American Academy of Political and Social Science Racial, Religious, and Sectional Interests in 1952 Election Author(s): Harold R. Bruce Source: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 283, Meaning of the 1952 Presidential Election (Sep., 1952), pp. 141-147 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. in association with the American Academy of Political and Social Science Stable URL: Accessed: 11-02-2019 03:02 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at Sage Publications, Inc., American Academy of Political and Social Science are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 03:02:10 UTC All use subject to Racial, Religious, and Sectional Interests in 1952 Election By HAROLD R. BRUCE T HERE is considerable reason for the belief that racialism and sec- convention and unquestionably weighed heavily against him in the election. tionalism may prove vital factors in theThe most distinctive and most nearly Presidential election of 1952. Basically, successful venture in a national party organization erected on an economicthey are really two phases of one political situation: the contest for the 128 sectional foundation took place during electoral votes of the eleven states of the period 1876-96. First it was the the so-called Solid South. There are Greenback party of the newly settled ramifications, however, that reach out West, an agrarian discontent movement, far from the Southland into many inseeking the retention of the greenbacks dustrial centers of the North. (national currency) in circulation and It has been a traditional proud boast demonstrating its strength by the elecof American political analysts that, as tion of thirteen of its members to the compared with foreign governments, the House of Representatives in 1878, only American party system has been free to disintegrate shortly thereafter. A second vehicle of western and southof sharp cleavages along economic, class, sectional, racial, and religious western agrarian discontent moved in to lines. Like all generalizations, this is threaten the stability of the biparty po- only partly true, though more true than litical system, beginning in 1892. The false, for our major parties have sought Populist or People's party soon gathfollowings and voter support in all eco- ered sufficient voting strength to con- nomic groups, all religious bodies, all stitute a serious challenge to the preeminence of the eastern financial and sections, and all social strata. commercial interests in the councils of HISTORICAL PARTICULARIZED PARTIES the two major parties. James B. Weaver, its candidate for the PresiThe exceptions have projected inter- dency in 1892, polled one-twelfth of esting temporary organizations into the the national popular vote. It is a matparty scene. The Know-Nothing party ter of very interesting speculation as to polled eight electoral votes for Millard what the party might have become or Fillmore in 1856 on a narrow program accomplished had not Bryan swung the that opposed the election of naturalized Democratic convention of 1896 to such citizens to office and the alleged influ- a liberal reform position as to cut the ence of the Roman Catholic Church in ground from under the Populists and American government. At no other enlist their support of his own cantime has the religious question been in- didacy. This campaign marked the jected so vigorously into a nationalparty's demise. campaign as in respect to the Democratic party candidacy of Alfred E. Smith in 1928. The fact of his Catho- NATIONAL APPEAL NECESSARY In stressing the generalized character lic faith was used strongly against hisof the major American parties, no inselection in the Democratic national tent is implied of overlooking the par141 This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 03:02:10 UTC All use subject to 142 THE ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY ticularism of their appeals and follow- ings. There are some special Republican appeals to people of wealth and property, and some special Democratic appeals to industrial workers and the debtor class. There has been a clearly discerned tendency for the more prosperous classes to vote Republican and for the less prosperous and labor to vote Democratic. There are also geo- graphical areas of Democratic and Republican dominance, as the South and upper New England, although no sec- control of either house of Congress. Republican victories have been con- tingent upon combining the midwestern grain and dairy farmers with the eastern business interests. Bryan almost succeeded in capturing the great prize in 1896 on a more integrated com- bination of the agricultural South and West, but the possibilities of this union faded immediately thereafter. Since 1932 the Democratic party has won by uniting the support of the agricultural South with that of the urban states of tion of the country can be called as the Northeast. is Democratic. But each of the two ties must each appeal to a great variety strongly Republican as the Solid South It thus appears that our major par- of clashing sectional, class, and social parties is broadly national and comprehensive in its program, interests, and interests. They cannot appeal too conactivities, if for no other reason than centratedly to any one of these withthat no party can concentrate its apout antagonizing the others. A party peal upon a distinct social or economic that stakes all on the labor vote will class and hope to win the election. lose the farmer and middle-class votes; one that devotes itself to the industrial The consequences of this situation East will alienate the West and the are inescapable and give to the parties some of their most distinctive charac-South. The combinations of groups teristics. Only one course of actionand is sections essential to victory propossible if each party is to seek a folduce the complex political pattern and lowing among all groups of voters and the indistinctness of the American party scene. endeavor to encompass a multiplicity of national interests: compromise, conces-That "politics makes strange bedf sion, and avoidance of disruptive lows" or is an old, hackneyed Americ alienating factors. One result is thesaw, but never more true than in t fashioning of platforms that are frepresent. It would be difficult to find quently colorless and evasive. Amerimore curious political combination th can politics is not a matter of mobiliz- the Democratic party of the past twen ing one homogeneous economic, social,years: a coalition of conservative, ag or geographical group against another cultural, antilabor, anti-Catholic vote homogeneous group, but rather of build- of the South with the liberal (radical? ing up the largest aggregate of het- urban, prolabor, Catholic voters of erogeneous supporters against another North and Northeast. Roosevelt wa similarly nondescript aggregate. able to mold and hold it together a Even though the sectional aspect of working force (with defections in the major parties be stressed, as is often Senate), but the precariousness of done in analyses of them, a realistic pic- unity was shown by the Dixiecrat sec ture will be obtained only as they are sion in 1948. Were it not for a sim both viewed as sectional coalitions. A incongruity of unified action amo complete sweep of one section alone is eastern business interests and weste not enough to enable a party to put itsfarmers, the Republicans could be mo nominee in the White House or hold sanguine of their chances in this year This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 03:02:10 UTC All use subject to RACIAL, RELIGIOUS, AND SECTIONAL INTERESTS IN 1952 ELECTION 143 November election. Almost as if thumb- ing their noses at their party leaders, Republican and Democratic conservatives in Congress vote together on con- officially ensconced within it. Despite the important role played in it from the beginning by the intellectuals within its ranks (the Fabians, notably) and the large support won from the middle classes since it broadened its program in 1918, the party continues to appeal both parties. The whole testifies to the primarily to the urban working class, lack of cohesion and unity within each and organized labor provides the solid party. troversial legislation in opposition to the combined vote of the liberals of GROUP INTERESTS IN ENGLAND core of its party strength. Currently, the Conservative party has The party systems of Great Britainnot forsaken its defense of capitalism, and western European countries pro-although it has accepted most of the navide a much closer identification of spe-tionalization put into effect by Attlee's cial interest groups with particular par- Labor government. In its efforts to ties. During the long Conservative- thwart the further extension of socialism Liberal division of English voters, thein British economic life, it seeks to Conservatives defended the institutions add the support of the middle class of the monarchy, the Established to its traditional clientele among the Church, and the empire, the social and people of property, of wealth, of busipolitical status quo, and the nation's ness and industrial interests. As compared with the American popolitical traditions, with the voting support of the nobility, the landowners litical situation, sectionalism in Great and their workers, the big business and financial interests, and the upper social Britain is less important, the class pat- amassed the votes of the middle and grams and leadership of the parties are class in general. The Liberal party tern is less complex, the economic divisions are more explicit, and the pro- labor classes in a campaign for social,much more important to the voters. economic, and political reforms, andThe party program offered in an election thus the lines were sharply drawn. becomes a legislative mandate to the When the Labor party moved in onsuccessful party, and the party leader automatically becomes Prime Minister the scene, the first effect was to draw off the vote of the trade unionists, to con- and actual chief executive of the govern- fuse the issues between that party and ment. The voter is naturally, therethe Liberals, and finally to pre-emptfore, more party conscious and more the anti-Conservative field as the Lib- impressed by the party programs than eral party dejectedly slumped to a bad by the personality of the parliamentary third-place position. During the past candidates in his election district. Also, decade the Labor party's comprehensive party unity and discipline among the socialist program and its nationalization members of the House of Commons are legislative record of 1945-50 have in- infinitely more conclusive and rigid. tensified the cleavage between right and left. Each of the currently major English parties characterizes the other as a "class" party-with good reason and GROUP INTERESTS IN FRANCE AND GERMANY The multiparty system of twentieth- century France precludes the sharp factual proof. The Labor party was delineations of French parties along ecofounded as the political vehicle of the nomic and class lines that characterize labor movement; the trade unions are British parties: there are not fifteen to This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 03:02:10 UTC All use subject to THE ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 144 twenty different social classes to betaining a conservative position on all public questions. In the present postseverally represented by this number war period the Christian Democratic of parties that commonly participate in parliamentary elections. Union, successor to the old Catholic the interests of the Roman Catholic conservative bloc, and its chieftain, Dr. Center party, occupies a prominent One party feature that stands out in contrast with the American and British place in the politics of the Federal Repolitical situations is the persistent ex-public of Germany, or West Germany. istence of a party closely identified with It provides leadership in the dominant Konrad Adenauer, has been the ChancelChurch. The prolonged and bitter struggle in republican France over the lor of the new republic from its esrelations of church and state, spectac-tablishment. ularly presenting the issue of clericalism FOCUSING ON 1952 ELECTION at the turn of the century, produced a Now, what of these particularistic nation divided politically among ardent Catholics, nominal Catholics, and anti- factors in the American Presidential clericals. The Center party of the election of this fall? What bids fair to Third Republic era was the Catholic be the impact of these upon the outparty, right of center and in the con- come of the election? How are they servative bloc. The interests of the church have been serving as influential forces in the party plans and in party councils, and how promoted in the contemporary Fourth did they serve in the strategies of indiRepublic, first by the Popular Republi- vidual aspirants for the nominations? can Movement (MRP) and now by the The religious factor can be summarily dismissed: there is no indication that it Rally of the French People (RPF). The MRP had the largest single partywill be injected into this year's camgroup in the second (1946) constitu- paign, any more than it has been in the tional convention and elected the second past. It does not seem likely that the largest group of Deputies to the first President's ill-fated effort to send an National Assembly in 1946. The Cath- Ambassador to the Vatican can be inolic hierarchy openly urged Catholics flated into a campaign issue now. But to vote the MRP ticket in these electhe racial, sectional, and economic factions. When de Gaulle withdrew from tors are extraordinarily prominent. this party in 1947 to found his present During the last several elections the RPF party, he took most of the party voting strength of the Democratic party following with him into what is quite has rested on a combination of organ- distinctively a conservative, urban, ized labor, big-city political machines of Catholic party. The labor vote is disthe North, and the assured votes of persed among the Communist and the eleven Solid South states. This won several Socialist parties. Characteristic of those continental countries in which free elections have elections for the party but it represented a fundamentally inharmonious coalition and aroused the resentment of the tra- been and are permitted is the existence ditional major element in the party- of a Catholic party in Germany. Dur- the southern Democratic leaders and ing the imperial era it was the Catholic forces. Prior to 1936 the southerners Center party, strongest in the Catholic possessed a veto power over party nomi- sections (Bavaria, Silesia, and Rhine-nations, in the party rule that set a land), vigorously hostile to socialism, two-thirds majority vote in the condefensive of the monarchy, and main-vention as the requirement for nomi- This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 03:02:10 UTC All use subject to RACIAL, RELIGIOUS, AND SECTIONAL INTERESTS IN 1952 ELECTION 145 nation. The southern bloc of delegate- votes was sufficient to block a nomina- switch to the party of Lincoln and Grant, so their only recourse was in- tion unacceptable to that element in the dependent action. The election results party. But the abrogation of the rule,were not important to the 1948 outat Roosevelt's instigation, in the 1936come: four states (39 electoral votes) convention fundamentally altered party were carried by the ticket that concontrol and aroused deep southern re-sisted of two relatively obscure state sentment. governors. But the dynamite in the No Democratic candidate can hope to situation that threatens the victory of win the Presidency today apart from the the party in 1952 is quite something else! combined support of the three abovenamed elements: organized labor, The President has not relinquished his Northern urban machine forces, and the advocacy of his Negro civil rights legis- South. What is present to endanger lation, especially of a compulsory Fair this unity? True, the labor forces of Employment Practices law. He is unthe Congress of Industrial Organiza-doubtedly honestly motivated, sincere, tions and southern planter aristocracy and acting on principle in his stand, but have far more of inherent conflict than political strategy is also assigned by of agreement, but clever party leader-those who are critics of his leadership ship and the quest of the spoils andand of this program. Negroes have power of national government controlgiven the Democratic party the margin have held them. together for the pastof victory in key northern industrial twenty years. A new issue, however, states since 1936. Coincidentally, based on a long-standing one, now pro-Negro demands for faster progress tojects a breach within the party that has ward equality and civil rights have the party leaders floundering and ap-become an important factor in Demoprehensive. cratic politics. The result is a puzzling dilemma: To hold the northern Negro THE DIXIECRATS vote, the party must continue to advo- The almost impromptu organization cate the Truman FEP and civil rights of the States' Rights (Dixiecrat) party programs; to do so, however, will con- in 1948 was the handwriting on the wall solidate, enlarge, and intensify the that is striking terror in the hearts of southern Dixiecrat secession; and the Democratic chieftains today. Persistparty needs both groups (the southernent and energetic efforts on the part ers, positively). to win! of President Truman to have CongressSouthern Democratic leaders are enact a compulsory Fair Employment keenly aware of the strategic position Practices statute were blocked bythat a their section occupies in the party's filibuster in the Senate organized by the fortunes this year. They are under no Senators from the southern states that necessity of arguing that their protests would have been most affected by the are no idle threats, because the Dixie- legislation. Southern opposition and fears were whipped to a new height of bitterness by the adoption of a strong FEP plank crat action of four years ago serves ade- quately as an object lesson to northern leaders of what can be done this year on a larger scale with more direful consequences to the party. by the 1948 Democratic convention. [LATER: The motivation in the namSouthern party leaders would not accept ing of Senator Sparkman, of Alabama, the party action and they would not to be the running mate of Governor and the renomination of the President This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 03:02:10 UTC All use subject to 146 THE ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY Stevenson on the ticket is so obvious as ments and the inferences freely drawn in political circles indicate an influential causal relationship between the two. A third-party ticket (no idle threat this THE RUSSELL CANDIDACY year) headed by the powerful and reThe whole southern pattern of action spected Senator Russell, supported by revolved about the candidacy of Senator an immensely better organized and diRichard B. Russell, of Georgia, for the rected, much wider, Dixiecrat movement, and building on a vastly greater party Presidential nomination. Russell's candidacy was originally a strapopular opposition to the President, would bring the tenuous Democratic nategic move against President Truman's renomination. The President, pertional coalition smashing down to ig- probably to make the move of little effect.] sonally, was a principal target for south-nominious defeat. ern criticism. He symbolized what the Certain it is that the Truman withSouth disliked in the civil rights pro-drawal hit a hard blow at Republican gram and northern dominance in the party councils. After the failure of the Dixiecrat bolt at the 1948 convention to alter the course of the convention's anticipation of an easy victory. The revolt that was seething all over the Southland was anti-Truman, not antiDemocratic; and Truman's retirement actions, opposition to the President and opened the way, at least, for the South his FEP program intensified in the to close ranks and give its votes to the Democratic party nominee again. The In effect, the Russell candidacy anbig question (at this June date of writnouncement for 1952 was an ultimatum ing) is what will happen in the South to northern Democrats. There was litif the party at Chicago selects a candiSouth. tle likelihood of Russell's selection as date with Mr. Truman's backing to run party standard-bearer at Chicago, but on a platform endorsing his civil rights he constituted a living threat of a much policies? more serious defection of party strength THE NORTHERN NEGRO VOTE unless the South was appeased. The price of a South that would be solid Closely correlated with the civil rights and sure in 1952 was a compromise or issue as it affects the Democratic party more moderate civil rights plank in the unity in the South and the November Democratic platform, and a candidate polling in that section is the dilemma acceptable to that section of the coun- faced by the party in respect to the try. If Truman and FEP could not be Negro vote in the North. This is anstopped inside the party, the South other bequest to the party by the New would bolt, run another and stronger Deal-Fair Deal administrations. It Dixiecrat campaign, and wind up throw- sounds strange indeed to be speaking of ing the election to the Republicans. the Negro Democratic vote, after th Truman, if nominated, would have been long identification of party lines in th confronted with a Southern revolt; with- South with the color line there. But a out those Deep South 128 electoral votes changed racial-political condition now and possibly 48 more in the border states, he never could have been elected. How much the Russell announcement had to do with the President's decision exists that adds confusion and per- plexity to Democratic planning. The change was inaugurated by the large wartime northern migrations of not to run is not known, but the chronoNegro workers. They first congregated in the industrial centers of the East and logical sequence of the two announce- This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 03:02:10 UTC All use subject to RACIAL, RELIGIOUS, AND SECTIONAL INTERESTS IN 1952 ELECTION 147 the Middle West; but as the movement has continued (nearly a third of the Negro population now lives in the of 3,000,000 and steadily increasing. But its real significance does not lie in the total figure. It lies rather in its strategic diffusion in normally close North) they have spread out more widely, as seen in the large numbers congressional districts and states. Its now settled in West Coast industrial vote could be pivotal this year in a dozen or more touch-and-go states in the areas. Local political machines quickly North. It was held to have been a vital saw the political potential in these new factor in the election outcome of some arrivals, and Democrats vied with Reseventy-five non-South congressional publicans for their affiliation. That districts they were breaking down the post- in 1948. bellum color line in the party deterred Democratic urban bosses and machines CAN THE BREACH BE HEALED? in Harlem, Detroit, and South Chicago not at all. Then came the New Deal Thus it is true that race is a con- tinuing, or even a newly vital, issue appeals for equal rights, followed by Truman's "President's Committee on in American politics. While southern Democratic leaders and the Dixiecrats Civil Rights" report and his dogged remain adamant in their opposition to pressure for a compulsory FEP program. Results followed activity; some say lowering the party barriers to the Negro political strategy paid off in a new forces, bloc northern Democratic leaders continue to woo the Negro vote with advocacy of civil rights, FEP, removal of In any event, developments now point of Democratic votes. up the importance of the Negro vote local racial discriminations, and social in the North. Originally a Republican welfare and housing programs. The vote below the Mason and Dixon's line, fashioning of any semblance of effective it began to shift to the Democrats in the party unity this year calls for most early New Deal days and by 1940 had skillful political wizardry and artistry. become largely a Democratic vote. It The question is, can compromise within is said that by 1944 the Negroes were the party, on the candidate and the civil voting Democratic two to one in the rights platform plank, do the trick? If North, and that in 1948 the proportion failure results, if the Dixiecrat threat for Truman was even greater. The is revived in more vigorous and broader potential Negro vote, outside of the operations, the Republicans will be in a South, is estimated now to be in excess very favorable position. Harold R. Bruce, Ph.D., Hanover, New Hampshire, is professor of government at Dartmouth College. He was a member of the New Hampshire Constitutional Convention in 1948 and is a frequent writer and lecturer on political subjects. He is author of American Parties and Politics (1936) and A College TMxt in American National Government (1952), and co-author of The American Political Scene (1938). This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 Feb 2019 03:02:10 UTC All use subject to