
BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
W Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Shiur 1
Israel and the jewish people were not created in a vacuum. There were many
other big countries-mesopotamia, egypt, ashur. These other countries affected what
happened in eretz yisrael. Expression in Yiddish-What happened in the Christian world
happened in the Jewish world. Am levadad yishkon-b/c there are things going on, we
should try to go on and not be affected by it. History-626-bavel frees itself from Ashur,
started the Chaldean empire (kasdim-if look in jastrow, kaldea is the aramaic.). Bavel is
starting an empire, to fill the gap that ashur left. Ashur's capital was Nineveh. Mediawith Bavel, conquered Nineveh. 610-conquered charan, the new capital of ashur. Ashur
and Bavel basically the same. Volume H in Encylopedia Judaica has syncratic table.
XXX-got to Wadi el arish-gvul of sinai paninsula, now owns the whole fertile
crescent. Lower river-pras. Upper-chidekel. Nineveh-on upper river. Below both rivers,
its great arabic desert, nothing ad zman hazeh. Shir hamaalot-al hanaaharot bavel, many
rivers there. It was transportation, can transport goods, trade.
605-yehuda became protectorate of Bavel, we protect Bavel. There were people who
rebelled against him, yirmiyahu didn't openly rebel, so nevuchadnezzar spares him and
goes down the coastal road to get to egypt.
Yirmiyahu 29:10-ko amar hashem...shivim shana.
587-yerushalayim sieged from both sides. Yehoyachin was the melech, was rebelling.
He was an interesting king-he was exiled to Babylonia. Yehoyachin understood that the
army of bavel was huge, just was like Huessain-I'm here, take me captive.
Nevuchadnezzar took him and craftsman, but didn't destroy BhM. Can have a diyun, but
looking back, he saved the BhM and the country for 10 years.
Judaism introduced iconocalism-lo yiyhe elokim acherim al panai, kel kana, other
religions were tolerant. Jews brought the aron to the war b/c they figured hashem won't
have let them take it, but the pelishtim did, but they brought it next to their god, they
accepted it, only we wouldn't accept it. Judah-Furthermore, their idol at that time breaks,
b/c Hashem couldn't tolerate it. Israel was in golus from 721, not in existence for 200
years, yehuda filled up the land, we're just talking about yehuda. 586-second golus,
blinding of tzidkiyahu.
We fast on Tzom Gedalia. To me, it could be more chamur that Tisha B'Av-after
nevuchadnezzar destroyed the BhM, there were still many jews in eretz yisrael, but after
Gedalia was murdered, the jews were scared of reprisals and they all ran away. The jews
killed gedalia b/c he was a rep of nevuchadnezzar, he said I'll let you live a normal life as
long you remain subserviant to me. The right wingers-we can't accept this guy who's the
rep of the guy who killed us. Sometimes extremism isn't a good thing. Golta m'oni-from
us, not from bavel, it was really a third golus.
562-yehoyachin freed. 550-persians conquered from above bavel in madai, made
paras umadia. Later-even larger than ashur and bavel, even goes into turkey and asia
minor. 538-coresh's decree. This is end of divre hayamim and start of ezra. We have a
temuna called 'galil koresh'-says that the right of a foreign nation is to go back to their
homeland and worship their own god. For others, not such a big deal, don't mind other
avoda zaras, big deal for the Jews. 537-There were 3 waves of immigrants to eretz
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BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
yisrael, one of the things that koresh said was for the jews to get the kelimeee. We don't
know about sheshbesar. When he conquered eretz yisrael, nevuchadnezzar took the
booty, coresh inherited it when he conquered bavel. 536-yesodos for BhM. Says in Ezra
perek 4-neighbors wrote slanderous letters to king, stopped the building. Why cuti called
goy? City called cutah, so stam goyim in eretz yisrael called cutim. Shomronim wanted
to build with jews, ezra refused, when they were rejected, they decided to cause trouble.
Also internal reasons for delay-monetary reasons, olim chadashim, heavy taxes, lots of
work, and there was a famine. 525-son of coresh conquered all of egypt. Zerubavel-the
state, from malchus bes david. Yehoshua-religious leader. Zechariah-they have to
become one, work together.
Ezra 3:6-despite (peshat in the vav) the fact that they were makriv korbanos, no BhM yet.
Darius reaches India, that's hodu vad kush. Then BhM completed.
Chagai, Zechariah, Malachi-encouraged people, got them to complete BhM.
Shiur 2
Rashi usually doesn't write hakdamas, but starts off zecharya-zecharya is stuma.
Parshandata-perush daas hashem. ...rashi...Ibn Ezra-poor. Ibn Ezra Zecharyah 1:1neviim all got it in different derech, back then they were on a high level and didn't need
to explain that much. Now after golus, need perush, like by malach to daniel. Hadover
bi-mefaresh. Solve the problem-if we could find today some comcommit history book
for all the kings of all the countries, could understand what's going on here—like the
Meysha thing in Intro, we could have a smach, now we're blind. Pg. 8-Rambam More
Nevuchim-zecharya is mashalim, need to reveal what the heck he's talking about.
Madregas in More Nevuchim-First maala is getting koach to azor am yisrael or others, or
to be mashpia, that's ruach hashem, takes away the fear. [and zecharya was unclear b/c
he was on a lower level] Pg. 50-Abarbanel was in Portugal, politician, explained rov
tanach, Treaury minister in 1492, king tried to kill him, went to Spain, became Treasury
minister there. 1492 was the last step, not the first, supposedly he got columbus to go to
find place for jews. Abarbanel pg. 8-if all 3 were in the same period, should have spoken
the same way, couldn't be on a lower madrega, zechariah's words were also
understandable, it was just the visions that weren't, not because of the chisaron of the
depths of his visions but because its our inability.
Mishle 25:2-it is the glory for G-d to hide something, the honour of kings is to search out
a matter. --raaya for gadlus of Zecharya.
Daat mikra mavo lesefer zecharya (pg. 10)- [pg. 51-Ibn Caspi-most of his perushim say
something with 'kesef.'] His definition-the visions are different: sometimes explain in
cosmic way, transcendentally, and sometimes in the physical/environmental processes
involved. Gemara BB-gives seder of neviim, mentions trei asar but doesn't say what's in
it or which order. BB 14-zecharya/chagai/malachi sof neviim. 15A-anshe kneses
hagedola wrote yechezkel, trei asar, danyel, ester. Rashi-they wrote yechezkel b/c it was
a nevuh in golus, nevuah in golus not canonized until anshe kneses hagedola canonized it,
but I don't know why yechezkel himself didn't do it. But why trei asar? Since they were
small, each navi didn't write his own, anshe put them together so they wouldn't get it lost.
Wrote probably means canonized, something like that. R' Orlian-I'm sure Ovadiah said
much more than one small sefer, but this was what was ledoros, like the famous klall.
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BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
Gemara 9-when zecharya/chagai/malachi died, no more nevuah.
[pg. 51-targum shivim-greek. To masorah, ptolemy story-had all the books in the world,
except for tanach, needed translation to be able to read, made chachamim do it. Mizmor
146-chagai and zecharya. 147-also. 138-also. Tehillim has 10 authors named, our texts
don't have chagai and zecharya named. Also in Vulgate/Jerome-church father, means
“popular translation,' popular language was latin-have the names.
Chagai 1:9-your problem are because you're not building the BhM. Zechariah 1:2rachamim means love, from rechem, not pity, Hashem is returning b/c He loves klal
yisrael, rebuilding BhM. X-teshuva is proper behavior ben adam lechavero. Other
neviim speak about this, but he relates it to teshuva.
Pg. 7-chaluka to zecharya.
Yalkut Shimoni-the malach is the personal tutor, the intermediary between the navi and
Not every hisgalus is nevuah-also to bilaam, hagar, but every nevuah needs hisgalus.
Zechariah-G-d's man. Targum-Hashem did it b/c they angered him...
hashem tzevakos-tzeva hashamayim. Am yisrael-tzevot hashem. Hashem-return to me
and I'll return to you. Strange-same bitui 3 times. Ibn ezra-because Hashem admonishes
bne yisrael many times, wants to do it in the strongest manner, so uses strong wordtzevakos-3 times, this is a chazara on the hochacha, its nudging.
Pasuk 4-neviim rishonim-Zecharya is a chulya, a link, he's talking even about neviim
acharonim. The question is why does he say this? irst of all, zecharya's a little kid, how
can he give mussar, so its saying his nevuah is emes. How know? X-What he says
comes true-Devarim 18 (i.e. Muchzak). He didn't pass all the tests, but tradition has that
he was a navi emes, perhaps that's why the people were cautious, this is allaying their
Shiur 3
mila mancha in first few pesukim-shuv.
Radak 1:6-they were affected by what they heard. Shuv is kal, bderech kllal, the
mashmaus is to return to something, but really there's two meanings: neviim use it in
place of hifil-to respond. See mashmaus of this-they responded, and this is what they
said. Maybe that's the kavana of the targum. Its possible that they used this word to
meramez to teshuva. The idea-Piel-intensive. Shin-mem-chet-if I want to say I made
him happy, say hifil-hismachti, but I say simachti-piel has mashmaus of hifil, here the kal
has mashmaus of hifil.
Pg. 12-Sanhedrin 105a-Rav: jews gave him a whopping answer, navi says to do teshuva,
since your fathers who didn't do teshuva are gone. They answer-where are the neviim
who did do teshuva? Brings pasuk, answer is they were chozer and doeh. Gemara
understands shavu as bteshuva. [Some want to say zamam is onamanapeia-hmmmm-to
greatly think. Its not same as ed zomem-but what is the connection? Its premeditated.]
First important part of the sefer: 1:7 to 6-8 visions. In this chelek, have malach
hadover bo-translator. First, have vision about horseriders, they're malachim telling the
dover malach. 1:7-very interesting that most times in Tanach, call months by the
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BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
numbers, with some exceptions. Page 9-Yerushalmi Rosh hashana-brought shmos of the
months from Bavel..Pg. 13-famous Ramban-the reason its 'lachem' is to count it as the
first month, other ones sheni, shlishi, so this will be zikaron for the nes hagadol of the
geula, just like we count all the days alts Shabbos. [skip]-meaning its not the real
beginning of the year, just that we're counting from here b/c of the geula. [skip]-and
when they returned from Bavel, also. The Ramban is asking: how could we use the
names, they're not hebrew? Its to remember that we were nigal from the golus Bavel, its
a mitzva to use the Babylonian names, to proclaim that G-d's promise [of the 70 years]
was fufilled.
1:8-at night. Rambam Moreh Nevuchim-all nevuos were in chalomos, zecharya was in
the middle with the shoftim, this was just a vision, not really night, most of zecharya's
visions were mashalim, not reality. [Its hard to accept the Rambam's divisions between
the neviim.] Abarbanel (pg. 47)-its saying even though it was night it was clear to me, it
wasn't just a night vision. Rashi 1:8-Rabosenu gave perush in perek chelek, but doesn't fit
in context. Rashi-saw at night. In this, he's like the Abarbanel. Hadasim-myrtle bushgrow in deep places. Its inyana deyoma, since mentions metzula-in az yashir-depths of
waters. Here, its for a gai amok, valley-always has shadows-tzel-dark. Tashlich-its
really davening to hashem for him to zorek the sins in the metzula. Targum shivim-shady
mountain. This is against many other targumim-deep waters. [Gemara Sanhedrin-ain
metzula ela bavel. Mahari Kara goes like that.]
[serukim-Many different perushim-gray? Sometimes sin switches with samech-sikrredness. Bereshis 49:11-vela soreka beni asono, so this could be sollel-reddish brown.
Metzudos tzion-multicolored.]
1:9-Rashi-what's the perush of all of this? Here, dbr is dover-kal, not piel like normal.
He's a spokesman. 1:10-the other angels are the angels sent by Hashem lhithalechhispallel-usually reflexive. What's this? To go to and fro-hithalech lefanay. Iyov 1:7Satan says he was meandering around the world, hithalech. Haaretz shoketet-pg. 60mapat paras-big kingdom, ruled hard, quiet. In constrast to them, -Chagai was talking
about raash, but jews in eretz yisrael didn't feel like messianic era, were davening [].
zechariaih-davens to hashem, how long will you not have compassion for your own
1:14-kinas Hashem-usually like jealous. Here, mashmaus of zealousness to take revenge.
1:15-Hashem angry at the goyim-shananim. But they went overboard in punishing jews
[churban habayis?], azvu leraa-made yoter tov tzaros.
1:16-so I'll return to Jerusalem.
Pg. 19-an anach-plumbline. We use a level. Now they have laser plumblines.
Pg. 47-Eicha-nata kav. Eicha rabasi-kav letova (our pasuk) and kav leraa.
Malachim II 21:13-kav leraa-measuring the kav to destroy. Rashi-kav is measuring rod,
just to measure large amounts of stuff.
1:17-cities will get busy again. Putz-spread out. Like patzatz-spreads out. Yeshayahu
14:1-tzion-specifically the jebusite fortress that was on that hill. As we retract the lens,
means BhM. Further-all of Yerushalayim. Further-all of eretz yisrael. The furthest-the
Jewish people. Its going on all of them, when yeshayahu using it, he's using the whole
people, but zecharya just referring to yerushalayim.
3 ikari things: 1. nekama on goyim. 2. returning of shechina. 3. rebuilding of BhM,
yerushalayim and arei yehuda.
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BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
2:1-navi sees 4 corners. It comes from keren-used back then as a battering ram. When
we blow with a shofar-its natural purpose on the ram is to bump. That's keren too-4
horns. Rashi-elu haakum. [Some texts-elu habavliim]in the 4 corners of the earth.
[That's why akum better reading, but 4 carnos could be figurative phrase for everywhere,
and plus bavel ruled everywhere. Why did jews choose akum? The word with a koof
means crooked.
Pg. 15-battering rams. Radak-this vision is more explicit than the first one, like Devarimkarne reem. Radak-hen arba malchios. Some people say you have to read edom. That's
also targum yonasan. Targum-arba malkvan. Zaru-zeria-winnowing-after they threshed,
they threw it up in the air and let the good kernels fall to the ground. Ibn Ezra-x.
Charashim-smith. Radak explains. To fashion metal, have to smelt it-Targum-umanim.
They didn't permit the Jews to walk with honor, they came to disturb and depress the
Jews, the smiths came to break the various kingdoms, came with arms against bais
yehuda to send them into golus. Can tell someoen from their clothes, midda kneged
Shiur 4
Rashi-chevel-long rope, quicker to measure. Also portion.
2:6-one malach is yotze, one comes. 3 way machlokes [?]: P. 14-Bava Basra 25a-Human
shlichim come back to the place they came from. Divine shlichim bring the din to the
place they're going. Shechina is everywhere-from this pasuk.
2:8-prazot-like arei prazot in megila, unwalled. Similar to pizur-spread out. Although
almost all shorashim are three letters, Hebrew yesodos are two letters-pey-resh is
spreading out-pru urvu, pere adam, perach, prat, pri, perach, lifrom, lifros, lifroa sear
rosh, pros alenu sukas shlumecha.
Bamidbar 13:19-how do they live, mivtzarim or not? Rashi holds-if they live in cities
without walls, scared. Other deos say fakhert. Here—they'll be so many people, wall
won't be enough.
Hashem will guard over Israel, make a chomas esh.
Yeshayahu 4:5 is similar-hashem protects with cloud, smoke, light of fire. Rashi-b/c
hashem protects us, its a kavod to us, since we're being guarded by Hashem.
2:10-hoi-ziruz. Sometimes, like in Yirmiya, its a ziruz for a klalla. Why is bavel north,
its really east? You had to go north over the desert. Even today, all there is is an oil
P. 14-Taanit 3b-quote arba ruchos thing. What's it mean? If he's going to spread out
jews in the 4 corners of the earth, should use a bet, ela: just like the world needs all 4
directions, so too it can't survive without the Jews. Wind is an incredible but invisible
force, so too the Jews.
Bamidbar Rabbah-goyim are lime, jews are sand-if you don't put sand into lime, you can't
have cement. So too, Jews are needed for the goyim-like yosef, if not for Daniel, the
chachme Bavel would be lost—the melech had a dream and wook up, asked his
chachamim to tell him his dream. If you can't tell me, I'll kill all of you. They were very
upset, went home, in the 11th hour, Daniel was there and asked them-what are you so
upset about? Daniel davened, told him the dream and pitaron.
Pesachim-R' Oshaya darshens prazon-Hashem did a great favor by scattering the Jews
around the world. Abarbanel-because if there was a king who got up and tried to kill the
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BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
Jews, Jews in another places could save them. And I can feel it in my own flesh.
2:11-Two ways to read pasuk: A. Woe zion save yourself. B. against taame mikra-woe,
run to tzion, you that live in bavel. Bat bavel (Tehillim-bat bavel hashduda) or bat zionjews.
2:12-whoever touches you touches his eye: Who's? P. 18-Sifrei Bahaloscha-misanechaHashem hates people? Rather, the haters of Israel are the haters of G-d...And it says (our
pasuk)-R' Yehuda: not bevat ayin, ela bevat eyno kevayachol, ela shekina hakasuv,
changed the suffix, not to have this open...P. 17-mavo lsifrut hatanach-tikun sofrimchanges in order to prevent defamation of G-d. Rashi Devarim 28:30. The 12th-didn't
want to say eyni, so changed to eyno to not be pechusa in kavod hashem.
2:13-know that Hashem sent me-the kiyum of my nevuos will verify. What appelation of
G-d does he use for retribution? Hashem tzevakos—the same one that punished hashem
will kill the others. Ibn Ezra-raising hand in order to hit to punish the guys. Radak-leasid
lavo byemos Hamoshiach.
2:14-From here until xx, its haftara of Shabbos Chanukah and Behaaloscha. Rinahsinging cry, excitation in your mouth. Simcha is manifestation of joy, jesticulation.
Koheles has opposite-es rekod ves lisfod-tzaar, jesticulate, opposite. Bas tzion here
means jewish people. The reason for simcha is hashem is resting, even though the great
promises that have not come into fruition 100%.
2:15-malveh-following around, when you lend money you follow around.
Yeshayahu 2:3- (Micha 4:1)the idea that the goyim will be nilveh/har hashem.
2:16-Mizmor 24-lashem haaretz umloa. Then suddenly-who can go to har hashem? ie.
the Hashem that has everything chose har hashem, you need to be awesome in order to go
up it. Like this pasuk-hashem is shochen in yerushalayim.
2:17-has-quiet—onamanopeia-hassssssss...neor-shoresh ayin vav reish, lehitorer. What's
the peula of hashem? To save jews. Ie. hashem is arising to activity after a period of
Summary: A. choosing of Yerushalayim. B. enlarging of Yerushlayim and its increasing
in size. C. kibutz golios. D. retribution to the destroyers of Yerushalayim. E. Raise G-d's
Name among the goyim, they will eventually be drawn close.
Shiur 5
Perek 3: In Christianity, Satan wants us to sin, our Satan doesn't. In the text, he's
just a punisher, like in Iyov, not a tempter at all.
3:1-hashem/malach talking weird thing. Shmos 3:2:the sneh.
Ud mutzal mesh-zechus, like being saved from the Holocaust.
3:3-Targum-yehoshua's kids married non-proper-for-kohanim women. Ezra 10:18mentions this beferush that they were goyim. Rashi 3:1-lesitno-lhastino, to punish him,
b/c of the nochri thing. Ibn Ezra doesn't accept Rashi, it was that he didn't wear the
bigdei kehuna, begadim are mashal that he didn't meshamesh as proper. Chagai 1:8Ketziv-no hey, kri has hey. Rashi/chazal-chaser hey to say there were 5 things missing
from second BhM.
There's also communal sin: X.
3:7-could be he's incriminating him for a certain amount of negligence in his kohen gadol
3:4-some meforshim say this is the malach, but probably its Hashem. Another place
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BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
where switching clothes is sign of tahara-Yosef. Yeshayahu 6:5-tries to get out of being
navi to the jews, says I'm tameh lips around people who are tame lips. [what's the point
of that?] Chitui-purification. Ibn Ezra-ikar vikur-chet and chitui. Many words like this.
Rashi-chalifos begadim naim-ie. Zechuyos, simply nice good-looking clothes. Ibn Ezraits like chalitzaso, a change of clothing, something which is taken off.
X-machalatzos-long shorts, used as underwear bizman haBhM. Yissachar Yaakovsonlike the chalutzim who are going up to eretz yisrael to settle, that's why this word is
3:5-A. B. keter kehuna-manhig yehudi. C. similar to a malach.
3:7Targum-I give them moving feet. Targum doesn't use the nikud, reads as mehalchim.
Rashi brings the targum, says lefi peshuto, its coming to say that he will have
descendants. Radak-you'll have eternity in olam haba.
TO others, reallly walking, angels never sit down and are lazy.
3:8- people who are worried that angels will happen to tham. Chone lmofet-exemplary
camper, meyuchad, so on your own level
Packet-ain mofes ela nevuah, they got up to a darga that was fit to give nevuah.
3:9-wierd-zachar used for nekeva word? No, eyanim doesn't mean eyes, it means facets.
We change the plural of tefillin even though it should be tefilos, to distinguish it.
mashti-to push off or to cause to move. Avon haaretz-Ibn Ezra-haonesh vhara lagalus,
I'm taking it away and you'll return to eretz yisrael. Problem-what's bayom hahu? Some
say-when the the heichal was meyusad. Others-yemos hamoshiach/tzemach. Ibn EzraZechariah ehre is like chagai, about the BhM.
3:10-ideal shalom, since if no peace, no time to relax. Yeshayahu 11:6-sheep/wolf thing.
What's the difference? Zecharya is emphasizing the internal peace, Yeshayahu is talking
about world peace, even shinuyim in nature.
4-the menora. Ner is a lamp, not a candle. Two people who need shemen-melecha and
kohen gadol. Here-zerubavel and yehoshua, that's the two zeisim. Ireni-awaken. Irin
kadisihin-malach, they're always going, that's the other meaning-or-skin, movement.
Mem before shoresh-place of. Here-menora is the place of the ner. Targum shivim
translates this as lampadyon-like a chandlstick, 3 wicks, in hebrew its a pamot. In other
translation-candleabrum, like our menora. P. 21-arch of titus (an imaginative guess) also
the menora, state of israel davka chose this picture to show that am yisrael chai, and just
like this nevuah when they returned to the second BhM. The side things could be olive
branches, based on our nevuah too.
Mutzakos-tzok-end-P.21-the pinch at the end of the lamp, for the wick. Picture vavseven places for wicks. He reconstructs-big candlestick with large bowls and these things
inside it. I think its more like Wright's picture, see the attached commentary.
Malach tells him-Hashem wants to tell zerubavel the lo bchayil thing. Both mean wealth,
don't think that you can build BhM through your own resources, its only b/c Hashem
gave chen to the Persian king that he gives you permission to even use the materials. I
think this is what we called two words for one meaning-hendydios.
Similar-Devarim 8:17-18-kochi votzem yadi...chayil.
Chayil has 7 different meanings. Ashes chayil-multi-faceted person. Rus-boaz ish
Even al rosha-only put on when your done with the building. We can understand why
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BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
this was used for behaaloscha, b/c of the menora, and that they can beat their enemies,
and the Hashem's hashgacha over the world, that's the symbol of the light.
Shiur 6
4:6-chayil/koach-you think you can build the BhM with your money, you should know
you can only take the money bruchi-with my hashpaa. That's what Rashi says here-he's
going to underwrite all the expenses, like in Ezra 6, won't need help from people. This is
not like other metargemim-chayil means valor, strength. Other mistake-women of valor.
Here, chayil means wealth. Targum here-bruchi-bmemri-like maamari.
Devarim 8:17-kochi votzem yadi. 'Baal hameah hu baal hadeah.' Also here, we see that
koach is wealth, torah is telling us hashem gives us that opportunity, not from ourselves.
Kanter-one of the reasons we read it by chanukah is to say the chashmonayim aren't
doing it with their own strengths? That's the drasha, not the peshat [[but see the
metzudos]] [tzedaka tatzil mimaves-tzedaka means hitnagdus tova.]
4:7-why does it say 'mi' about a mountain? So targum-malchus tipsha, not tura raba. Ie.
the har hagadol is the problem-the malchus paras. Meyshor-mem is 'place of', meyshor is
place of straightness, ie. hashem will yasir all of the michsholim. 'even al rosha'topstone, pinnacle stone.
4:8/9-yasdu-rebuilt, not like usual-found from beginning. Bet/tzadi/ayin-to carry out,
Its possible that he's mentioning it again, b/c people always suspect someone who's seen
something as just dreaming. Even habedil-some want to say its the even al rosha. But
even is stone and bedil is not? It could be a lead ornament, or they put decorations of
lead on the stone. p. 19-lot of these things, some are fashioned-seems they poured in a
mold, made out of bedil. Others want to say (Oppenheimer)-even habedil was mekadesh
to be separated, to yachtiru es habinyan. The malach-symbol of hashem's hashgacha on
the jews/world. Devarim 11:12-mereshis hashana and acharis shana-also remez for
hashem's hashgacha...Shin-vav-tet-whip, goes back and forth, leshotet. That's what we
see that malachim are meshotetim baolam. [Shne zesim-two olive trees.] Shibolei is like
cluster of olives, oil drips into the thingies, through the santrot it goes into the gula-P. 21
[bechina question]
shibole-the things dripping, into the santrot-he calls them channels. Bowl-the gula.
Santrot-we use sintur for angioplast, from here.
4:14-tzohar. Yitzhar-oil, poetic form [moshe claims some meforshim say its a remez to
levi, one of the rosh batei avos was Yitzhar] Tzohar by noach-window or stone or oil
lamps, but definitely about light. That's our tzhaarayim, the ayim means an abundance
It is through these 2 leaders that the jews have ruach hanefesh, zeruvavel and yehoshua
will be mashpia on the people, so hashem will come back.
Perek 5
5:1-magila afa-from gal, a wave, covers up and uncovers, like rolling up a megilla.
5:3-2 averos-geneva and shavuas shav. Nun-kuf-hey-some want to say: naki, its saying
he'll be left without children. Rashi-up till now, everyone who sinned wasn't punished,
but from now on, have reshus, this is the turning point, before, just lowered the boom on
them when they desreve it, now can...p. 48-Brachos 5-punishments cleanse the person
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from his sins, when your pnished by Hahem. Yoma 86a-teshuva tolin until YK, etc., but
by chillul hashem nothing helps except misa. Message ledoros-connection between
church and state.
5:4Efah-obviously not a measurement flying, its a vessel that can measure, some kind of
bushel. The woman-evil personified. Women with kanafayim-first time we find women
angels. Ainam-Rashi-after see her, this is the punishment for what they saw, they saw and
wanted them so stole or did shavuas shav. Targum shivim-avonam, this is their sin.
Maybe they saw avon bsemichut is on. Lead cover and looked inside-this is the risha,
can't get out.
2 women with ruach bkanfehem-women angels.
They're bringing the efah to shinar-bavel, there it is established strongly. P. 20-Gemara
Kiddushin-this is chanufa and gasus haruach that Bavel has 9/10 of-like Saddam
Huessein coming out of the hole and wanting to negiotiate. P. 47-avos drabbi nasan-ain
gasus kgasus elam, no chanufa like bavel. Its saying-if we find corruption in eretz yisrael,
got it from goyim, tzedek and yosher. This is what we always say-ledoros, jews get
worse from trying to act like goyim. Then there's harmony between religion and state
there will be tranquility.
Two unclear words-some say dapple gray (Targum Yonasan) or spotted, Rashi says its
hapax and doesn't know what it means.
14-these are the 4 ruchos-directions-of the earth, that are standing before hashem. Ibn
Ezra-ayleh hagezeros that go out to the 4 directions, ruchos doing ratzon hashem.
Shiur ?
HAKDAMA TO CHAGGAI[missed 10 minutes]
P. 27-.
Ezra 4:7-enemy of jews and his other 'connivers' wrote written document, written and in
aramaic language. A. Chagai is dialogue between him and the people, it was dialectical
way of teaching, not an argument. B. Percentage-wise, chagai is just 2 perakim, says
most ko amar hashems. C. completely clean of chezyonot. One exception: hitrashlutnegligence-about the BhM, that they didn't build it. Zecharya said they were sinning
about this stuff, but chagai specifically cares about the negligence.
He just cares about BhM, fruition of treaty between hashem and the jews. Several
changes will come out with renewal of this covenant: the shechina will return to tzion, the
land will be blessed, and the period of the end of days will begin, starting with a lot of
raash, and the people on it will be destroyed, the remez is downfall of persia, mashal that
the whole world will get it, since back then they were the whole world. Example-daniel,
but also about asid lavo.
This isn't what chagai said, its only the nitzracha ledoros. Ezra 5:1-was clearly well
known. See his stuff in other places in Ezra: 6:14-.
1:1-my chag or chag hashem. Genesis 15:27: bne gad: chagi. There's also female:
adoniya ben chagit. P. 9-book-these three, after nevuah leaves. Sotah 48b-chagai zechari
and malachi are the neviim acharonim—since they're during BhM, and its based on this
same thing. P. 32-zecharya and chagai and malachi were mekabel mesorah from neviim,
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and anshe kneses hagedola were mekabel from them. Nusach B-masru. Mesorah means
transmission, giving over of.
Radak-they thought the time for the BhM hadn't come yet, since there was requirement of
70 years.
1:2-Rashi-since the enemies were stopping them, they thought the time hadn't come...siba
kalkalit-economic: there was a drought, even if they wanted to build, they couldn't, didn't
have the parnasa, they wanted to build a bayis as beautiful as it was the first time, but
settled. We'll see-he tells them not to push off anymore, settle.
Ezra 3:2-7: built mizbeach. They reasoned: the whole reason to build the BhM is for
korbanos, we can already makriv korbanos, why should we disturb our normal life in
order to build the BhM?
p. 33-Eduyos 8:6-you can makriv without bayis, since kidsha rishona kidsha leasid lavo.
Kehati-places do not lose their sanctity, could makriv even without mechitza. This is
kedushas yerushalayim, not eretz yisrael-which Rambam paskens was not kidsha lasid
Lhibanot-nifal, should be built. We call this mekor natui, like hikanes.
Radak 1:3-dvar hashem-to the people through chagai, chiluk between 2 zeisim thing and
this one-to the people.
Lemor-in Torah, no punctuation marks, its a semicolon. Ibn Ezra 1:3-ie. To the people,
but in the Torah it means that moshe should say it, here it means to the people not just to
zerbavel and yehoshua.
1:4-Rashi-paneled. Like Malachim I 6-7, other places. Sfunim-samech fey nun, like
tzafun, tzadi/samech mischalfos. Sifun-deck-since it covers. Tzafun-north. Why is north
tzafon? If have compass, want to find north, there's magnetic pole, but you don't see it.
NYU chutzpah-hebrew is divine: Moznayim-ozen-gets your balance from the ozen, this
was only very recent.
Shemesh-like to do, couldn't do anything without energy, get energy from sun.
Shiur X
Targum yonatan-oracha. Sounds like your ways, like we said in beginning.
Rashi said by zecharya-stumot, efshar lefaresh lefi hainyan. Mistaker el tzror nakuv1:6-ein lachom lo. Targum-lehon. B/c of start of pasuk. Radak-usually people zorea a
little and kotzer a lot, this is opposite. See Rashi on have meyat-brings from Midrashwhy did they get an onesh like this? Rashi-b/c of the bikkurim which they were mevatel.
Ain lasova-mincha. Ain leshochra-batel the nisuchim. Like carrying bundle with a hole,
all the stuff comes out before you get there.
p. 34-Hashem said to moshe-i told jews i'd give them great stuff when get to eretz yisrael.
Sechar one-tzedaka.
Medrash tanchuma hanidpas-havei meat-lechem hapanim. Drink-nisuch hamayim.
Lashochra-nishuch yayin. Nakuv-tmidim shel tzibur. Rabbah: what's peshat? Nakuvbitul shekalim.
1:7-simu levavchem al darkechem. Why repeat itself? To fix the problem, they bring
pasuk 8-pasuk 7 is speaking about the future, what to do to avoid. p. 34-atz erez
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Hashem says...ertze bo-Targum-I will be appeased and pleased by this makom, to
mashris shechina. We have a kri/ksiv-We know that when have kamatz hey at end of
verb, its more chazak, cohortative. Example-ki eshmera shabbat. Ikavda-I will indeed to
honored. When kamatz after pey hapoal, its always nifal. So don't need to import. Our
chachamim darshened many drashos from ksiv: Rashi-chaser hey-five things missing
from bayis sheni: aron, kapores ukruvim, esh, shechina/ruach hakodesh, urim vetumim,
in Yoma 21b-p. 35-. In the time of Rashi, you couldn't find a whole shas in one town, but
he was different. Gemara has 7 things, I explain that two are the same thing. See Tosfos
there-how not have urim vtumim, then kohen gadol will be chaser begadim? No, now its
just the letters in the stones would light. Abarbanel not happy with this (same page)-there
were many many things that were missing.
Bamidbar Rabba Behaaloscha-when Hashem returns to BhM, he'll put them back into
Next pasuk-also here have a harchava on what we said before. Pano-tzipisem, hoped for a
lot, only got one bushel like he planted. But nefachti bo-even that he won't enjoy. Two
ways to explain: A. blow which results in scattering. B. Abarbanel on p. 35-I'm going to
burn it, like yeshayahu 44:15. Doesn't have to be a real fire, This is really the second
approach in Rashi-rikavon. Similar to Targum-ana shlach bei maerta.
1:10-al ken-Targum-al ken bedil chovechon-b/c of your sins.
Ibn Ezra-alechem-upon you. Or-levadchem. Kalu from chaf lamed alef-imprison, held
1:12-one of the examples where nevuah worked. Neviim called malachim, doesn't mean
angel, means shliach of hashem. Ani itchem-bvinyan BhM.
1:14-shoresh ayin vav resh-like orer, to arouse. Why blind iver? Iver was person who
grew skin on eye.
Perek 2
P. 36-Succa 44-R' Yochanan says its yesod neviim (halacha), one says its minhag
neviim. Yesod-takana.
There were still people who saw the first bayis, does it look insignificant to you now? Or
a statement-does it look insignificant to you now? When you're a kid, things seem huge,
later in life they seem like they grew smaller.
Chazak zerubavel...3 times chazak to show he's encouraging.
bsaadechon, not Hashem Himself. Shmot 25:8-asu li mikdash vshachanti besocham.
Pasuk 6-. Pasuk before said ko amar hashem. Mikra katzar-ellipsis, some words are
missing, bitui by itself bizman katzar, to say in a short time hashem will get the
shamayim and aretz funky moving. Kavod-every thing in the world is shayech to
hashem. Other pasuk describes this idea-li hakesef? Tehillim 24-tevel veyoshvei va.
Hebrew language does not have a verb for 'to have'-b/c everything belongs to G-d.
Paradox-how is G-d identifying himself? H' tzevakos-but going to bring shalom.
Shiur X
li hakesef-kavod of bayis sheni will be bigger, not the actual house, but the kavod.
10-19: shitat R' Chanina sgan hakohanim, Pesachim 16b and Yerushalmi, Shita
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Mekubetzes. Some say chagai is being mocheach that am haaratzim can't participate in
binyan BhM, since they'll be metame it. Some say its against people who were fighting
against the binyan BhM. Radak-against the kohanim themselves, even though they know
the halachos, its like its tameh since they're not being careful and they're being lazy.
2:10-they finished the yesod habayis.
2:11-Vayikra 10:10-11-mitzva for kohanim to teach differences between tumah and
tahara, that's where this is coming from. Some toen that this is like beit din. Ketubot 1:4bes din shel kohanim. Some say this is so clear that he's not testing them, just to give a
mashal. Some say (Rashi) its so they can begin the avoda, checking to make sure they
know the halachos.
2:12-The question: peshat: take kodashim, put in shirt tail, the shirt tail (Rashi) touches
lechem, nazid, yayin, is it yikdash? Targum-hayistaav-tameh? Kohanim-no, since its in
the shirt tail. The vavs are 'o's, either/or. Rashi-Machlokes Rav/Shmuel-one says they
made a mistake, shayla was about revii bkodashim, other says they were right, it was
2:13-Second question-its direct contact, so its tameh. Rashi-met atzmo.
Poshut peshat-Yikdash-no. Yitma-is tameh (against targum/Rashi).
2:14-Just like beged transfers tumah but not kedusha, people are evil—hitnagut of theirs.
Goy/am zeh: Radak-they're the same thing. Or am is on kohanim, goy is on all the
people. All talking about binyan, since it was the kohanim's responsibility to build it, not
choshesh for My kavod. X-making BhM to bring kedusha, without it nothing.
In Ezra perek 4-people in arei shomron, helped build BhM and also wanted to bring
korbanos, but malachim says they did avoda zara, so chagai says they are tamei nefesh
since they were oved avoda zara, can't makriv.
Tanach-attention comes from the heart. Even al even-Targum-nidbach al nidbach-row of
stones. I think its trying to say-stam siman of even al even is not a sign, but rows of
stones are a wall.
Here-have a lot of grapes, thinks will get a lot of wine, but gets a lot less than expected.
Pura-chamishim-'bat's, wet measure. Asara thing is efah's, dry measure.
Shidafon-some say its similar to sin resh fey, hot wind that comes and burns the crops.
Yerakon-some say its from yarok, ipush-mildew. Or withered-similar to shidafon. If that
peshat, its a hendydidis, 2 words coming to say the same thing. Chagai only talks about
2:20-talking to zerubavel-2:21 and on-he is the pecha-the rosh of the district, usually a
local person representing the foreign government. Similar to 2:6-changes in the natural
order. Rashi-malchus paras, not going to last long.
Chagai now is universal-sees G-d in nature and history.
2:23-some want to say the lamed of shaltiel is also shayech to the next word, that (I have
taken zerubavel) to be my servant. Deos-Ibn ezra-samticha-shamur, if there is something
important, I'm not going to reveal it to everyone, I'll guard it. Yirmiya 22:24-I've chosen
you-to sit on the kisei david. Similar to Bereshis 41 by yosef, also by Esther-tabaso,
signet rings to impress seal to indicate its an official document. Here-will be the
hemshech of David, general promise, I don't think this is promise he'll really be the
The question is: why use the word chotam? Rashi-against what was nigzar against
Yechonya his father-chosam al yad yemini, won't have children, so this is teaching
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zerubavel was born, hashem ripped up that gezar din. Radak-Hashem's hashgacha will
always be upon you, its a mashal to Hashem's hashgachas pratis. He quotes Gemaragedola teshuva that it rips up gezar din as it says [[Adam's note: the pasuk in yirmiya, I
think]]]kitvu haish hazeh ariri, that if don't have this chotam thing, malchus won't
continue, so nevuah here saying that's not going on here. So the meaning to the jews is:
if you do teshuva and want to build the BhM, hashem will give you the great hashgacha.
P. 37-Rambam hilchos teshuva 7:6-teshuva brings you closer to teshuva, shuva yisrael ad
hashem elokecha, and pasuk in amos saying if you do teshuva you can cleave do G-d—
mamash nogea. Interesting-the debek makes it one piece, screws just put it together, its
not one thing, if you break something with glue the whole thing comes apart. Teshuva
also brings close the rechokim. Then quotes this ariri pasuk , then quotes 22:24, but then
says since he did teshuva, it says by zerubavel his son: Chagai 2:23 here.
Haftara of shabbos shuva: Pasuk 2-shuva yisrael ki kashalta bavonecha.
Chagai's prophesy was never really fulfilled, the jews were never independent, persians
didn't fall.
Shiur X
P. 37-chagai malachi zecharya sof nevuah. P. 38-ad kan neviim misnavim beruah
hakodesh, after listen to chachamim, daas torah. Haara-from Sanhedrin 11-mishemesu
neviim acharonim myisrael (the 2) nistakla ruach hakodesh miyisrael.
The sefer deals with 4 main things (p. 38): A. Edom. Har seir-lived in the mountains in
Jordan. B. mikdash. C. nesuay taaroves. D. yom hashem. This isn't the acharis
hayamim with moshiach, not universalistic, like in other neviim, no justice of the nations,
no destruction of idolatry, no cosmic catastrophe. Different opinions if it relates to
moshiach. Amos 5:18-20-yom hashem choshesh velo or. Yeshayahu/Micha 4:-nations
will join jews, go to har hashem, ki mitzion tetze Torah. To malachi, yom hashem just
killing reshayim. End of malachi 13:22-eliya hanavi lifne bo yom hagadol.
Style-prose. Exceptional dialectic form, like a dialogue. Many midrashim that say
ilamdenu rabenu-Sheiltos Rav Achai. Full chaluka-A. Difference between esav and
yaakov. 2. nevuah to koahnim 3. nesua taaroves. 4. yom hamishpat. 5. maaser and
teruma. 6. to the yire hashem. 7. chasima.
Abarbanel divides sefer to 8 parshios, one nevuah.
START OF SEFER (each sefer in trei asar are separate sefer, just chazal put them
together since they're small they might get lost otherwise, they used klafim).
1:1-koteres-masa from shoresh nun sin alef, prophetic utterance-Rashi-davar nimsar to
malachi to carry it to the Jews. Byad-entrust, or in the authority of hashem. Radakpossible he was the last, not mentioned about binyan habayis, I guess cause it was already
built. Pasuk in ezra-chagai and zecharya encouraged them to build—not malachi.
[against chazal]
Mashma from Rashi that malachi is his name, and mentioned in chazal, seems to be
proper noun. That's also targum-malachi is ezra-Megilla 15a. Reason is perek 2-hifrish
nochrios. Other way (Rav Nachman)-malachi is mordechai. Apparently because he's the
shliach of hashem, like saying he's the shliach of hashem, ezra wasn't called navi. p. 39Greek-malachi is by the hand of his messanger. My point-that should be malacho. But
the title is malachias anyways.
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Notes by Adam Felsenthal
Difference between Esav and Yaakov-esav is yaakov's brother (so I should love esav just
like yaakov), vav-but, I love yaakov-and esav I hate. Radak-harav shmama-har seir. P.
39-tan is a jackal, tan tanin bamidbar.
1:4-rashash word-Targum-misken, poor. We were poor, if we get rich, we'll return and
rebuild, hashem says no, I'll destroy it. Seir-resha. Noach matza chen. Er ra.
Yigdal-usually future, but we'll learn its jussive-let G-d's name, like yitgadal. Or-Ibn
ezra-dvekim, you jews that live chutz laaretz will see greatness of G-d when he goes
postal on edom.
2:6-ben yechabed av, eved has to mechabed master, im av ani, im rav ani, you guys are
losing it. Kohen answers like little kid-who, me?
2:7-hashem answers. Lechem migoal-targum-korban pasul, asur to bring such a thing.
Korbanos are called lechem hashem, like Bamidbar 28:-korbani lachmi. Migoal-shoresh
of gimel alef lamed, that's like gimel ayin lamed, mashmaus of disgusting. Goel nefeshsomething disgusting. What's the relationship and geula? When we say goal yisrael,
we're saying to redeem, to remove from one to another thing, when something is
abhorrent you remove yourself from it.
If they didn't think hashem was disgusting, they wouldn't bring such nasty korbanos.
They say-who cares. Trying to get into hashem's protektzia, but bringing nasty stuff.
Nechemya 5:15-they owed me gifts but I didn't take them. Chal-pray-seems similar to
birkas kohanim. Abarbanel-its a remez, that's what they did after korbanos-Vayikra 9:22.
Malachi 1:11-difficult pasuk. Rashi-Menachos 110a-even the akum know that hashem is
the big boss, similar to how people got into avoda zara in the beginning al pi the
rambam's hakdama. B. other shita in menachos-this is the talmidei chachamim fighting
with each other. C. Radak-Avar zmano batel korabno,, we pray instead, since new know
its like made korban, just the others are intermediaries [or something, i was out of it]
Micha 4:1-5-tachas teenaso thing. What's difference between malachi and micha? By
micha, all the nations will want to join the jews, malachi is saying everyone will go on
their derech, just will have kavana to worship hashem. P. 39-some shira that sefardim say
on shavuos, ki kavanas kulam lhagia adecha.
Shiur xx
haltaa-from lamed alef hey, from nilu by drinking the water by the eser makos, and by
Nafach-to blow, like saying treating lightly, blowing on him, like when say fooy. Radak2 peshatim: A. XX B. Father-like not able to stand up, like din by behema goseses, if can
stand up, can shecht, if will fall even if you stand it up, can't shecht.
p. 17-#13 of tikun sofrim-osi to osi. If gazul, don't know, if baal mum, know, but even
gazul is mitzva haba bavera, don't fulfill chiyuv, even if it looks good, I can't accept these
37:18-yisnaklu-ish ramai, like these jokers with these korbanos.
Perek 2-iyum haonesh-you better not accept these baale mum korbanos, mitzva remez to
these korbanos. Rashi said-alechem, shelo takrivu.
Shilachti-piel, intensive, kicked out, hashem is yishlach bkoach the curse.
Pasuk 3-goer means to scold, Ibn Ezra-that it shouldn't grow, like a curse.
Throwing the peresh on your hands—you think you're being mechabed me, but they're
baale mum, so I'm throwing the peresh, the un-kavod stuff, in your faces.
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Notes by Adam Felsenthal
Pey reish shin like pey resh sahmech. Nasa itchem eylav-it will be carried away, or
Others want to say-you'll be carried away with it.
2:4-Bamidbar 6:2-27-Jews will be despised—like the peresh.
2:6-7-best description of kohanim.
Bereshit 35:5-chitat elohim al heharim-pachad, lubavitch learn chitas so that they will be
yere hashem.
Shoresh of torah is yud resh hey-instruct, what the kohanim are doing, ideal kohen.
Meyshor-makom shel yashar.
Heshiv-2 mashmaus here: A. diverted them away from sinning. B. hichzir osam bteshuva.
Devarim 33:10-yoru mishpatecha leyaakov vetorascha lyisrael, and hakriv korbanos.
Malach-Rashi-shliach of hashem, just like malachim, can machnis lifnim min
Other way-peshuto kmashmau, lamed alef chaf is in other language...navi is called
malach, so maybe also kohen.
Vav hanigud-vatem.
Samech vav reishvav haperush.
Leshapetz-fix—napetz, break it down. Shafel-lowlands.
Galil-looks like waves.
Nosim panim shel torah-kneged torah. Lenase panim is to show partiality, Vayikra
19:15-lo taasu avel bamishpat, tisa pne dal. For example, have negayim...Devarim 10:17elokim lo yisa panim velo yikach shochad.
10:16-nashim nachrios-Abarbanel-that's the taana of the kohanim-what's so bad. RadakX. Od amar-not like the elokim acherim, ki avot shelo lifgod bishto, ad shehi nirtze, even
Nivgad ish bachiv-when change your uniform, you're being boged. Englishwordturncoat.
P. 40-Sanhedrin 82a-if had biah with goya, its like married to avoda zara.
Malachim 12:1-P. 40-Rambam-when have biah derech ishus asur doraysa, even nonshivas amamim.
Chaf resh taf-like yishpot hamelech. Er vonah-Ibn Ezra-mitaam hainyan ben vneched.
Rashi explains based on sanhedrin 22-er btalmidim, won't have any talmidim, onahanswer-won't be a chocham.
Daat mikra-similar to Bereshis 38:1-story of Yehudap. 40-Yevamos 31-er vonan sheshimshu shelo kdarkan.
14-by malachi, if violate marriage, violate the third side of bris—shechina ,the spiritual
side of marriage. P. 33-its like a love triangle between eloke yisrael, mishpacha yisraelit,
and uma yisraelit.
16-p. 40-Gittin 90b-R' Yehuda says-if you don't like wife, divorce her, R' Yochanan-the
sender-away is sanui, not arguing, one's zivug rishon, one's zivug acharon, and raaya that
mizbeach cries for gerushin, zos sheni taasu, even though allowed to send, and if can't do,
have to, but its just a bdieved.
In Allepo codex, starts perek anew at pasuk 17.
P. 43Hashem wants bad peopl-e. Two questions-hashem likes ra, and how people doing evil
and successful, and where is the hashem of mishpat, why don't we see it. First times we
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BIB 2805A Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Rav Orlian
Spring 2004
Notes by Adam Felsenthal
see such a question-Bereshit 18:23-hashem wants to destroy sodom, avraham says chalila
to do such a thing.
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