a gamete. Organelles (Mitochondrial
DNA is almost all from your mother). Male mitochondria is used to power the
movement of the sperm it is not included in the embryo (this is just a fun fact)
o Prophase I – crossing over occurs; linking homologous chromosomes together.
Results in
 Synaptonemal Complex – structure that form during Crossing over
 Chiasmata – links homologous chromosomes together
o Metaphase I – homologous chromosomes align at metaphase plate.
o Anaphase I – What separates? Separation of homologous chromosomes; Still
 Independent assortment happens here.
o Telophase I – reformation nuclear envelope, arrival of Homologous
chromosomes at the poles. Cleavage occurs.
o Interkinesis – time between meiosis I and II. May or may not happen
o Prophase II – chromosomes condense, basically the same in mitosis.
o Metaphase II – Sister chromatids align horizontally in the center of the cell.
o Anaphase II – Sister chromatids (mixed up because of recombination) separate;
o Telophase II – Reformation of nuclear envelope and going to the pole
o Cells differentiate into gametes! Sperm and Egg
***Be able to visually recognize the different stages in meiosis and mitosis***
Differences between mitosis and meiosis
o Mitosis end result two identical cells. Same exact DNA content
o Meiosis you’re looking to make multiple Haploid cells that aren’t all the
o Meiosis is fundamental to genetics
Chapter 3:
Mendel’s laws
o Principle of segregation – alleles of the same gene separate randomly
 Alleles for the same gene.
o Principle of independent assortment – different genes are inherited
independently of each other.
 Distance from each other on the chromosome determines how they
are going to assort (used for gene mapping).
 If genes are far away from each other, for example on different
chromosome, they will assort independently
How Meiosis relates to Mendel’s laws
o Mendel’s Laws are made possible and function during meiosis
o Both of his laws occur during anaphase I of meiosis
Monohybrid crosses – need to know how to do this
o Understand ratios that would result from different crosses
The Punnett square
Probability in genetics
o The multiplication rule – keyword ‘and’ (and any words that denote ‘and’)
o The addition rule – keyword ‘or’ (and any words that denote ‘or’)
o When to use each rule
Dihybrid Crosses – need to know how to do this
o Understand the ratios that would result from different crosses
o More complicated version of monohybrid cross but the same rules apply
 Genotypic ratio: 1:2:2:4:1:1:2:2:1
 Phenotypic ratio: 9:3:3:1
o Different phenotypes:
 12 green
 4 yellow
 ratio of green to yellow (12:4)
 12 smooth
 4 wrinkled
 ratio of green to yellow (12:4)
Chi-Square Goodness of Fit test
Dominant alleles vs Recessive alleles
Genotypic ratio (AA: Aa: aa) - 1:2:1
Phenotypic ratio (Green: Yellow) - 3:1
A = Green peas – is dominant allele with not codominance or incomplete dominance
a = Yellow peas – recessive allele
Genotyptic ratio (AA: Aa: aa)
(Green: Yellow) – 4:0
AaBb X AaBb
– 0:4:0 - Phenotypic ratio
B = Smooth peas – is dominant allele with not codominance or incomplete dominance
b = wrinkled peas – recessive allele
Chapter 4:
Sexual reproduction: from haploid to diploid and back again
o Understanding meiosis is key
o Meiosis makes sexual reproduction possible
Sex determination systems:
o XX-XO – amount of chromosomes determines sex
o XX-XY – type of chromosome determines sex
 Mammals
 The heterogametic sex is male.
o ZZ-ZW – type of chromosome determines sex
 Birds
 The heterogametic sex is female.
o Genic – touched upon in class. Understand the basic idea.
 No specific sex chromosome. Overall chromosomal set determines
the sex.
 Not completely understood.
o Environmental – understand the basic idea.
 Do not need to know how this happens.
Sex determination in Drosophila:
o X chromosome to Haploid set of Autosome ratio
 Ratio of sex chromosomes to autosomal chromosomes
Thomas Hunt Morgan and the X-linked white gene
o Father of fly genetics (Drosophila melanogaster)
o Research was useful in understanding how chromosomes work
o Led the way to the chromosomal theory of inheritance
o Figured out that there could be nondisjunction of chromosomes
Chromosomal theory of inheritance
Nondisjunction of chromosomes
Turner Syndrome
Klinefelter Syndrome
The role of the Y chromosome in mammals – sex determination
o If you have the Y chromosome, you’ll be a male, regardless of the number
of X’s you have.
 Testosterone is enough to make you male
 SRY Gene leads to the production of testosterone
 However, if you’re going to reproduce, you should have the correct
number of X’s
Barr Bodies and X inactivation
o All female mammals are essentially mosaic, because each of their cells
inactivates one of their X’s
 This happens at random
 It is normal and necessary (dosage compensation)
 Dosage compensation – Control dosage of genes on X
chromosome; too much or too little gene expression can lead to the
death of the organism
Chapter 5: More about Mendel
Complete Dominance – dominant allele, you get the dominant phenotype
o Even if you’re heterozygous
Incomplete Dominance – Hybrid phenotype
Codominance – both alleles are expressed independently
Difference between penetrance and expressivity
o Penetrance – number of affected individuals
Number of people with phenotype
 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒
o Expressivity – degree to which the trait is expressed
 You either have an entire extra toe (high expressivity)
 Or a flap of skin but not yet an extra toe (low expressivity)
Interactions between multiple genes that determine a single phenotype
Recessive Epistasis – same concept as a regular recessive allele, but in this
case it is masking another gene
o Ex. Baldness
Dominant Epistasis – same concept as a regular recessive allele masking
o Ex. Different coat colors in dogs
The use of complementation testing
Sex-influenced characteristics – phenotype expressed influenced by the sex
Sex-limited characteristics – phenotype only present in a certain sex, regardless
of genotype
Cytoplasmic inheritance
Genetic maternal effect
Genomic imprinting
The concept of epigenetics
Histone modification and epigenetics
Anticipation and Huntington’s disease
Temperature-sensitive phenotypes
Continuous characteristics
Polygenic vs pleiotropic characteristics
o Polygenic: phenotype affected by many genes
o Pleiotropic: one gene can affect many characteristics
 Ex. hormones
Chapter 6:
Symbols using in pedigrees
Pedigree analysis
Autosomal recessive pedigrees
Autosomal dominant pedigrees
X-linked pedigrees (dominant & recessive)
Y-linked pedigrees
Use of twin studies in genetics
Difference between monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Genetic counseling
Genetic testing of the fetus
Amniocentesis vs cell-free DNA testing