Hebrew Gospel of Matthew: Shem-Tob's Text

Hebrew Gospel
George Howard
Professor of Religion
University of Georgia
A leaffrom Shem-Tob's Even Bohan as it appears in Ms. Heb. 28, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden
(manuscript witness A in Howard's edition). This leaf includes (in late medieval Hebrew script) Matthew
1O:23b-11: /5; the marginal notes indicate pereks (sections) 46, 47, and 48 ofthe text. A printed transcription of this portion ofShem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew, along with Howard's English translation, appears in
the present edition on pages 46-5/. An interesting and significant play on words (see pages 197-200) occurs
in lines 6 and 5 from the bottom of this leaf (C'j'~:l kings and 'jK'~ my messenger). Of interest also is
the occurrence ofone ofShem-Tob's polemic notes which begins with the third word (from the right) ofthe
last line on this sample leaf
• 1995 •
ISBN 0-86554-442-5
Hebrew Gospel ofMatthew
Copyright C1995
Mercer University Press, Macon, Georgia USA
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
April 1995
Preface to the Second Edition
Witnesses Used in This Edition
Interrelationships among the Witnesses
Text and Apparatus
The Translation
Abbreviations and Notations
Reprinted Fall 2000
Reprinted Fall 2002
The paper used in this publication
meets the minimum requirements
of American National Standard
for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper
for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.
Part One
Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew
The Hebrew Text and English Translation
Part Two
Analysis and Commentary
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Shem-Tob's Matthew and the Hebrew/Aramaic-Matthean Tradition
Papias and Other Early Christian Writers
Du Tillet, Miinster, and Allusions to
and Quotations from Matthew in Early Jewish
and Anti-Christian Writings
The Evidence from Shem-Tob's Comments
Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew:
A Literary, Textual, and Theological Profile
Linguistic Characteristics of the Hebrew Text
The Verb
Other Constructions
Revision and Modification of the Hebrew Text
Literary Characteristics of the Hebrew Text
Word Connections
Textual Nature of Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew
Shem-Tob and Codex Sinaiticus
Bible. N.T. Matthew. Hebrew. Ibn Shaprut. 1995.
Hebrew Gospel of Matthew I by George Howard.
xiv+240 pp. 6x9" (15x23 em.).
English and Hebrew.
Revised edition of: The Gospel of Matthew
accordiIig to a primitive Hebrew text.
Hebrew text of Matthew, extracted from Shem Tov Ibn Shaprut's
Evan bohan, presented with English translation and commentary.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 0-86554-442-5 (alk. paper).
1. Bible. N.T. Matthew. Hebrew. Ibn Shaprut-Criticism, Textual.
I. Howard, George, 1935II. Ibn Shaprut, Shem Tov, fl. 1375-1380. Evan bohan.
III. Bible. N.T. Matthew. English. Howard. 1995. IV. Title.
BS2574.H4 1995
Hebrew Gospel
Shem-Tob and the Short Ending of Matthew
Shem-Tob, the Old Syriac, and the Old Latin
Shem-Tob and the Other Gospels .....•................
Shem-Tob and the Coptic Gospel of Thomas
Shem-Tob and the Pseudo-Clementine Writings
Shem-Tob and the Tol'doth Yeshu
Shem-Tob and the ProtevangeJium ofJames
Theological Motifs in Shem-Tob's Matthew
The Law
The Gentiles
The Christ
John the Baptist
Different Meanings in Shem-Tob's Matthew
The Divine Name
Other Interesting Readings in Shem-Tob's Matthew
Summary and Conclusion
. 235
. 235
. 237
to the Second Edition
It is now eight years since the first edition of this work appeared under the
title The Gospel of Matthew according to a Primitive Hebrew Text (1987). As
with all pioneering projects, the book contained a number oferrors, typographical
and otherwise, and raised a series of questions. This second and fully revised
edition, retitled Hebrew Gospel ofMatthew, intends to eliminate the errors and
address the questions.
Considerable attention has been given to making the translation more
readable. It has also been revised with regard to accuracy.
The analysis section of the book has largely been rewritten to take into
account a series of studies I have published on the text since 1987. I have also
tried to state things more clearly and less dogmatically. The main thrust of this
second edition is to demonstrate that the Hebrew Matthew contained in ShemTob's Evan Bohan predates the fourteenth century. In my judgment, Shem-Tob
the polemist did not prepare this text by translating it from the Latin Vulgate, the
Byzantine Greek, or any other known edition of the Gospel of Matthew. He
received it from previous generations of Jewish scribes and tradents.
It is my hope that the modifications of the present work will provide the
reader with a text of Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew that is basically free from
error and one that is set in a proper historical and linguistic context.
University of Georgia
17 October 1994
George Howard
First Edition
For Tere
I wish to acknowledge with appreciation the British Library of London for
pennission to print portions of its copy of the Even Bohan, catalogued Add no.
26964. This manuscript serves as the base text for Matthew 1:1-23:22 in this
volume. I also acknowledge with appreciation the Ivan F. and Seema Boesky
Family Library, the Jewish Theological Seminary ofAmerica ofNew York City,
for pennission to print portions of its copy of the Even Bohan, catalogued Ms.
2426 (Marx 16). This manuscript serves as the base text for Matthew 23:23--end
in this volume. Finally, I express with appreciation the financial grant from the
office of the Vice President for Research at the University ofGeorgia that helped
make this publication possible.
University of Georgia
29 July 1987
George Howard
Second Edition
For this second edition, renamed Hebrew Gospelo/Matthew, I acknowledge
the following.
Cambridge University Press, for permission to reprint George Howard, "A
Primitive Hebrew Gospel of Matthew and the Tol'doth Yeshu," New Testament
Studies 34 (1988): 60-70.
Harvard Theological Review, for pennission to reprint George Howard, "A
Note on the Short Ending of Matthew," Harvard Theological Review 81 (1988):
Society of Biblical Literature, for permission to reprint George Howard,
"The Textual Nature of an Old Hebrew Version ofMatthew," Journal o/Biblical
Literature 105 (1986): 49-63; and idem, "The Textual Nature of Shem-Tob's
Hebrew Matthew," Journal 0/ Biblical Literature 108 (1989): 239-57.
Hebrew Gospel
B. J. Brill (Leiden), for permission to reprint George Howard, "A Note on
Codex Sinaiticus and Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew," Novum Testamentum 34
(1992): 46-47.
Sheffield Academic Press, for permission to reprint George Howard, "A
Note on Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew and the Gospel of John," Journal/or the
Study o/the New Testament 47 (1992): 117-26.
University of Georgia
I April 1995
George Howard
A complete Hebrew Text of Matthew appeared in the body of a fourteenthcentury Jewish polemical treatise entitled Even Bohan (JrTO l~, ''The Touchstone"). The author, Shem-Tob ben-Isaac ben-Shaprut (sometimes called Ibn
Shaprot), was born in Tudela in Castile in the middle of the fourteenth century.
He later settled in Tarazona in Aragon where as a physician he practiced medicine. There he completed the Even Bohan in 1380. He revised his work several
times-in 1385, around 1400, and even later-by adding another five books or
sections to the original twelve. 1 Most manuscripts contain either fifteen or sixteen
chapters, not always arranged in the same order. Of the original books, usually
the first deals with the principles of the Jewish faith, the next nine deal with
passages in the Bible that were disputed by Jews and Christians, the eleventh discusses haggadic sections in the Talmud used by Christians or Jewish proselytes
to Christianity, and the twelfth (sometimes thirteenth) contains the entire Gospel
of Matthew in Hebrew, with polemical comments by Shem-Tob interspersed
throughout the text.
Part one of the present volume contains the Hebrew text of Matthew found
in Shem-Tob's treatise. A critical apparatus, noting manuscript variation, accompanies the text, and an English translation appears on facing pages. The polemical comments of Shem-Tob have been eliminated so that the gospel text may run
continuously from beginning to end without interruption.
Part two contains an analysis ofShem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew, including its
place within the traditional Hebrew/Aramaic-Matthew tradition, and a literary,
textual, and theological profile.
IFor a discussion of these later additions see Alexander Marx, "The Polemical
Manuscripts in the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America," in Studies
in Jewish Bibliography and Related Subjects in Memory of Abraham Solomon Freidus
(1867-1923) (New York: The Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, 1929) 247-78, esp.
265-70; W. Horbury, "The Revision of Shem Tob Ibn Shaprot's Eben Bohan," Sefarad
43 (1983): 221-37; W. Horbury, Review of The Gospel of Matthew according to a
Primitive Hebrew Text, JTS 43 (1992): 166-69.
Hebrew Gospel
Witnesses Used in This Edition2
Ms. Add. no. 26964. British Library, London. (Serves as the printed text for
A Ms. Heb. 28. Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden.
B Ms. Mich. 119. Bodleian Library, Oxford.
C Ms. Opp. Add. 4° 72. Bodleian Library, Oxford.
D Ms. 2426 (Marx 16). Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, New York, (Serves as the printed text for 23:23-end.)
EMs. 2279 (Marx 18). Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, New York.
F Ms. 2209 (Marx 19). Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, New York.
G Ms. 2234 (Marx 15). Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, New York.
H Ms. Mich. 137. Bodleian Library, Oxford.
All the manuscripts date between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries and
are written in various types of script. The best manuscript ofthe lot is the British
Library Ms. Add. 26964. Althought this copy is incomplete, covering Matt
1: 1-23:22, the excellent quality of its text demanded that it be printed. Manuscript C is an almost exact replica of the British Library ms., including breaking
off at 23:22. It is written, however, in very small letters and is sometimes
difficult to read.
Another manuscript ofgood quality belongs to the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, catalogued #2426 (noted as #16 by Marx in 'The Polemical
Manuscripts in the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America,"
252). It serves as the printed text for Matt 23:23-28:20. In the apparatus, it is
noted as ms. D. Manuscript A, from Leiden, is of fair quality, but has received
considerable revision with respect to improvements in grammar and assimilation
to the Greek and Latin texts. Manuscript B, from the Bodleian Library, is of
good quality, but is difficult to read. Because of the type of pen and ink used by
the scribe, the letters often run together and are sometimes indistinguishable.
Manuscripts E and F are virtually identical and are of mediocre quality. Manuscript G is the poorest in quality of all the texts I have used. It is written in a
sloppy hand by a scribe who had little qualms in omitting and adding material.
ManuscriptH is only fragmentary, containing: 1:18b-19; 2:1,13,16-18; 3:16; 4:1;
5:27,28,31-34,38-40,43-44; 6:5,19-20; 7:6, 24-28; 9:10-13, 32-38; 11:11-15,
2For a more complete list of manuscripts, see Pinchas E. Lapide, "Der 'Priifstein' aus
Spanien," Sefarad 34 (1974): 230.
25-28; 12:1, 15-18,22-29,31-32,46-47; 13:53-57; 14:28; 15:1-6, 10b-ll, 20b;
16:13-20; 17:1-3; 19:16-18; 21:1-2, 18-19,23-27; 22:23-24,29-33; 23:16-18;
24:20,27-28,34-35; 26:1, 26-27, 31, 36-37; 27:15; 28:18.
Interrelationships among the Witnesses
I make no attempt to trace the history of the text through the various recensions of Shem-Tob's treatise, nor do I append a stemrna of manuscripts. The
individual Matthean texts, however, reveal certain relationships, and a brief discussion of these will perhaps be valuable.
Generally, the nine manuscripts may be divided into three groups. Group I
consists of British Library Ms. Add. no. 26964 and ms. C. With few exceptions,
these two writings are virtually identical. Both are carefully copied and show
minimal tendency toward scribal error and assimilation to the canonical Greek
and Latin.
Group II consists of A B H. Containing some differences, these mss. are
clearly related in text form. They are characterized by careful copying with few
scribal errors. They also show a tendency for assimilation to the Greek and Latin.
B is the best of this group, showing less assimilation than A. H is only fragmentary (see above).
Group III consists of D E F G. Mss. E and F are virtually identical, with D
and G often reading with them. The latter two also have many individual differences. This group is characterized by some scribal error and some assimilation
to the Greek and Latin. They are, however, less assimilated to the Greek and
Latin than Group II. D is by far the best of this group, G by far the worst.
Text and Apparatus
The present edition does not aim at producing an eclectic text of Shem-Tob's
Hebrew Matthew. Until a more complete evaluation of the Shem-Tob tradition
is aVa'ilable, the printing of an individual manuscript will serve for a working
text. The printed text comes from British Library Ms. Add. no. 26964 and ms.
D, as explained above, including the errors and inconsistencies in spelling and
grammar of each of these manuscripts. Periods and question marks have been
added editorially to the printed Hebrew. In a few instances, where the base text
contains a lacuna, the text ofanother manuscript has been selected to fill the gap.
In each instance, the supplementary text has been placed within parentheses (for
examples see 3:10a; 18:2b-5a).
Variant readings are noted in a critical apparatus. Except for plenary, or nonplenary vocalization and a few illegible scriblings, the notation of all variants is
complete. The limited number of manuscripts used in the apparatus, of course,
Hebrew Gospel
gives only a sampling of variation that occurs in the manuscript tradition as a
The Translation
The translation attempts to be faithful to the Hebrew without being awkward
or wooden. The rough style of the Hebrew, however, is often reflected by the
English. Occasionally its sense is unclear (15:5; 16:21; 17:3) because the Hebrew
is unclear. Proper names are usually given their common English spellings except
where a different pronunciation is distinctly indicated by the Hebrew. In some
instances, a variant reading has been translated rather than the printed text. This
occurs where it is necessary for the sense ofthe text. These renderings are placed
within parentheses. In many instances the printed text is translated, in spite of
difficulties, in order to preserve a disparity between the Hebrew and the Greek.
In no sense is the translation a thoroughgoing eclectic rendering of the manuscript tradition.
Abbreviations and Notations
1. Notes an occasional reading in the Hebrew text supplied from another
manuscript because of a lacuna.
2. Notes a variant reading in the translation where the variant is a
substitution or an addition.
Notes an editorial addition in the translation.
Part One
Text and Translation
The Hebrew Text
MT 1:1-13J
Chapter 1
[MT 1:1-13
"tuN' i?'£)
;"N 1
.C;"::1N 1::1 " , 1::1 ,"W'
l1N ",,;, ::1p31' ::1p31' l1N ",,;, pn1" pnx' l1N ",,;, C;"::1N2
•,'nN' ;"';"
l"1n 1"xn l1N ,.",;, f'£) '~11~ n'T1 f'£) l1N ",,;, ;,,,;"3
.C, l1N ",,;,
1,tum, l'WnJ l1N ",,;, ::1'J'~31' ::1,J'7.)31 l1N ",,;, C,,4
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1:3] omit C
"2pni"] pni' DEFG I :rn:'l'] K'"
"3:'1":'1'] 1m' BDEFG I 1"in']1"Sn, EF
"'C"] c, ABDG I :3,J'7,)Y1] :3,J'7.)17 ABDG I 1'lI1nJ']1'lI1nJ ABDG I 1'7,)'111] omit A
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"I t:!!lIl1,:'I" "] t:!!lIl1" B I C""] c,,·, EF I :'I'n17] ':'1'111 EF
'" nK I ] + nK "":'1 TnK TnK nK ""':'1 cm' cm' ADG
,,10 mel] omit EF I nK2] + ':'1'111" G I :'I'II1K'] K'II1K' A, ':'I'II1K' EF
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"I2Beginning) + ,:3:3 m':l ,nK' ADG I :'I'J::I')Ie'J::I' A I 'K'n'KII1"')'K'n'lI1 A
1,13":'I':3K'] ":'I':3K ABDEFG I nit') + "111 nle "":'1 C'P"K C'P"K DG
These are the generations of Jesus
the son of David the son of Abraham.
Abraham begot Isaac and Isaac begot Jacob;
Jacob begot Judah and his brothers.
Judah begot Perez and Zerah from Tamar;
Perez begot Hezron; Hezron begot Ram.
Ram begot Amminadab; Amminadab begot Nahshon;
Nahshon begot Salmon.
Salmon begot Boaz from Rahab the harlot;
Boaz begot Obed from Ruth and Obed begot Jesse.
Jesse begot David; David begot (Solomon) from the wife of Uriah.
Solomon begot Rehoboam; Rehoboam begot Abia; Abia begot Asa.
Asa begot Jehoshaphat; Jehoshaphat begot Joram; Joram begot Uzziah.
Uzziah begot (Jotham, Jotham begot Ahaz, Ahaz begot) Hezekiah.
Hezekiah begot Manasseh; Manasseh begot Amon; Amon begot Josiah.
Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers in the Babylonian exile.
(After the Babylonian exile) Jeconiah begot Shealtiel;
Shealtiel begot Zerubbabel.
Zerubbabel begot Abihud; Abihud begot (Eliakim;
Eliakim begot Azor.
[MT 1:14-2:2
.":'1"N I'IN "":'1 C'PN' C'pN I4
"":'1 11'1~' 11'1~ I'IN "":'1 ,tY'N' ,tY'N I'IN "":'1 ":'1"N,IS
.~pY' I'IN
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.,", 1'11"'1'1 '''tl.'' 'Y ,~~ m'l~' ''', 1'11"'1'1
'Jtv j?'!:l
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tl."N ~0",19
.:'1"Y 1'110;)' :'1J" :'1':'1 '~N m~, :'1'O'N' N" :'1tv,~,
~O" '~N' c"n~ "'N :'1N'J 'N'~ :'1Jm ,~,~ '~':'1 :'1t~ '~tvn~,20
.1'I'~'Y~ N':'1 tv"p:'1 m,~tv C''''~ 'I'ItvN I'Inp, N"1'I 'N ", 1~
.CI'IU'Y~ '~Y I'IN Y'tv" N':'1 ';) y",tv' ,~tv N,pm p "1'11 11
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.C'V'N 'J~Y ,,,,tv 'N'J~Y ,~tv I'IN'P' 1~ "1'11 :'1':'1 :'1~'Y:'1 m:'1 Z3
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mJI'I~~' n't~~ '~~O 'J'N' .,'U:'1 C"':'1':'1 ,,~ :'1'N '~N,1
." m,nl'ltv:'1' 'N~ m~'tvn
I C'PK') C'pK ABDEFG I nK] omit E,
+ ,nll ,nll (............)A
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·: ::lPll"] ::lPlI' ABDEFG I C',/,)] + '111' OK ABCDEFG I tll?::l'] tll? A, tll?::l DEFG I O'OO"P]
':'0 Beginning] +
nit ,,?,:I P''TJ P''TJ nK ,,?,:I " " DO
lI1'OIl1"P ABDFG, O'OIl1"P E
"17Vs. 17 found only in mss DO
·:1I111'K:I ••• n,,?,] found only in mss DO I ,111'/,)] '111' G I :lO"K] :lO"K/,) A
.:., 1I1'1t] :llI1'1t ABDEFGH I :1':1 p''TJ] 2 I AH
':·:l3m] :13:1 ABEFG I ,'?It] omit A I ,1.)lt'] "/,)K? BCDEFG
':2' '/,)1I] ,/,)1I A I cnml//.)] ,'nml//.) A
':22 ":I '11 ?1I 1t'::l3:1] K'::l3:1 '11 ?1I 'it AB I ":I] CII1:1 G
.:23 C'P?K]
C'?K A
.:.. '10"] omit G I ":I ,K?/,)) ,K?/,):I F I ":I] c'm?1t G
':25 nit] omit BDEFG
2:. :l11:1'] K'" BDEFG I :13m] + lI1'l"K/') A
2:2"U:I] + ,1I11t G I ,::l::lO]C'::l:l:l A, ,::l:l:l BCDFG. ,::l:l,:l D
'C n1::l'lI1n nun/,)::l'] n1::l'lI1n nun/,)::l '3K::l' A
MT 1:14-2:2)
Azor begot Zadok; Zadok begot) Achim;
Achim begot Elihud.
Elihud begot Eleazar; Eleazar begot Mattan; Mattan begot Jacob.
Jacob begot Joseph. This Joseph was the husband of Mary (the mother
of Jesus) who is called the Messiah, that is, Christ.
(So all the generations from Abraham unto David
were fourteen generations and from David unto the Babylonian exile
were fourteen generations and from the Babylonian exile unto Jesus
were fourteen generations.
The birth of Jesus was in this way:) It came to pass
when his mother was betrothed to Joseph, before he knew her,
she was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
Joseph was a righteous man and did not wish to dwell with her
nor to expose her by bringing her to shame
or to bind her over to death. He rather wished to conceal her.
While he thought on this matter in his heart, behold an angel appeared
unto him in a dream and said: Joseph son of David do not fear to take
your wife Mary because she is pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
She will bear a son and you will call his name Jesus because he w1l1
save my people from their sins.
All this was to complete what was written by the prophet
according to the Lord:
Behold the young woman is conceiving and will bear a son
and you will call his name Emmanuel, that is, God with us.
Then Joseph awoke from his sleep, did according to all
which the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took his wife.
But he did not know her until she bore her firstborn son
and he called his name Jesus.
Chapter 2
It came to pass when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah in the days
of Herod the king, behold astrologers came from the East to Jerusalem
saying: Where is the king of the Jews who has been born. We have
seen (his star) in the East and (we) have come with important gifts to
worship him.
[MT 2:3-14
'~37 O'tu", ':Jtu" ,;" ,;':J', ,,~;,
,'U O,p~ ·m'~:J 0'37'" ";' O~ O;,~ tup:J" ""'l ,;, T':Jp,,4
~':J);' 'D
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.'~'tu':J 'tu,~ m';"
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o;"'~ ,~~" on,
,,~;, ~,p T~7
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."';' ow
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" "nnw', ")£)' '37';'" ,~~ o''''~ n~, ';'~1~" n':J;' ,~ '~':J,,11
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;,~') If;' ,~,~ m;" 0';"';' ;'~;'13
"'~ "~~ '37 "~37n ow, 0"1~' n,:n ,~~
.l";" '37);' n~
.,~~ n~, '37);' n~ np,,14
0''''';' ';'
MT 2:3-14)
Herod the king heard and was dismayed
and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him.
4 So he gathered all his nobles and inquired from them if they knew
where the Messiah would be born.
S They answered him: In Bethlehem Judah,
as it is written according to the prophet:
6 You Bethlehem Judah, Ephrathah, land of Judah, behold you are
insignificant among the clans of Judah; from you shall come forth to
me one to be ruler in Israel.
7 Then King Herod called the magicians in secret and asked them well
concerning the time the star (appeared) to them.
8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said unto them: Go and inquire well
concerning the child and when you find him inform me. I also will go
to him to worship.
9 They harkened unto the king and went, and behold the star which they
saw in the East was going before them until they came to the place.
When they entered Bethlehem it stopped before the place
where the child was.
10 When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.
II They (came) into the house, found him and his mother Mary, knelt
before him, worshipped him, opened their sacks, and brought to him
gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, that is, mira.
12 Then they were commanded in a dream by the angel who spoke to them
not to return to Herod; so they returned to their land by another route.
13 As they were going, behold the angel of the Lord appeared unto Joseph
(saying:) Arise, take the boy and his mother, flee to Egypt and stay there
until I tell you, because Herod will seek the boy to kill him.
14 So he took the boy and his mother
[MT 2: 15-3:4
N':J3i1 '!) 'Y '~N3tu i1~ "~1' 0,"""i1 n~ 'Y Otu 'i1',
.'3:J' 'nN'i' O"J~~'
'tu'~n i"!)
'N :JJyn', 1N~ "'N Y'" 0'~0'i'i1 ,mN 'N'tu 0,,,,,i1 i1N' TN I6
on, n':J:J ,tuN 0',,'i1 ,:J, l"i1' ",tu ,:J, n,tu', ,J', ,:J,
.'Y3i1 ,;utu 0'~0'i'i1 " "~N ,tuN l~T~ O','Ui1 i1"':J1'
N':J3i1 i1'~" '~Ntu i1~ ,:J,i1 0,tu3 TN I7
,:J, i1'3:J 'Y i1:J:J~ ,n, o'",~n ':J:J 'i13 Y~tu3 i1~':J "i'18
flO': 'N 'o"n:J i1N'3 "i1 'N'~' "~i1 0,"""i1 n~ ,tuN:J 'i1,,19
O'tui':J~i1 ,n~ ':J '''N 'N ", '~N nN' 'Y3i1 ~ "P. C'Ip '~N,20
.n'~i1' 'Y3i1 nN
•'''N 'N ,:J,tu', '~N nN' 'Y3i1 nN ni'" 0i',,21
0"",i1 nnn i1"i1':J ,,~ ON''''l'N ,~tu 0'3i"'i1 ':J Y~tu"
•'1'1:1 T'N 'N 1!)" o"n:J 'N'~i1 'i1T'T" Otu n:J" N"~ "':J~ 2J
n'TN3 N':J3i1 '~Ntu i1~ O"i" n"TN3 nN'i'3i1 ,'Y:J l':Jtu , N:J ,
'tutu i"!)
.i1"i1' ':J'~:J tu", ":Jt::l~i1 13m' N:J 0i1i1 O'~':J:
.N:J' i1:J,'i' O'~tu m:J'~tu i1:J,tun:J
U!) ':J'~:J N"i' "i' N':J3i1 ,i1'Ytu' '''Y '~N3tu i1~ O"i"
.'3'i"N' i1"0~ i1:J,Y:J "tu' "i1 " ,
"3n~:J "TN "ntu "Y' 0"~1i1 '~J~ tu,:J, i1'i1 13m' i13i1,4
.0',Y'i1 tu:J" i1:J'Ni1 '3n~,
MT 2:15-3:4J
and was there until Herod died, to fulfill
what was spoken by the prophet: Out of Egypt I called my son.
16 Then Herod saw that the magicians had (mocked) him and was very
displeased. Being grieved at heart, he commanded that word be sent to
all his princes to kill all the male children who were in Bethlehem and
its borders who had been born from the time when the magicians spoke
to him concerning the birth of the boy.
17 Then was fulfilled that which Jeremiah the prophet spoke:
18 A voice was heard in Rama, lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel
weeping for her children, etc.
19 It came to pass when King Herod died, the angel of the Lord appeared
in a dream to Joseph in Egypt
20 saying: Arise, take the boy and his mother and go to the land of Israel,
because those who were seeking the boy to kill him are dead.
21 So he arose, took the boy and his mother, and they returned to the land
of Israel.
22 Then he heard that Horcanus, his name is Argelaus, reigned in Judah
in the place of Herod his father, and he feared to go there. So the angel
urged him in a dream that he should turn unto the land of Gilgal.
23 He came and dwelt in a city called Nazarith in order to fulfill what the
prophet said: He shall be called Nazareth.
Chapter 3
In those days came John the Baptizer
preaching in the wilderness of Judah.
He said: Tum in repentance,
for the kingdom of heaven is about to come,
to fulfill what was said by Isaiah the prophet: A voice of one crying,
in the desert prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight in the wilderness a path for our God.
Behold John was clothed with the hair of camels and black leather
girded his loins and his food was locust and the honey of the forest.
[MT 3:5-15
1"':'1 m:3':3O
m~?~:'1 ?~~, :'1":'1' ?~~, C?tu",~ "?N 'NX' lNS
."~N~ ?Y 1"':3 C'?:3'~' cnN~n c'"n~ IN,6
'Y':3tv ",£)
C':3, ,~ N""
'N:3 C'tu,,£):'1 1~' '~'!'''N~ lY?:3 C'tu,,£):'1~
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. .:'1~'tu:'1 :'1:3,tun ,,£) ,tvy8
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l)m' C:'1? 1Y" .:'1tuY) :'1~ ~"N m":3n:'1 ,? '?Ntv', .f1'tu' tuN:3'
CY:'1 'N:3" .,? l'Ntu ,~? 'N:'11n' nun~ 'ntv ,? tv'tu ,~
C,tv? "Y~xn C:'1? 1Y" :'1tuY) :'1~ C':3, ':'1'?Ntu', (.?':3~:'1?
C':3tu,n ":'1 CY:'1 ?~, .c~'p?n:3 ,n~tvm c,tv)yn N?' tu'N
.,,'tu' N':'11)m' ?,~) C:3?:3 C'~'~'
N:3' ,nN' :'1:3,tun '~':3 c~nN ?':3~~ ')):'1 n~N:3 C?,~? my l)m',"
tvN:3 C:lMN ?':3~' N':'1' .,?Y) ",tv ,'n:'1? "N' ')'Ntv ')~~ pm
.tu"p:'1 m,
.~"Y l:3n:'1' "X'N? 11':'1 f1'ON" U'l nN m'l? :'1'l~ "':3 'tvN12
')'~tv i"£)
.1)m'~ ?':3~:'1? 1"':'1 nN ?'?1:'1~ ,,'tv' N:3 lN 13
:'1nN' "'~ ?':3~:'1? "N' ')N '~N" '?':3~:'1? P£)O~ :'1':'1 1)m,,14
.'?N N:3
IN' :'1jnx ?~ C'?tv:'1? C':3"n ')N ptv M):'1 ,? '~N" '''lV' 1y,,1s
":JIJ, C"W'l,'IJ) ~1Vl"IJ' :n1;"IJ EF :n1;") It", BOO
3~,It') omit ABDEFG I c'"nIJ) c",nIJ' G "y) + 'D B
3<5 :n1;"
I m:J"IJ:'l) m:J"IJIJ;' A, m:J"IJ FG
3"''''J) ,'" ADEFG I '1t""ltD) W'l1t'W"ltD ADEFG I C'W'l'D;') C'P''T1;' ABDEFG I
'IJ C'3nD ~W C;,"1t A,
'IJ C'3'3n n, C~1t 00,
1t,,'IJ C'3nD W'W C;,"1t EF I ,.n"') ,.ny;, ABDEFG I "1t;'IJ) "It;, 1IJ G
3",WY) + nit' 00 I ;'IJ"W:'l) ;'IJ"W ABDEFG
309C'p''It) C';,"It;, A, C'P"It;, BDEFG
3'''''Jtl;,''. . . ,::1:J,) omit Brit. Lib. ms & C, Text = ABDEFG I ~~l ~W, 00 I It") + 'n':J
A I 'nW) '3W B I nun:J) nmD 0 I CY:'l) omit A I C'J,) omit AB, U'J, EFG I C;,,,) + 13""
A, It" 13"" BDEFG I "YtlXn) "yxn A I C'W3yn) + ,m G I c:J'p"nJ) c:Jp"nJ ABDEFG I
"'7.l3) omit ABDEF I 'W' . . . 13"") 'W' It,;, 13"" ,,,,ltJ Cit ABDEFG
3,,, my) ,7.l1t EF I '7.l'J) '7.lJ DEF I ItJ') + ',nlt ABOO, + '"1I"M EF I It,m) It,;, ABCDEFG
3'"'''J) ,'J 0 Ipnm) + ;'J:Jn It" 'Wit WltJ ~"W' ABDEFG
3,13 nit) "It B
"""'Jtl:l?) "Jtl;," EF I ""7.l] ,.,. "Y A
"IS,,,) ""It ABDEFG I ';""'Jtl:i) 13"" ,;''''Jtl;, ADEFG, + 13"" BC
OJ" ;",;,
OJ" 'T/J"
MT 3:5-151
Then they came out to him from Jerusalem, from
all Judah, and from all the kingdom round about the Jordan
6 and at that time were confessing their sin and were baptizin~ in the
Jordan because of his word.
7 He saw th~t ma~y of the Phari.sees, that is, Pharizei, and (Sadducees)
came to hiS baptIsm and he said to them: (Offspring of serpents, who
8 taught you) to flee from the wrath to come from God?
Produce the fruit of perfect repentance.
9 Do not say in your heart: Abraham is our father. Truly I say to you that
God is able to raise up his son Abraham from these stones •
(Already the axe has reached the root of the tree; the one which does not
produce good fruit will be cut down and burned in the fire. The crowds
asked him: if so what shall we do? John answered them: He who has
two shi~s let him give one to him who has none. So the people came to
be baptIzed.) Many asked him: What shall we do? And he answered
th~m: Be anxious for (no) man and do not chastise them, and be pleased
WIth your lot. And all the people were thinking and reckoning in their
circumcised heart: John is Jesus.
John answered all of them: Behold I truly baptize you in the days of repentance, but another comes mightier than I, the thong of whose
sandal I am not worthy to unfasten. He will baptize you with the fire
of the Holy Spirit.
12 His winnowing fork is in his hand to fan his threshing floor and he will
gather the grain into his granary and the straw (he will burn with fire
which is not quenched).
:: Then came Jesus from Galilee (to) the Jordan to be baptized by John.
But John was doubtful about baptizing him and said: I should be baptized by you, and you come to me? '
IS Jesus answered and said to him: Permit it, because we are obliged to
fulfill all righteousness; then (John baptized him).
11'1" C'i"N m1 N1" C'7,)tV:'I " ,nl1!)J C'7,):'I 17,) :'I/31tu
•"'31 :'I111tZ" :'1J,':l
.,~ 'J!)m ~:'1NJ 'N7,) 'N7,) '~':'1N 'J~ :'It 17,)'N C'7,)tu:'117,) "i' :'1J:'1,17
[MT 3: 16-4:13
MT 3:16-4:13)
'31'tul1 i'1!)
.1~tu:'l7,) 1110JI1:'1' 1~'7,)' tV"i':'I m1~ ,"tu' ni'" TNI
•~311J :l"nN' :'I'" C'31~1N' C" "7,) C,J"Z
~, e'J:J~-w 1'7,)N :'111N C'i"N 1~ CN " 17,)N' :'10J7,):'1 ~1i'7,)3
•""" ,,~, cn,:'1 '31 N' ':l ~'I1:l " 17,)N" ,"tV' 137,,4
:'11~" 1111':'1 C'i'7,) '31 ':'1"7,)31" tu"i':'1 1'31~ l~tu:'l '111N ni" TNs
tV'i'7,):'1 ':l~tV
" :'1,J' '':IN'7,) ':l ':l, :'1~7,)' "" :'II1N C'i"N CN "'K 17,)N,6
•"., ,':l1' ':l~ ,17,)tu,
,"i"N ":'1 I1N :'10JI1 N' I1'Jtu ,"tV' ,,~ 11",7
C"~:l' T1N:'1 111:l'7,)7,) ,:l ':'1N1" 'N7,) :'1'~" 1:'1~ l~tzm '111K NtV,,8
•"N 311!)11 CN " 111N :'1'N ,:l " 17,)N,,9
":'1 I1N ~'I1:l l:ltu ON~Nt(NTf T31'::1 l~tu:'l " ,"tV' " :'1J31 TN 10
•"~3111 ,,::1, '111N' "!)I1N
•':'I'!)1tu', "'N '::11i' C':lN'7,) :'1J:'I' l~tzm '111N ::1T31 TN H
'1'tu31 i'1!)
'N "" 10N7,)~ pm' 107,)J ':l '''ft'' 317,)ft'" C:'I:'1 C'7,)'~ ':'I"U
:'1Ji'~ :'17,)~'1N~ T31' :'111'N1 C,nJ 1!):l~ l':ltu', 'N1TNJ 11K 1'::131,,13
l"'~T T1N
J:";"pU'] ;"P EF I C'~U';'l~) C'~U';'~ G I 'K")
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':1 ~'P;') ~P;'
m~, G I C'P'K) C"K A
"J::I'P~) ::I'P', ABDEFG I ") omit DEF I C'P'K) C'mK A, m'K G I ;"K;') "K;' A
':"')'" A I ::I,n::l ") omit G I ::I,n::l) + K';' ABCDEF I ''0') + D1K;' ;""' ABEFG,
;, '11 KJ'~ '::l 'P '::l D1K;' ;""' D
.:. '::l::lU') n'::I::IU' G
••• "'K) " EF I C'P'K) C"K 1::l ABDEF, m'K 1::l G I '::l,) ::I'n::l' ABDEFG I ,'::l". • • "!)U")
omit G I 1',::1,] + ",,,, l::1K::I '1,,'n 1!1 ,l'KU" C'!I::l 'P A I ',::l, ,l'KU" C'!I::l 'P BDEF
':71»'1) ,~" G I n'lU') + ::I'n::l1::l A, + ::I'n::l ::l"" BDEFG InK) + CU' BEF I 1'p?K) ,';"K A
.:I';'K"') + nK G
':'p'lIn) ,,"nU'm Tl::ln A, p'::ln BDEFG
"'II»?::I) I»? ADEFG I OKlKl)KU') U'KltlKU' AC, U'lKl)KU' B, U'lKl)U' DFG I "!lnK)"lIn;, ADEFG
.,11 ,m!l'U'T1) ,mmU", ABCDEFG
··I>'OM::I) + ,.,~;, F I ,,,,,,;, 'K] omit A, ",,,;, B
"OnK] omit F I 'K'IKlj'K'U A, 'K'KU BD, "KIKl C, n'KIl::l F, 'Kn'IKl G I
l'::lU"'1 pU'" K::I" A I ;,n'K') ;,n~'::1 A, ;,nK' B, ;,n,~ D, ;,n~, FG, IP') IP'::I BG, Offilt D I
;'~l)"M) M'l) K'~ AD, ;'~'l)K'M B, ;'~l)'M C, ;'~'l)'~ F I ;'lKl)K'~ ;,tl~' G
Immediately when he came up from the water,
the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God coming
down like a dove and it dwelt upon him.
Then behold a voice from heaven was saying: This is my son, my
beloved, he is loved very very much and my pleasure is in him.
Chapter 4
Then Jesus was taken by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be
tempted by Satan.
2 He fasted forty days and forty nights and afterwards was hungry.
3 The tempter drew near and said to him: if you are the Son of God say
that these stones should turn into bread.
.. Jesus answered and said to him: It is written: not by bread alone, etc.
5 Then Satan took him to the holy city, placed him on the highest point
in all the temple
6 and said to him: If you are God, jump down, for it is written: he has
commanded his angels in regard to you to keep you in all your ways,
7 Jesus answered him again: You shall not tempt the Lord your God.
S So Satan took him to an exceedingly high mountain, showed him all
the kingdoms of the earth and their glory
9 and said to him: All these things I will give to you if you bare your
head to me.
10 Then Jesus answered him: Go Satan, that is, Satanas, for it is written:
I will pray to the Lord and him only you will serve.
II Then Satan left him and behold angels drew near to him and (ministered) to him.
12 It came to pass in those days Jesus heard that John had been delivered
up into prison, so he went into Gilgal.
13 He passed by Nazeral and dwelt in Capernaum-Raithah, that is,
Maritima, on the outskirts of the Land of Zebulun,
[MT 4:14-25
~'J1:'1 ':'1'37W' '1,)~W :'11,) 0"i',14
.0'U:'1 "'111":'1 n~ 'J37 0':'1 "1 ',nD1 :'1X'~' l"'Jf :'1X,~IS
:'111 ,,~ m1,)'X r'~J 'JW,' "11 ,,~ ,~, ,W,nJ 0'::J,,:'1:'1 037:'1 16
~", i"D
m::J'1,)W :'1J'WnJ "m ,J",
,'nn:'1 ",~, 1~::J1,)17
.:'1J,'i' O'1,)W
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O:'1'm'1,)::J1,) O'::J',tV1,) ,'n~ :'1tc'''j'71~' Oi'''l?'~~ ~'i'1' 1i"1,)'Q
.0'1"1 ":'1tV O'J
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.,',n~ ,::J," :'137W :'1m~J O:'1'm'1,)::J1,) 'Jf37,,20
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O:'1'm'1,)::J1,) 0'1'::J1,) :'1'l~J O:'1'J~' :'17~";~n i~"7~;! f37'J
W"" ,"W'
.,',n~ ,::J,"
O:'1'J~ n~,
MT 4:14-25]
.om~ ~'j:'"
O:'1'm'1,)::J1,) ,n'l" ":'11,),,22
f37' J,,, 1Jf 0:'1' 'WJ1,)' om,:'1i' 11,)" "'1:'1 r'~ ,~ ,"W' JO,,23
.037J m11,) ,::J, o'"n ,::J ~D'1,)' O'1,)W m::J'1,)1,) i"'''''ll''~1,)
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O'W37,n1,):'1' :'137' m,1,) O'n37Jl:'1' C'1W:'1 C't1n~ O'l'W1,) o'~,n
.om~ ~D'"
~""" C'W",,'1,) "'''1:'1' "'''Di'~ mJ' ,',n~ '::J",25
.11"":'1 'J37'
·,J·':1'Yl£") :1'Yl£" ABEF I K'JJm omit FG
omit AEF
.:11 c'm c' ADEFG I K'P'l£') omit A, K,pJ:1 B, K,pJl£' CDEFG I 1'T.l'O) omit A, l'T.l'l£' BG I
~'O"O) ~'OKO A, ~'O'O BDEFG I :lK""JK')l£'K"'JK' A, :1K"'JK' BCDEFG I C:1'm'T.lJT.l)
C:1'm"T.lJT.l BOG
""C:1,) cmK A C',,"1T.l] C'"", ADEFG C'l£'JK) C'l£'JK:1T.l AG, C'l£'JKT.l BDEF
"21'JJ] omit G I TY'J)TY? ACEF, 'K Ti? OG I 'K1KJT]l£"K'1JT A, 'K1JT BC, '1KJT EF I :l1KJKn)
'K1Jn ADEFG, 'K'1Jn B, K"Jn C I C:1'JK') C:1'JK ABoo, C:1T.lY :"I:"I'JK EF I :"I'JKJ) + C:"IT.lY
.,22":1T.l") + ':"IU', ,mnJ" ,mnJ" G
.,23'K)'J A, 'Y 00 I Cm,:"Ip) cm,':"Ip AB I C:"I'I omit 00 I 'JT C:"I') ,J, AB, omit EF I TY']
TY'J BG I ''''''''J''KT.l) 'KOJ"'''JK'K A 'KT"'''J''K DEG 'KT"'''JK'K F I C'"n] ',n AEF, '"n
""'JT.l) ,J, B, I KO"') 'KO'" B
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"''':''IT.l' A, ",,,:1 G I C'\U1"T.l)
C'\U1"T.l, AB C,~", G I K"") :"I11:"1'T.l, A, :"111:"1" EFG I ,JY1] ,JYT.l, A
U5 nK)
in order to fulfill that which Isaiah the Prophet said:
Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, the way of the Sea, beyond the
Jordan, Galilee of the gentiles.
The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light; those who
dwell in the land of deep darkness a light has shined upon them.
Henceforth Jesus began to preach and to say: Repent for the
kingdom of heaven is near.
Jesus went along the shore of the sea of Galilee and saw two brothers,
Shimon, who is called Simon, also called Petros, and Andrea his
brother casting their nets into the sea because they were fishermen.
He said to them come after me and I will make you fish for men.
So they left their nets in that hour and went after him.
Herturned from there and saw two other brothers, James and John,
brothers who were sons of Zebedeel, that is, Zabadao and Zabadah,
and their father in a boat setting up their nets and he called them.
They hastened and left their nets and their father and followed after
Then Jesus went around the land of Galilee teaching their assemblies
and preaching to them the good gift, that is, mavangeleo, of the
kingdom of heaven and healing all the sick and every disease among
the people.
So a report about him went into all the land Syria and they brought unto
him all those who were sick from various kinds of diseases , those
possessed by demons, those who were terrified by an evil spirit and
those who shook, and he healed them.
Many followed him from Kapoli and Galilee, from Jerusalem, Juda,
and across the Jordan.
[MT 5:1-18
.:::1tll', ,;,;, ?Y', m":::1n;, N'" N';';' nY:::1 m ',nN ,;",1
,','~?n ,? ,:::1"i'"
•'~N? C;"?N ,:::1," "" nn",,2
(.C'~tll m;,?~ C;,?tll m, ,?"tll "tllN)3
•,~nU'tll c';,m;, "tllN4
(.T'N ,tll" C;,tll C'UY;' "tllN)5
•C'i'?N 'N" ;,~;" :::1?;' ';'T "tllN8
.'N'i" C'i'?N 'J:::1tll C,?tll ,,,,,, "tllN9
•C'~tll m;,?~ C;,?tu i'U? C'""J;' "tllNI0
',Y:::1 Y' ?;, C;"?N "~N" C;,nN
'tllN;' C;"'tllNll
C'N':::1J;' ,,,,, 1;'tu C'~tll:::1 ~~ :::1, C;,,;,tlltll ,n~tll' ,tll'tll12
''''1'' ,,,,,,
.,", p'"
?1:):::1' n?~;, CN C?,Y:::1 cnN n?~ ,','~?n? ,"tu' '~N N';';' nY:::1 13
m';,? T,n:::1 ,?tll,'tll N?N C,?;, ;"tll U'N' n?~,' ;'~:::1 '~Y1:)
.C'?l' O~,~
•,nO;'? ?;"n N? ,;,;, ?Y ;"U:::1 "Y .C?,Y:::1 CnN "N~14
C'~'tll~ i" "Nn N?tll ,nOJ C'i'~:::1 ,mN C'tll;,? ,J 'i"?" N?15
.n':::1;' 'J:::1 ?;,? "N;'? ;",~~;, ?Y ,mN
C':::1'1:);' C;"tllY~ CmN';'? C~ ?;, 'J,,? C;"'N~ "N' 1;,16
.C'~tll:::1tll C;":::1N? m':::1;'~' n,n:::1'tll~;,
;",n ,,,;,? 'nN:::1tll ':::1tllnn ?N ,','~?n? ,"tll' '~N N';';' nY:::1 17
.C'?tu;,? N?N
N? nnN ;'''i'J, nnN n'N T'N' C'~tll 'Y ';' C;,? '~'N 'IN n~N:::118
•c"i'n' ?;,;,tll C'N':::1J;'~ 'N ;",n;,~ ?1:):::1n
S,1':2'''P'''!) ,:2.,P" ABDEFG
5:2.,mc?) omit EF
5:JWhole vs] omit Brit. Lib. ms BCDEFG; text = A
5:. vs 4] omit G; placed after vs 5 A I D'"nl'l] D".,:2:1 A
S,5 vs 5] omit Brit. Lib. ms BCDEFG; text = A
5:6 vs 6] omit all mss
5:' vs 7] omit all mss
5:' vs 8] omit G I D'P?K) D'?K A
5:9 D'?W) D1?W:1 G I D'P?K) D'?K A
5:12""JW1) 'nKW1 G I ~"'WW) ~"'W" EF, :2.,n:2 .,'WW G
5:13~?D") ,m'
I :2.,) omit EFG I D'lC':2J:1) + ~J!l?W
A I "'W1'W) n?W1'W A I Tln:2] TIn? AEF I D'?1.,) D'?1.,? ABDEF; omit G
5:15 D'W:t?) D'w? B I '1,'1)'1, DEFG
5:i. 'nK:2W) omit EF I m,n) "!l:1? 'nK:2 K? D'K':2J:1 'K :1."n:1 A + "!l:1? 'nK:2 K? D'K':2J:t1 D
5:11',) omit D I 'W) 'W1D'W'" A; + 'W1DW BCDEFG I mK)'" A I ?1:):2nj ?1:):2nn A I :1."n:1D)
:1."n:1 lD B I D'K':2J:17.l 'K) D'K':2J:1 lD' B I D'K':2J:1D) D'K':2J:1 A
Chapter 5
MT 5:1-18)
It came to pass after this when he saw the crowds that he went upon the
mountain and sat down. Then his disciples (came to) him
2 and he opened his mouth and spoke to them saying:
3 (Blessed are the humble of spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.)
4 Blessed are those who wait for they shall be comforted.
S (Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.)
8 Blessed are the innocent of heart for they shall see God.
9 Blessed are those who pursue peace for they shall be called sons of
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are you when they persecute and revile you and say against
you all kinds of evil for my sake, but speak falsely.
12 Rejoice and be glad for your reward is very great in heaven, for thus
they persecuted the prophets.
13 At that time Jesus said to his disciples: You are salt in the world. If the
salt is neutralized in regard to its taste with what will it be salted? It is
fit for nothing but to be cast outside to be trampled under foot.
14 You are light in the world. A city built upon a hill cannot be hidden.
15 They do not light a lamp to place it in a hidden place where it cannot
shine; but they place it upon a lamp stand so that it might shine for all
in the house.
16 Thus let your light shine before every man to show them your good
deeds which are praised and glorified before your father who is in
17 At that time Jesus said to his disciples: Do not think that I came to annul the Torah, but to fulfill it.
18 Truly I say to you that until heaven and earth (depart) not one letter or
dot shall be abolished from the Torah or the Prophets, because all will
be fulfilled.
[MT 5:19-30
,:1;' 1:1 c',nN '~'N ,tuN "N r"'1~;'~ "N '~N~ ":137' 'tVN,19
.C'~tV rn;:"~:1 N'i" ",,, ,~,~;" C"i'~;" C'~tV rn;:,,~ N'i"
MT 5:19-301
'''~ i"!)
""11 N' CN C;:" '~'N ')N I1~N:1 ""~'11' '''tu' '~N N';';' 1137:1 20
.C'~tv rn;:"~:1 'N':111 N' c'~;:,n;'11 C'tv,,!);,~ ,rn' C;:'I1i"1
N';' :1"n n1" ,tvN' n1'11 N' C')'~'i" '~N)tv ;,~ CI137~tV N,;'21
.rn~ ~!)tv~
N'i" ,tvN' ~!)tu~, N';' :1"n "':1n, O'37;:'~;'tv c;:" '~'N ')N,n
;'~'w ';"N'i" ,tvN' ';'i';':1 ~!)tv~:1 :1"n' rnn!) ,'nN'
.C)';''' tuN' :1"n
N';" 1" ,':1n C37 " ;,';,tu ";:'Trn n:1T~' ,):1,i' :1"i'11 CN,23
,:1, m'N~ ,~~ C37'I1~
:1,i';' ,;:, ,nN' C"i' ,rn1" ", n:1T~;' ')!)' cw ,'):1,i' m;,24
'~37 '11;:":1 ,N)'W rn1" ';'~I1W ;'N' ""~'11' ,"tV' '~N TN 2S
1111' ':137' "'o~' ~!)'tV;, ;,n ~!),tu' ,rnN "o~, 1!) ",:1
.';"0;' 11':1' ,rnN
.;,)"nN ;,~"!) 111)11 '37 CtV~ N111 N' " '~'N ')N I1~N:126
T' P'!)
.~N)11 N' C')'~'i" '~N)W ;,~ CI137~tu C;" '~N "3727
,:1;:' ;,rnN ,,~n', ;'WN ;'N";' ,;:,W C;:" '~'N ')N'ZS
.;':1,:1 ;'~37
.,~~ ;,;:,"turn ;,rnN 'i') 1'~';' ")'37 '11'0' CN,29
"':1N~ ,nN "O!)I1W " :1'~ .;,rnN ,'l1n '" '11'0' CN 1;:,,30
.C)';''':1 ,!),,, ,;:)~
5'''M) + 1tlj;' A I rmlr7.lm.3) m'lr7.l7.l ABCDEFG I 'T1.)'M 'WM] ,7.l'" ABDEFG I ':I:"IPI 1tlj;' P D
I m::l'7.lJ m::l'7.l:I ABDEFG
5,n "':In,) ":In nM EF I tl!lW7.l') tl!lW7.l:I A I :I"n'] :I"n ADO M':"I :I"n BEF I tl!lW7.l:I) tl!lW7.l'
5'2J"::llm) "::llm ABDEFG I 1" ,':In C31) 3 1 2 ABDEFG
5'''''3:I'j;'1. 2l ,3:I'j;' ABDEFG I C"j;' ,mlr"1 2 1 A I '::l] omit ABDEFG I :I'j;':"I) n:I'j;':"I EF
5'25:"1M') mM' ADEFG mM" B I ,M3'WI ,M3'W' A
5'''''lmn)lnn ABDO.1nnW EF I ;m,nM) :"ImnM:"I G
5,21 C'3'7.l'j;"1 omit D
5' 2h 3M') '3M EF I :"IWM] :"IWM' ABDEFG I :"I:I,:I] ,:I,:I BDEFGH
5'29,n'O'] ,n'o:"l EF I "3'311 '3'31 AD I :"ImM] ,mM AB I :"I::l"Wm] ':"I::l"W', A. '::l"Wm B
5'JO,":IM7.l) ,':I'M7.l B. ,":I'M7.l CEF I ?::l7.l] ,::l ':IM'W7.l ABDEFG. ,::l C
He who shall transgress one word of these commandments
(and shall teach) others, shall be called a vain person (in the) kingdom
of heaven; but whoever upho~ds and teaches [them] shall be called
great in the kingdom of heaven.
At that time Jesus said to his disciples: Truly I say to you, if your righteousness is not greater than the Pharisees and the sages, you shall not
enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Have you not heard what was said to those of old: You shall not
murder and whoever murders is guilty of If judgment of death?
But I say to you, he who angers his companion is guilty of judgment;
he who calls his brother inferior shall be guilty of judgment before the
congregation; (he) who calls him a fool is guilty of the fire of Gehenna.
If you should otTer your gift at the altar and remember that you have a
quarrel with your companion and he is complaining about you because
of this matter,
leave your gifts there before the altar and go to appease him first and
afterwards offer your gifts.
Then Jesus said to his disciples: See that you hasten to appease your
enemy while you are walking with him in the way lest he deliver you to
the judge and this judge delivers you to the servant to put you into
the prison.
Truly I say to you, you will not come out from there until the last piece
of money is given.
Again he said to them: You have heard what was said to those of long
ago: You shall not commit adultery.
But I say to you that everyone who sees a woman and covets her has
already committed adultery with her in (his) heart.
If your right (eye) seduces you, put it out and cast it from you.
Also, if your hand seduces you, cut it otT. It is better for you to
sutTer the loss of one of your limbs than all your body in Gehenna.
[MT 5:31-44
n'" i"!:l
:my;, ,:nv C'J'~'i" '~KJtv ;,~ cnY~tv ,','~,n, ,"tv' '~K "y31
.';'T-!!:l" 7"'~" tY'~' mn',~ ~l ;" nn, n,tv, ,ntvK
CK ,~ mn',~' ~l ~, nii,'" tv' ,ntvK ~nY;, ,~tv C~, '~'K 'JK,32
.~KJ' ;,mK ni"';" ~K1J;' K';' ~'KJ ,~, 'Y
~", i"!:l
~'tvm 'i'tv, ,~tv~ 'Y~tvn K' C'J'~'i" '~KJtv ;,~ cnY~tv "y33
.,nY,~tv ";"
KO~tv c'~tv~ K' K'tv, l"JY C,tv~ Y~tv;, 'n,~, C~, '~'K 'JK,34
.K';' C'i"K
.K';' C'i"K ,'Ytv C'~tv~ K' K';' "'l' c,,;,tv r'K~ K,,35
."ntv 'K
"K ,Ytv mtvY, ,~,n K'tv 'tvK'~ K,,36
.Y, K';' m 'Y ~01J;' ,~ .K' K' Cl' 1;' 1;' c~,,~, ";" '~K37
.ltv nnn ltv l'Y nnn l'Y ;",n~ '~KJtv ;,~ cnY~tv "y,38
l'~';' ,'n,~ ;,~~;, '~K Y' nnn Y' C,tv 'n,~, c~, '~'K 'JK,39
.'K~tv;, " l~;'
."'Y~ "'K ~nY "Jn~ ,'U" ~!:ltv~~ '~Y i'"n, ;'J,' ,tvK,40
.C"!:l'K '~Y " mY'O!:l ~'K '~Y "" ,mK 'Ktv' ,tvK,41
.YJ~n 'K ,~~
;'J,,;', " In ,~~ 'K,tv;,42
"~ P'!:l
n~;'K' C'J'~'i" '~KJtv ;,~ cnY~tv ,','~,n, ,"tv' '~K "yc
.,KJ'tv' KJtvm '~;"K'
C~O'Y~~' C~KJ'tv' ;,~,~ ,tvY, C~'~"K '~;'K c~, '~'K 'JK,44
C~'JM1" C~'!:l'" ,,~tv~ '''!:In;,,
MT 5:31-44)
503' C'1'7.l'P'] C'7.l"p' DEFG I n,1V1) " ll1' AEFH, n'll1' COG I nn,) omit OG I :t,] omit A I
vs 32 mn"J • . . vs 31 mn"J) vs 32 vs 31 (hap) F I ",:1" T" ADO, T":1 BE I
T":1') omit HI"'''!)'') ':lUl" " A, ",It"!),, E
5032 mn"J
'11t') omit F (hap. see vs 31) I ,Jll1),J GH I mn"J . . • ll1'] omit A I Cit) omit
5:33 "Y) ,7.l1t B I It,) It" EF I 1ny,:1ll1) CJny,:1ll1 EF
5:3< c,p,ltj C,,1t A, C':t,1t G I It':t) C:t ABDEFGH
5:35 It,,] It, BD I C'~ll1) C"ltlI1 G I 1t,:t)It':t BDEFG I C'7.lll1:1] C,ll1,,':1 ABEFG I C'P'lC) C':t,lC
A I It,:t . . . C'7.lll1:1) omit (hap) D
5:16 lC"]lC' ABEFG; omit (hap. see vs 35) D I lC'll1)lC' 'J G
5:J7Beginning] + lC':t C,p,1t ,'Yll1 C"ll1"':1lC' D I CJ',:1,] CJ,:1, A I C:l')'lC ADEF, omit BG
I lC' lC') 'lC' 'lC' BEF I mj :tT:t D
5'31"y,) "Y H I nnn 11l1) omit (hap) EF
5' :tJ7.l:t) :tJ7.l' ABDEFGH I nnn Y') omit (hap) OGH I lJ:t]ln G
5''''ll1lC') ClC' C I 1'1nJ) 11mJ A, 11,nJ B, 11nJ COGH, 1mnJ EF I ",It) " B, :tmlC H
5""lCll1'] OUlc' ABDEFG I 1"') nJ" ABOG
5,44'1lC'] '11t B I CJ':1"lCj CJ:1"lC' A I CJ'llm" . . . ,1l1Y,) omit BDEFG I :t:1U') :1,!' A I C::llC1'll1')
CJ'lt1'll1' H I ,':1ll1:1) ~:1 A I CJ'!),,) CJ!)", A I C::l'llm,,) CJllm" A
Again Jesus said to his disciples:
You have heard what was said to those of long ago that everyone who
leaves his wife and divorces [her] is to give her a bill of divorce, that is,
libela repudio.
And I say to you that everyone who leaves his wife is to give her a bill
of divorce. But concerning adultery, he is the one who commits adultery and he who takes her commits adultery.
Again you have heard what was said to those of long ago: You shall
not swear by my name falsely, but you shall return to the Lord your
But I say to you not to swear in vain in any matter, neither by heaven
because it is the throne of God,
nor by earth because it is the footstool of his feet, nor by (Jerusalem)
because it is the city of God,
nor by your head for you are not able to make one hair white or black.
But let your words be yes yes or no no. Everything in addition to this
is evil.
Again you have heard what is said in the Torah: An eye for an eye, a
tooth for a tooth.
But I say to you, do not repay evil for evil; but he who smites your
right cheek provide for him the left.
He who wishes to oppose you in judgment and to rob your shirt,
leave to him your garment.
He who asks you to go with him a thousand steps, go with him two
To him who asks from you give and from him who wishes to borrow
from you do not hold back.
Again Jesus said to his disciples: You have heard what was said to
those of long ago that you shall love the one who loves you and hate
the one who hates you.
But I say to you, love your enemies and do good to the one who hates
you and vexes you and pray for those who persecute you and oppress
[MT 5:45-6:8
C'31" c':m~ 'i31 'W~W n"T~tu C'~W:JW C~':JN 'J:J ,';,n 131~'i45
.C'i",J, C'31tu, 'i31 ,,~~~,
1C~'i ,~W m'N C~':JmN ':J;'Nn CN46
1C;":J;"N C':JmN C'J!) 'T31 N'i;,
.C~':JN cn 'WN~ c';,'~n CnN ";,48
,tu31n CN' C~nN 'i'i;,'i C'N;' 'J!)'i C~ni"J 'W31n l!) "~tu;'l
.C'~W:Jtu C~':JN nN~ ,~tu c~'i ;";" N'i
n,~ ":J31;''i 'J,n N'i ;'V'J ,tu31n 'WN~ Y'W' c;,'i '~N "312
O'l?N'i?;!)'~ T31'i:J C'!)Jn;, ,~~ C~'J!)'i m'J'Jm
'J:J CmN 'N"W '31:J C'P"W:J, m:J,n':J Cnp'J C'W'31tu
.C,~tu ,'i:Ji' ':J~W c~'i '~'N 'IN l~N .C'N
'J'~' ;,tu31' ;,~ ,'iN~W 31" 'iN ;'i"J ;'W31n 'tuN~ cnN,3
.,'i c'iw' m,nOJ;' ;'N";' ,':IN' ,no:J 'Jn~ m';,'i4
'i'i' ,~',n 'iN ,'i'i!)nnW ;'31W:J ",'~'in'i y'tu' '~N N';';' n31:J5
m'OJ~ 'n:J:J 'i'i!)n;,'i C':JmN;' C':JJ31:"1 C'!)Jn~ ,';,n 'iN'
.C'N 'J:J ,n:Jw', '31~tu'W m;":J:l:J c''i'i!)n~, m'Jn 31'Ji'~:J'
.C,~tu ,'i:JP ':J~W c~'i '~'N 'IN l~N
,':IN'i 'i'i!)nm ,'31:J ,'n'i, 'uo, ':J~w~'i N:J ,'i'i!)n;':J ;,nN,6
.,'i c'iw' ,no:J :"IN";' ,':IN' ,no:J
c':Jw,n C'J'~;'W ,~~ C',:J, ':J,n 'iN ,,,!)nn 'tuN~ CnN"
.C'31~W' C',:J, :J,,:Jtu
nJ~~ ,'iNwnw C"i' C~":J' rn' C'~W:Jtv C~':JNW 'N,n 'iN CnN's
5,45 Beginning] + J,,, 'lUY' C'~lUJlU CJ'J~ ']J win 'Y~?
CJ'lm?, CJ'O", ?'JlUJ ,"on:'l' CJO'YJ~' CJ'~]'lU? (Oit) BOEFG I
C'Y" C'J,,,) ':l'J,,,:'I ?Y1 c'y,:'I G I ""~~'] "tl~~:'1 A
5'''CJ'J:'I'~] CJJm~ AC I 'JlU] + :'1':'1' A I C'J:'I'~] + n~ G I C:'I'J:'I'~J C:'IJm~ A
5,47 vs 47] omit all mss
5,.. C':'I'~n) c'~'~n ABCOEFG
,,' ']O?] ']'Y? A, ']0 ?Y B
,,' 'lU'] cn~, ABOEF, CnY~lU cn~, G I TY?J) TY? A I O'tl~'P'O'K]lU~tl"P'O'~ A, lU'tl"P'O'~
BOG, "'P'!)'~ EF I '~"lUl ''TJJ'lU ABC(?)OEFG I C1K) C1K:'I G
""ll1~) 'l1ln~ ABOEFG
,,5,lU') YlU':'I' EF I C'JU:'I) omit C I Y11p~J'] 'Y11p~J' ABO I ,nJlU" 'Y~lU'lU) C",~ '~"lU
ABEF, ,,,,~ '~"lU' OG I C1K] C1K:'I OG
""JJlU~?J JJlU~? B I ,'n,,) ,n?, B I ,'YJ) omit A I "J~?] + C'~lUJlU G
,,7 C'Y!:IlU') "Y'!:IlU' A
"',~,n) C:'I? ,~,n AB(?)EF, C:'I? ,~,n OG I CJ',J,) CJ,J, A I C11P) + '''On:'llU EF I '?~lUnlUl
'?~lU'" EF
MT 5:45-6:8)
or er that you might be sons of your father
who is .in hea~en who causes his sun to shine on the good and evil and
causes It to ram on the bad and the just.
If you love those who love you what is your reward? Do not the
impudent love those who love them?
Be you (perfect) as your father is perfect.
Chapter 6
I Be~are lest. you do your righteousness before men that they might
praise you; If you do, you will have no reward from your father who
is in heaven.
2 Again Jesus said to them: When you do righteousness do not
wish to make a proclamation or [sound] trumpets before you as the
hypocrites, that is, ipocrates, who do their righteousness in the
streets and in the marketplaces in order that men might see them.
3 Truly I say to you, they have received their reward already.
But you when you do righteousness, let not your left hand know what
your right hand is doing,
4 in order that your gift might be in secret and your father who sees
hidden things will reward you.
$ At that time Jesus said to his disciples: When you pray do not raise your
voice and do not be like the sad hypocrites who love to pray in the
synagogues and in the comer of the courtyards and pray with haughty
speech that men might hear and praise them. Truly I say to you they
have received their reward already.
6 But you, when you pray, go to your couch, close your doors upon you,
and pray to your father in secret, and your father who sees in secret will
reward you.
7 So you, when you pray, do not multiply words as the heretics who
8 think that by the multitude of words they will make them heard.
Do you not see that your father who is in heaven knows your words
before you ask from him?
[MT 6:9-23
1?Jtv tv,pn' 'J':::lN "'Dnn 1~,9
•Y'N:::l' C'?Jtv:::l "tv37 :1':1' 1J'X' 1m~'?J 1':::ln,,10
.n"'?Jn u?Jn, 1nml l
,J, C'N~,n, C"M1?J 'JnJN 'tvN~ U'nN~n ,J, "n?J,12
•1?JN 37' '~?J ,J',?Jtv, 1"OJ "" 'IN':::ln 'N,13
.C~'mJ'37 C'?JW:::lW C~':::lN "n?J' C:1'mJ'37 C~ 'J:::l, "n?Jn CN14
•C~, C~'mJ'37 C~, "n?J' N' C:1, "n?Jn N' CN,I!
C'N'?JW C':::lX37:1 C'DJn~ ":1n 'N '?J,xn 'WN~' C:1, '?IN "3716
'IN 1?JN C'N 'J:::l, cm?Jx mN':1' C:1'JD C'JW?J, C':::lX37 C?JX37
•C,~tv ,,:::lj? ':::l~tv C~, '?J'N
C~'tvN' ,xn, C~?J'X:::l cnN,17
N':1W 1':::lN' ,nO:::l N':1W 1':::lN N'N C'N 'J:::l, C'J37n?J 'N,n N'W I8
.1' c'w' ,nO:::l
'''~ i?'D
:::lj?' 'J'~N'W ,,~ T'N:::l m'X'N ,,:::lX, ':::l,n 'N C:1, '?IN "37 19
•c':::ln', C':::ln:1 "Dn' 'N :137"n,
C'~N' N' :137"m :1?J',tv C'j??J:::l C'?JW:::l m'X'N C~, ,tv3720
•':::In', "Dn' N' C':::lJl:1tv C'j??J:::l,
.Ctv 1'X'N :1':1'tv C'j??J ,n'N:::lZI
.1'Wn' 1D'1 ,:::l '~':::l' n~'J' 1'J'37 CN 1'37'37 1Dl1 "J,n
•c'~,wn ":1' 1'~" ,~ 1'wn?J 1:::lW "N:1 CN,23
609U':1lC) + C'7Jll1:1ll1 A I '7Jll1) omit DO I vrpn') vrpn:'l EF
"" ',ll1Y) :'I',ll1Y D
"II n'''7Jn . . . 1nm]U; C":'I1n '"r.m '37Jn; A, '3; C":'I 1n n'''7Jn '3'7Jn; B,
U; C":'I 1n '''7Jn '3'7Jn; D, U; C":'I 1n n"'7Jn U7Jn; EF I 1nm) omit G I
U7Jn;)U'7Jn; C I n.,,7Jn) + U; C":'I G
"UU;'] omit ABDEFG
"u'3lC':1n)U'lC':1n B I U"7J~IU'7J~ ADE
"""'M1Jn) ,;n7Jn ABDEFG I Q:1'nmy • . • Q:1':1lC) C:l; G
" •• C:1?) omit G I Q:1?'] nlC ABD, omit EF I Q:1; C:l'nmlC) omit G
"" 'ZllC) omit A I ,ll1lC:l') ,ll1lC:l EF I C':1JY) C':1tIY B I C'3ll17J') C'3ll17J;' D I cm7JJ) cm7J'J
ABFG, en7J'J DE I ,;:1P] + nlC A
.,11 Q:17J,J:1] Q:1'7J,J:1 C
.,11 ":1lC) ":1lC; ABDEFG I ,n0:1 ] + lC':'I A I K':'Ill1 ]K':'I F
" .. C:l;) omit H
"" mp7J) mp7J:'I A I Cll1) + ':1'; K:'I' A, ,:1; :'1':'1' BDEFG
"13"3') '3' AB I "3'Y'] ,3'Y A, omit EF, "3'" G I "ll1n' . . • ;:1) ":'IT' 'D'~ ;:l ABCDEFG
.,23 Beginning] + "ll1n'
;:l ':'I:l ,'3'Y DlC' ABDEFG, + "ll1n' 'D'~ ;:l 'K; DlC' C I ,'ll1n7J]
"ll1n' ABCDEFG I C':l'll1n . . . ;:l) ,':l" ;:l ":'1' C':lll1n7J ABDEFG
MT 6:9-23)
But thus yo~ shall pray: Our father, may your name be sanctified;
may your kingdom be blessed; may your will be done in heaven and
on earth.
II O'Ive our bread contInually.
12 F '
orgIve us our SInS as we forgive those who sin against us
1 3 ·
and do not lead us Into the power of temptation but keep us' from all
evil, amen.
14 If you. forgive men their sins your father who is in heaven will forgive
your SInS.
IS But if you do not forgive them he will not forgive you your sins.
16 Again he said to them: When you fast do not be as the sad hypocrites
who make themselves appear sad and who change their faces to show
their fasting before men; truly I say to you, they have received their
reward already.
17 But you when you fast, wash your heads
18 ~h~t you might not appear to men to be fasting, but (to) your father who
IS In secret, and your father who is in secret will reward you.
19 A
. he sal'd to them: Do not keep on heaping up treasures on earth so
20 that decay and the grub devour it or thieves dig through and steal them.
Make for yourselves treasures in heaven where the worm and the grub
21 do not devour them and where thieves do not dig through and steal.
22 In the place where your .treasure is (there will be your heart).
The lamp of your body IS your eyes. If your eyes look straight ahead
your body shall not be dark.
23 (!f your ~ye~ ~ow dim your whole body will become dark;) and if the
hght which IS In you becomes dark, all your ways will be dark.
[MT 6:24-7:5
'JW' "~37' W'l( ,~" l(' ,','~,n, ,"w' '~l( l(';';' n37~24
,nl(" ,~~, ,nl(' 'l( ~;'l(' "l(;" l(JW' ,nl(;' Cl( ,~ C'J"l(
.C"37;" 'l(;' "~37' ,,~,n l(' m~'
W'~'~~ l(" C~'mWDJ' '~l(~' Ul(,n l('W C~, '~'l( 'Jl( 1~'2S
.W'~'~;'7,) Z'lU;', 1'T~;'~ ;"i" WDJ;'W C~DU'
'DOl(' l(" ,,'Xi" l(" '37"T' l(' 'Wl( C'~W;' Z'l'37~ ,,~no;'26
?C;,~ C"i" Cnl( l(';' C~nl( ,~,~~ 1"'37;' C~'~l(' m'X'l(
?nnl( ;'~l( ,n~,i'~ Z'l'O,;', ,~"w C'll(";'~ C~~ '~27
.w~,n;, 1i~"'~~ T37' 1"W;' n,x~n 'l(' w,~,~ Ul(,n ;,~ '37 ~"l(28
.,m~~ tV~,,'~
l(' ",~~ ,~~ ;'~'w "~;'w c~, '~'l( 'Jl(,29
;,w~, ,n~, ;,n, C";' 'Wl( 1i"'~ T37' ni~i'~ 'l(WJ;' 1~n Cl('JO
.;'J~l( 'J~i'~ ,JnJl( W"~ ;,ml( W'~'7,) 'l(;' ,un~ ;,ml( C'~'W~'
;,nWJ ;,~, '~l(J ;,~ ,~" Ul(,n 'l( C~~ ~,wn' 'l(;'W ~"l(,31
.C'~"X cnl( ;"l( ,~w C~'~l( 37"" .C'Wi'~7,) C'DU;' ;"l( '~W32
.c~, 'JnJ' C"~';' ;"l( ,~, mi"X' C'i"l( m~,~ C"i' 'Wi'~33
.,n,x~ C", " " u~~ Ul(" ,n~ c,'w ,n~ C", 'll(,n 'l(34
MT 6:24-7:5)
'''~ i"D
.u"n 1D u',n 'l(l
.c~, ",~, ",~n ;,,~ ;'T'l(~' 'J"n 1" m'l(~2
?"J'37~W ;"'i' ;'l(,n l(" ,n"T 1'37~ wj? 'l(,n ;,~,,3
;'J;' ,'J'377,) wj? l('X'l(' "37T " ,n~ ,n,n, '~l(n "l(,4
Wj?;' l('x,n
~"nl(' "J'37~
,"J'37~ ;"j?;'
;"'j?;' C"j? l('x,n Z'lJn;,s
.,n"T 1'37~
6'''''''::Iy,2) + me A I ,nl<"] ,nl<' ,I< D I ,::I:l'] + 1<, B I 'I<il) + Ill< A, ,1<::1 G
6'25P') 11~1<::1 EF I I<,lt') 1<, A I It''::I'~::I]lt''::I'::1 A I C:llm,) omit B, C:l'mllU' EF I It''::I'~il~l
It''::I'il~ A
6,26'llOI<'] ilon' DO I m'lI'l<] m'lI'I<' ABDEF, m'lI'l<::1 G I C:llll<) CI<,I< ABDEFG
6mC:l::l) Cil::l EF I '11~'P::Il '11~'p,y EF I llnl<) ,nl< G
6'''1''')') "", A, 1""). BC, 1"'). DO, omit EF I It'~,nilJ 11).,,1<, il"O ilJ'1< il").il::l ABDFG
6,29 'JI<,) 'J'I<, B I 'i11~:l] i11~:l ADEFG
6,30 m~p::I] r'~::1 EF I TY'] TY'::1 B I iln,) iln', A I ,n~,) ,n~" A I C'~'lt'~']l'~'lt'~' B I ,JnJl<]
6'13'lt'P::I) '~"P::I DO I C'P'I<] C',I< A, C'il'l< G
6,34 Beginning) + l:l' ABDEFG I ,),1<,'] ),1<,' ADEF, ),1<" B
7"U"I1] 'J"11 DO
7'2m'l1 ••. ilT'I<::I] omit B (hap) I ilT'I<::I') ilT'I<::1 E I "'~') ",~, ABCDEFG
7'3'1<'111 ill<'l1 BEF I il"P) C"P C
7"'11'''') ,Y" EF I ilJil) ilJi11 ABDEFG
7"1<'11111') 1<1I'il AD, l<'lI'il EFG I "J'Y~) ,'J'Y::Ilt' DEFG I :l"nl<'l ,nl<' DEFG I
l'Y~ It'Pil] omit G I '11'''] '11'''~ G
At that time Jesus said to his disciples:
No one is able to serve two masters except he hates the one and loves
the other, or he honors the one and despises the other; you cannot serve
God and the world.
Therefore I say to you: do not be anxious for the food for your souls
nor for the clothing for your body, because the soul is more precious
than food and the body than clothing.
Behold the birds of the sky which sow not nor reap nor gather into
barns, but your exalted Father feeds (them). Are you not more precious
than they?
Who among you of those who are anxious is able to add to his height
one cubit?
If this is the case, why are you anxious for clothes? Behold the lilies of
Sharon, that is, "Gilyon," (in growing they neither spin nor weave).
But I say to you that King Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like
If God clothes the straw which is left in the standing grain, that is,
penon, which is fresh today and tomorrow is dried up and is placed into
the oven, so much the more [will he clothe] (you) who are little of
If God so thinks of you, do not be anxious saying what shall we eat
and what shall we drink,
32because all these things the bodies seek. But your Father knows that
you need all these things.
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these
things will be given to you.
Do not be anxious for tomorrow because tomorrow will be anxious for
itself. Sufficient for itself is today with its trouble.
Chapter 7
Judge not lest you be judged.
With what judgment you judge and with what measure you use, it
will be measured to you.
Why do you see the straw in the eye of the other person but not see the
beam in your own eyes?
How is it that you say to the other person: Wait for me a while and I will
cast the straw out of your eyes, (and) behold the beam is in your own
Hypocrite, first cast the beam out of your eyes and afterwards you will
cast the straw out of the eye of your fellowman.
T":J P'!)
')!); C:J')!) '1,)'W1'1 ;N' C':1;:J; W'j:' 'W:1 ')1'11'1 ;N C:"I; '1,)N "376
.C:J1'1N 37"j:'; :"ImN "Tn', C:J')'37; :"ImN U1,)O,:J' 1!) ,'Tn
.C:J; ,n1'1!)" 'j:'!)' 'N11,)m 'Wj:':1 c:J; 11'1)" ;N:"I1,) ';NW7
•n1'1!)' N"j:';' N11,)' 'fllj:':1' 'WN;' ;:1j:" ;N,tzm ;:J8
't1:1N ,; 11'1" cn; O,,!); ')1,)1,) U:1 Wj:':1'W C:J:1 '1,)9
'tWM:l 11'1" l' tvj:':1' CN 'N10
c:J')!); m:1'~ m)1'11,) 1'11'1; 'N':11'1 C'37' c:Jm':"I C37 C1'1N CN'U
•,'wj:':11,); :1'~:"I
11'1'W C'1,)W:1tv C:J':1N tv":J
'i~" ilin, 1'1NT C:"I; 'W37 C'N '):1 c:J; 'W37''fll '1'1'1W :"11,) ;:J,12
n":J j?'!)
l":1N:"I '37WW '1:"1 '37W:1 'N:1 "'1,);1'1; ,"tv' '1,)N N':"I:"I 11,)T:1 13
•:"1:1 C':J;,:"I C':1" :"1;'11,)' :1n,
C'~371,)' c"n; ''''fll1,):''1 "':"1 ,:1:J, '1 '37W:"I :"I1,):J14
.:"ImN C'N1'1,):"I
MT 7:6-18)
'1,)1 'W,:1;1,):1 C:J; C'N:1:"1 'j:'tv:"l 'N':1)1,) ":"IT:"I C:"I; '1,)N "3715
.C'!)"~ C':1NT C:J,1'11,)W 1N1; C'1,)"
11,)' C':1)37 C'1'j:':"1 11,) C'N ~'j:';':"1 C,,':J1'1 C:"I'W371,):1,16
'tC')N1'1 C')'j:',:1:"1
•37' ,,!) :"I'fll37' 37' y37 ;:J, :1'~ ,,!) :"I'fll37' :1'~ y37 ;:JW I7
mW37; ;:J,' N; 37' Y37' 37' ,,!) mW37; ;:J,' N; :1'~:"I Y37,18
.:1'~ ,,!)
"'0;"] + ,I,U' A I VTP] ~P BD I C::l'J!l] C::lJ'J!l AEF, C::l'J'J!l BDOH I
"Tn] C"'TM A, C"'Tn;, H I U~O'::l'j '~O'::l' ADOH, ;'J~O'::l' EF I ;,mlC'] omit EF, cmlC H
C::l'J,y,j C;"1'::1 A, O::lJ'Y, C I ;,n'lC2 ] omit ADEFG
"'lnJ"] In', A
""'::IP'] ,,::IP' G I K"P"]lC"P" B
"'O"!l'] + " ABDEFG
,,10 In',] + " A
"II'lC'::Inj 'lC::In AEF, 'lC'::In DO I C::l'J!l'] C::lJ::I, A, C::l'J::I, BDEFG I ::Inm) ;'::I,tm ABDEFG
".2 ',::1,,] "!lO' EF
"I3'lC::I] 'K'::1 G I 'Im ;,r;, EF I ;"'I~'] ;"'O~' A, ;"I~ DEFG I C'::I,,] n'::I;" EF
".4'1 ,Yl,Um 21 ABDEFG I 'I:J::l,] T.I::l ;,~:n ABDEFG 1'''I,U~m 'I,U'~;' AG, 'I,U"~;' BDEF
;,mK] ,mlC ABDEFG
".5'~I) '~I;' ABDEFG I C::l,n~I,U) C::l,n::lI,U ABDEFG
"·'1~]1'::1 G
'017 Y' "!l] omit D
',.Iy, . . . ::I,tJ;' ry,] omit C (hap) I ry,'] rym EF I y,1.2] y,;, G
Again he said to them:
Do not give holy flesh to dogs nor place your (pearls) before swine lest
(they) chew (them) before you and turn to rend you.
Ask from God and it will be given to you, seek and you will find,
knock and it will be opened to you.
Everyone who asks will receive, by the one who seeks it will be found,
and to the one who calls it will be opened.
Who is there among you whose son asks him for a piece of bread and
he gives him a stone?
Or if he should ask for a fish, he gives (him) a snake?
But if you being evil come to place good gifts before yourselves,
so much the more your father who is in heaven will give his good spirit
to those who seek him.
Everything you wish that men should do to you, do to them; this is the
Torah and the words of the prophets.
At that time Jesus said to his disciples: Enter in the narrow gate because
the gate of destruction is wide and deep and many are going
through it.
How narrow is the gate and grievous the way (that leads straight) to life
and few are those who find it.
Again he said to them: Beware of false prophets who come to you in
wool clothing like sheep, but inside are tearing wolves.
By their deeds you will know them. Does a man gather grapes from
thorns or figs from briars?
Every good tree makes good fruit and every bad tree makes bad fruit.
The good tree cannot make bad fruit
nor can the bad tree make good fruit.
[MT 7:19-8:3
'tVK;' :n~ ,,!) ;,tv37' K' 'tVK T37
.o,,';,n O;"tv37~:J ,,,, O",!);, 1;,,20
l'3t' ;,tv'37;' ':JK O'~tv m;"~:J K:J' K' ')"K "K '~'K;' ,;,tv21
.0'~tV m;"~:J 0);" O'~tv:Jtv ':JK
UK:J) ,~tV:J K';' ')"K ')"K K';';' O,':J "K O"~'K 0':J,22
1,)'tv37 ,~tv '37 m:J' mmK' ,)nK3t';, o"tv ,~tv:J'
.1'K "37'!) ,;, ')~~ "'0 o;,nK 'n37" K' 0"37~ 0;" '~K TK,23
MT 7:19-8:3)
tv'K' ;,~" omK ;,tv'37' "K O',:J, 37~'tV;, ,;, 0;" '~K "37 24
.37'0:J n':J ;'):Jtv o;,n
.1:JK ,,'O'tV '!)' "!)' K" ,mK mtV'j:'~ mm,m "'37 OtV,,;,
;'):J ,tvK ;,~,tV tV'K' ;,~" OtV37' K" ;"K ',:J, 37~'tv;,
.',n;, '37 ,n':J
.;""" ;,'!)~ ,!),) ';""!)" O'~'T 'K':J" o'~tV" "",27
:J"~ o';,~n ";' 037;' ,;, "K 0":1' ':J'~ ;";' ,"tV'tV "37:J,28
•o'~;,n;, 'Ktv;, K'tv ",,, n;':J 0;" tv", ;";'tV ,!),29
K'" P'!)
.,',nK m:J' m":Jm ,;,;, ,~ ,"tv' ", 'tVK;' ,;",1
."K nK!)" ,;"n OK "'K '~K' " ;,mntV" K:J ,nK 37"3t~ ;,);,,2
;,mK:J' ,;,~ntV ')K ;,3t" '~K' ,:J 37"" ", nK ,"tV' ~,,3
.,n37'3t~ 37"3t~;, ,;,~) ;'37tV
,,19 1WN:J] omit A, WN:3 BDEFG
,,20 C"1D:l) C'1:lJ' C"D:::I A
I 'l1W'] 'l'1W' BD
'7:l'Nil] '7:l'N G I C'7:lW ••. 7:::1N] omit B (hap) I 7:::1N] + 7:l DEFG I m:l77:l:::l 2] + ':::IN G I
C'7:lW 2 ] omit A, C'7:lW:::IW G
,,22 C"7:l'N] "7:lN' ABDEFG I '7Nj'7 EF I UN:::IJ] "n:::lJ EF I C"W] omit C I 'JnNlnil] 'JNlnil
"23'7:lN] '7:l'N ABDEFG
1,. . n':::I] ,n':::I ABCDEFGH
,,23 ,mN] ,:::1 AH
,,26 CWlI'] ilWlI' EF
,,2' 'N':::I"] 'N:::I" ACDEFG I C'7:l1t 'N':::I"] omit H I 'il'7'D"] m7'D" H I 7DU] 7DJ' ABCDEFG
omit H
""':::I~ il'il 'W'W] 'W' ':::I~ il'ilW EF I C',:::I,] C":::I'il AH I '7N] il7Nil AH, '7Nil BD I
"il ClIil 7:l] 3 1 2 H I "il ClIil] omit C I :::I,,7:l] 7"17:l ABCDEFGH
"29'D7] + N'ilW ABDEFG I Cil7 W"'] 2 I A
Id 'W'] + "ltUil A I 'ilill7:l] 'ilil7:l G
"2,nN] omit B I mnnW"] m,nnw', D I CN] + illt,n A I nND'7] mND'7 B
,,3 'IN] omit G I ilmN:::I'] ilmN:::I DEF I lI"lt7:lil] + 1iltm A, + 'iltm U7:l7:l BDEFG
Every tree which does not make good fruit
(is burned in the fire).
Therefore it is according to fruits, that is, by their deeds,
you will know them,
Because not everyone who says unto me, Lord, will enter the kingdom
of heaven but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven
will enter the kingdom of heaven.
M any WI'II say to me In
. that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in
your name and in your name cast out demons and do many signs in
your name.
Then I will say to them: I never knew you. Depart from me all you
workers of iniquity.
Again he said to them: Everyone who hears these words and does
them is like a wise man who built (his) house on a rock.
The rain came down against it and the winds beat it and it did not fall
because its foundation was a ro-ek.
Everyone who hears these my words and does not do them is like a
foolish man who built his house upon the sand.
The rains came down, the floods came and fell against it, (and it fell)
with a great fall.
While Jesus was speaking these words all the people were greatly astonished at his conduct,
because he was preaching to them with great power, not as the rest of
the sages.
Chapter 8
It came to pass when Jesus came down from the mountain that a
great crowd [came] after him.
Then behold a leper came and worshipped him saying: Lord, are you
able to heal me?
Jesus stretched forth his hand and touched him saying: I wish that you
be cleansed, and in that hour the leper was cleansed from his leprosy.
[MT 8:4-16
:1'"P:"I' 1:"1~' ", C-m, ''In lD " "~W:"I ,"W' "'N "~N,,4
.c~n."n:1 :"IW~ :"Itlt "WN~ ,'):1.,V
:1'" p.,D
" l)nn', mN~:"I .,W "'N N:1" :"In.,~:"1 c,m "D~:1 'N':1~ ':"1,,5
:"Il't;'7"Nj'~ TY':1 r"~:"1 '"n~ 'n':1:1 :1~'W '):1 '),-m "~N,6
.:"I'n~:"I~ ,n,nn~,
,':"IND.,N' ,'N ')N ,"W' "N "~N,,7
N'N 'll nnn N:1nW "N., ,)'N "'N " "~N" mN~:"I .,tv ly,,8
.ND.", "~'N ."antv
C':1~'''' C'W.,D' C'W''''D ", nnn n,w~~ " w', N",n C-m ')N,9
.,tvY', :"IT 'WY ',:1Y" N:1" N:1 "" " C:"I~ "N' ')N "~'N'
N' C~, "~'N ')N l~N "~N ".,nN C'N:1" :"I~n', ,"W' ~~W,,10
.'N"W':1 :"I"'l :"I)'~N 'nNJ~
,nu', :1"Y~~' n"T~~ C':1., 'N':1'W C~, ')N "~'N:"I '~11
C'~W m~'~:1 :1pY' CY, pnJ' CY, C:"I.,:1N CY
.C~~W p!J;!m '~~ :"1':"1' CW, C)':"Il '~Wn~:1 u, W' m~,~:"1 '):1,12
." :"IWY' n)~N:"I .,tvN~' " mN~:"I
,,'tv' "~N,,13
.N':"I:"I nY:1 "Y):"I ND.,),
l'" p.,D
.nn,V~ n:1~'W ,n)mn ;"1):"1' O,"""'D n':1' ,"W' N:1 N':"I:"I nY:1
.':"In.,wm cpm .nn,p:"l :"I:1TY" :"I'" Yl,,15
'''~N~:1 C'ND.", C"W:"I 'nnN "'N 'N:1" :1.,Y:"I ny, ':"1,,16
ND'" '"n:"l ,~, ,:1,
MT 8:4-16J
". J"Pil?) J'Pil1 ABDEFG I ,'JJ'P) ,JJ'p ABDEFG
1'5'K'J:I) 'K'JJ ACDG I iln'7.)il) iln7.)'il AEF
I" '?,n7.)) + t,lil G I T'l':lil] T"':lil A I ri?J) TV, ACDEFG I ilT'II1?K"!l) 'P'tlK?'!l A, ilK'II1?K'!l
B, ilK'lI1?K"!l OO(?) I U'II1K?K"!l EF
1,7 '?K) "?K ABCDEFG
1,11Y"] + "?K G I ,?] omit G I ,J'K) 'J'K ABDEFG
I,t nnnj nnm ABDEF I C'J:I", , • . C'lI11"!l] C'lI11!l ABDEF I CilZl] omit A I
""] + ,nK" ABD, 'mK?' EF I ill] omit BEF
" .. ilZln', '111') 'ZlK., G I lZlK 'ZlK] omit EF I lZlK] omit G I 'JK lmc] 2 1 A I il'm"] omit AG I
?K'II1'J] + ilTJ '7.):1 ABDEFG
"" '7.)'Kil ':I] 'Zl'K ABDEFG I pnJ' CVl) pnJ" A, pnJ' CP DEFG I Jpy' CVl) JpP' CP EFG I
C'7.)1I1 m:l?7.)J] omit EF
1,12'J? 111') ,:I?II1,' ABDEFG I CJ'il") CJil'" BOO, CJil" EF I il'il') 'il' B I pTnm) p,,'m ABDEFG
1''''II1K:I') n,mc 'II1K:I B I ilJZlKil) mmcil1 B I,?)"P G I K!l'J'] K!l'" G I 'PJil) ""il G
I'''KJ) 'ZlK A I O"tl'!l) "tl'!l ABDEFG
"uilJTP") ilJn'J., EF I 'iln'lI1m) cn'lI1m ADEFG
1''''il''1 :i'il1 G I "?Kl" A I C"TlI1il] + C'J, A I D1K!l"') ZlK!l'" AEFG I '?,nil] C'?,nil ABDEFG
I K!l") omit EF
Then Jesus said to him:
Be careful lest you tell any man, but go to the priest to offer your gifts
as Moses commanded in your law.
It came to pass when he entered into Capemaum-hamartha that a captain
of hundreds came to him and implored him,
saying, Lord, my son lies in my house with the sickness of contraction
that is, (paralatiko) and he is weak with the illness.
Jesus said to (him): I will go and heal him.
The captain of hundreds answered and said to him: Lord (I) am not
worthy that you should come under my roof; only make the decision
that he might be healed.
I am a sinful man and I have authority under the Pharisees and [I have]
horses and riders and I say to one of them go and he goes, come and he
comes, and to my servants do this <!lnd they do it.
Jesus heard and was amazed and said to those who were following him:
truly I say to you, I have not found a great faith in Israel (like this).
(I say) to you that many will come from the East and from the West and
will rest with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven'
but, the sons of the kingdom (will be cast) into the darkness of Gehenna'
there will be weeping and (gnashing) of teeth.
Then Jesus said to the captain of hundreds: Go; as you have believed, it
will be done to you. So the lad was healed at that time.
At that time, Jesus went into the house of Peter and behold his mother-inlaw was lying sick with a fever.
H e touched her hand, and the fever left her. Then she arose and ministered to him.
At the time of evening they brought to him those seized by demons and
(he) healed them by his word alone and he healed every sickness,
NtvJ N';' 'J",n pN '''T N'::JJ;' ;"37W' '''37 '~NJW ;,~ ,,~) ,17
.C'::JO N';' U'::J'NJ~'
,,,, j?'~
nJ" ;"~,, "111::J'::J0 111::J' 111"::Jn
,"W' N'"
nNT ',nN ,;",18
.C';' '::J37
"'nw C'P~ ,J::J ,',nN ,'N "'N " '~N" "N CJn ::J,p"i9
;",n::J;' 1::J C'N 1::J" C'Jp l'l'37" c'"n C"37'tv, ,"W' "'N 137,,20
.'WN' O'JJ;', c'P~ 1'N
.'::IN nN "::JpN' ,'Ntv '111N ::J1T37 " '~N ,',~,n~ 'N,21
.c;,'n~ "::JP' c'n~;, ::J1T37' ',nN N::J ,"w' " '~N"U
;'''' j?'~
.,',nN ,','~,n 'N'::J" ;''IN::J ,"W' 'N::J ,tvNJ ,;",23
.,::Jw;,' ;'::Jwn ;''IN;'' 'N~ C'J,,;' C");"11 C'::J ",) '370 ';"':
'J37'tv,;, U'J"N '~N' U~~ 'Wp::J" ,','~,n "'N ,::J,P"
.'::JNJ 1~
111m", c', ,~" cp', .;'J~N 'J~p~ 'N,nn ;,~, C;"'N '~N"Z6
.,m ,,~, ,mJ'tv
Ij';" 111m,;,w ;'T N';' ,~ "~N" ,;,~n 'N'W cw ,tvN C'tllJN;,,27
.u,~, ;,tv'37
C'N,pJ '~N!,~)N~ 111J'~::J C';' '::J37 "::J37" c'~ '::J37 ,tvNJ ,;",28
C"::Ji';'~ C'N~;' C"tv 'nnN C'Jtv ,::J '37)~" O"N"'t?'~~~~ T37'::J
.N';';' ",::J "::J37' tv'N ,J,' N'W '37 C'37)ntv~
"I7'''y] '!l ?Y ABDEFG I ?"T K':Jl:"l] omit A I U"?n] U?'n C
""OJn :J,!:",] O"IK K'!:'" EF
I,~ I'py?,j m!l'Y?' G
1,21 "'T7:)?"1.)] "T'1.)?M ABDEF I ,?KlI1] omit A
" .. ,? '1.)K'1 ?"K G I :J'TY,) + 11K A I 0;"111.)) 0'''1.);' B
I,UO':J] omit EF I 'TM O'J?,;,j ;"lK:J O'OlJl ABDEFG I ;"lK;"] K';" G
1,15 U1.)1J ,1I1P:J',) ,;"s'!:", ABDEFG
"UO;"?K] C;'? A I 'K,,,,,j 'K'" ABDEFG I 'ltl!:'1Jj 'ltlp ABDEFG I CP"] omIt A
ImOll1 'lI1K] omit G I 'K'lI1) omit ABDEFG I "1.)K"] "7.lK' A I 0';" mn";'lI1j
0 ;'1I1 A.
m"";,, C';' 'lI1K G I ;'lI1,Y] C'lI1,Y ABDEFG
l,za':JY'] ,:JY1J EF I C';") C'? ABCDEFG I 'lKT').'K).] ",). ABCDEFG I O'K'Pl] K'Pl BE. omll
G I TY?:J] IY? A I O"K'tl'l").] tl'"IK'tl'l'). A. lI1"K'tl'l'). B. C"K'tl'l"). C. tl"K'lI1'l'). EF.
lI1'"IK'tl'l'). D. tl'"IK'tl'l'). G I C'lll1) 'lll1 AEF I 'nnK) c'nnK EFG I O'W] C'W;'1J G I lI1'K]
omit C I K';';'] K';';' BG
MT 8:17-28]
to complete what was said by Isaiah the prophet,
of blessed memory:
Surely our sicknesses he bore and our pains he suffered.
18 It came to pass after this Jesus saw many crowds around him and he
commanded to go across the sea.
19 Then a sage came to him and said to him: Master I will follow
you wherever you go.
20 Jesus answered him: The foxes have holes and the birds have nests, but
the Son of Man, the son of the virgin, has no place to enter his head.
21 One of his disciples said to him: allow me to go and bury my
22 Jesus said to him: Follow me and let the dead bury their dead.
23 It came to pass when Jesus entered a boat, his disciples followed him.
24 A great storm came on the sea, and the waves were coming
on excessively, and the boat was thought to be breaking up.
2S His disciples came to him and begged him saying: 0 our master
save us lest we perish.
26 He said to them: Why do you look at one another, 0 you little of faith?
He arose and commanded the sea and the winds that they should
be quiet and immediately they became quiet.
27 When the men who were there saw, they marveled and said: Who is this
that the winds and the sea do his will?
28 It came to pass when he crossed over the sea and passed by the
region beyond the sea into the realm of the (Gaderi), that is, Ginitraros,
there met him two demon-possessed men coming out of the tombs,
raging until no man could pass by that way.
[MT 8:29-9:8
17~t:"I C"p nN:J C'P'N 1:J ,"tt" U~Y " :"I~ '~N' "'N ,pYJ"Z9
.my, nU"~ CW~ 'NJ C:"I' '~N '"tl.''' 1'J"~tt':"I' C", U,YJ,
.C'Y" C':J, C,,'tn "'Y C:"I~ :J,'P Ctl.',JO
"N:J N:J' mtt" U, 1n 1N;)~ nNJ' U, tl." 1Y' C'-wi'T 1:J 'Y"D,,31
,;) ,;)", C,,'tn:J 'N:J" C'tt'JN:"I~ C"tt':"I 'NJ" .,;), C:"I' '~N,,3Z
.C'~:J ,n~, C':J ,~~tt'J' :"I':"I:J:J "Y:"I
."Y:"I ,;) c':"Im .';):"1 ,'Y:J ",,,,, ,",:J', C'Y":'I ""D,,33
.C":J":J ,,:JY 'n':J' "JD "",, CmN 'N'" .,"tt" nN'ii" 'NJ,,34
MT 8:29-9:8)
T'" i?'D
.,,'Y' ,:J,tl.'"
:"I'JN:J N:J '''tl.'' TN,l
.,n~~ 'Y :J;)tt'" ;P'~?"N'JN~ TY':J T";)~ "N :"I"" "JD' ,:J'P"z
,,-n~J ,~ 'N:"I nJ'~N:J -.'J:J ptnnn :"I""' '~N" CnJ'~N '''tl.'' N'"
.~,,,~ ,m C:J,:J C"~'N C'~;)":"I nJj:',3
.C;):J:J':J :"IY, ':Jtl.'"n :"I~' C:"I"N '~N" cm:Jtt'"~ ,"tt" N",4
1" c,p 'N ,'J,Y '"~J '~N' ,p ':"IT5
:"I""' '~N TN T'N:J mJ'Y ""~, ";)' C'N 1:Jtt' C;)Y''':''I' p,6
.", ,n~'~ c,p
.,n':J 'N "" Cj:',,7
'J:J, n,,;)' 1nJ ,tvN 'N' "':"1" 'N~ 'N'" m":J":"I 'N",8
.:"I'N;) mtl.'Y' C'N
Chapter 9
"1O";lC) + C'"I1U:1 A I C'P;lC) C';lC A I m'7.llt':1; C1') UT'7.llt':1;' ADEF, U"'ll~ B I U,YJ;)
'J',n; B I U7.lY] omit EF I 'JT'7.llt'~ C1' u,n;) 'J,n;, UT'7.llt':1; G
"'''C:17.l] C:1; G I "'Y) ,,, A, 'Jn7.l G
1, 31 1lC:l7.l)1'J:l7.l D, C1lC 'J:l7.l G I lC:I;) OJ:I:1; G
1,32 C','Tn:l ••• '7.llC"] omit (hap) EF I C'lt'JlC:17.l C"lt':1) ';lC:1 C"lt':1 C'lt'JlC:17.l B, C1I( 'J:l7.l G I
':I;") ,.,,, ABCD,
I,JJC1:1m) C:1m ABoo
- cn,lC) ,n,lC ABDEFG
"'10) + lC:I A I ,:I,lt"') :llt'" A I ,tl,lt"') ,7.l,lt'" CD
"2 :1"n) ';,n B I .,,':lll) ",,':l7.l A, T/)P7.l B I '';:1) ,,; ADEFG I 'p'tl;lC'lUl) ,p'tllC;'!l A,
'p'tl';lC'!l C, ,p'tl';'!l 00, ,p'tl';!l EF I :I:llt"') :I:llU'7.l ABDEFG I p,nnn) pTnn:1 ABDEFG
"3 C'7.l:ln:1) C'Zl:ln A, C'Zl:ln:1Zl G I ,:'It) :'It BEF
". C:l:l:l;:I) omit D
"5'i11) 'i11'lC A, ill EFG I ;P)""P G I ;ZlnJ) ';ZlnJ ABG I ,;) ,;, ABDEFG
"''':1') + C1I( BDEFG I nlC:I nmy ;,nZl;) 3 1 2 ABDEFG I ,7.llC) + ,It'' EF I "") ,;" B
'" ,n':I. • • CP") ,n':I; i1"nil ,.", G
.... C1lC) C1lCiI B
They cried out to him saying:
What is between you and us, Jesus son of God? Have you come before
the time to grieve us and to destroy us? Jesus said to them: Come
out from there, evil host.
There near them were herds of many swine feeding.
So the demons entreated him: Since we have to go out from here, grant
us authority to go into these swine.
He said to them: Go. The demons went out from the men and
entered the swine, and all the herd went in sudden haste, slipped off into
the sea and died in the water.
Those who were feeding [them] feared, fled, and told everything in the
city. So the whole city was frightened.
They went out to meet Jesus. They saw them and entreated him
not to pass over in~o their border.
Then Jesus entered a boat; they set sail and returned to his city.
They brought to him one who was sick with contractions, that is,
paralitico, lying upon his bed. Jesus saw their faith and said to the sick
man: Have courage my son. It is by the faith of God that your sins have
been forgiven.
Some of the sages were saying in their heart: This one blasphemes.
Jesus saw their thoughts and said to them: Why do you think evil in
your heart?
(Which) is easier to say: your sins are forgiven, or, rise walk?
But to inform you that the Son of Man is able to forgive sins on earth,
then he said to the sick man: Arise and take your bed and walk.
He arose and went to his house.
The crowds saw, feared exceedingly, and praised God who had given
power to men to do such things.
n", i"El
Z'l"n:'1 In,tv '37 )tv" ,nK tv'K K'" Otv7.) ,"tv' ')37 ,tvK;:) ':'1"9
.,',nK "" op', ',nK " " '7.)K" iK~"~K~ t37') '7.)tv :'1'r1n7.)
O'J',El :'1);"11 ";:)K n37) ':'1" .";:)K' ,n'), ':'1,;:)"",10
.""7.)'m ,"tt" 037 0"37'0 :'1):'1' In,tv) 0'37tt'" 0')'
037 ';:)'K' )tt'" 0;:))' :'17.)' ""7.)'n' "7.)K" O'tv"El:'1 'K",n
.0'37tv,m O'J',El:'1
.:'1'm:'1 OK ';:) :'1K'El' O';:)',J OJ'K O'K")) '7.)K" '''tt'' 377.)tzl,,12
)'tt':'1' 'nK) K" n)t K" 'nJEln ,on ';:) ),n;:):'1 "7.)" ,;:),13
.0'37tv,:'1 OK ';:) O'p',J:'1
~", i?'El
o'tt"'Elm UK :'17.)' " "7.)K" lJM1' "'7.)'n "'K ,),p tK 14
.0'J37n7.) OJ'K "'7.)'m O'7.)37El :'1)':'1 O'J37n7.)
ni;:)~7 lnn:'1 ',')n ";:),, K' '7.)K" '''tt'' 0:'1' 137,,15
.'7.),J', lnn:'1 0;'7.) np," 0'7.)' 'K')' .0:'17.)37 ,m':'1) mJ37n:'1'\,
:'1;:)'nn:'1 pnn, ltv' tv,),7.)) tv,n tv,),7.) n;:)'nn tv'K ')K' K'
.,m' 37'P" :'1"'):'1 tzl,),7.):'17.) "tv7.)
1":'1 "Eltzl', 0";:):'1 ,,)tzl' lEl O'Jtt" 0";:)) tznn 1" '7.)'W' K,,17
."7.)tv' O:'1'JW, tt',n ,,;:)) tt',n p, .")K' 0";:):'1'
O'37)'K i?'El
"'K '7.)K' " mnntv', ,nK ,tv )'i'" O:'1"K ,,),) ':'1,,18
.:'1'n:'1' :'1"37 '" O'tv, KJ K) .:'1n7.) :'1n37 :'1nK 'n)
.'7.)37 ""7.)'m K':'1 "" '''tt'' Op,,19
37"m ,',nK K) :'1Jtv :'1,tv37 o'ntt' 0' n37El'W nnK :'1tvK :'1J:'1,20
.",,) n'J'J)
"'C1II~ '111')2 1 ABDEFG
,'tlM C 'tlM G
I :1'nn~]lC'nn~ A I IV,J) IV, ADEFG I UC'tlM) J'tl~ A. J'tlM BDEF.
"",:1,J',,;,) ,:1::1',," ABDEFG I C"VlO :lJm) C'~O' ABDEFGH I ,,,,~,m) omit H
"" C'1II"Il:1] + C'J',Il, G
C'K"JJ] C'K"J:1 ABDEFGH I :1K'Il') KIl'" A. :1K'Il" BOGH I :1"":l) C"'":1 ABCDEFG
K"'] K' A
""11m'] + C'~'Il:1' G I C'~'llm) omit G I C'~YIl) omit B I ",~,ml ,,,,~,m A
"15"'J"] + '111 B I '~J') KJ' G
""~K') 'J"' A I pnn,) pnn1ll ABDEFG I :1::1'nn:l] + :1~":1 ABDEFG I "111~) "111~' ABDEFG
I 1II'J'~:1~)1II'J'~:1 EF. 1II'J'~J G I :1'"J:1] :1,J:1 A.1111':1 G I ,m') mK A
""P') + 1" ABDEFG I 111m ',::IJ) C'1IIm C',::IJ AEF
""'111) + 'l'K EF I ,~) omit B I :1nK] omit ADEFG I :1n~ :1ny] 2 1 ADE,
:1ny :1~ B. :1n1ll :1ny :1n~ F, :1nVl :1n~ G I :1n~] omit C I :1'n:1] + :1mK G
"21 nnK] omit A I KJ] :1KJ AD I n'J'JJ) nJ'JJ ADEF
MT 9:9-20)
It came to pass when Jesus passed on from there, he saw a
man sitting at the table of exchange; Matthew was his name, that is,
Matyeo, and he said to him: Follow me. So he arose and followed him.
10 (He) brought him to his house to'eat. It came to pass while he
was eating, that behold many violent and evil men were at the table and
behold they were dining with Jesus and his disciples.
II The Pharisees saw [this] and said to his disciples: Why does your
teacher sit and eat with violent and evil men?
12 Jesus heard [this] and said: The healthy have no need (for) healing, but
the sick.
13 Go and learn that which is written: I desire kindness and not sacrifice; I
have not come to restore the righteous but the wicked.
14 Then the disciples of John came to him and said to him: Why do we and
the Pharisees fast often but your disciple(s) do not fast?
IS Jesus answered them and said: The friends of the bridegroom cannot
weep and fast while he is with them. The days will come when the
bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.
16 No man wastes a piece of new garment on an old garment (because) the
force of the piece (stretches) the worn out garment and it tears more.
17 Nor do they put new wine into old vessels lest the vessels break, and the
wine spills out and the vessels perish. But new (wine) is for new
vessels and both of them are preserved.
18 It came to pass when he had spoken to them, a captain approached and
bowed down to him saying: Master, my daughter just died. Please
come and place your hand upon her and restore her to life.
19 Jesus arose and went, he and his disciples with him.
20 Behold a woman with a flow of blood for twelve years came
behind him and touched the fringe of his garment.
.,,~ N£)'N ,~? 'lU'~?~ 37lN CN :'1~~?~ n'~'N,21
.1N£)' 1n)'~NlU n'''lU~ 'n~
:'1'?N '~N" ")£), ~lU"n
nN£)') :'137lU :'1mN~
•C'::J'~ C'~' C'lU)N N'" 'lU:'1 n'~ 'N'~~ ':'1"23
N?' mlU' :'1'37):'1lU '::J~n ?N' :'1J," C::J?,::J 'NJ C:'1'?N '~N,,24
.:'1n~ N':'1tV C'N" UN N?:'1 C"~'N' .C:'1')'37~ j?"J~::J ':'1" .:'1n~ 2S
•:'1'37):'1 cj?m :'1"~ 37l" '''lU' :'1'?N N~ :'1J'":'1 CmN CN'J':'1~'
.N':'1:'1 T'N:'1 ?::J~ nNT :'137'~lU NJm 26
C'j?37'J' "'"N C'J, C"'37 ')lU :'1):'1' '''lU' ClU~ "~37,,27
.", l~ U')" "?N
'~N" .C"'37:'1 "?N '~'j?" n'~:'1 ':'1"28
•C::JnN N£),n c::Jn)'~N29
"~lU:'1 '~N? C,J', .'N'" ,,~ C:'1')lU ')'37 :'1)"j?£)m JO
•'~':'1 37'" l£)
•N':'1:'1 T'N:'1 ?::J~ ,m?l" 'NJ' C:'1,31
.'::J,n~ 'lU:'1' C?N lU'N ")£)? 'N'~" '''lU' ClU~ NJ,,32
"~N" m,,~":'1 'N?£)" .C?N:'1 ,~", 'lU:'1 nN N'J",33
•?N'lU'~ :'1T::J :'1N') N?
.C"lU:'1 N'J'~ C"lU:'1 ClU~ n~N~ C'lU"£):'1 "~N,,34
m'O)::J 'n~~ ,~?~ C'?'l~:'1' C"37:'1 ?::J ~0,,35
.m,o S~, ~?m ?~ ~5)iO' n'i'lD:3 i~:30'
" .. n'D'K') mtl'K ABDEFG I :I~~;~I :I~';~ A, :I~;~ EF I '0;1 m~ B
"n~lP"1 ~O" ABDEFG I "3!l] omit G I :I"KI + 'n~ EF I 'prnn:l) ,prnn:l E I n'lP~ 'n~)
2 1 G I n'~I;~ A, lP~ BDEF I ,m'DKlPI ,3'DKlP F I :lmK~1 :lmM~' ABCDEFG I
nlt!l'31 nK!l,m F
"23'K1~~1 K'D D,~::l G I n'~1 n'~~ A I C'lP3K] + C'lP3' G
""C:I';KI C:t7 ABDEF, omit G I ':1") :I';" G I C"D'K11 C"'K ABDEF, C"tl'KlP G
"25 ;rr~1 :I~ EF
"J6 :lVlDlP] :lVlDlP:I G I nKTI nltT:I G
"27U'3n) ,mn m,n A, mn BDEF I ,mn G
"21':1"] + 'K1~~ AB, + 'K'~::l DEFG
". C:I'3lP '3'1I1 C:l311 A I 'tlK;) ,tl,; A I "tllP:I) + C::l; EF
"3' K':I:I . • • ;::l~ I omit B
".. "3!l;) ";K A
"33m::l] omit EF I nltl omit G
9'.34 nDK::l] omit A
""~O"] + nK ABDEFH, + ;K G I ';'"1 c';n A
MT 9:21-35)
She was saying in her heart:
If only I touch his gannent, I will immediately be healed.
22 He turned and said to her: Courage my daughter, through God, blessed
be He~ your healing is because of your faith. In that very hour she was
23 It came to pass when he entered the house of the captain, he saw many
people weeping.
24 He said to them: Go outside all of you and stop weeping because the
girl is asleep and not dead. But in their eyes he was as one who jests.
They were saying: Have we not seen that she is dead?
25 When he had put them outside, Jesus went to her, touched her hand, and
the girl arose.
26 This report went out in all that land.
27 Jesus passed on from there, and behold two blind men were running
after him and crying out to him: Have mercy on us, Son of David.
28 He came to the house, and the blind men drew near to him. He said:
29 Your faith will heal you.
30 The eyes of the two men were immediately opened and they saw. He
commanded them saying: Be careful lest the matter be made known.
31 As for them, they went out and made him known in all that land.
32 Jesus went out from there, and they brought before him a dumb man
who was demon possessed.
33 He cast out the demon so that the dumb man spoke. The crowds were
amazed and said: We have not seen it like this in Israel.
34 The Pharisees said: Truly in the name of demons he casts out demons.
3S He went around all the cities and towers teaching in the synagogues and
preaching the good tidings and healing every illness and every sickness.
[MT 9:36-10:9
C'37'1' ";'W C;"'37 ,,~n', m,,:m;, ,"w' N",36
.;'37" C;" l'N 'WN 1NX~ C'::1~'W'
.C'037~ C"X,p;" ;'::1"~ ;,~p;, ,','~,n, '~N TN37
"Xp, C'::1, C"X,p;, n,w', ;,~p;, '37::1 'JD NJ "n38
MT 9:36-10:9)
c;" 1n', ""7;),n ::1"" ,"W' N'P TNt
.371J ,::>, '"n ,~ nND'" C'N;'~ N'X';"
1i"7;)'Q oi'i"oQiDN 'N,pJ c'm,w;, ::1'" m~w ;"N':Z
,'nN ;,tt'''j7~~' Oi"'l?~'~ N,pJ
1Jm', '~"'N1 N,pJ ::1j:'37' OiN'~N7i0':1i::1~ Oi"D'7'~3
n'::1"::1 ;",~ iN'''ON7;) N';' ;,'nn~, O"N7;)iO 'N"::1T 'J::1 ,'nN
. T Oi"N'jl?' ,~,T~~,~ ::1j:'37" C'O'D::1
;'~i'''':1Ni?Q~ N"1~" Oi'N~"N~Ni!' 1i"~'Q T37' 'J37J::> l'37~W4
.,;,'O~ ;'T ,nN 'WN
C'U;, mX'N::1 '~N' C;"'N 'X', ,"tv' n,tv ,tv37 C'JW ;"N5
.'N'::1n 'N C'J"7;)W;' "37::1' ,~,n 'N
.'N'W' n'::1~ ,n'J ,tvN 1NX' ,~,6
.C'~W m~,~ c"pnnw c;" "W::1,7
'N'X';" C'37"X~;' cn,;,o m;" c'n~;, ,'n;" c'"n;, 'ND's
.'Jnn CJn::1' Cn'::1p CJn .,~tv "::1j:'n 'N' .C'N 'J::1~ C"W;'
C::>O'~::1 1'~~ N" ::1;,n ~O~ "::1Xn 'N9
""C'1"l') C'1'l' ADEFGH
"37 C'01'7.)) C'O,,/,) A
"":'I/,)j:':'I'YJ)'K G I "'111") "'111'111 A I C"X'j:':'I] C"X'j:' G I C'J,) :'IJ,:'I A I ,n7.)'j:'] ,n7.)j:' AEFH
••,. C'll(:'I/')) C'OO:) G
.... 0,"00'!lK)1I1K"01l1'!lK A, O,'OO'!lK B, O','OO'!lK D, ~"O~!lK G I
W::l'O) 1'/,)'111 ABDO I 0,'0"!l) ,'O'!l A, 0,'0!l B, ~'O'!l DO I :'IK"'JK']1I1K"'JK' A,
~K"'JK' B I ""1' • • • 'K'j:'J) omit EF I ""1'] + (marg of Brit. Lib. ms)
i'1I1 mK 1":'1 '~Kli'l iK'::r;:!'! 'i Oi!lij:'~
'''3 O'!l"'!l) ~!l"'!l ADO I K'j:'J • . • O'!l"'!l] omit EF I O'K'/,)K"O"J,] 1I1'K'/')"'0,'J, A,
1I1'K'/,)"O',J, B, O'K'/,)"O',J, C, 1I1'K'/')"0"J, D, 1I1'K'/,)"KO'J' G I '/,)'1'1] '7.)'1"1 EF I
'K'~')'K~' DEF, '~K' G I DM'0)1I1M'0 AEG I 'K'OM) J'OK/,) ABDEF, "01'7.) C I
n'J"J) n'J'J DEFG I 0'1"'0'] ~K''ll(O' A, 111'1'-,0' BDEF, 1I1,''ttl, G
,,,.,,,) ",J B I 1'7.)'0)1'/,)'111 ABEFG I O"KJKJKj:'l ~K'JKJj:' A, O"JKJKj:' BCD I O'K'JKJKj:' EF,
O'K'JKJ::l G I ~") :'1":'1" A, ~, EF I :'IO"'Kj:'OK] K'0"'::l1l1'K A, ,0,""::l0'K B, KO"'::lDK
C, 'O"'::lOK D, KO"'::lO'K EF, 'O'K"::lOK G I :'IT) omit B I ':'I'O/')) ':'1"07.) B
••'s '111') + C'J1I1 C'J1I1 A I 'K'Jn) + :'1'1' G
••" 1::l'] omit G
.... c"j:'nn1l1) J'j:'nn1l1 ABDEFG
,..·.C',,":'I) C',," A I C'n7.):'l) c'n/,) A I cn,:'Io :'IJ:'I'] ":'10' ABDEFG I "Jj:'n)'Jj:'n G I Unn)
'W':'I EF
G I C::lD'::lJ] C'::lO::lJ A
Jesus saw the crowds and had pity on them because
they were weary and lying [around] like sheep without a shepherd.
Then he said to his disciples: The standing grain is much but the reapers
are few.
Entreat now the Lord of the standing grain that he send many reapers to
harvest his grain.
Chapter 10
Then Jesu~ ~alled his twelve disciples and gave them power over every
unclean SpInt to cast them out from man and to heal every sickness and
every plague.
2 These are the names of the twelve apostles, called Apostolos: Simon,
called Petros, and Andrea his brother
3 Philipos, and Bortolameos, and Jame~, called Jimi, and John, his
brother: sons of Zebedeel, Thomas and Matthew, that is Matio, who by
reputation was a lender of [money] for interest, James Aluphei and
4 Simon the Canaanite, that is, Simon Cananayos, and Juda Ascareyotah,
who after this betrayed him.
S These twelve Jesus sent; he commanded them saying: To the lands of
6 the Gentiles do not go and into the cities of the Samaritans do not enter.
7 Go to the sheep who have strayed from the house of Israel.
Preach to them that the kingdom of heaven will be fulfilled.
8 Heal the sick, restore life to the dead, (cleanse) the lepers, and cast out
demons fro~ men. Do not take wages. Freely you received, freely
you shall gIve.
9 Do not heap up silver and gold; nor (have] wealth in your purse,
[MT 10:16-22
'31'D;' "N' .C:I,':1 ,p~ N" C"31J~ N" rn,~w rnD',n N,,10
•,n":lN " ,:1P'
C:I,n:1W :1,tm W'N;' ,~ 'N':1n 'WN ")~ ,:1:1, "31 ':1:1,11
.'NJnW '31 ,nun CW,
C,'W n':1;' nNT:1 C,'W '~N' C,'W C;" un n':1;' 'N C:lN':1:1,12
.;':I,n:1 C':1tv,,;, ':I'
;,';,n N' CN' ;"'31 C:I~"W N:1n ;"'N' N';';' n':1;' ;,';,n CN,13
.C:I' C:I~"tv :1,wn ;"'N'
N';';' n':1;' 1~ 'NJn C:I"N 31~W' N' 'WN' C:lnN ,:1P' N' 'WN,14
•'D31;' 1~ C:I")' cpn31;"
C,':1 ;"'~31 'N' C,'O 'N ;";" :1'0 ,rn' C:I"N ,:1" 'IN 1~Nls
.N';';' "31;' 1~ N';';'
'''~ i"D
C'WnJ:I C'~"31 ,';,n C':1Nm 1':1 1NJ:I C:lnN n"0 'JJ;,16
.C'J,':I C"J31'
cm'OJ:I 'n:1:1' crn';'v:1 C:lnN "o~, N' .C'N 'J:1:1 "m;,I'
.c'1)" C;" "31;" "31:1 1":I,n .C'~7~71 nin~7,18
':I'OJnw ;'31W:1W "~Nntv ;,~ ':1wnn CN C:lnN 'WDn' 'WN:l 19
.;'J31~ C:I, N:1'
•C:I:1 ,:1,,;' N';' ':1N 'W ,tv,p
CN ':1 C":1'~;' C:lJ'N20
'31 C'J:1;' ,~,p', U:1, :1N:11 rn~, ,'nN nN nN;' ,,0~,21
.rn~' '37 cmN "':1," rn:1N;'
'31 ',:10'tl.' ,~ 1:1N ,~w '31 C'~31;' ,:I, ;"31T' )31" ,';,m22
•31W" fv n31
''''O'::Ij;'') ':'1?::Ij;" DO I ") omit DEFG
'''U''Y) + C'lj;'1.3' C'j;'1.3 ,::1::1, ,'y, G I 'lC'l::ln) + "KW ABDEF. nK "KW G I C~) omit G
,..u C:'I'] :'I' ABDEFG
,.. u ex') :'1':'1' G I K':'I:'I) omit A I :'I"K' :'I':'In K' ex,] '''K' G
,..,. C::InK) C::I"K ABDEFG I 'Kln) + :'I1,n A I K':'I:'I n'::I:'111.3j K':'I:'I n'::I:'11.3 'K "Y:'I11.3 G I K':'I:'I)
+ K':'I:'I "Y:'I 'K ADEF I cj;'ny:'I') "Y)' ABDEF. ",ym G I '~Y:'I 11.3) '~Y:'I1.3 G
''''5 C::I"K) C::I, AG I K':'I "Y:'I 11.3 K':'I:'I C,'::I) 3 45 I 2 G
,.... ')):'1) :'1):'1 EF I C::InK)
EF I lKI::I) lKI:'I ,1.3::1 ABDEFG I 1'::1) ::I'j;'::1 ABDEFG I C'::IKT:1)
C'::IKT A I C")Y,) c'uy, ABDEFG
,o' J7 cm':'Ij;'::I) cm":'Ij;'::1 A I K') K'W G
'",II C'::I,1.3" mn~,,) 2 I EF I C'::I,1.3,,) C'::IK'1.3" C I l"::I,n] "::I,n EG
'",I9,w~n'] ,w~nn G I CK]'K ABDEFG I C::I'''lrnw) '::I'lrnw AG
,o''''C''::I17J:'I) C',::I17J EFG I 'W1j;'] W1j;':'1 EF
,omnK:'I) nK::I G I ,1.3'j;"') ,1.3'j;" G I m::lK:'I) Cm::lK ABDEFG. C')::I:'1 C I "'::1"'] ,,'::1,' G
,.... '1.3W) omit G
MT 10:16-221
nor changes of clothes, nor shoes, nor a staff in your
hand. The workman is worthy to receive enough for his food.
II In every city and in every tower that you enter (ask) who is the good
man among them and there remain until you go out.
12 When you enter into the house, give to them a shalom saying: Shalom to
this house; shalom to all who dwell in it.
13 If that house should be worthy, your shalom will come upon it, but if it
is not worthy, your shalom will return to you.
14 [When] one does not receive you or listen to you, you shall go out from
that house and (shake oft) your feel' from the dust.
IS Truly I say unto you, it will be better for Sodom and Gomorrah in that
day than for that city.
16 Behold I send you like sheep in the midst of wolves. Be as crafty as
serpents and humble as doves.
17 Beware of men. They will not deliver you up in their congregations and
houses of assembly,
18 but to governors and kings. You will be able to bear witness on my
behalf to them and to the Gentiles.
19 When they seize you, do not consider what you will say, because in the
hour that you are in need an answer will come to you.
20 It will not be you who speak, but the Holy Spirit of my Father will
speak through you.
21 Brother will deliver up brother to death and a father his son; the sons
will rise up against (their) fathers and lead them unto death.
22 You will become a derision and a fright to all the nations because of my
name. Whoever endures, however, until the time of the end will be
[MT 10:23-39
:'1"~ i?'!)
,n'::1 mcm "31::1 C:mN ,!)", ,tvN;' ,','~,n, ,"W' '~N "3113
';' '31 'N'W' "31 C;" '~"tvn N' C;" '~'N 'IN l~N n,nN'
.C'N 1::1 N::1'
."J"N~ ",) '::131:'1 N" '::1'~ ",) ,'~,n l'N Z4
n'::1:'1 '31::1' CN ."J"N;' '::131" ,::1,;' 111':'1' ,'~,n, ,,25
.,n'::1 'J::1, tv";' ::1'::1T '31::1 'N'i"
.c'31J N" :'1N" N'tv ,::1, l'NW C:'1~ 'N,n 'N26
."N::1 '111N "~N 1Wn::1 c;" '~'N 'JN27
'WN' "n!) i" 111tv!)J:'1 )":'1' C,'::1 l'NW ')":'1~ "n!)n 'N'zs
.CJ':'1)::1 flU:'1' W!)J:'1 '::1N' "'::1 n,,;,'
'31 C:'1~ nnN ,,!)n N" nnN :'1~"!)::1 "::1N C"'!)~ 'JW N':'1 29
lC'~tv::1tv C;"::1N 1'~'::1 CN ';' T'N:'1
lC"'!)O c,;, C;,'tvN' 111'31W N':'130
.C'N C"'!)~~ C'::1'~W 'N,n 'N31
.C'~W::1tv '::1N 'J!), Un::1WN C'N 'J!)::1 '111N n::1tv~:'132
'''~ i?'!)
T'N::1 C'tv, 'nN::1W '::1wnn 'N ,','~,n, ,"w' '~N :'131tv :'1111N::1J4
.::1,n N'N
•:'1~N~ n::1:'1' "::1N~ 1::1:'1 C'N:'1 "'!):'1' 'nN::135
.C'::1':'1N 111':'1' C'::1"N:'11 36
•" "N' 'J'N 'J~~ '111' '~N' "::1N ::1:'1'N:'1
.:'1JN~~' ','::1tv::1 '111N '::1'N:'1 :'1"::1N' 'W!)J nN ::1:'1'N:'1
''''',n':::I] + O::l? G I C::l?2] :::I,:::IO? ABDEFG I '::I] omit ABDEF I O'TK] 0'TlC:1 ABDEF
•.... "l)?M] "1)?M:1 ABDEFG
..... 'lC'P'] 'lC,p G
•.... O?Y)] + rn' lC?l1l ABDEF, + rn' G
...27 Beginning] + 'l1llC ABDEFG I "lC:::I] + ,Yl1l:::l (omit ,mlC G) ,mlC "!l0 1nlt? (+ ,mit G)
'Yl)l1lM (00 'l1llC) 'l1llC' ABDEFG
10'21'1":11)] + m'1:1 A, m"1:1 BEF, m"'1:1 00 I ,,'1m) "'1' F I 0)':11:::1) 0):1'1:::1 BOO
'''''''OlC] ,,::11)' ABDEFG I lC?,jlt? G I T'lC:1 ?Y) T'lC? EF I 1'lt':::I] + M' ?lC:1 EF (?) I
O'l)l1l:::ll1l O::l':::IlC] (?) G
..... m'Yl1l] ,Yl1l E I C::l'l1.'lC'] O::ll1llC' A
..... O':::I,tll1l] 0')'1)11l D I O"'!lltl)] O"!l'ltl) A, O"!lltl) BCDEFG I O'TlCj OMit ABCDEFG
'''3h)!l:::l] + '):::1 A, ')!l? C I ')!l?j ')!l:::l G
' '33 All mss omit vs 33 except A which reads:
O'l)l1l:::ll1l ':::lit ')!l? ,:::1 l1ln::llt O'TK '):::1 ')!l? ':::I l1ln::l' ,11l1t,
''':WO'l1l?) O,?l1l O'W; ABD, + 0,?11l EFG
...36 m':1?] ":111l 00 I O':::I':1lC) O':::I:1'lC ABDEFG
....... ,? "lC' ')'lC] '? "lC' 13'1t AD
10,31 All mss omit vs 38
1O'30:::I:11lC:1] 1:::1:11 :::IlC:1 00 I :1"OlC'j :13'01t' ABDEFG I 'mlC] :1mlC AEF I :1)ltltl)' ''':::I1U:::I] omit G
MT 10:23-39)
Again Jesus said to his disciples:
When they pursue you in this city flee to another; truly I say to you,
you will not have completed for yourselves the cities of Israel before
the Son of Man comes.
24 No disciple is greater than his teacher, nor is the servant greater than his
25 It is sufficient for the disciple to be like his teacher,
and for the servant to be like his master. If they call the master
of the house Baalzebub, so much the more the sons of his house.
26 Do not fear them, because there is nothing which will not be seen, nor
hidden (which will not be made known).
27 (That which) I say to you in darkness, say it in the light; (that which you
hear by the ear, tell it in the gate).
28 Do not fear those who kill (bodies) who have no power to kill souls;
but fear the one who has power to destroy the soul and the body in
29 Are not two sparrows (sold) for a small coin and not one of them will
fall to the earth except by the will of your Father who is heaven?
30 Are not all the hairs of your head numbered?
31 Do not fear, because (you) are better than the sparrows.
32 He who praises me before man I will praise before my Father who is in
34 In that hour Jesus said to his disciples: Do not think I have come to put
(peace) on the earth, but a sword.
3S I have come to separate mankind, the son from his father and the
daughter from her mother.
36 The enemy is to be loved ones.
37 He who loves his father and his mother more than me, I am not suitable
for him.
39 He who loves his life will lose it, he who loses (it) for my sake will
find it.
[MT 10:40-11:12
.')n'tu 'WN nN ':Ji" 'mN ':Ji'~:'n 'mN 1:Ji" C~nN 1:Ji'~:'141
CW, i',,:lt ':Ji'~:'n N':J):'1 ,~W ':Ji" N':J) CW, N':J) ':Ji'~:'1
.i',,:lt:'1 ,~W ':Ji" i"U
CW, C')~i':'1 ',,~,n~ ,nN' C"i' C'~ 'W "N ,,~ lm):'n 41
.,,~W ':IN' N'W C~, '~'N ')N l~N ','~,n
m'~:J ':'1"1
MT 10:40-11:12)
CW~ ,,:JY', ,','~,n 'WY C')W, m':lt' ,"W'
•C:'1',Y:J n'~,:'1" ~" C,:lt',
,','~,n~ C')W n,w', ,"W' :'1WY~ O,!)n ,m':'1:J l)m' Y~W"l
.,nN :'ni') 'N N:J' ,'nyW ,~ N':'1 :'1nN:'1 " '~N,3
CnY~W 'WN' Cn'N' 'WN nN l)m', "'1:'n ,~, ,"W' C:'1' ly,,4
C":'1~) C,Y,,:lt~:'1' C'~":'1 C'nO!)' C'N" C"'Y:'15
.':J ,,:J) :'1':'1' N' 'WN "WN,6
.1)m'~ m":Jn:'1 'N ,:J" ,"W' ,n', C'~":'1 :'1~:'1 ':'1'"
1m':J n~,w,~ ;,)i' ':J'~:J CnNJ' :'1~ mN"
1C':J' C"l:J W,:J, C1N l)m'W ':Jwnn:'1 1mN" CnN:lt' :'1~ 'N8
.C,~,~:'1 'n:J:J C':J, C"l:J:'1
"'1 mw C~, '~'N ')N n~N:J 1N':J) mN"
'W:J" ;,):'1
CnNJ' :'1~ ~"N9
.')!)' " , :'1)!)' '~N'~ n"w ')):'1 "Y:J :Jn~)w ,m 10
"" '~:J C~, ,:J" ')N n~N:J ,','~,n, ,"W' '~N "yl l
.":J~~:'1 pm'~ "'1 Ci' N' C'W):'1
.:'1mN C'Y"i' :'1i"WY C'~W m~,~ :'1ny 'Y ,'~'~11
.... 'nlac2 • • • ;::1P/J:1J omit G
...02 ac;W) ac; A
.... D1I'l) acl'l D
...2 D'2W) + 'WJ EF (7)
11:3 :'Inac:1) :'Inac A
.... nit) omit A
D'nO!n) D'ntltill BDE. D'nD!l:'l F D":nlJ) D":'I1'D EF D'n7.1 D"nill) D"n D'n7.1ill
D'1W!ln7.1) D"W:JnD EF
'WICl) '::1 11J2 :'1':'1' ac; 'Wacl EFG (7)
...7 D'J~l~ ':'I7.1:'l ':'1'1] omit A
;ac) nac A 12Ml'7.1)PMl'::1 B ~nacl') + nlac,; A
. D Wl::1;) W::11' ADEFG D'::1,2] D'::1':'I A. ormt G
n"w] + OJ; AE 'J!l; ••• 'JIC;D)ac'::12:'1 (7) nac E. omit F 'J!l;) omit G
...11 '::11') '7.11ac AH
'J:12 'TJ) m G D'7.1W) omit G :'IP'!WJ] + D';'::12ill A. D';::1Jill BDEFGH
; ••5
.....~) ~:"ll
He who receives you, receives me
and he who receives me, receives the one who sent me.
He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet, will receive the
reward of the prophet; he who receives a righteous one in the name of
a righteous one, will receive the reward of the righteous one.
He who gives a vessel of cold water to one of my little disciples in the
name of my disciple, truly I say to you that he will not lose his reward.
Chapter 11
It came to pass when Jesus finished commanding his twelve disciples
that he passed on from there and commanded them to teach and reprove
in their [own] cities.
2 John, when he was in captivity, heard of the work of Jesus and sent
two of his disciples
3 saying to him: Are you the one who is to come or should we expect
4 Jesus answered them: Go and tell John that which you have seen and
that which you have heard:
5 the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the
dead are revived and the poor are acquitted.
6 Blessed is he who is not perplexed in me.
7 It came to pass as they were going that Jesus began to speak to the
crowds about John: You went out into the wilderness to see what? A
reed cast about by the wind?
8 Or what did you go out to see? Do you think that John was a man
clothed in noble garments? Behold those who wear noble garments are
in king's houses.
9 If so, what did you go out to see, a prophet? Truly I say to you that this
one is greater than a prophet.
10 This is he about whom it is written: Behold I am sending my messenger
and he will make the way clear before me.
II Again Jesus said to his disciples: Truly I say to you, among all those
born of women none has arisen greater than John the Baptizer.
12 From his days until now the kingdom of heaven has been oppressed
(and senseless persons) have been rending it.
[MT 11:13-25
.1Jn1' '37 ,,:1, :'1"mn C'N':IJ:'1 ,;,tv13
.K:I' ,'n37:'1 :'1"K K':'1 ,,:IP' ,!,n CK,14
•371,)tv' 37'1,)tv, C'JTK '1,),15
p,tv:l C':Itv,':'1 C"37J' ':'11,)'N "':'1 :'1T ,"tv' '1,)N "37 16
:'1T' :'1T C'K"i'
.cn';':1 N" C;" U,!)O cnp,p, K" U'W C"1,)'N,17
nnN· K':'1tv "'37 C"1,)'K' :'1mtv, ';"N U'N' 1Jn1' K:I ';'18
K:I'O' "'T K':'1tv "'37 '1,)'K' mntv" ";'N' K:I C'K:'1 1:1,19
.c'1,);,n' C,~!),tv C',;'O:11 C'K~'n1 C'!"!)' :I:'1'K'
c'tv1,)n i?'!)
"m N" ,'mmK1,) ,tv37Jtv C"37J:'1
,"tv' ,'nn:'1 TK20
T37' C,'O, "!:1 CNtv :'1,'tv n':1 " 'N' c'KiTi,i:l " 'KzI
":'1 C;':1 ,tv37Jtv mmK:'1 ,tv37J :'1~i'Q iK "'?'j iK?'t;)
.'!)K' i'tv:l N':'1:'1 l1,)T:I :'1:1,tvn:l m,nn
.p~ 0"0' ,,!, :'1':'1' 'i' ,m' c;" '1,)'K 'IN l1,)KzZ
,tv37J C,'O:l CKtv .",n Ctv1,) 'l:'1'37n C'1,)tv, CN c,m ,!);, :'1nK'Z3
.",n "Ktv '37 .'Ktvn "'K ':1 ,tv37Jtv mmK1,)
.'1,)1,) 1":'1 C", C,'O T'K' :'1':'1' 'i' ,m'tv " '1,)'K 'JK l1,)N Z4
K"J i?'!)
C'1,)tv K":1 'IN n:lntv' 'IN '1,)'K' ,"tv' C1,)"nJ K':'1:'1 n37:1 ZS
C'J,:IJ:11 C'1,);,n:'11,) :'1'N C',:I, n,no:'1tv T'K:'1'
.C"J37' cmK n',,,,
I :'1"nm) + :'1?';:) A I ,,:nl ',::1, D, 0"::1" H
II". ,?::IP?) + O'ZlW m;:)?Zl (1) B I :'1'?IC) ':'1'?1C ABoo
1I,,.,:'1Zl1lC) :'1Zl1lC DEFG
""'U1W) C;:)? '3'117 ABDEFG I Onp,p,) omp, ABEFG, on17.l D I '3'!)0] U,!)O ABCDEF
""·O'1ll77,)) C''TV1:'17,) A, 0''TV1:'1 EF
II,,, C"TlC:'1) C"TlC AG I 'Zl'IC') 0"7,)'1(1 ABEFG
"'·?'nn:'1) ?'nnlC G I 0"Y3:'1) O',Y:'1 ABCDEFG I 'WY3W) + 1:'1::1 A, + 0:'1::1 BDEFG
11,2, o'lCm"::I) o'lCn"::1 A, O'ICU"::1 BEF, o'lCn,,;:) D, o'lCm,,;:) G I n'::I) n::l 00 I :'11'117] :'1T,lV
Aoo I "1::1] "!)::1 EF I 0'1O')l''T1' G I TY?] TY?::1 B I :'17,)'10 . . . '1C"tl] :'1Zl",O' ,'tl A,
:'17,)'''117 'IC ,'tl BOO, :'17,)''TV1 'IC ,'tl EF
'''220110') 0'1O?' AB I PIC) O;:)Zl Aoo, llC;:)7,) B, ';:)7,) EF
" ' 0WZl) ?'ICW1Y A I ",n') ,."n B I ",n ?,ICWj :'1T:'1 01':'1 A
"'~?P) omit G I :'1':'1') :'1':'1n ABoo I o"p ••• :'1':'1') omit E, m':'1? F
"'25'117') + m'::1 ABDE, + lU'TP:'1 m'::1 G I '31C') omit ABCDEFG I n::lnW') ,::Inw' A I '31(2 ) '::IIC
AEF I 0'7,)117) 0'7,)117:'1 ABCDEF I T'lCm) T'IC' FG I O'7,);:)n:'17,)) 0'7,);:)n:'11Zl A I omlC n'?l'] On?'l'
ADEFG, ,n'?l' B I O"JY?) 0"3Y? ABCDEFG
'W?;:)W] ?;:)? ooH
MT 11:13-25J
For all the prophets and the lawspoke concerning John.
:: If you wish to receive it, he is Elijah who is going to come.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
16 Again Jesus said: I will liken this generation to lads who sit in the
market place calling to one another,
17 saying: (We sang to you), and you did not (dance; we wailed) to you,
and you did not weep.
18 Because John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say concerning
him: He is possessed of demons.
19 ~ut the ~on of Man came eating and drinking, and one says concerning
him: He IS a glutton, a drunkard, and a friend to violent men and sinners.
So fools judge the wise.
20 Then Jesus began to curse (the cities in which) his signs were done for
they did not turn in repentance.
21 Woe to you (Corozim) and woe to you Beth Saida, for if in Tyre and
Sodom, that is, Tirao deter or Sidomah, the signs had been done which
were done in you, they would have turned in repentance at that time in
sack cloth and ashes.
:: Truly I say to you, it shall be easier for Tyre and Sodom (than for you).
You Capernaum, will you ascend to heaven? From there you will be
brought down. Because if in Sodom the signs which were done in you
had been done, perhaps she would have remained. Unto Sheol you will
be brought down.
24 Truly I say to you that it shall be easier for the land of Sodom in the
day of judgment than for you.
2S At that time Jesus raised himself up and said: Be praised (my Father)
creator of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these words from
the wise and prudent and have revea)ed them to the humble.
[MT 11:26-12:9
.':1N ,'JD' 'W' 1:J ':J CJ~N26
:1N" ,:1,:1 :1N:"I N'N 1:1:"1 nN ":J~ 1'N' .':1N nN~ " 1,nJ ':J:"I17
.,m'l' 1:1:"1 :"IJ,' 'WN" 1:1:"1 N'N ":J~ 1'N
nNW' C:JnN ,n31N 'IN' '~3m 'NWU' C'311':"I ,:J "'N 'N':J18
,:1, :1'~' 'IN 'J31 ':J "':Jm 'J~~ "~,, C:J"31 "'31 'NJ19
C:J'nW'DJ' 31U'~ 'NJ~m :1:1,:"1
"i' 'Ntv~' i"JO
:1"J i"D
C':131' ,','~,m n:Jw:"I C,':1 m~i':J ,,'w' ':J31 N':"I:"I n31:1 1
.cmN '':IN'' C:"I'" 1':1 cmN ,"D" C',,:1W:"I "i'31' ,,'nn:"l
'J'NW ,:1, C'W'31 ,,'~,n m:"l "'N "~N" C'W"D:"I 'N",1
.n:1W:"I C,':1 mW31' 1':JJ
,'tvJN' :131' :"I':"IW:J ", :"IW31W :"I~ cnN'i' N" ,,'w' C:"I' 131,,3
'J'NW :"I'''lNQ 1"N~ T31':1 C'JD:"I cn,~ ":JNW C'i"N:"I n':1:J 4
.,:1,:1 C'J:"I:J, N'N ':JNJ
C'~31D' c'"n~ tv'i'~:"1 n':1:1 C'J:"I:J:"IW CnN'i' N' :"I"n:1 C1,5
lN~n C:"I' 1'N' mn:1W:"I
.N':"I U~~ "'1 tv'i'~W C:J, '~'N 'IN 1~N6
C':1"'n~ cn":"1 N' :"I:1T N" 'nJDn ,on ':"I~ cn31" "'N7
MT 11:26-12:91
Chapter 12
.n:1W:"I 1"N C'N 1:1W8
.cm'OJ:J 'n:1:1 N:1"
l"J P'D
CW~ ":131" C'~':"I nJi" ':"1,,9
1I'260)~K] + '::IK ABDEFGH
,1l1')1l1' A, "11' H '::IK] omit ABDEFGH
1I'21?:);'I)?::1 H 1,m) 1m B 'JK nK~l 'JK~ H
nK~] + nK~ G
nK) omit GH
:'I?K') OK'::1
H ,J?Jj ,J? C, omit H :'I?K2] OK '::1 H :'Ill") omit EF :'Ill" 'll1K?'l :'Ill"ll1 ,~?, H
lI,a'K'J) ,::I? H
"?Kj '?K AB nKll1?j n1)1l1? DO
.h29'Kll) 'Kll1 AB
O::l?,Y. , • 'Kll) omit C (hap)
O::l?,Y) O::l?Y A, O::l'?Y BDEFG
JJ?:'I) JJ?
O::l'n1ll1!l)?j O::ln1ll1!l)? A
.uoBeginning] + '?,Yll1, A, + '?,Yll1 BDEFG P')" A
12'.""~?n1) ,','~?n B ,?'nn:'l] ?'nn:'l C
12'2'K"') + On1K F O'll1"!l:'l) l'll1"!l:'l F :'1):'1) omit A 1'::1)) 11):'1 F, omit G
.2,JK?'j K? B I :'Ill1Yll1j :'Ill1Y ABDO JY,) + K':'I A
12'40'P?K:'I] O"K:'I A
:'I'lKC lK!l) omit G
:'I'lKC] tl'lKll1 A tlK'lKll1 B
'tlK'lKll1 0 ll1K'lll1 EF
12" n1nJll1:'l] nJll1:'1 EF
.2"K':'I] + :'IT A, omit G
.2'7,:'I~) K':'I~ B, '::1 G
I,," O~) O~:'I EF
nJll1:'l] 0'~1l1:'1 EF
12"0n1'C)::I) O:'ln1'C)::1 A, O:'l'n1'C)::1 0
Truly this is because it was upright before you,
my Father.
All has been given to me from my Father. There is none who knows
the son, but the Father alone, and the Father no one knows, but the son
and to whomever the son wishes to reveal him.
Come unto me all you who are weary and who are enduring labor,
and I will help you to bear your yoke.
(Take) my yoke as your yoke and learn of me that I am humble
and good and pure of heart and you shall find rest for your souls,
(because my yoke is soft) and my burden light.
At that time Jesus passed through the standing grain on the Sabbath
day, and his disciples being hungry began to pluck the ears and to
crush them between their hands and to eat them.
The Pharisees saw it and said to him: Behold your disciples are doing
that which is not proper to do on the Sabbath day.
Jesus answered them: Have you not read what David did when he was
hungry and his men
in the house of God when they ate from the bread of the Presence, that
is, paan sagrah, which is not to be eaten except by the priests alone?
Also in the Torah have you not read that the priests in the Temple
sometimes profane the Sabbaths and are without sin?
Truly I say to you that the temple is greater than this.
If you had known what this is: I desire kindness and not (sacrifice),
you would not have convicted the innocent.
For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.
It came to pass at the end of the days that Jesus passed on from there
and entered into their Synagogues.
[MT 12:19-25
•'1'IKD" 1'I::1W::1 ,m~ CK '~K? ';"'KtV" ;,tV::1' "" C'K CtV,lO
1'I::1tzm C,'::1 ;,mW::1 ?'Dm 1'InK 1K" ,? W'W C~::1 ,~ C;,? '~K,,11
.;,)~'V' K?'
C'K? tV', mW37? ,m~ '~'D? .;'J~~ ::1'~ K';'W C'K;' tV"~I:Z
.1'I::1tV::1 ::1'~ '1'11' mW37'
.1'I,nK;' ,~~ ::1tVm ", ~" .," ;'~J tV'K? '~K TK 13
.'1'I'~;'? "?K "~J" C'tV"D;' ,'OU TK,14
MT 12:10-25)
C'::1, c'?,n ,',nK '~?" CW~ ~" ,"tV' 37'" 1'IKT ',nK ,;",15
•C?,~ 1'IK KD'"
';"?l' ?::1, '~K? C,,,,,16
;'37tV' '''37 '~KJtV ;,~ C"P?17
~DtV~' "'37 'm, l1'1K 'tVDJ ;'1'1'" ','n::1 '1'1'"::1 'tVK "37J 1;,18
."l' C'U?
.1',n::1 ,nK 37~W' K?' 1"" K?' ;,;", K?,19
~DtV~ n"J? c'tV' '37 ;'J::1~' K? ;,;,~ ;'1'ItVD' ,,::1tV' K?
.,?n" C'U '~W?,ZI
KD'" '~'1'I::1 ,tV;" C?K' "37 ,nK C'K "JD? K::1';' TK
•" , 1::1 ;'T K?;' "~K" m"::1n;, 'K?DJ'Z3
c"tV;, K''''~ 'J'K m "~K" '37~tV" C'W"'D;' '~'~W"Z4
.c"w;' ?37:1 ::1'::1T ?37::1::1 K?K
C~'J'::1tV m~?~ ?~ ?tV~::1 C;"?K '~K" ,"tV' cm::1tVn~ 37",15
C~'1'I::1 1'Iv"n~ ?'D1'IW 1'1'::1, "37 ?~ p, C~'W1'I 1'Iv"n~
12,11 ';"'K1U") ':"I'K1U" A, :"I"K1U" EF
12,1J )1Um) )1U" EF
12''',,:;)),,] ,,:;))n', EF I "'K) omit D
12,.. nKT] 1::1 EF I '1U' YT") 2 I H I 1"'] ")Y'! H I K!l""] K!l" K':"I' H
12'I6.,7.)K'] omit HI')') 'n,), EF, K' G, K'1U H I ,m'l') ':"1'1' 00, ,m7.lo"!l' H
'2", O"P') o"pn'1U "')17) H I :"I171U') m171U' AB, :"I'171U' CDEFGH
12,11 ,.,17)] ''017 DEFH I 1'!l1U7.l'] 1'!l1U7.l EF
12,19 :"1:"1"'] K:"I'" A, :"I):;)' G I T'!n)] + ",p ABCDEF
12,20 O'1U') ,"1U' ABDEFG I nl)' 0'1U'] 2 I C
12,n")!l') '1U' ')!l' G I ,nK) omit H I 'K.,,] :"IK." ABDEFGH
12,2A '7.l':;)1U"] '177.l1U" ABDEFGH I '177.l1U"] omit ABDEFGH I O'W:"I'] 0"1U BG I "17)].,1U AB-
12'~;;? Om)1UnlJ) 2 I
ABDEFGH I C::l')')1U) O:"l))1U A, O:"l')')1U DEFGH I n')'1 n') 'K A I
np"n7.l2) omp"n7.l F, onp"n7.l E I o:;),n)) 0:"1)) A
A man was there with a withered hand; so they
asked him saying: Is it permissible to heal him on the Sabbath?
He said to them: Who among you has a sheep that falls into a pit on the
Sabbath day and does not raise it up?
So much the more is man better than that. Therefore it is permissible
and [necessary] for man to do better on the Sabbath.
Then he said to the man: Stretch out your hand. He stretched out his
hand, and it returned as the other,
Then the Pharisees took counsel and plotted to put him to death.
It came to pass after this that Jesus knew it; so he turned aside from
there. Many sick followed him and he healed all of them.
He commanded them saying not to reveal him,
in order to establish what was spoken by Isaiah:
Behold my servant whom I have selected, my chosen one with whom
my soul is pleased; I will put my spirit upon him, and he will declare
justice to the nations.
He will not fear nor will he run nor shall one hear (his voice) in the
A crushed reed he will not break and a dim wick he will not quench
until he establishes justice forever,
and in his name the Gentiles hope.
Then there was brought to him a blind and dumb man who was demon
possessed; he healed him. The crowds saw [it]
and marveled and said: Is this not the Son of David?
The Pharisees were quick to hear [this] and said: This one does not cast
out demons except by Baalzebub, the lord of demons.
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them in a parable: Every kingdom
among you divided shall be made desolate, and so every city or house
upon which division shall fall shall not stand.
[MT 12:26-38
1,m:J'~ "~3m 1'K C:J'J'::1 np"n~ ,nK l~W K'J'~ l~W;' nK'u
CK'J';' K' :"1~' C:J'W C'J::1 ::1'::1T '37::1::1 C"W:"1 K'J'~ 'JK CK,27
.C:J'~!)'W C:"1 ":"1'
.m:J'~ TP K::1 n~K::1 C'P'K m'::1 C"W:"1 K'J'~ 'JK CK,28
"Wp' K' CK ",:J nK nnp, "::1,, n'::1::1 K::1' W'K ,:J,' 1'K,29
.,n'::1::1 ,,'W' :J"nK' l:"1,'nn ,mK
,"J P'!)
•'37'!)::1 ,,!):J' '~37 '::1nn' K'W :"1~ K':"1 .""J' "~37 U'KW ,~30
C'K 'J::1, ,n~'
K~n ,:JW C:J, '~'K 'JK 1:J31
m, '''J ,::1, '~'K:"1 ,:J, ."
K' m,:"1
,n~' C'K:"1 1::1 '''J ,::1, '~'K:"1 ':J,32
.::1":"137::1 K" T":"137::1 K' " ,n~' K' W"p:"1
"!):"1 1~ n~K:"1tV 37' ',!):J 37' f37 'K ::1'~ ',!):J ::1'~ f37 'W37 33
.T37:"1 37'"
K':"1' 1C'37' c:Jm':"1::1 m::1'~ ,::1"
,~:"n ,,~ C'Jn!) nn!)W~34
.n'::1'~ ::1,:"1 n"'37n~ :"1!):"1
37' ::1, 'J'K~ 37' C'K' ::1'~ K'J" ::1'~ ::1, 'J'K~ ::1'~ C'K35
..In ~,~"
l'::1Wn nn, ::1"n C'K:"1 ,::1,' 'WK C',::1,:"1 ':J~w c:J' 'JK '~'K36
•1":"1 C",
.::1"nnn 1'W37~ '!) '37' ~!)WJ :"1':"1n 1"::1' '!) '3737
T"J P'!)
:"1J,J '~K' c'~:Jm C'W"'!) nJp
K::1 K':"1:"1 n37::1 38
•1"::137::1 C'~W:"1~ mK
12,30 nan] DK' A I 1"1l711"1l7:1 C I D:)'J'::1] C:1J::1 A, C:1'J'::1 BOEFGH
'2>%' C'3::1] omit GH I K;] omit F I DK'I':1] C'K'I':1 ADEFH, C1K'I,n G
'2':lIC'P;K m'::1] omit EF I C'P'K] C';K A I mJ;Zl •.• C'P;K] O'Zl1l7 mJ;Zl nZlK::1 G I
o'p;ac mJ;Zl nZlK::1 c'p;ac H I mJ;Zl . • • nZlK::1] omit 0 I TP] + o'p;ac EF I
mJ;Zl] + o';ac A, ,mJ;Zl' o'p;ac B
12,29 Junac,] ,nac, ABooH I ,n'::1::1] ,n'::1 ABOEFGH
12,30 :1Zl] 'Zl' AEF, 'Zl BOO I ac;1l7] ,J'ac1l7 EF I '::1nn'] '::1nnZl EF I ;"!l::1] 'J ABEF, ;PZl::1 00
.203. P]lJ ;P ABEF I ;nZl"~2];,nZl' B I ;nZl,2] ;mZl' 00
12'32 0'TIC;'I) C'TIC H I ll.'1'P:1 n,,] m':1 EF I 1l7,'P;'I) ll.'11P:1 ABO
12,33 TP 2 ] ;P 0
,2,34 CJm':1::1] cnac, A I n'::11Zl] '::11Zl B I ::1;:1 n",pnZl] m",pn:1:1Zl A
,2,35 C'TIC'] C'TIC ABoo, + ::1; EF
'2'''' '::11'] ,::1, C
12,30 ac':1;'1) K':1:1 0 I ac::1] ,ac::1 ABOEFG I nIp] nlpZl A I C'1l7"'!l] C'1l7"!l:1 A I O'ZlJm] C'ZlJnm
AOEF I :11'3] '1'3 B I C'Zl1l7:1Zl] O'Zl1l7Zl F
MT 12:26-38)
(If) Satan casts out another satan, there will be
division among (them); how will his kingdom stand?
If I cast out demons by Baalzebub, why do your sons not cast them out?
Therefore, they will be your judges.
28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God truly the end of [his]
kingdom has come.
29 How shall a man be able to enter the house of the strong man to take
his goods unless he bind him first? Then he shall plunder his house.
30 Whoever is not with me is against me. (Whoever) does not join himself
to me denies (me).
31 (Therefore) I say to you that every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven
the sons of men, but blasphemy of the Spirit shall not be forgiven.
3l Everyone who says a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven
him. But everyone who says a word against the Holy Spirit, it shall not
be forgiven him either in this world or in the world to come.
33 Make the tree good according to good fruit, or the tree bad according to
bad fruit; because the truth is: from the fruit the tree will be known.
34 Family of vipers, how can you speak good things when you are evil?
Surely the mouth awakens, the heart speaks.
35 A good man from the treasure of a good heart brings forth good; an
evil man from the treasure of an evil heart brings forth evil.
36 I say to you that for all the words which a man shall speak he will be
obliged to give an account on the day of judgment.
37 According to your words you will be judged and according to your
deeds you will be convicted.
38 At that time, some of the Pharisees and sages came to Jesus saying:
We wish to see a sign from heaven by you.
[MT 12:39-13:1
mN;' N'N " 1n)' N' mN' mN
C'N 1~ ;";" 1~
tui'~~ rpm 37' ", C;', '~N,,39
m,', m,',
'l' C'~' 'l ;'l';' '37~~ ;";' 'tuN~tv40
'l' C'~' 'l T'N;' 1~~~
,~ ,mN '37'tv", ,,.,;, :"IT C37 ~Dtv~' '~'i" ;,,)) 'tv)N41
')N' ;,)" "~,, ;'~'tun~
",;, ;'T C37 ~Dtv~' C'i'n ;,tt')t?W'~ "" ;'~'T'j T37'~ N~tu n~,~42
;,~,tv n~~n 37'~tu' T'N;' mJi'~ ;'N~tu C37'tu,m
•NJ~' N" m)~ tvi'~~ m'J~ ",;, C'N;'~ ;'N~'~ m, NJ,,~,43
i'" ,mN NJ'~' N~' U~~ 'nNJ' ,tvN 'n'~, ~'tvN '~'N TN44
C'~tv", '~37 C'N~' ')~~
.1'~)' m~~
,m' mm, ;'37~tv
ni" TN4S
;";" 1~ •,n'tuN'~ 37' C'N;' n',nN ;";'" Ctv
n") i"D
T,n~ C"~'37 ,'nN' '~N m;" m,,~n;, ,~ '37 ,~,~ ')"37 46
.'~37 '~," U~~ C'tvi'~~
.,mN" C'tvi':J~ ,'nN' '~N ;,);, ,nN C'N " '~N,,47
.'~N ,~, 'nN ,~ "l~' 137,,48
.'nN' '~N c;, "N "~N" ,','~,n '37 "D~ tv"D,,49
.'~N' 'm'nN' 'nN N';' C'~tu~tu '~N l'J' ;,tv'37;' ,~SO
.C';' nDtv '37 ~tu" n'~;,~ ,"tv' NJ' N';';' C,'~l
"'39"1 c:t, EF, " G I :tl"] + N'Jl:t A
'lIlNJlIlJ :t':tlllJ G I C'TNj :t~'N:t A, C1N:t BDEG
11,. . :t';'I
"'l '));"
.;,m 37';' ""
MT 12:39-13:1)
.;,)" ,tv
I m",2] C'~' E, + C'~' F I ,Jj;lJ) 'Jj;ll
:tm) ;'IU'l A I ",:t] + y,:t EF I ',J,,] ,J" A
TY'JI TY' ADEFG I :tN"l'lIl'N " :tl'T"]lIlN"'l'lIl'N " :tl'" A, :tN"l'lIl'N' :tl'N' B,
:tN"l'lIlN " ;'Il'N' D, ;'Il"'l'lIl'N " ;'Il'N' EF, :tN"l'lIl'N " :tl'N' G I ",:t] + y,:t EF
" ' Nln'J'] Nln'lIlJ' AE I :tN~'l'] :tN~'l':t BEF I C1N:t~1 C1N~ F I
m'llJ] + lIlNj;l'lIllllNj;l""'!l TY' A I lIlj;lJ~]lIlj;lJ' EF
11,. . '~'N] n'~'N A I J'lIlN] J'lIlN ABDEFG
11,45 C'JlIl"'J C'J,,:t, DO, C'JlIl" F I ;'I';'I"J ':t', A
"''''Yj CY ABDEFGH I ,'nN' '~NJ ,'nN EF I '~Y , , ,U~~] omit D (hap)
12,., C'lIlj;lJ~ . • . '~N"] omit D
"'''''l~'] + "'N ABDEFG I '~N . . . 'nN] 2 I A
'2'''''~N'') '~N" ABCDEFG I C:t "NJ C:t"N BEF
11,50 'm'nN' 'nNJ 'n"nN' 'nN' '~N G
(3,' N,:t;'l C,'J] N';'I;'I nYJ EF
He said to them: An evil and wicked generation seeks
a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.
For as he was in the bowels of the fish three days and three nights, so
will the Son of Man be in the belly of the earth, (buried) for three days
and three nights.
The men of Nineveh will rise up in judgment with this generation and
shall condemn it, because they turned in repentance at the words of
Jonah and I am greater than Jonah.
The queen of Sheba, that is, Rezinah de Isteriah, will rise up in
judgment with this generation and shall condemn it, because she came
from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold
I am greater than Solomon.
When the' unclean spirit goes out from the man, he goes through
waterless places seeking rest, but does not find it.
Then he says: I will return to my house from which I came out, and he
goes and finds it empty, safe, and ready.
Then he takes seven spirits more evil than himself, and they go with him
arid dwell there, and the latter state of the man is worse than his first.
Thus it will be to this evil generation.
While he was speaking to all the crowds, behold his mother and his
brothers were standing outside seeking him to speak with him.
A man sai~ to him: Behold your mother and your brothers are seeking
to see you.
He answered the one who spoke (to him): Who are my brothers and
who is my mother?
He stretched out his hands to his disciples and said: These are my
mother and brothers.
Everyone who does the will of my Father who is in heaven is my
brothers, my sisters, and my mother.
Chapter 13
On that day Jesus went out of the house and sat on the shore of the
[MT 13:2-18
;"':1n;, ,~, ;''IN:1 N:1' "1'!JW 'Y m":1n "'N
•T,n:1 11'1;)'Y
'11':11;) N:I" W'N C;" '1;)N" C"W1;):1 C':1, C',:1, C;" ':1",3
.'Y'T I1N Y"T' 'i',:1:1
.fl'Y;' ,mN '~N' ",:1 1)1;)1;) '£lJ 'Y'T:1,4
'£I' W:1"I1J ,n1;):I:1' '£lY ':1,Y CW l'NW l:1N:1 ;"£lJ ;,)1;)1;),5
.:1", '£lY CW l'NW
.W,'W " l'Ntv W:1"I1J' fl,tvJ "'Y W1;)W;' C,n:1,6
•';"'1;)Y" C':I,i';' ';""l" C':I,i';' 1':1 '£lJ 1)1;)1;),7
'JW:11 ;'N1;) ,nN;' ;'N':1m "£1 ;,tvY', ;':1,1' T'N:1 '£lJ 1)1;)1;),8
.C'W'W 'W"tv:11 C'Wtv
•Y1;)tv' Y'1;)tv, C'JTN '1;),9
.C"W1;):1 ':1'11 ;'1;)' ""1;)'11 " "1;)N' ""1;)'11 "'N ':1'i',,10
•C;" N" "~;,, C'1;)W m~,~ 111J C~,tv '~N"II
:1W,n N';'tv ;,~ " l'Ntv ,~" "Y 111J' " tv'w ,~,1Z
.1)~~ Mi'"
C,y~,tv C'N" CJ'N' C'N" C;,W C"W~:1 ':1'~ 'IN ;'T,13
C'Y~'W CJ'N'
;,m CY, 11'~N' " N':1J;' ;"YW' '''Y '~NJW ;,~ "~l,14
.',~, 'N' ;'N' 'N" 'Y'11 'N' Y'~W 'Y1;)W
;'N" 1£1 Ytlm ,'J'Y, ':1~;' "JTN' ;,m CY;' :1, 1~tv;'15
.',~, ,'J'Y:1
.mY~,tvtv C~'JTN' mN"tv C~'J'Y "tvN,16
;,~ mN" "NI1;' C'i",:I, C':1, C'N':1Jtv c~,
'IN 1~N17
.'Y~W N" C'Y~'W CI1Ntv ;,~ Y'~W" 'N' N" C'N" CI1Ntv
•y"m 'w~ 'Y~W CI1N,18
13,1 T1n:l] T1n:l7J A, ~,n:l B
13,30':l'J omit EFG I 'P':l:lJ 'P:l" G I l'IKJ omit F
I3,S:t"!)J :tJ7J7J,) "!)J U7J7J, AEF, :t"!)J U7J7J 00 I 01l1J + 0111 C I :l,," ••• '!)"J = 1)1.....)
13'-1I1:l"m, • • • O,n:l'J = 1)1.....), ms G unclear
13'1"!»)) :t"!») EF I ,m17JP" ••. ,m"'l"] O'J,p:t ,"n', ,m7J7JP" A, ,m7J7JP" O'J,p:t ''''1'' B,
,m'7JP" O'~p:t "'1" C, ,:t7J7JP', O'J,p:t ''''1'' 00, ,:t,7J1JP', EF (hap)
13,1 :t1l1P',] '1I1P" EF I :tK':lm] :tK':ll'l EF
13,1I""1J"l'I 2J omit ABDEFG I ,:l'l'IJ + :tl'lK C
13,11 0'1J1I1] 0'1J1I1:t G
13:111m'J + ,,, ABOO I :lll11n) + ,,, ~"111 ABDEFG
13,14 "1J1"] O"p" EF I 'K,2. • • 1C':lJ:t] omit G I O~) OP:t "K A I
,J':ll'l AEF I :tK') 'IC'
A I "1C,2J + ,nl'l ABEF, + U':ll'l D
13,15 ")'P:l . • • ")TIC'J omit G I ,'J'P:lJ omit AF
13'11 "lCl'I:t]l1lC" EF
MT 13:2-18)
Crowds joined themselves to him until
he needed to enter a boat; the whole crowd was standing (on the shore).
He spoke to them many things in parables and said to them: A man
went forth from his house in the morning to sow his seed.
In his sowing some of it fell on the road, and the birds ate it.
Some of it fell among rocks where there was no density of soil, and
when it sprang up it withered because there was not much soil there.
When the sun above it became warm, it was burned and dried up be
cause it had no root.
Some of it fell among the thoms, and the thorns (grew and darkened it).
Some of it fell on good ground and made fruit and produce, the first
a hundred, the second sixty and the third thirty.
Whoever has ears to hear let him hear.
Then his disciples drew near to him and his disciples said to him:
Why do you speak in parables?
He said: To you it has been given to know the kingdom of heaven, but
not to them.
Whoever has, it will be given (to him) again, but whoever has nothing,
that which he thinks (he has) will be taken from him.
For this [reason] I speak in parables because they see but do not see,
hear but do not hear,
in order t~ fulfill what was said through Isaiah the Prophet: Go and say
to this people, hear but do not comprehend, see but do not (understand).
Make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and blind
their eyes, lest they should see with their eyes.
Blessed are your eyes that see and your ears that hear.
Truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see
what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not
hear it.
But hear you the parable of the sower.
[MT 13:19-30
C'~tu m;),~ y~,tu:1 ,;) ",:J '!)Jtu y,m, C'N 1:J N':1 Y'11:1 19
y,m ':1T1 .,:J Y'TJtu :1~ ,;) ':J'~ fl,nn', l~tu:1 N:J' .1':J' N"
MT 13:19-301
.",:1 'Y '!)Jtu
,J,:Ji" 'N:1 ,:J, y~,tu:1 N':1 l:JN:1 'Y ,!)J ,tuN,20
,n;)tu~ l~tu:1 C:1, :1,J, ,YJ ~Y~ N:J:J' :1;)':J~' tu"tu N':J N':1,21
.:1n~tu:J ,,~
,tu,y fl'ON' ,n,~n:J' ,:J,:1 nN y~,tu:1 :1T C'J'i':J ,!)J ,tuN,22
.,,!) :1tuY' N" 'N:1 ,:J, ,n;)tu~ l~tu:1
,,!) :1W,Y, l':J~' ,:J,:1 nN y~,tu:1 N':1 :1:J'~:1 Y'N:J ,!)J 'WN,23
1~' C'tutu 'Jtu:1 1~' :1N~ "N:1 1~ N'J'" .C':J'~ C'tuY~~ ''''
.flU:1 ntu"i" :J,:1 n':1~~ ':1T :1N~ "N:1 .C'tu'tu 'tu',tu:1
':1T C'tu,tu 'tu"W:1~' .:1tuN:1 mtu"!)~ ':1T C'tutu ,nN:1~'
.:J':J, flU:J :m'T:J :1tu"i'~
C'tutu i"!)
'Y'TW;) Y'11:1 tu'N' :1~" C'~W m;),~ .,nN ,tu~ C:1'J!), CW,,24
.:J'~ Y'T
111 c'~n:1 'Y Y'T" 'NJ'W N:J C'Jtu' C'N 'J:J ,tuN;) ':1,,25
."" :1,,"N"':J TY':J
.1,m :1N" ,,!) mtuY, :JtllY:1 :1"" ,tuN;) ':1,,26
Y'T N':1 U'J"N " "~N" "'N :1'W:1 ,Y:J ',:JY ':J'i',,27
11,m :1':1 l'N~' .nY'T :J'~
.1,m "i'YJ ",:JY " "~N" :"IT ,tuY 'NJ'tu C:1, '~N28
.:1~n:1 "i'yn 1!) N' C:1, '~N,,29
C',J'i" '~N "Ji':1 nY:J' "Ji':1 'Y """ :1T' :1T ii:'):1 N'N JO
fl"tu, m":Jn m":Jn :1mN ,'Wi" :1J,tuN' 111:1 '~i"
.'J'N:J un :1~n:1'
,3," Beginning) + "WIJ B I lmt] C'Tl(:1 ADEF I C'IJW) omit G I r"nn,,).,,~n', EFG I Y,nW] Y'TW
EF I ':1n) ,m A, :1T G
13'''l:JIC:1j PIC G I YIJ'W:1j + nIC ABCDEFG I U":JP') U":JP" ABDEFG
'3", :1;),:JIJ,) :1;),:JIJ:J, ABOO, :10,;)IJ, EF I :1'~' ,n) 'Yln :1'1 EF
13,n C'I'P:J) C'I~:1"IC EF I m),m A I nIC)"K EF, omit G I 1M;)WIJ) + C:J"O EF I C':1"K) "K:1
13,23 K,:1j ,m A I nK) omit AG I .,.",) omit ABDEFG I '1£""1£') '1£""1£':1 G I ,nIC:10') :J":10, C,
K;" EF '1£";1£':10') IC:10' A, ,nK:10' BOO, KO' EF :1~'PIJ) n~,po EFG l"'T:J) omit B
13,,. C'OW) + IC':1' BEFG W'IC") C'IC"IC'I (') A 'Y'TW;)) ':11lU:J ABDEFG
13,25':1")IC':1" A C'Tl(] C'Tl(:1 AD C'~n:11 :1~n:1 A TY":J) TY" ADEFG :1lIC"':J] :11IC'" AEFG,
:11IC":J C. IC1IC'" D
omit AEF
13,.. :1IC" I :1IC,m, (?) B, :1IC'J G
13,21 nY'T] :1nnT A
13,21 'WY] :1WY ABDEFG
m] p G
13,,. C:17] :1" FG I IC") ,., A, omit G
13'30"1"]"1' D I 'Y) + ny B I nYJ'1 nYJ C I 'IJICI 'O'IC EF, "OIC G I ,~p") + nIC ABDEFG
I :1J'WIC'] :1"nn EFG I :1mIC) ,mIC ABDEFG I m"':Jn') omit A I Un) + :1mK A
I ,,,,,)
The Sower is the Son of Man
and the seed which fell on the road is every one who hears the kingdom
of heaven and does not understand it. Satan comes and snatches away
from his heart everything which was sown in it. This is the seed which
fell on the road.
That which fell upon the rocks is the one who hears the word of God
and receives it immediately with joy.
But he is without root and is (in) confusion and when a little trouble
and distress come to them, Satan causes [them] to forget from their
That which fell among the thoms, this is the one who hears the word
and in his desire to gather wealth, Satan causes him to forget the word
of God, and he makes no fruit.
That which fell into the good earth is the one who hears the word and
understands it and makes fruit, that is, from good works. He brings
forth from the first a hundred, from the second sixty, and from the third
thirty. As for the hundred, this is the one purified of heart and sanctified
of body. As for the sixty, this is the one separated from women. As for
the thirty, this is the one sanctified in matrimony, in body and in heart.
He set before them another parable. The kingdom of heaven is like a
man who sows good seed (in his field).
It came to pass when the men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed
tares over the wheat, that is, beriyagah, and he went away.
It came to pass when the herb grew up to make fruit, he saw the tares.
The servants of the master of the field drew near to him and said to
him: Master did you not sow good seed? Then whence came the tares?
He said to them: My enemy (did) this. His servants said to him: We
will uproot the tares.
He said to them: No, lest you uproot the wheat.
But let them remain together and grow up until the harvest and in the
time of the harvest I will say to the reapers: Gather the tares first and
bind them into individual bundles for burning and the wheat put into
the granary.
[MT 13:31-43
"p'tV ?1'" "l'l? ;'~'1 c'~tV m:J?~ .,"~ ?tV~ C;"J!)? CtV,,31
.;'1tV:J ';'Y'l" C1~ ,m~
;,tVYJ, C':JtVY;' ?:J ?Y ?1l' '?1l:J' C'J'Y'l ?:J~ 1'1 ~,;,,32
.~!)J~:J '?':lt~, c'~tv;, ~'Ytv 1Y ?'1l TY
U,,~ ~':J~tv ,,~tv? ;'~'1 C'~tv m:J?~ .,n~ ?tV~ C;,? ':J1,,33
.,?,:J n~ r'~"" "~p C'~O tV?tV:J ;,?~;,
':J'1 :'1';' ~? ?tV~ '?:J, m":J"? ,"tV' ':J1 ;,?~;, C'?tv~;, ?;:)34
m1" ;'Y':J~
MT 13:31-43)
'!) ?tv~:J ;,nn!)~ ~':JJ;' !)"y '~~JtV ;,~ C"p?3S
.C1p 'J~
:J"O i?'!)
"?~ ,:J'P', .n':J;' ?~ ~:J" m":Jn;, 1~ ,"tV' 1'!)J l~36
.1,m ?tV~ C;,? tv,,!)? U~~ ,tVp:J' "1'~?n
C1~;' ~,;, :J'~ Y'l y"m C;,? ,~~" C;,? 1y,,37
C;, 1,m, C'P'1:lt;, C;, :J'~;' ,,!), :1l;' C?,Y;' ~,;, ;'1tV;,,38
:J";'Y;' n',"~ ;,~p;" l~tV;, ~,;, ,m~ y,ttV ~J'tvm39
.C':J~?~;' C;, C":lt,p;,,
.C'~';' n',n~:J ;";" p ~"tv? 11l;' C,,:lt,p;, ,~p? 'tV~:J,40
?:J' YtV, ?:J ,m:J?~~ "pY? ":J~?~~ n~ C~ 1:J "?tv,41
·1'~ '?Y,!)
.l:l'J'(D np'in1 '::>::1 i1'i1' 001 ~ n"'~:J cm~ ,n'?tV,,42
C'Jl~ ,~? .C;":J~ m:J?~:J tv~tV:J C'i"1:lt;, ,,':1l' l~43
.Y~tv' y,~tV?
:'IP"" B
13'31 C'J'''') C'J,,,m ABOEFG ,~) + C':1W:'I G K!lJIC) "!lJP:1 ABOEF, "'P G
13,.u,nK) + C:'I'
ABOEFG K':17.lW] K':1nW A :'l?K:'I) :'IWK:'I ABOEFG
13034 :'l?K:'I) "K:'I ABCOEFG ,:1,]
G C:'I"K) cm ABOEF
13,)5 '!I) + :'I'PW' 0
:'IP':1K) Ki':1K F C'TP • • • :'Ii':1K) omit B
13'''''Wp:1,) 'WP:1', ABOEFG
.),)'7 cm 1P") omit G
C:'I,2) omit ABCOEF K':'I) + 1:1 A
13,.. :1,tl:'l) :1,tl F C:'I 2) omit ABDG
13''''K':'l) omit A :1":'IP:'l) C"P:'I ABOEFG c"X,pm) C"X,p, A C:'l) "K F
13,.. f)"W')WK:1 ,mK ,'W:'I' G
13,•• C~) C~:'I ABDG "~'7.l7.l) "~K'7.l ABO l'K "P1!1 '~') omit G
", W'W',) '~"W" ABOEFG
CmK) ,mK G
np',m) p',m B
1W G
",Ol P17.lW') omit A
,1JK I
I C'J'W)
He set before them another parable.
The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard which a man takes
and sows in the field.
It is smaller than all garden herbs, but when it grows up it is greater
than all herbs and is made into a great tree until the birds of heaven
withdraw into (its branches).
He spoke to them another parable. The kingdom of heaven is like
leaven which (a woman puts) into three measures of flour and it leavens all of it.
All of these parables Jesus spoke to the crowds and without a parable
he did not speak to them,
to fulfill what was said according to the prophet: I will open my mouth
in parables; I will utter riddles from ancient times.
Then Jesus was parted from the crowds and went into the house. His
disciples came to him and asked him to explain for them the parable of
the tares.
He answered them and said to them: The one who sows good seed is
the field is this world, the good fruit is the righteous, and the tares are
the evil.
The enemy who sowed it is Satan, the standing grain at the end is the
world to come, and the reapers are the angels.
As the reapers gather the tares to bum, so will it be at the end of the
The Son of Man will send his angels to uproot from his kingdom all
evil and all who do iniquity.
They will (cast) them into the pyre of fire; there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.
Then the righteousness will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their
father. Whoever has ears to hear let him hear.
[MT 13:44-58
lIfO j?'D
O'K; m~" K':'1 O'~W m::l;~ ,','~;n; ,"W' '~K "3744
'WK ;::l "::l~' 1'~~:'1 nn~w:J' ':'1,,'nO' 'WK 1'~~~ K'X'~:'1
."37:J :'1'W:'1 :'1Jp', ,;
.m,p' O'J:JK WP:J~:'1 ,mo O'K; :'1~" O'~W m::l;~ "37,45
•:'1mK :'1Jp', ,; 'WK ;::l "::l~' :'1:J'~ nnK KX~' 'WK::l,46
.:'1:J O'DOKJ o'n 'J'~ ;::lW 0':'1 "n:J nw,; :'1~" O'~W m::l;~47
o',m:J' O'l"':'1 O'KX'" y,n; :'1'K'X" K;~n 'WK::l,48
.:'1X,n O'::l';W~ 0'37';" 0:'1';::l:J 0':J'~:'1
O'37W':'1 ';',:J', O'::lK;~:'1 'KX' 0'~':'1 n',nK:J :'1':'1' 1::l49
.0'p"X:'1 "n~
.O'J'W np',m '::l:J :'1':'1' OW WK m"'~:J OmK ,::l';W"so
•1::l "~K" .:'1T OnJ:J:'1 0:'1; '~K,,51
K'X'~:'1 Z'l~:'1 ':JK O'K; O'~W m::l;~:J :'1~" O::ln ;::l nKT;52
.O'JW' Ol o'w,n O',:J, "X'K~
'''0 i"D
.OW~ ':J37 :'1;K:'1 0',:J,:'1 Y'W' :'1;::l 'WK::l nKT ',nK ':'1,,53
O'W"D:'1' .m'OJ::l 'n:J:J O'WJK; ,~;~ :'1':'1' 'X'K; K:J,54
';K mW37; n::l' :'1~::ln:'1 :'1T; :'1:J 1'K~ O:J;:J "~K" 'K;DJ
O"~ '~K ';K ;::lW On37" K;:'1 'to"~' nDJ:'1 :'1T 1:J 1'K55
:'1"":'1" 1'''37~W' Z'l0" 'l ,'nK'
'm;K ;::l :'1T; K:J l'K~' 't'J~37 ';K ;::lW On37" K;:'1 .,'m'nK,56
K"::l ,,:J::l ,; 1'KW K':JJ 1'K Y'W' 0:'1; 137" .,:J O'::l,:JJ ":'1,57
•,n':J' "'37' 'X'K:J
.0nJ'~K ~'37'~; mK O'W OW mW37; :'1X, K;'SS
13''':'I7,m lC';'] 2 I A. 2 B I lC'i,7,m]lCiUl;' ABDEFG I 'lUlC]lU'lU ;'7.:1 A I
,;",'no'] ,;,,'no' ABDEF
13,46 nnlCI nlC G
13,., ;'7.:1"] + lC';' ABEFG. lC';' D
13,41 C'lCi"'1 'lCi" EF I C'"",;,] c'",;, DEFG
13,.. C'JlC'7.:I;'] + cm G
13'''m'''7.:IJ] n"'7.:IJ ADEFG I ;":'1'1 ':'I' BOO I np',ml mp',m AB
13'51,,7.:IlC"] + "'lC A
13,.. m'03JI C:'Im'03J A I :'IJ] lCJ ABCDEFGH I :'IT'] + nlCT A I "lCI "lCJ EF
13'":'IT P]2 I ABDEFGH I C"7.:I'1 C',7.:I '7.:IlC ClUl'lC 00. C',7.:I F I '7.:IlC "lC 'JlU] '7.:IlClU ABCDEGH.
"7.llClU F I '''I '7.:I'lC" ABEFG. '7.:I'PlC' DH I flO"1 flO'" ABDEGH I :'1":'1" l'Y7.:IlU' flO"] 2 I 3
EF I :'I";"']lC"" BCDEGH
13'''137.:IY "lC 'JlU] "lC ,J 13Y7.:IlU D I l'lC7.:I'll'lC7.:I ABDEFGH
13' lC'J3] + ,,'YJ BDEFG. + 13"37J H I lC"JjlC'lC A
13,51 C'lU] omit EF
MT 13:44-58)
Again Jesus said to his disciples:
The kingdom of heaven is like a man who finds a treasure which had
been hidden and in~gladness over the value he sells all which he has and
buys the field for himself.
Again the kingdom of heaven is like a certain merchant seeking precious
When he finds a good one, he sells all which he has and buys it.
The kingdom of heaven is like a net in the midst of the sea in which are
gathered all kinds of fish.
When it ~s full, they draw it out, and the fishermen go forth and choose
the good for their vessels and the bad they cast away.
Thus it will be at the end of days; the angels will go forth and separate
the evil from the midst of the righteous.
Then they shall cast them into the pyre of fire; there shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.
He said to them: Have you understood this? They said: Yes.
Every wise man in the kingdom of heaven, therefore, is like a certain
father of children who brings forth from his treasure things new and old.
It came to pass after this, when Jesus finished these words, he passed
on from there.
He came into his own country and was teaching the people in the synagogues. The Pharisees were amazed and said in their heart: Whence
(came) to this one the wisdom and power to do these deeds?
(Is this) not the son of the smith and Mary? Do you not know all these:
his mother Mary, his three brothers: Joseph, Simon, and Judah,
and his sisters? Do you not know all these who are with us? Whence
came to this one all these things?
So they were confused about him. Jesus answered them: A prophet is
not without honor except in his own land, city and house.
Then he did not wish to do there any sign because of their little faith.
[MT 14:1-16
:1"0 i?'D
.,"tu' Imm~tu :1i?"K?t?'~ 0''''''':1 37~tZ1 K':1:1 1137:J1
1Jm' :1TZn37 mK'D:1 "KtZ1 l'~K~ 'JK :1J:1 "':J37' '~K"z
'OK~:J ':1'OK" 0:1:1 O'~':J 1Jm', tZ1DI1 0,"",,:1tZ1 'D' :1':1tZ13
•,'nK I1tZ1K :111':1tZ1 :1tZ1K' K9"1":1iK' np' K'tZ1 ,n';,,~ :1':1tZ1 'D'
.". :1"K' :1J'K 1Jm' " '~'K :1'm 4
K':JJ'tZ1 037:1 11K" "" 'l":1' :11" :1':1 0''''''':1 :1J:1's
•0:1'J':J :1':1
,';'K' m;"~:1 ""l' K'P 0""':1 11K ",:1 0" :111tu~:J,6
:J~'" O:1'J':J I1'P'~ '11:J :111':1 O";"K ,':1tu "37:J' '~37
.U~~ 'Ktul1 ,tuK ,;, 11K :1, 111'tZ1 :1, 37:Jtu','
•"K llK:J ":J~~:1 1Jm' tZ1K' :1'KtZ1 :1~"~ 11'0"~ :1'37J:1,8
'1" O'K"P:1 'JD:J :1tu37tu :137':Jtu:1 '37:J 'K~ :J137J ,,~m9
•':1'0:1 11':J:J 1Jm' ~,ntu' n,w,,10
:1'37J:1' :1'37J' ,mJI1" llK:J 1Jm' tZ1K' 'K':J"l1
.:1~K' :1Jl1J
0"'~'11:1' ,:1,,:JP" Z'l'l:1 'KtZ1" 1Jm' "'~'11 'K:J"U
,:J,:1 "'l:1
.:1,,:1' ':J'~' "" :1'JK:J 0tZ1~ 370J ,"tZ1' 37'~tZ1;,,13
.I1U"~:1 ,;,~ ,',nK ,;"" 11"':Jn:1 37'~tZ1;"
•om'n~ ,;, KD'" ,on "'K ~" :J, 037 ,',nK :1K' 'K1'tZ1;,,14
.':J'37 '1 O'P~:1 :1T " "~K" ""~'11 "'K ,:J,P :J'37 1137:J,IS
.0:1"K "'1:1 ,np', O"'l~:J ,;,,'tZ1 m":Jn:1 :Jn37
•';'K' 0:1' 'JI1 "" 0';"'1 OJ'K ,"tZ1' 0:1' 137,,16
••" 0""':1) 0'''':1 B I :1PK'tl'tl) :1P'K'tl'tl 0, :1p"tl'tl EF
..,2 'JK :1J:l) ':1J:1 0 I mK;D:l) mK;DJ:1 A, m;'S7D:1 DO I ;'::1tl/,):l) omit E
..,J:1':1lU) :1'nlU ABEF I KO''''K;) KlU'''''K' AB, Ktl","K; 0, :1lU","K; EF, :10'''''K' G
••,5 :1J:l1] omit EF I ,;"j K;" AG
""",:1] n"':1 ABDEFG I nK] omit ABDEFG I O:1'J'::1] O:1JD; AEF
..,7 S7::1lU"] S7::1lUJ' ABDEFG I nK] omit ABDEFG
"":1/,),'/,)] :1/,)M ABDEFG I ;'::1tl/,):1] omit F I UK] omit F
"'5'S7::1] + :'It G I O'K"P:1 ••• :1lUS7lU] omit F
..,It tl,nw?] omit EF I lJn1']lJn1'; ABDEFG
..,11 :1JnJ) ':1JnJ A I :1/,)K;j '1.)1(; A
..,.21Jn1' '1'/,);n) "1'/,);n G
..,13 :111:1') K'" BCDO I ';"') ,,;:1 A
""5'1] + nS7:l1 ABCDEFG I 0'''''/,)::1) 0';"'::1 G I "'I:l) "'1:1 A I ";K) + ;, G
"'''0:1'] + onK A
MT 14:1-16)
Chapter 14
At that time Herod the Tetrarch heard reports about Jesus.
He said to his servants: Behold I believe that John the Baptizer is doing
these miracles.
3 This happened because Herod had seized John in those days and had
bound him in prison because he was reproving him that he should not
take Herodias for a wife because she was the wife of his brother.
4 John ~as saying to him: She is not permissible to you.
5 Then behold Herod wished to kill him, except for fear of the people
[who believed] he was a prophet among them.
6 On the feast of Herod's birthday, he called the nobles of the kingdom to
eat with him, and while they were eating, his daughter danced among
them and it was pleasing to Herod.
7 He swore to give her whatever she asked from him.
8 The girl, being instructed by (her mother), asked for the head of John the
Baptizer in a bowl.
9 The king was very sad because of the oath which he had made before
those invited. But he commanded to do so
10 and sent to kill John in prison.
II They brought the head of John in a bowl and gave it to the girl and the
girl gave it to her mother.
12 Then the disciples of John came and took the body and buried it and
the disciples told the matter to Jesus.
13 When Jesus heard it, he departed from there in a boat and went into the
wilderness of Judea. When the crowds heard they followed him from
all the cities.
14 When they came out he saw behind him a numerous people; so he
extended kindness to [them] and healed all of their diseases.
15 At evening time his disciples came to him and said to him:
This place is limited (and the time) is advancing. Let the crowds go into
the towers that they might take the necessities for themselves.
16 Jesus answered them: They have no need to go; give them to eat.
[MT 14:17·29
.•C'l' ')W l'ni:J:J tu~n CN ':J 1N:J~ U? 1'N ')37 cm 17
•'?N Cl'nN 'N'~;' C;,? i~N,,18
l'ni:J:J w~n;, np? '~W'tu:J' .C'~W37;' ?37 C37;' ,~'W'W ,~,,19
C)11" Cp?n', Cl'nN 'i~ C'~tu? ~,~~ 'l'n';'~' C'l' ')Wm
•l'n37"0? ,p?n C"'~?11;" ""~?11?
inN' .C)'~i:J '?:IN C'l';'~ 1:J' .'37~W" C?:J '?:IN':ro
.C'NO itu37 C')W C;,~ 'N?~" l'niNW);' C'11'11£);' ,np? '?:J11W
.~~m C'W);, ,~?~ C'W)N C'£)?N 11tu~n C'?:J'N;' i£)O~ ,;",21
'''0 Pi£)
U~~ c"p ,n'?w', ;")N~ O):J? ""~?11? ;,,~ ;'T 'inN,n
.l'n:J?,;' l'ni,~n;,W i'37~
::liD mh 'il" ,,::l? ??£)11;" i;'? ;'?37 l'ni,~n;, ~T37W inN,23
.'~'37 ,,~? N,m
mi;'W '£)? ;'l'nN l'n£)m, ";' C;"?l' C';' 37~~N~ ;")Nm 24
.'l)~ ;";'
.C'~ ,?,;,
C;,? N~ ;'?'?;'~ 11'37'~i;' ;'i~tu~?Z5
;,';,tu C~tu,n~ itu~ ,?;,~) C'~ ,?;, ""~?11 ,mNi iWN:J,26
•C'p37'~ ";' C,"£) ~'i~' ,tu
N';' ')Ntu C:J~ ;')'~N ;";" C;,? i~N" ,"W' C;,? ;,)37 TN,27
.'Ni'11 ?N'
N~? 'l'nN ;,,~ N';' ;'11N CN "'N ,? i~N" O'i"~"£) 137,,28
.C'~~ ,'?N
C'~ ,?;" m'£)o;,~ O'i"~"£) 'i" .N~ ,"w' ,? i~N,,29
.,"tu'? N~'
14'"lU~n) 'lU~n A
14,11 0;"] omit A
''''''::I'lU'lU) '::IlU'lU ABCDEFG I '::IlU'lU::I') '::IlU'lU1 G I lU~nm 'wn;, A I 'llUm] '1lU1 A I o",,~,"m]
+ 011ne ,np, G I ,p,n] + oml( ABDEFG
14'''p,] omit DO
'0,2' l1lU~nllU~n AEFG I 'T::l'~l ,::1, BDEFG I 0'lU1;') O'lUJ~ G
14'22m ',nl(')1::1 ,nl(' EF I OJ::I,) 01::1" ADEF 11M"lU") ,::1," A, oml( '::I"lU" B, '::I"lU" DEFG
,0'''31I~I(::I) ::1,::1 G I 0;"'1') 0';"'1' AB, 0"1:11 C, 0';"1' D, 0';' "1 EFG I ;,ml() ;"11(;' A I
;";'] + "1' O'P~ A
14,25 ;"~lU~') ""~lUl(" ADO, m"~lUl(" B, ;"'~lUl(" EF I 11'31'::1';'] '31'::1';' AG
'0''''';,) ",;, ABDEFG I 'lU::I] omit ABCG I O::llU1n::l] O::llUn::l ABDEF, ':11::1lUM1 G I
;";'lU) ;";' '::1 EF I W ;";'lU] W::I G I
14'27TI(') TI( G I 0;" '7.)1("]'''1(' B, 0;" '~I(' CD, '~I(' EFG I 0::1::1 ;'1'~1(]2 1 EF I '1(')'1( AEFG
14' 2I O"O"!l] ,'O'!l A, lU"O'!l BDO, O,'O'!l CEF I 1(';'] omit EF I 1(::1, 'ml(] omit EF
14'''O''O''!l) ,'O'!l A, lU"O'!l BDO, O,'O'!l EF I :1J'!l0;'~] :1J'!l0~;' G I ,,:11] "" G I 0'::1] 0"~::1
A, 0'~::1 BDO I 1(::1] ,::1 G
,'m ;";'
MT 14:17.29)
They answered:
We have nothing here except five loaves (and) two fish.
18 He said to them: Bring them to me.
19 Then he commanded that the people should (sit) on the grass. When
they sat he took the five loaves and two fish and as he looked into
heaven he blessed them, divided them, gave them to his disciples and
the disciples made distribution to the groups.
20 All of them ate and were satisfied. They also ate the fish according to
what they desired. After they had finished, they took the fragments
which remained and filled twelve seahs with them.
21 The number of those eating was five thousand men apart from women
and children.
22 After this, he commanded his disciples to assemble in a boat that they
might (go) before him to the city to which the crowds were going.
23 After he left the crowds, he went upon a mountain and prayed alone.
At the time of evening he was standing alone.
24 The boat was in the midst of the sea and (the waves of the sea) were
driving it because the wind was contrary.
2S At the fourth watch of the night Jesus came to them walking on the sea.
26 When his disciples saw him walking on the sea they were alarmed,
thinking he was a demon, and from the greatness of their fear they were
crying out.
27 Then Jesus answered them and said to them:
Let faith be among you because it is I; do not fear.
28 Peter answered and said to him: Master, if it is you, command me to
come to you on the water.
29 Jesus said to him: Come. So Peter came down from the boat, walked
on the sea and came to Jesus.
[MT 14:30-15:10
. p37J 37:n,', ,,'nrm:n
;'~'37~ ;'3'~K~
•'337'W';""K '~K'
,np" ", ,"K;' Y'W' ,,~,31
.npDn03 ;,~,
m,;, M3 ;"3K~ "37 'WK:J,3Z
.C'p'K;' 1~ K';' ;,nK n~K~ "~K' " "nnw;, m'DO~ 'WK,3:
m:J'~;' ,mK ':J~ ,n,w C'P~;' 'W3K ,;',,':J;' 'WK:J,3
.C"'~ ':J~ c'"n;, ,:J " 'K'~;"
.01) ,~ ?:>, '?'DO ~P:>J '37)' C~n37' ,J,' "3D "m
T"O i"D
"'K "~K" C'W"Dm c'~:Jn;, ,"W' 'K K~ TK1
C'Jm, C3'K C;,W nU'WK';' nupn ,,'~,n C"~'37 ;,~'z
.;"':JK;' C"i' C;""
'37~ 'K;' "~K~ C"~'37 CnK ;,~" ,"W' C;" '~K,,3
.n~,' m~ '~K' "~K ;':J~' '~K nK' "~K nK '~:J '~K 'K;'W:
m'K~W '~K" "~K' C1K;' '~K' ,~, ;'T'KW C"~'K cnK'
1'37 ,mK " 'D':J'W K~n ,mK '37~ 1n'w ;'~'3
.c:J'm;pn~ 'K "~K C'T~~ cnK' '~K' "~K '~:J' K,,6
'~K' C:J~ K~'3 ;"37W' m;, C'D3n ,';'7
,~" '3"~:J ,'nDW~' "D~ ;,m C37;' W)3 ':J 137' ";' '~K ;':J8
'3~~ pn,
.;,,~,,~ C'tzl3K mJ~ 'mK CnK" ';,m 9
.,~,~;" '37~W C;" '~K" m37'O' K'P '''W"IO
C1K "
,nD m,;, pT,n ,mK,:n JO
•.". D'TlC) :n G
••,11 D'P'nc:'l) D'?M:t A. D'p?M F
••,.. All mss lack vs 34.
'·''',mM) :tmM CDEFG I ?:l~] + 'J'~ ABCDG I a'rT1J ?:l~] omit EF
'.'30'J") :tJ" ABG I D:lnJ?] D:lTY, AE I YlJ) ,YlJ ABDEFG I MIl,m) 'MIl,m ABDEFG
15,. M:l) ~ ABCDEFGH I 'lV' ?M) 'W'? EF I "?M)'? H
15'2",~?n] ,,,,~?n ABDEFH I nmn,:t) n'J,n,:t AH
15",~) ,~,
'~') '~'lV H D'TlC:t) D'TlC
15"a'T:J~) D'T:J~' D"~'M EF ',~) ,,~~ ACEF
•SoS :tT'MlV)
:tT'M:J H
I :tT'M:llV) 'T'M:JlV H I :ttln) :ttln:t EFH
I ?Mj?M:t AEF I
D:l'nUpn:J) D:l'nUpn 'TY:J ABDEFGH
15.",:'1) 'm ABCDG I a'DJ") D'IlJn:t F I M:l'J :t'YlV'] :t'YlV' M:JJ ABCDEFG
15"":t ,~ :t:l] omit G I. ":t] omit F I ':l] omit B I ,:J?,) a:J?' EF
15:9 :ntl,?C • • • anM"] omit G
15.10 D:t?] D:t'?M H I 'YDlV) , " EF I 'tl':Jm) ,tl':J:t F
MT 14:30-15:101
But when he saw the strength of the wind he feared
exceedingly and as he began to sink he cried out and said: Master, save
Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand, took him, and said to him:
Man of little faith, why did you doubt?
When they went up into the boat, the wind became quiet,
and those in the boat worshipped him and said: Truly you are the Son
of God.
When the people of the place recognized him they sent into all that
kingdom and brought to him all who were sick with various kinds of
They implored him that (he) might be pleased to allow them to touch the
skirt of his garment; and each one who touched him was healed.
Chapter 15
Then the sages and the Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him:
Why do (your disciples) transgress the ordinances of antiquity by not
their hands before eating?
3 Jesus said to the~: Why do you transgress the words of God because of
your ordinances?
4 For God said: Honor your father and your mother and he who
smites his father and mother will surely be put to death.
S But you say that whatever word a man should say to his father and
mother in regard to any donation he might give for him as a sinner, this
iniquity itself will be made void to him.
6 So he does not honor his father and his mother, and you despise the
words of God by your ordinances.
7 Woe, hypocrites; behold Isaiah prophesied concerning you and said:
8 Thus the Lord said: because this people has come near with their mouth
and has honored me with their lips, but their heart is far from me
9 and their reverence toward me, which is taught,
is the commandments of men.
10 Jesus called to the crowds and said to them: Hear and consider.
[MT 15:11-27
'?:::I?~ :"ID:"I~ NJ":"I ?~N C'N:"I '?:::I?~ ')'N :"ID:"I '37~ 0):::1):"1 11
C':::I'~) C'U"'D:"Itv 37' ,? "~N" ""~?1'l "?N '~'i' TNt:z
•:"IT ,~, '37~
.1'lnW1'l C'~W~W '~N :"I37~) N?W :"I37'~) ?:::I ,"w' C:"I? 137,,13
"37 " ' " "37 CN' C"'37? C':::I"'~ C"'37:"1W CmN ,n'):"1
.,,~~ C:"I')W '?D' ,nN
•:"I,n:"l 1'lNT ,)? tv"D ')"N O""~"D ,? 137,,15
.1'l37' '?~~ C1'lN 1"'37 Y'W' C:"I? 137,,16
'?':"I ?:::I:"I' 1~~? '?':"I :"ID:"I '37~ 0):::1):"1 ?:::Itv C1'lN ')'~1'l N?17
l'37~~:"I C'i'~:"1 '37~
.C'N:"I '?:::I?~:"I ':"In ~?:"I~ 3737U1'l~ :"ID:"I '37~ NJ":"I,18
m~n;" C'D'N):"I' :"In'J':"I' 1'l'~'1'l:"l NJ" ~?:"I ??n~tv '!:l?19
.m??i':"I' C"i'tv m'37'
1'lJ'n, '?~ :"I?':::IN:"I C)~N .C'N:"I C'?~?~~:"I C:"I C"~':"I :"I?N ?:::I,20
•C'N:"I 1'l:::l?:::I?~ :"I)'N C'"
n"o i?'!:l
.C,'O, "J '?'?l~ '?:"I :"IT Y/tv' '~NW ,nN,11
"?N 1'li'37'J n'T~ mJ'N~ :"IN~ 1'l')37):::1 :"ItvN ")D? N,~ml1
•C"tv:"l m,nN '1'l~tz) '))n " , 1~ ')"N
')')"N ,? "~N" "?N '~'i' ,','~?m .,~, :"1)37 N? ,"tv,,13
.,)',nN 1'li'37'J :"ItvN:"I 1'lNT? n')~ :"I1'lN :"I~?
•?N'W' 1'l'~~ m'~'N 1NJ? CN ':::1 '),n?W N? ,"W' C:"I? 137,,14
.'),n37 ')"N 1'l'~'N' ,? :"I,n1'ltu~ :"IWN:"I,15
.C'~?:::I? U)1'l" ")~~ 1'lD:"I C'N:"I ni"tv ~,~ N? '''tz), :"I? '~N,,16
C'?D'):"I C'1'l'1'l!:l:"l C'~?:::I:"I C'?:::I'N C'~, C'~37!:l :"ItvN:"I 137m 17
.C:"I')"N 1n?tv~
'0,11 ;'I!);'l '37:::1] C'Tlt:'1 :'1!l:::l H I ICln':'1] ICX"ll1 :'1/') A
'0"2,,1.)1(") "1.)1(' A
"'''cmICI omit EF I C'"V,) C"'37:'1 nIC F, C"'37:'1 E I ,nIC] omit A
..,.oO,'O"!l) ,'O'!l A lVl'O!l B, ~'O'!l DEFG, + '1.)1(" G
",17 '37:::10:'1 ••. :'1!l:'1]' omit G (hap) I 10:::1"]10:::1:::1 E I "'m ] ':::1'37 A I '37:::10:'1] C'37:::10:'1 EF
'O,1t m,~) m'm A
..,.. C''':::I'':::I/,):'1] C''';:)''/'):'1 A, 0';:)";:)"/,):'1 BCDEFG I ',,:::1) IC":::I ABDEFGH I C"'] omit G
'0,21 Cmn)1"'X' E, 1'~' FG
'0,22 ")!l") ""IC G I n,t/,)] n,t/,):'1 B I ,),'Tlt] omit A I nnnIC] :'1nnIC A
'0,23 :'1)37] + :'1" ABCDEFG I np~l) n;:)"" EF
"'''"137'') '/,)IC" G I m':::I'IC) mm):'1 A I '),n"ll1) ')n"ll1 G
..,25 '),n37] ,),t37 BDEFG
'0'''':'1'') :'1'''IC A I mn,,) mm A
C':::I,] m:::l' EF I 1n"1l1/,)) 1n"'1l1/,) ADO
MT 15:11-271
That which enters through the mouth does not soil the man,
but that which goes out of the mouth soils the man.
12 Then his disciples came to him and said to him:
Know that the Pharisees were perplexed by this word.
13 Jesus answered them: Every plant which my Father who is in heaven
did not plant will be destroyed.
14 Leave them alone because the blind are leading the blind; and if a blind
man leads another who is blind, both will fall into a pit.
IS Peter answered him: Lord explain to us this riddle.
16 Jesus answered them: Are you still without knowledge?
11 Do you not understand that every thing that enters through the mouth
goes into the belly and all of it goes on to the natural place?
18 But that which goes out through the mouth is moved by the heart; this is
what soils the man.
19 Because the defiled heart brings forth deceitfulness. murder, adulteries,
robberies, the witness of liars and curses.
20 All these things are what (soil) the man. Indeed eating without washing
the hands does not soil the man.
21 After Jesus had said this, he went into the regions of Tyre and Sodom.
22 Then there came to him a certain Canaanite woman, who came from the
lands of the East, crying out to him: Master, son of David, have mercy
on me because my daughter is possessed by demons.
23 Jesus did not answer (her) a word. So his disciples approached him
and said to him: Our master, why do you abandon this woman who
is crying out after us?
24 Jesus answered them: They did not send me except to the lost sheep
from the house of Israel.
2S Then the woman worshipped him and said: Lord help me.
26 Jesus said to her: It is not good that a man should take the bread from
his children and give it to the dogs.
27 The woman answered: Often the dogs eat the pieces of bread that fall
from the table of their master.
[MY 15:28-16:1
,n'Ntv 1tvN~ "
;,tv37' ,'n)'~N ;""1 ;,tvN ,"tv' ;" 137"zs
.;,n::1 nN£l1) ;'N';" N';';' n37;'~'
~"O V1£l
otv "~'37::1 .1;" "'1;' 1::137 ,,;, Otv~ ,"tv' ,,;, 1tvN~,29
0'::11' O'nO£l' 0'371U~' O'37"! ;'::11;' O'~'::1~ ::11 037 ;'N1 JO
.ON£l1" "'11' "£l" 0'1nN
O'~";' O'nO£l:11 0'1::1'~ ";' O'~'N;' ,'N o';,~n ";' 037:11 31
,'N' O'n::1TU~ O,~, 0'N'1 0'1'37;"
'mN o',n'~ O;,tv O;,~ m)~n1 " tv' ,','~,n, ,"tv' 1~N TN32
;'!'1 ')'N' ."~N'W ;,~ 0;" l'N' '1::137tv O'~, ')W :'IT
.'1'::1 ,w,n' N' 137' n')37n::1 o~",;"
1::1'~::1 on, N'!~' O"'~' UN l'N~' ,','~,n " ')37,,33
,037' 37'::1tv, ;,m
;'37::1TU ')37" .O~, on, 0'1~~ ;,~~ 0;" 1~N" ,"W' 137,,34
.0'1' ~37~'
.0'::1W37;' 1"37 ::1W', 037' ,"tv' ,!,,35
.037' ,)n) 0;" ,','~,n, o)n), 01::1tv', m1~~ ;'37::1W;' np,,36
.O'NO ;'37::1tv 1m:11 '37::1tv', O,,~ "~N,,37
.~~;" O'W);, ,::1, O'W)a( O'£l'N n37::11N 1£l0~::1 ";' O"~'N;,,38
O'37::1tv P1£l
.N':~i"~N~ T1N' N::1' ;')'£lO::1 '''TU' O)~) :'IT 1nN39
:'IT'N O,~", ,mN O'O)~ 0'tv'1£l;" o'~~n;, "'N 'N'::1,,1
15'21,'m,!)IC] ,m,!)IC ABDEFG I ,;] + ;;, A I :11C;:n] + :11C;:n F I nICD'J] nlCD,m EFG
15'19';:1') ,:1Y A I ';:12 ] + ;,!) A I '"I7.),Y:1j ,.Tr.lY;', EF
15,JO C'I:I':1!)) C'J;',!) A, C:1'J':1!) BDEF I C,y;,lt :1:1':1)2 I EF, 2 D I ";:1,;] "JD; A
15,31 C',:1"17.) ":1 C'!);IC:1] 2 3 I G
15,)2 'mlC] omit EF I ":1YlU) ,,:1Y A I ';;'IC'lU) ';;'IC' ABEF
15,.1Jl'M')llC!)' EF I cn;] C:1; A I Y':1lU;) Y,:1lU; A I CJ?] CY:1 ADEFG, + ;m B I CJ? Y':1lU?)
CY:1lU? 'T.l G
15,34 '!)IC" 'lU' lY") '!)IC 'lU" ABDEFG I C',;,;,] m,;,;, ABDEFG I cn;) omit A I UY"] UY C:1,
15,35 :1lU';] ':1lU" F
15,30 m,;,;,] + ;IC; :1,,:n ABDEF, + ;IC; :1,,:1, cn; G I DY;] ;';'IC; EF
15m ';;'IC") ';;'IC' DEFG I 'Y:1lU") 'Y:1lU' ACDEFG I ,m:1'] 'IC;!) 'lClUJ:1!)' ABDEF,
'IC;!) 'lClU,:n G
15,JO '0;) 'O;!) A
15''':1J'II0:1) :1J'DO; EF I K"J'''ltM]IC'J,.TICO!) A, K'J'''IK!) C, :11C'J'''OK!) D, 'J'''OIC!) EF,
:1K'J"T!!) G
16,1 C'~'D:n C'!);,n:1] C'!);,n:n C'lU"D:1 A I C"I7.);") C"I7.);' ABEF, C'Tl(; D, mlUJ? G I C'!)lU:1!)]
C'!)lU:1 1!) A
MT 15:28-16:11
Jesus answered her:
Woman, great is your faith, let it be done to you as you asked. So from
that time on her daughter was healed.
29 When Jesus moved on from there, he went to the region across Galilee
to a mountain. As he stood there
30 he saw many people (among whom) were many lame, leprous, those
who limped, and many others; they fell at his feet and he healed them
The people were amazed at how the dwnb were speaking and the lame
were walking and the blind were seeing; all of them were praising God.
32 Then Jesus said to his disciples: I have compassion on them because
they have remained with me these two days since they came across and
they have nothing to eat. I do not want to lead them fasting
[lest] they grow faint in the way.
33 His disciples answered him: Whence will we be able to find bread in
this wilderness to satisfy the people?
34 Jesus answered and said to them: How many loaves of bread do you
have? They answered: Seven and a few fish.
36 So Jesus commanded the people to sit upon the grass.
He took the seven loaves and broke them and gave them to his disciples
and they gave to the people.
37 All of them ate and were satisfied and (from that which was remaining
they filled) seven seahs.
38 Those who were eating were by nwnber four thousand men besides
women and children.
39 After this Jesus entered a boat and came to the land of Macedonia.
Chapter 16
Sages and Pharisees came to him, tempting him to teach them
some sign from heaven.
[MT 16:2-16
'D? :'1':'1' .n! C" ,n~ :1'37 C"~,~ cn~ C'D)n ,"tu' C:'1? 137,,2
C'~'1N C'~tu:'1tu
C"~,~ cn~ 'j:':1:1,3
cn~ :J"~ .c':J,tun C'~tu:'1tu ,,~~, C":'1
.c')~m ~Dtu~ C'37'" cn~ 1'~' C'~tu:'1 C'~,~ ~Dtu~ C'37'"
;,)" ?tu m~ C~ ':J C:'1? 1n)' ~? m~, m~ ?~tu C'37'~ 37,rt
.,? '?:'1' "D) T~' .~':1):'1
~':'1' Cn? ,)':J'tu ,','~?n? ,~~ C':'1 nDtu:1 :'1':'1 ,"tu' ,tu~:J's
'0'):J:'1 ~?, ,n:Jtu ,','~?m ,','~?n C37 ;,)'DO? O):J)
.cn? C,tu
.cn? C:J? 1'~tu C':1tu,n ?:Jtu:'1 '~37~ cn~ C:'1? ,~~ ,"tu',S
C'~O :'1~:J' tu'~ 'l?~ 37:1'~' m':J:J :'1tu~n:'1~ C":J'T cn~ 1,~,9-12
C'~n?:'1~ c:n tu'~?n:'1~ ':1'~ ')'~tu U':1n 1:J?' l"~tu)
C'Un'D:'1 nl:'1):'1~ "~tuntu C:J? ,~,~ ')~ ?:1~ C"37:1~:'1
0;":1'7'~ ~'j:') 'l'''?'D r'~' :'1"~')~0 r'~ ?~
,,'W' ~!,,13
C,~ '):1 C"~,~ ;,~ ,~~? ,','~?n? ?~tu"
C"~,~ C;,~, ?':1~~:'1 1)m' ~':'1tu C"~,~ C;,~ "?~ ,,~~,,14
.C'~':1);'~ "~ ,~ ':'1'~" C:'1~' ':'1'?~ ~':'1tu
C"~,~ ;,~ cn~,
,"tu' C;,?
T37? n'tu~ ;,n~ ,~~" O""~"D ~'i') 1'37~tu 137,,16
.C?'37;' ;'T:1 ;,n~:1tu c"n C'i'?~ 1:1
10":"1':"1' nJ 0") 3 I 2 A O'~ll1:"1ll1l 0'~1l1:"1 O'K"ll1 G
·"'0":"1) ":"I1l1 EF "1'~'1 "1'~~ A 1'!l1l1~2) + rnrnK A O'K'~) n'K'~ ABDEFG
•"40:"1') " AEFG "!l)) + O:"l~ A
"!l)) omit EF
10'50':"1) + "":"1' "!l) EF (between parentheses) :"IJ'!lC~] :"IJ'!lC:::I G "'l'~,rn3) om G 'C'J:l:"l)
U':l:"l EF
10,- All MSS omit (hap).
··'·l'Kll1)l'K A
rn':l:l) rn':::I' 0
37:::1'K') n37:::1'K' A
'l'K] O'!l'K AEF :"I~:l') :"I~:l
••,.... :"Ill1~n:"l~)ll1!)n:"l~AG
G o:n ll1'~,n:"l!)) omit ABDEFG O'!)n,:"I~) omit C 0"37:::11':"1) rn'37:::11':"1
B O:l,) omit A "Kll1nll1) "~ll1nll1 ABDEFG O'jmJm O'll1"!l:"l) 2 I BG
··,I3:"1K"'O) :"IK"Kll1'll1 T37' K"'O A, + :"IK"'ll1'll1 T37':::I B, + :"IK"ll1'll1 T37':::I DEF,
+ :"IK'Kll1'll1 T37':::I G, :"IK"'ll1 H T'K') T'K B K'i') 'l"'!l) omit H
O,:::I"'!l)ll1'!l"'!l ABDEF, C'!l"'!l G :"I!)) + 0:"1 0
O~ 'J:::I] O'K:"I '):::1 EF
10,.4 Whole vs omitted EF 0"!)'K2) omit G ':"I"K) :"I"K BH ':"I'!)") :"I'!)" BH
10,.5 Whole vs omitted EF :"I~ OnK') onK :"I!) 0
:"I!)) + onK G
',':::Ill1:::1 • • • :"I!)] "!)Kn A
••,10 O"1'''!l] "1"!l A, ll1"1"!l BDEFG, O,'O'!l C
'!)K") omit H
n'll1!)] n'll1!):"1 H
T37'1 T37':::I
B '1'O"i') 'Oll1"i' ADG, O'Oll1"i' EF '1'O"i' T37') omit H O'i"K) O"K A :"InK:::Ill1] nK:::Ill1
MT 16:2-16)
Jesus answered them: Hypocrites, you say in the evening:
Tomorrow will be a clear day because the sky is red.
3 Then in the morning you say: Today it will rain because the sky is dark.
If so, you know the law regarding the appearance of the sky, but
you do not know the law regarding the times.
4 The offspring of evil-doers ask for a sign, but no sign will be given them
except the sign of Jonah the Prophet. Then he was separated (from
them) and went away.
S When Jesus came to the sea shore he told his disciples to prepare bread.
Then he entered a boat with his disciples, but the disciples forgot and
did not bring any bread.
8b Jesus said to them: You have little understanding who think that you
have no bread.
9. Do you not remember the five loaves and four thousand men how many
seahs were left over? Therefore you should understand that I am not
speaking of natural loaves but I am saying to you that you should
(beware) of the behavior of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
13 Jesus went out unto the Land of Syria (that is, Caesarea) and the
land of Philoph, called (Philipos), and asked his disciples saying: What
do men say about me?
14 They said unto him: Some say he is John the Baptizer, some say he is
Elijah and some Jeremiah or one of the prophets.
IS Jesus said to them: What do you say about me?
16 Simon, called Petros, answered and said: You are the Messiah, that is,
Kristo, the Son of the living God, who has come into this world.
[MT 16:17-28
,"WK ,"W' "?K "~K,,17
.0'~W:1W ':1K OK ':J
"37W' .'n?£ln n':1 ,'?37 :U:1K 'JK' 1:JK :1nKW ,? '~'K 'JK,18
,,)J ,?:J,' K? OJ':U
T'K:1 "wpn 'WK ?:J, .0'~W:1 m:J?~ mnn£l~ ,? lnK 'JKtZl '£l?19
.0'~W:1 ,m~ :1':1' T'K:1 ,'nn 'WK ?:J, O'~W:1 "Wp :1':1'
.n'w~ K':1tZl "~K' ?:1? ,','~?n? mJ lK20
,? :1?) K? 0" 'W:1W :U" ,:1
:1"37 V'£l
n:J?? ,',J K':1tZl ,','~?n? m?)? ,"w' ?'nn:1 ,?'K' lK:J~21
,:1U,:1'W '37 037:1 'Jpn O'J:1:J:1~ 0':1' ?'37 nKW?' O?tZl",?
.O,p' 'W'?W:1 0'"
:1?'?n '~K? n':J':1? ?'nn:1' ,J':1? U':1 0,,"0"£l ,mnp"n
.',1K 1:J ,? m':1? ,?
,J'KW '£l :1,~n K? 10W:1 ,? ,? '~K" "?K 0:1" Y'W' :1W,,23
.0'K:1 ',:1, OK ':J ?K:1 ,:1, ":J~
'~J37 :1l:1' ',nK K:1? :1J,'W ,~ ,','~?n? ,"w' ,:1, lK24
.',nK ,?', :1n'~? '~J37 :1,PtZl ?", :1'37' 'nW:1 nK np',
,"n nK ':1K~:1' "37:1 :1mK ':1K' 'W£lJ 37'W':1? :1J,,:1 ?;)25
.:1":137:1 "n? 'W£lJ 37'W" '?':1W:1 l":137:1
:1l'K' '37? ':1K' 'W£lJ OK 0?'37:1 ?:J nK n',,' OK O'K? 37J:1 :1~26
O"O£lJ:1' 0"':1:1 0":1':1 '37:1 OK O'K:1 :1W37' :1:1'0 :1,,~n
.0J':1) 1'" 'W£lJ In'
?:J? :1'W:1? ":JK?~ 037 O'~W:1W ":1K 1:J:J:1 K:1' ?K:1 1:1 ':J27
.'?37£l~:J tZl'K
'37 m~ '~370' K?W :1£l 0"~'37:1~ w'w 0:J? '~'K 'JK l~K28
.,m:J?~:1 K:1 m?K 1:1 'K"W
MT 16:17-28)
Jesus said to him:
Blessed are you Simon bar Jonah because flesh and blood has not revealed [this] to you but my Father who is heaven.
18 I say to you: you are a stone and I will build upon you my house of
prayer. The gates of Gehenna will not prevail against you
19 because I will give to you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on
earth will be loosed in heaven.
20 Then he commanded his disciples not to say that he is the Messiah.
21 Henceforth Jesus began to reveal to his disciples that it was necessary
for him to go to Jerusalem and to suffer the injustice of many, from the
priests and the elders of the people, until they should kill him; then on
the third day he would arise.
22 Peter took him aside privately and began to rebuke (him) saying: Far
be it that it should be like this to you, Lord.
23 Jesus turned, looked at him, and said to him: Go away Satan; do not
disobey (me), because you do not regard the word of God but the
words of man.
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples: Whoever wishes to come after me let
him despise himself, take the cross, that is, offer himself unto death,
and come after me.
25 Everyone who wishes to save his soul will lose it for my sake, and he
who loses his life in this world for my sake will save his soul for the
life of the world to come.
26 What profit is there for a man if he should gain the whole world [but]
lose his soul forever; what good exchange does the man make if for
present things that are spoiled he should give his soul to the judgment
of Gehenna?
27 Because the Son of God will come in the glory of his Father who is in
heaven with his angels to reward each man according to his work.
28 Truly I say to you there are some of those standing here who will not
taste death until they see the Son of God coming in his kingdom.
[MT 17:1-13
)"37 i?'£)
'''1;)'K) T37? :1j;'37' C), O""~"£)? ,"w' np? C'1;)' ;,ttnU 'I1K 1
.K';' ??£)11;'? CW1;) m:1) ,;, ?K C:I'?," ,'nK Pn1',
umw:I ,'J£) "37 1'j;" C;"J£)? ;'JI1W;' ??£)11~ ;";'W "37:1,2
•)?W:I C'J:1? ,'W,:1?1;)'
;'1;) ?:I ,"W'? "');" '1;)37 C":1'~ ';"?K' ;'W1;) C;"?K3
C'J .C'1;)"J ";' ",':1n1 O""~"£)' .C?W,,':1 ';'K'j;"W
.'1;)37 C'WJK 'JW, '£)1) 'K' ."11 K?' "11 C'J K?'
;'W37J' .1K:I:1 m';,? :1'~ ,"W'? O""~"£) '1;)K TK ,:I?;' 'WK:114
37'" ;";' K?W ,nK ;"?K?' ,nK ;'W1;)?' ,nK ,? mJ:lW1;) W?W ;,£)
•,:1" ;";' ;'1;)
C;,W "37:1' 'K1;) '37 ,?;':1', CmK ;'O:lW 1J37 ;'J;', ,:1'1;) U"375
"'j;" 'J:1 ;'T ;'J;' '~'K' ':1'~ ?'j;' 1J37;' "111;) '37~W 1J37;' I1nl1
•1'371;)WI1 "?K ,:1 'J£)n1
.'K1;) 'K'''' ;'J'K C;"J£) ?37 '?£)" C"'1;)?I1;' '371;)W,,6
.'K"11 ?K '1;)'p ,"w' C;,? '1;)K" ?'j;';' P0£)J 'WK:I,7
•,:1?:1 ,"W' CK ':1 'K' K?' C;"J'37 'KW,,8
'''37 i?'£)
'WK ;'K'~;' W'K? ":1'11 ?K '1;)K? C;,? ,J', ,;,;, 11;) '''tt''
•m1;);' 1~ C'K;' 1:J C,p'W '37 CI1'K'
K:1' ;"?KW C"~'K C'1;):ln ;'1;) '1;)K? ""1;)?11 ,? ,;"?Ktt'"lO
•C?'37;' ?:I 37'W'" K:1' ;"?K CJ1;)K '1;)K" C;,? 137,,11
'W37' 1£) .CJ,J,:I ,:1 'W37' ,;',,':1;' K?' K:1 ,:1:1W C:I? 'JK '1;)'K 12
.C'K 1:1:1
.;'T ':1'~ ;";' ?':1~1;);' 1Jn1' ?:1W:1W C"'~?I1;' ,J':1;' TK 13
:"IlUlU) nlUlU ABDEF I O"""!)'I ""'!l' AH, lU"O'!l' BDEG I ::Ipy' C1') ::Ipy', ADH I IY')
IY?::1 B I '7.l'ICl) '7.l'K'l B I pm")lKm D, ')K"l' H I ':"1 'K) ':"1' G I ClU7.l) 'llC7.l G, omit H I
K':"I) omitAH
17,2 :"IlnlU:"I) :"I)'lU:"I F I l'lU::I • • • "lU1::1'7.l') omit H
17"Beginning) + "m ABDEFG I ':"IK'P'lU) ':"I"P'lU B, ':"I'P'lU D I O"""!l'] ""'!)' AB, lU1''''!)'
DEG, O""'!l' F I C'7.l")) + '1M ABDEF I C')'] C')' A I '!)11) 'n1K G
17'-IK) omit A I O",,"!)) ""'!l A, lU1''''!l BDEG, O""'!l F I 'lU") + ')''IIC ABDEF, ')''TK G I
lK::l::l] omit A I :"I!l)lK::I AEF I n1l::llU7.l) C')::IlU7.l ABDEFG I m'K") :"I"K" BDEF, ':"I"K" A
I7'Spy] + "I ADG, + '"K EF I :"IO::llU) :"10::1 ADEF I '7.l'K') omit G I :"1):"1) omit AF
17'7'7.lK") '7.l'K' C I C:"I') C:"I"K ABDEFG I ,7.l'P) omit C
17''',m'KlU'') "KlU'1 ABDEFG I ""7.l'n "] " C'''7.l'n:''l A I :"I"KlU] ':"I"KlU A
17,11 :"I"K] ':"I"K A
l7,n'::I)" G 11~] P AEFG, p, D I l::I::I)l::I::I ADG I C'TK] C'IIC:"I AEF
1701' '::IlU::IlU) omit F I ,::I17.l) '7.l'K G
Chapter 17
MT 17:1-13)
After six days Jesus took Peter, James, that is, Jimi, and John his
brother and brought them to a high mountain where he might pray.
2 While he was praying he was changed before them and the skin 9f his
face shone like the sun and his garments (became] white like snow.
3 (Then) Moses and Elijah, while speaking with him, (were revealed)
to them and they told Jesus all which would happen to him in Jerusalem.
Peter and his companions were asleep. Asleep but not asleep; awake
but not awake. They saw his body and the two men with him.
4 When they went away, then Peter said to Jesus: It is good to be here.
Let us make here three tabernacles, one for you, one for Moses, and one
for Elijah, because he did not know what he was saying.
S While he was still speaking, behold a cloud covered them, and they
were greatly alarmed; while they were under the cloud they heard from
the midst of the cloud a voice speaking and saying: Behold, this is my
son, my beloved~ my delight is in him, you shall obey him.
6 The disciples heard [this], fell on their faces to the ground, and feared exceedingly.
7 When the voice ceased, Jesus said to them: Arise, do not fear.
8 They lifted up their eyes and saw no one except Jesus alone.
9 Jesus came down from the mountain and commanded them saying: Tell
no man the vision you have seen until the Son of Man has risen from
10 His disciples asked him saying: Why do the sages say that Elijah will
come first?
11 He answered them and said: Indeed Elijah will come and will save all
the world.
12 I say to you, he has already come, they did not know him,
and they did to him according to their desire.
(So) they will do to the Son of Man.
13 Then the disciples understood that regarding John the Baptizer he was
saying this.
[MT 17:14-17
+ MK 9:20-27
;'''Y i"£1
."~':1 ?Y Y"~ W'K ,'JEl? K:1" m":1n;, ?K 'K':1:1 ,;",14
;,?,m ;'Y' m,~ nY:1J ,~ 'J:1 ?Y ;,c,m 'JJn 'J,-nc '~K"IS
?El13' mt'K ,n~,p~ ?El13' "£1:1 fl~P~' ,'J'W nK p"m -nc~
.C'~:1 C'~YEl'
.,nKEl'? ,?~" K?' ,,'~?n? ,'mK':1;,,16
'Y C"El'~;' CnK C~? "K Y' ", '~K" ,"W' 1y,,17
.'?K ';"K':1;' .c~n,~ KWK 'n~ 'Y' C~~Y
'?'El~' 'Y'J~~ 1~W;'
';'K' ,"W'W ,,~, "?K ';"K':1;,,9:ZO
.fl!pn~, 'ElYn~ ?'nn;" T'K?
1~T~ ':1'Trm :1K;" .,np? 1~tu;,tu 1~T ;,~~ ,YJ;' ':1K? ?Ktv '''tll,,9:21
.;'K?;" 'J,?£1
CK' .",~tll;, ?~" 1"JY:1 C'~:1' tllK:1 ,?'El;' C'~YEl ;':1,;,,9:22
1n tll'K;' Ktll" .';"TY "ny? ?~,n 1"JY C,tv:1 "'K ;,nK
.,'?Y c'~n, K?~nJ' ,'J'Y:1
1'~K~?tu '£I? C'?tv;,? ?~,n ,:1, ?~ 1'~K;'? ?~,n CK ,? '~K,9:23
.C'?P C',:1,;' ?~
CJ~K 1'~K~ 'JK "'K '~K' ,YJ;' ':1K ;,pY!:1 ;'~:1 ,,~,9:24
.'nJ'~K '£I? 'J,ny
'JJ;' C?K' pTn ,? '~K' ;'T? C'!:1pn~ CY;'W ,"W' ;'K' 'WK~,9:2S
."Y 1K~ :1,tvn K? ;'K?;" 1K~~' 1K~~ K!ntv ,,!~
,,;, C':1,tv 1"JY:1 n~~ 'KWJ ,YJ;', :1'K~~' j.'Y'! K!' 1~tv;,,9:26
.n~ K';'W C"~'K
.Cp, "'~Y;" ,np? ,"tv,,9:27
17,15 '~") + "G I 'JJn) U'Jn B, 'mn G I :'IO,mj o,m EF I 'TlC7.)) 'OOl 'TY G I 1'IK)'p B I ~I:IP7.)')
~ltp7.)' ABDEFG I D'1Jp!l '!lm) '!lU D'7.)p!l' ABDEFG I D'7.)p!l') + '!lU BDEFG
"''','mK'jm) "1'IKjm ADEF I '''7.)'1'1') ''''7.)'1'1' ADEF I ""') "" ADEF I '1'IK!l") ,mK!l"
17'''D'' "K p, "'] 3 I 2 ABDEFG I D1'IK D") omit ABDEFG I D"!l":'I) '!l'" ABDEFG
- .,21 ,mK'jm) ':'I'Kj', A I 11:1l1.':'1 . • . ,mK'jm)ll:1l1.':'I :'IK' 'lI.'" "'K ':'I'K'j:'lll.' :'17.)' G I "'!l7.)')
"'!l:'l' G
17.)1) + lI." ABDEFG I jK:'I') ,'jK' AG I :'IK,mj + "7.)' ABDEFG
MK .,221"JPj)l'JYj A I "") "" A, ""lI.' G I "'7.)lI.':l} "'7.)lI.':'I' ABDEFG I l''TlC] 'J"K A I
':'I"p . . • D'lI.'j) ,J"Y l'Jp D'lI.'j "'Y' "'1'1 EF I l"JY)l'Jp A I "ny,) "'Y' ABCDEFG I
':'I"p) U"Y ABDEF I KlI."') 'lI.'" A I ,'J'Pj] ,'J'Y'j F
-',DDK) + :'I1'IK ABDEFG I D',j,:'I) + "ltK ABDEFG I D"P] :'I'P BDEFG
MK .,24 :'Ippltj] omit G I l''TlC) 'J,'TlC A, omit B
- .,25 :'IK') omit G I :'IT') W, :'I,lt ABDEFG I
+ 11:1l1.' A I lK'7.)' lK'7.)) 1I:1j7.)' 11:1j7.) DO
-""Klt'] :'1':'1 C I 1'17.) K':'IlI.') K':'I l'I7.)lI.' ABDEF, K':'I :'17.) G
_.m,np') + ":'17.) ABDO, "7.) EF I '''7.)pmj ':'I'''7.)pm B
MT 17:14-17 + MK 9:20-27)
14 It came to pass when he approached the crowds, a man came to him,
bowing on his knees.
IS He said: Have mercy on me, Lord, and pity my son because he is
terrified of an evil spirit and is very·sick. He grinds his teeth, (foams)
at his mouth, falls from his place to the ground, and falls sometimes
into fire and sometimes into water.
16 (I) brought him to your disciple(s), but they were unable to heal him.
17 Jesus answered and said: Evil generation, woe to you who deny; how
long will I be with you, how long will I bear your trouble? Bring him
to me.
MK 9:2o-rhey brought him to him and immediately when Jesus looked
at him, the satan subdued him and cast him to the ground, and
he began rolling in the dust and foaming.
MK 9: Jesus asked the father of the boy: How long has the satan taken
him? The father answered him: From a certain time and beyond.
MK 9:220ften he casts him into fire or water to destroy him if possible.
If, Lord, you are able to help him in any way, help him. Then
the man found favor in his eyes, and he was filled with
compassion for him.
MK 9: He said to him: If you can believe, you will be able to accomplish anything, because to the one who believes all things are
MK 9: lmmediately the father of the boy cried out with a shout and said:
Lord, I believe, indeed help me according to my faith.
MK 9: When Jesus saw that the people were gathering together (he
commanded the demon) and said to him: Hard and dumb (satan),
behold I command you to come out from there and henceforth do
not return here again.
MK 9:2~hen the satan came out screaming and inflicting pain and the
boy was left as dead so that many were saying that he was dead.
MK 9: Jesus took him (by the hand), stood him up and he arose.
[MT 17:19-18:2
+ MK 9:28
'?:m ~'?
.v,iO ,,~
'i~" ,no~
,"w' OJ::;)J 'WN::;),9:28
c','~,n;, '~'i' TN 19
•'N'3t';" 1JnJN
C::;)~ ;";" CN C::;), '~'N 'IN 1~N .C::;)nJ'~N "'Y'~' C;" '~N,,20
"~Nn ;,m ,;" 'J'~Nn CN "'M ")')::;) m'~N;' 1~
.C::;)~ ,3t~,
N' ,~, ,::;), "0"
.C,3t, ;"!:ln~ CN '::;) N3t' N' C"W;, 1~ 1'~;'
'''Y i?'!:l
.C'N;' 'J~ ", 'O~, C'N;' 1~ ,"W' '~N" "')~ ;'~;'22
.C'i" 'W"W;' C,,~, ';'1),;",23
0""""£1' O::;)~;, "~i'~ ';"~'P" ;,n,~ C,nJ '£1::;) 'N,~,,24
.O::;)~ 1mJ' );'U 'J'N C::;)'~' C;"'N "~N"
0""""£1' "'N '~N' ,"W' c',p;" n'~~ 'N'~" .p "~N"2S
'N C;"J~ 1~ O::;)~ C'MP" ,~~ T'N '::;)'~ 0""""£1 " ;'N'J ;,~
.C',::;)J;' 1~
.c'W!:ln C'J~;' 1::;) CN ,"W' C;" '~N" .C',::;)J;' 1~ "'N 1Y"u
.c";'~J m '~Y~ ,';,n N' '~N"
;'J'WN-l Mpnw ),
C', " 0""""£1' '~N,,27
1nn ,mN' Z10::;)
Y~"~ "!:l~ N3t~n
T"Y i"!:l
~W'M ;,nN ,~ "'N "~N" ,"W' 'N c','~,n;, '~'P N';';' ny~l
.C'~W m::;),~~ ",) N';'W
.c::;),n~ ';'~'W" 1"P) 'MN ,YJ N'P"z
+ "Ir.IY G
+ ,? A I 11l1'?) omit AF
I 'MO:J) + ,? F I "?lCl ,? A I Y,-m) :l7.l? G
n,.. ,7.llC") '7.llC EF I C:l?) C:l'?lC AB I U'7.llCM) omit A I "7.llCM:lT:l ,:l?) 3 1 2 AEF I "7.lM) omit
G I "'0) "0 ABEFG
n,2' C''llI1:l 17.l) C''llI1:l7.l A
n'22C1lC:l') C'1lC ABDEFG
n'''':lM'7.l) :lM7.l' A I ,m:J'p',) ,:J'P', ABCDEFG I O"tl"!l?) "tl'!l? A, 1I1"tl'!l? BDEFG, O"tl'!l?
C I C:l'?lC) "?lC A I lMm l:lU)lMU ABDEFG
'1,25 'lC':J")It:J', A I M':J:J) 'M':J:J G I ,'?It ,7.lIt?] 2 1 ABCDEFG I O"tl"!l?] "tl'!l? A,
1I1"tl'!l? BDEFG I :l1t,J] :lit" ABDEFG I O"tl"!l] "tl'!l AD, 1I1"tl'!l BEFG, O"tl'!l C I
C',:JJ:l • • • 'J?7.l) omit C
'1,.. C:l?] C:l'?1t A I C'II1!lMj C'lI1!ln ABDEFG
0''tl''!l?] "tl'!l? A, 1I1"tl'!l? BDEFG, O"tl'!l? C I npMlI1) 'JMII1 G,lCJ7.lMII1 EF IItJ7.lMJ ItJ7.l,
EF I Y:Jtl7.l) 37J:J ABDEFG I ,J',Y:J] ,J,Y:J DEF
""'111' ?It) ,II1'? G I :J1I1,n • . • ,,7.lIt',] c':JII1,n CMlC C:l'?1t ,7.llC', G
1102 By haplography (mlC ,YJ . • . ,nlt ,YJ) all our mss, except A, omit 18:2b-5a. The text printed
above in parentheses is according to ms A, which contains all but vs 4.
Chapter 18
MT 17:19-18:2 + MK 9:28J
When Jesus entered the house
the disciples drew near to Jesus secretly and said to him: Why were we
not able to cast it out.
He said to them: Because of the limitation of your faith. Truly I say to
you if there be in you any faith, as a grain of mustard, if you believe,
you will say to this mountain depart and it will depart; nothing will
be withheld from you.
But this kind of demon does not come out except by prayer and fasting.
They were in Galilee and Jesus said: The Son of Man will be delivered
into the hand of men.
They will'kill him and on the third day he will arise.
They came to Capemaum-Martha and the tax collectors drew near to
Peter and said to (him): your teacher does not follow the custom to pay
Thus they·spoke. (He) went into the house and Jesus anticipated him
saying to Peter: What is your judgment, Peter, the kings of the earth,
from whom do they take tribute, from their sons or from foreigners?
He answered him: From foreigners. Jesus said to them: If so the sons
are (free). Then he said: Do not be dismayed because of this.
He said to Peter: Go to the sea and cast a fishing hook and fish with it
because in the mouth of the one you will catch first you will find a silver
coin. That you will give for us.
MK 9:
At that time the disciples drew near to Jesus and said to him: Whom do
you think is great in the kingdom of heaven?
He called a (small) lad (and placed him in their midst.
[MT 18:3-15
.tv"~:J 'K':Jn K' ;,m '31J:J
'~'K 'JK '~K,,3
.':JP~ ,~tv '31 m:J ('K '31J ':Ji'~;"S
" :J'~ ':J C'J'~K~;' C'J~p;, C"31J;'~ ,nK ,'tv:J' ,tvK,6
.C' m"J~:J ,~", "K'J '31 :J:J, n,~ "tvi"tv
(.K:J' m:J':J~;' m:J"Jtv m:J':J~;' 'J~~ ':In ':Jtv", "K)7
m';" ':J,tvn K' CK
.":JtV:J K:J'tV C'K' "K '~K"
K:J' " :J'~ .,~~ ,;,,'tv:Jm ,;,n":Jn ,,'tV:J' """ '" CK,8
.n'~"31 tvK:J ,nn, C',,,,, c'" " m';,~ nc~ 'K "31 c"n:J
c"n:J K:J' " :J'~ .,~~ ;':J"tvm ;"pm ,,'tv:Jn ,'J'31 CK,9
.CJ';''':J ,nn" C'J'31 " m';,~ ,nK 1'31:J
C:J, 'JK '~'K .C'J~p;, C"31J;'~ nnK 'J',n 1~ "mm 1o
.C'~tv:JtV ':JK 'J:J ,'~n C'K" C;, C;":JK'~'
.C':J"K;' 31'tV';" '~:J C'K 1:J,1I
n"31 i?'~
:J'T31' K';' 1;'~ nnK n,~, 1KJ ;'K~ tV'K' ;";" CK C:J, ;'K" ;'~1Z
•;,n'J;' tVP:J' "" C',;':J ;'31tVm C'31tvn
C'31tvn;,~ ,m' ;"'31 n~tv'tv C:J, '~'K 'JK 1~K ;'JKJ~' CK,13
'tVK ;'31tvm
•C"31J;'~ "K ':JK'tv C'~tv:JtV :JK ;'J,' K' pl4
MT 18:3-151
~"31 'i?~
,'nK " K~n' CK c,,"~"~ K,pJ 1'31~tv' ,"tV' '~K K';';' n31:J 1s
.,'nK nK n'Jp ,"K 31~tv' CK .,J':J' ,J':J 'In':J';'
11":'IT:l):'IT:1 EFO ;:1P7.3) + 'mK A
II,. ;'1I1:l'] ;1I1:l' BOO
O',YJ:'I7.3) O',YJ:'I 17.3 00
O'Jtlp:'l) omit EF
n;!I) C;!I co "K'I ;')
"K'I:1 A m;'I7.3:1j n;'I711:1 BOO
11"K:1; ••• "K] omit British Library MS and C. Text pnnted m parentheses IS accordmg to A
"K'] + ,; D ;:1n) ;!In D "K2 ] + ,; DEF K:1'1I1] 'K:1'1I1 A ';:1111:1] ';':1111:1 ABD,
+ K:1; m:1"11I1 m:l':17.3:'1 0
1"'"",) " " A ';1") ";1" A ,;'1I1:l') ,,;'1I1:l' B ':'I;'1I1:lm) ':'I:l';1I1m ABDEFO "Y] "Y
ABCDEFO 0';1") 0';1' 'K A ,nn;) ,,,,,;, A
1109,'J'1') ,J'Y BCDEF :'I,pm) ':'I,pJ A, :'I,pJ BDEFO, :'I,pJ, C :'I:l';1I1m) ':'I:l';1I1m A K:1;)
'K:1; B ,nK) nnK BOO OJ':'I1:1] OJ:'I'1:1 BDE
11,11 "nK) mK BOO, 'K A O',YJ:'I7.3] O',YJ:'I 17.3 D O:'l':lK;7.3;) ":lK;7.3111 A, O:'l':lIt;7.3111 BEF
'J:1) 'J!I AB(?)CDEFO
11,11 ;tl:1) omit A, K:1 BDEFO O':1"K:'I] O':1"It:'l "It 0
11,12 n'!I') n':1' ABCDEFO nnK) mK 00
11:13 :'IY1I1"'1 Y1I1m A K; '1I1K] K;1I1 A
11:1' :1It) ':1K ABCEF, :1K:'I 00 ~K'1I1) ,n"111 EF
11:1' C"tl"!I) "tl'!I A, 111""'1) BDEFO Un':l':'I) un:l':'I D
He said: I say if you do not turn to become like this lad,
you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
He who receives a lad) like this in my name receives (me).
He who causes one of the small lads who believe on me to stumble, it
would be good for him to tie a millstone upon his neck and be cast into
the depth of the sea.
(Woe to the inhabitants of the world because of confusion, because
confusion must come.) He also said: Woe to the man who comes because of it.
If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble cut it off and (cast it)
from you; it is better for you to enter into life (blind) or lame than having two hands and two feet for you to be given to everlasting fire.
If your (eye) should cause you to stumble, pick it out and cast it from
you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to have two
eyes and to be given to Gehenna.
Take heed lest you judge one of the small lads. I say to you, their angels always see the sons of my father who is in heaven,
and the Son of Man has stopped saving the enemy.
What is your opinion? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them
(runs ofl), will he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains and go
seek the one which has strayed?
If he should find it, truly I say to you he will rejoice over it more than
the ninety-nine which did not go astray.
Thus (my) Father who is in heaven does not wish that any of these lads
should be lost.
At that time Jesus said to Simon, called Petros: If your brother sins
against you, reprove him privately. If he listens to you, you have gained
your brother.
[MT 18:16-28
37~W' N? :'1'N ':J:J CN' ,nN 'J£):J 'In':J':'1 ,"N 37~W' N' CN,16
'I£) '37W C"37 mv,w 'N C'JW C'J£), C'JW 'N ,nN "37 ~'o,n
.,:J, C'V' C"37 :'1W'W 'N C'JW
37~W' N' CN' ?:'1j;':J ,mN "~N 37~W' N' :'1'N ':J:J CN,17
.'T:JN' :J"N' :'1"J~:J ,mN :J,wn ':'1V:J
C'~W:J N':'1 "ON Y'N:J "ONn 'WN :'1'N ':JW C:J' '~'N 'IN 1~N18
.C'~W:J :'1'1:'1'1 ,m~ Y'N:J ,,'nn 'WN ':J'
'WN ':J Y'N:J C"W C'W, C:J~ C'JW '1''1 CN C:J' '~'N 'IN C1,19
.C'~W:JW nN~ C:J' :'1'1:'1'1 'WV:J'
.c:J:J,n:J ':JJN CW ,~W '37 :'1W'W 'N C'JW ":Jnn'w C'j;'~ ':J:J,20
37:JW '37 'InN 'I, N~n' CN 'J"N '~N' "'N O""~"£) :J,j;' TN:zI
•" "n~N C'~37£)
.:'137:JW' C'37:JW '37 CN ':J 37:JW '37 " '~'N 'J'N ,"w' " '~N"2Z
"£) P'£)
C'N' N':'1 :'1~" C'~W m:J'~ ,','~,n, ,,'W' '~N N':'1:'1 n37:J 23
.,'n,w~, "':J37 C37 l':JWn mW37' :JW,' ,,~
•C':J':'1T C'£)'N n'W37:J :J"n N':'1W 'N N:J :J,wn, ,'nn:'1 'WN:J'u
':J nN' ,'J:J nN' ,n'N ":J~' "J"N '1'1' 1n', :'1~ " l'N'zs
•1'~~:'1 c'w, " 'WN
" l'n~:'1" ''1'37 cn" " 1Jnn', "J"N 'J£), ':J37:'1 "£)'1,26
.c'w' ':J:'1 ':J
.':J:'1 " ,n~, "J"N ''1'37 ,,~n,,27
m37~ :'1N~ " :J"n N':'1W "":Jn~ ,nN N1~" N':'1:'1 ':J37:'1 N1,,28
'~N' " 371£)'1' ,:J j;'m',
,'''lC A I l'J'O'")I'J'O:l A I C'3D"] '3D" ,',:3, m':I" A, '3D" BCDEF I C'JlU C'3D"] omit G
C"Y' . • . C"Y'j 1 2 (hap) CD I ,:3,] ,:3,:1 B
'.'1''':11':3 •.• ":11':3] 1 2 (hap) B
,.,,. '/.)'lC) omit EF I :I"lC) omit ABDEFG I 'lUlC'j omit C I lC':I "OlC) 2 1 G I lC':I] :1':1' A I :1':1')
1·''''lUi':3') 'lUi'::I" EF I "lC/.)] + ':3lC ABDEFG
I.,ZO ClUJ omit C I C"'":3] C"":3 ABDEFG
""lC A I Y:3lU] + C'/.)YD EF I C'Y:3lU) :lY:3lU D I :lY:3lU') + C'/.)YD B
1.,23 lC':I)lC':I A, omit EF I ""'lU/')'] ""'lU/.) F
1.,24 C':3':lT) C"3" ABDEF
1.' 1"''')l"'lU ABDEFG, ,,, l"'lU G I "lC,' ••. "lC"jl 2 (hap)EFG
",:1 • • • Cn,"] ",:l1 ,,, (B- 1"/.):1) 1"/.):l1 (D- '''Y) ""Y :lo,n '/.)lC" ABDEFG I C"lU') C"lUlC
"3'1lC] '3'11( F I vss 27-29 omitted in DG (hap. C"lUlC •.• C"lUlC)
,.,28 "":3n/.)] "':3n/.) AEF I ,::1] omit EF I '/.)lC") All mss including DG contain a haplography from
'/.)lC" (18:28) to '/.)lC" (18:29). For DG see notes on 18:27 and 18:31.
MT 18:16-28]
If he does not listen to you, reprove him before another;
if by every oath he does not listen to you, add still one or two (in order
that your words might be before) two or three witnesses, because by
two or three witnesses a word will be established.
If by every oath he does not listen, tell it in the assembly; and if he does
not listen to the assembly consider him as ostracized, an enemy,
and cruel.
Truly I say to you that every oath which you shall bind on earth is
bound in heaven and every [oath] which you shall loose on earth will
be loosed in heaven.
Also I say to you, if two of you wish to make peace on earth, everything which (you) ask will be yours from (my Father) who is in heaven.
In every place where two or three are joined together in my name there
am I in (their) midst.
Then Pet~r drew near to him saying: Lord, if my brother sins against
me, shall I forgive him unto seven times.
Jesus said to him: I do not say to you unto seven, but unto seventyseven.
At that time Jesus said to his disciples: The kingdom of heaven is like a
certain king who sat to make a reckoning with his servants and
As he began to reckon one came who owed about ten thousand pieces
of gold.
But he had nothing to give and his master commanded to sell him and
his children and all which was his to repay the value.
The servant fell before his master and implored him to have pity on him
and to be patient with him because he would repay everything.
Then his master had pity on him and forgave him everything.
But that servant went out and found one of his comrades who owed
him a hundred pieces of money and he grasped him and struck him
[MT 18:29-19:9
.C'WN ,:J;" " 11'1~;" "37 ;,0,n 29
.':J;' " C'W '37 ';"0;' 1'1':1, ,;":J',," " 37'~W' ;':1N N"JO
"'1" 'N:1" 'N~ C;', ,n', ;'W37 'WN l'IN ,,~;, ":137 'N,,31
,:J " 'l'I,n~ N';' "'N ':137 " '~N" "J"N ,mN N'P TN32
•'Jl'IO"!) 'WN:J ,':1,n
?"l'I,n~ 'WN:J ,"N UJnl'l;':1 ":137' 1'I,n~ N' 37,,~,33
.:1,n;, ,:J " C'W' '37 'l'IU37' 'i" ,:1 "J"N r'JN ,n,,34
,'nN l'IN W'N "n~l'I N' CN C'~W:1W ':1N C:J, ;'W37' 1:J35
.C'W :1,:1
N"El i"El
mip, N:1"
1~ ':137 ;"N;' C',:1,;' ,"W' ;',:J 'WN:J ,;",1
.1"';' ':137:1 'WN ;"';" f'N
.c',:J l'IN NEl'" m:1' m":1n ,',nN ':J",2
,m~ CN '~N' ';"'NW" .,moJ' C'W"El;' l'IN "'N 'W1,,3
.~1 ;" 11'1'" 1"J37 C'W:1 'l'IWN l'IN :1'T37'
.CN':1 ;':1pJ, ':JT c'P~ C;"W'37' Cl'IN'P N';' C;" 137,,4
";,, 'l'IWN:1 P:1" '~N l'IN' ":1N l'IN W'N :1'T37' 1:J '37 '~N,5
•,nN 'W:1,
,,:J' C'N 1'N N":1;' ':1nW ;,~, ,nN 'W:1 CN ':J C'JW CJ'N :J"N6
.'1'1':1~ ;,n,w, ml'l":J ~1 1'11'1' ;'W~ ;"i 37"~ 1:J CN " '~N,,7
•C:J'WJ l'IN :1n37' C:J, '~N C:J:1:1, ;'El mWp37' ;,W~ C;" '~N,,8
.p ;";' N' C"37~'
,':1W:1 N' CN 1'I,nN np', ,t1WN l'IN :1n37;' ,:JW C:J, 'IN '~'N9
.r'JN'J ;'W"l;' np";,, r'JN'J N';' r'J'N'J
see note on 18:28. I ?::li11) + ,? B
11,30':I'::l'?,") ,:I::l'?," ABDEFG I O?lU] O?lU' A I ,?2) omit ABDEFG
11'311'1lC] omit BDEFG I :llUl1) + vss 27-29 DO (see notes on 18:27 and 18:28 above).
II,.. ,'::l,n) ,::l,n ABDEFG
11'33"::ll1?) ,'::In? A, "~11? B
11'341:1") 'lllC" G I ,?] omit A
11,35 ::l?::l] ::l::l?::l A
10,1 :I?::l) :I?'::l B I 'lU') + ,::l" G I mltp?) :lltP? ABDEFG I :I":I')lC'" BCDEFG
10,3'lUl") '::l'lU" DO I I'1lC') omit ABDEFG I ,mO)?] omit DO I ::l1Tl1?) + O~ G I I'1lC) omit A
I 11'1'?') 11'1" ADEFG
10,. O:l'1l1'll1?) O:l'lU'l1lU ABDEFG
10,5lU'lC) ~:I G
10,7,l.:llC") "l.:llC" A I 1'11'1?) + :I? ABDEFG I :In?lU'l n?lU?' G
10,IO:l?) O:l'?lC ABDEG I :llUl.:l) :l1.:l F I :I!l) omit A I O?,l1l.:l,) ~Pl.:l' AB, O'PI.:l, DEFG
10'°l'1lC) omit ABO I 'llC')] 'llC)' A, '11m EFG
MT 18:29-19:9)
trust me and be patient with me
and I will repay everything.
But he was not willing to listen to him; so (he) brought him to the
prison until he repaid him everything.
The servants of the king saw that which he did and they were very angry and went and told their master.
Then his master called him and said to him: Cursed servant, did I not
forgive you all your (debt) when you placated me?
So why did you not forgive your servant when he supplicated you as I
forgave you?
His master was angry with him and commanded to afflict him until he
should repay him all the debt.
Thus will my Father who is in heaven do to you if you do not forgive
each man~his brother with a perfect heart.
29 •••
Chapter 19
. 11,20 Beginning)
It came to pass when Jesus finished these words he passed on
from Galilee and came to the outskirts of the land of Judah across
the Jordan.
There followed him large crowds and he healed all of them.
Then the Pharisees came to him to tempt him. They asked him saying:
Is it permissible for one to leave his wife for any matter and to give her
a bill of divorce.
He answered them: Have you not read that he who made them of old,
male and female he created them.
He said: Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and cleave
to his wife and they will become one flesh.
If so, they are not two but one flesh, and whatever the creator has joined
together man is unable to separate.
(They) said to him: If so, why did Moses command to give her a bill of
divorce and to send her away from his house?
He said to them: Moses, because of the obstinacy of your heart, said for
you to leave your wives. But from eternity it was not so.
I say to you that everyone who leaves his wife and takes another, if not
for adultery, commits adultery; and he who takes her who has been
divorced (commits adultery).
[MT 19:16-24
.;'llm< nnp,
J,,, l<' ,nWl< OY O,l< ,J, ~"l< ""7,),n "'l< "7,)l<,,10
.0;" 1n)tz,' '7,)' l<'l< ,~, :"It ,J, l'l< O;"'l< '7,)l<"n
0'0"0 W', .'l<"n l<' 'Wl< 0;' "l< Om",n7,) 0'0"0 tz,"W 12
O'7,)~n 0;' "l< O'7,)W m~'7,)"JWJ O'X' nl< O'tz,'J'~tz,' 07,)XY7,)
.1'J' l'J;" ,~"W '7,) .;""" ;"Y7,)J
J"!) i?'!)
O;"'Y "!)n;,,, O;"'Y ", O'W, 0"" "'l< ,l<J,;' Tl<13
.oml< O'W'''7,) ""7,),m
O;'7,)W O'Y)7,)n l<" "l< l<:1' O',Y);' ,n');, ,"W' O;"'l< '7,)l<,,14
m~'7,)J o)~' l<'tz,' O~, '7,),l< ')l< n7,)l<J .0'7,)tz,' m~,7,)
.;"l<~ l<' Ol< 0'7,)tz,'
•0W7,) "" O;"'Y ", OW,,15
;,tz,'Yl< :1,,, :"It'l< " " '7,)l<', " ;"nnW7,) "l< "nJ "'l< tz,'",,16
.J";'Y;' "n nup,
.J,,, l<,;' "J' 'l<;' ,~ J,,, O,l<;' l'l< J,,,7,) 'l<Wn ;'7,) "'l< 1y,,17
.m,X7,);' "7,)tz,' O"nJ l<J' ;,x,n Ol<,
;,)yn l<' JU"n l<' nx,n l<' ,"W' " '7,)l<', .1;' ;'7,) " '7,)l<,,18
•'i'tz,' 'Y ,Y,J
."7,)~ ,Y" nJ;'l<' '7,)l< nl<' ,'Jl< nl< 'J~19
."37 " ,on' ;'7,)' 'n,7,)W ;"l< ,~ "nJ;' " '7,)l<,,20
" 'Wl< ,~ "~7,)' " on m';" ;,x,n Ol< ,"w' "'l< '7,)l<,,21
•',nl< l<J, O'7,)tz,'J 'X,l< " ;";'" 0")37' ,;,)m
.mJ' myp,p " ;";' l<'tz,' '!)' ,,;, "nJ;' 37'7,)W~ ,;",22
l<J' "W37' 'J~W o~, '7,),l< ')l< 17,)l< ""7,),n, '''tz,', '7,)l<,,23
•0'7,)tz,' m~'7,)J
,'WY;' 17,) "n7,);' l'YJ '7,)";' l<J' ,p ,m'w o~, '7,),l< ')l< "37,24
.0'7,)tz,' m~'7,)J
'9,11 "'KJ
MT 19:10-24)
" G
'''11 "K'] "'K B I K' ,lUtC] K'lD EF I 'KOn] + C'TK '1':1 C",lDJ C'O"O '1'"
C'lD:I,::I C;'IlD ABDEFG I ":1'1':1] "':1'1':1 EF I C'I.3::1n] C'K:I;'I ABDEFG I '1.3] '1.3, EF I 1':1') omit
..,I3'K:I';'I) K:I';'I EF I "'K] "1~' G I C'lD,:lI.3] C'lD':11.3 EF, C":lPI.3 DG
..... C;'I"Kj C;'I' EF, omit G I ,n'll.3] omit 0 I K"J 'K' DEFG I C::I'] omit 0 I K' CK] + ;'1';'1'
..... ;'I,nnlDl.3) mnnlD" ABDEFGH
•.. 1J") ,1.3K', EFG I "'K] + 'I.lK" H I :I'OI.3J :1'0;'11.3 H I C'TK;'I) C'TK H I 'K;'I '::I)'Km ABDEFGH
I K';'I) omit G I :1'02] :1'0;'1 BDEFH I "1.3'1') + nit A
.....,I.3K',] ,1.3K ABDEFGH I ns,n) + '1K1n K' 0
.... '1M:I;'I) c::In;'l ABDEFG
,0,2. "'K] " EFG I ;'1';'1"] ';'1" A I C'J"" G
.0022"n:l;'l] C::ln;'l ABDEFG I "';'IJ + '1Jt ABD(?)EF, O(?) I ;'1';'1 K'lD) ";'1'1' A I ;'1';'1] ";'1 DEFG
Then his disciples said to him: If the matter
of a man with his wife is so, it is not good to take her.
He said to them: This matter is not for everyone but for those to whom
it has been given.
Because there are eunuchs from their birth; these are those who have not
sinned. (There are eunuchs made by man) and there are self-made
eunuchs who subdue their desire for the sake of the kingdom of heaven;
these are (those who enter) into great prominence. Whoever is
able to understand let him understand.
Then they brought children to him that he might lay his hand on them
and pray for them, but his disciples were driving them away.
Jesus said to them: Permit the lads to come to me and do not restrain
them, for of them is the kingdom of heaven. Truly I say to you that one
will not enter the kingdom of heaven except (he shall be) like these.
SO he laiCl his hand on them and went on from there.
A young man came to him worshipping him and said to him: Rabbi
what good thing shall I do to acquire the life of the world to come.
He answered him: Why do you ask about good? No man is good;
because God alone is good. But if you wish to enter life keep the commandments.
He said to him: What are they? Jesus said to him: Thou shalt not kill,
thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness against your
Honor your father and your mother and love your neighbor as
The young man said to him: All these I have kept, so what yet do I lack?
Jesus said unto him: If you wish to be perfect go and sell all which you
have and give it to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and
folIow me.
It came to pass when the young man heard he went away (angry)
because he did not have much property.
Jesus said to his disciples: Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man
to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle
than a rich man the kingdom of heaven.
[MT 19:25-20:9
,;", '7,) ;'''K ,"W', "7,)K" 'K7,) ';'7,)n', C"'7,),n;, 'Y7,)W,,25
,;,;, C'V'K:'1 'l)' :'1WV '~':'1 C'K ')~ 'l) '7,)K" C:'1"K 1!)":U;
.m':'1"V ,~,
MT 19:25-20:91
l"!) i"!)
:'17,) ,',nK "" ,;,;, U~t37 ;'):'1 " '7,)K" O,,"1'''!) 137,,27
.,), :'1':'1'
C,,~W ',nK C';"':'1:'1 CnKW C;" '7,)'K ')K 17,)K ,"W' '7,)K,,28
~", '37 CnK Cl ,~wn ,,,~;, KO;' '37 C'K;' ~W' 'WK;' 1";'
.'K'W' '1'~W 'WY C')W mKO;'
'Y ")~' ,nWK' '7,)K' "~K' ,'m'nK Cl ,n'~ ~nY:'1
.W" C'7,)W m;,,7,)' cm7,);' '~i" '7,)W
•C')'WK' ":'1' C')"nK C'~" C')"nK ":'1' C')'WK' C,~,30
,"!) i"!)
,'n' C'K' ;'7,)" C'7,)W m;,,7,) ""7,),n, ,,'w' '7,)K ;,t ,nK I
'i'~~ ";'W7,):'1 ,n'~ 1"K
.'7,)';" cn,w', C", ,nK ')"~ c,';,wm 2
.c"1'~ i"W~ C'17,)'37 c',nK K'" C":'1 n'w',w~ KJ,,3
.c;', 1nK "K'~' '7,)';" cnK Cl ,;" C:'1' '7,)K"·
.1;' W37" n'y'wn :'137W~ Cl' C":'1J~ "37 'KJ"
C:'1' '7,)K" C',7,)'Y C',nK KJ7,)" ;'''l KJ' :'137W :'1'W37 nnK~,6
.C";' ,;, C"1'~ C"7,),Y CnK 37"7,)
.'7,)';" CnK Cl ,;" C:'1"K '7,)K" .C'K U,;'W K'W " U37,,7
CmK K'V C"37'!);' '37 ~J')' C,;,;, '37~ '7,)K" ~'37 n37' ,;",8
.C')'WK'~ ';'" C')"nK~ ,n', .C,;'W C:'1' 1nK'
.,nK ')" "~i' C')"nKm 9
,,,.. ':t~n',) ,ac"!)', ABDEFG I 'w'''j omit G
,,,.. c'p"ac:t) c'''ac:t A I ,:::1, "::1:t) ':::I~ G
'''''C,'O''!)) ,'O'!) A, ~'O'!) BDEFG, C,'O'!) C I :tJ:t) m:t A I ,.".,) 1'1::1"" A
'''21,~,,) + C:t'''ac AG, + o:t" BDEF I "ac,w' ... O'JW) omit G I "ac,W') omit D
''''','m'nac 01) ,'m'nac, ABDEFG I '1'1':::1) + ,'nac, A, + ,'nac BDEFG I ":::IP') + :tlC~ ABDEFG
'''''"C'J'wac, ..• C'::1") omit A(hap)
211" "::1W~:t) C'::1W,,:t ABCDEFG I C'''Y'!)) + ,,,,::1" ABDEFG
2II"acll',)ac:::l" EF I C'''O:::l P'W:::Ij 2 I ABCDEFG
"",ac,:::I,) ',ac,:t, ABDEFG
"',acJ") acJ', ABDEFG I :tYW:::Ij nYW:::I A I n'y'wl'I) n'y'wn:t ABDEF
- nnlC:::l') O'JW:::I, A I :tYW) myw EF, omit D
"'U,.,) ,~" G I '''j + "~,, A, C:t" G I O:t'''ac) cm AG I ,::1") omit G
The disciples heard and were exceedingly amazed
and said to Jesus: If so, who can save [them]?
He turned to them and said: With man the matter is difficult, but with
God everything is easy.
Peter answered and said to him: Behold we have left all to follow after
you; what will be ours?
Jesus said: Truly I say to you who follow me, in the day of judgment
when man sits upon the throne of his glory you also will sit upon
the twelve thrones of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Everyone who leaves his house, and (his brothers), also his sisters, his
father, his mother, his wife, and his children for my name will receive
(a hundred) like them and will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Many who are first will be last
and many who are last will be first.
After this Jesus said to his disciples: The kingdom of heaven is like a
certain individual who was master in his house (who arose early) in the
morning to hire laborers (for his vineyard).
He hired them for one dinar a day and sent them into his vineyard.
He went out at the third [hour] of the day and saw others standing idle
in the market place.
He said to them: Go also you into my vineyard and that which is suitable I will give to you.
So they went. Then (he) came out again at noon and also at the ninth
hour and did the same.
At the eleventh hour he went out also and found others standing and he
said to them: Why do you stand idle all day?
They answered him: No man has hired us. So he said to them: Go also
you into my vineyard.
It came to pass at evening, the master of the vineyard said to the officer
over the laborers: Call them that I might give to them their wages. He
began with the last and finished with the first.
The last received one dinar.
[MT 20:10-24
.1:1" OK. ';:' 0";:" 1m K' K':'I' 1m' nnp, ':1wn 0':I'WK1:'1,10
01;:':'1 '37:1 '37 0':I'WK1:'1 U",,11
U~37 omK n',w:'I' nnK ::l37W "~37 0':I'1nK:'I "K 1~K'12
•:11,nm 0":'1 ,;:, ':I'~37W
1:1":1 K':'I ."37 " :'IW'37 ':I'K ':1':'IK " 1~K" O:'l~ ,nK' 137,,13
,m~~ 1'1nK:'I
nn, :'Ii'1 ':lK OK .", ':lnpI4
1:1'~ ':lK 1WK;:' ":1'37:1 37":'I1':I'i1~ :'Itl.'37K K':'I 1S
0:'1 0':11 .0':I'1nK 0':I'WK1m 0':I'WK1 0':I'1nK :'1':'1' 1~1(;
.0'1n:1:1:'1 0'~37~' 0'K'1P:'l
:'I"£l j?1£l
1~K" 1n0:1 ,','~,n :1"' nK np', 0'W'1' 'K '"W' :111',,17
o'~;:,n:'l """, 10~' O'K:'I 1:1' 0'W'1" 0"'37 ':lM:lK :'1:1:'1 18
.m~' ':'I':1"n", 0':1:'1;:':'1'
.'W"W:'I 0":1' ,11':1W:'I" ,m;:,:'I' 0''''' ,mK '10~' 0",19
.':I~~ :'IWp:1 nwp:1~' :'I,nnw~ :'1':1:1 037 'K":1T nWK K:1 TK 20
,nK:'I :'I'K ':1:1 ':lW l1:1W' :'I'il1W 1~Km .'i1n :'I~ :'I"K 1~K,,21
.,m;:"~:1 "K~W' ':lwm ':I'~"
1'1'0':'1 ":10' ,;:"n:'l .1'Wp:1n :'I~ 1'37,n K' '"W' 0:'1' 137,,22
.';:',:1 '1~K" 1":10' ,'n37 ':lKW :'In'~:'I'
" l'K ':I'~" 0" 'K "K~W' ,:1'W,:'I' '0';:' mw 0:'1' 1~K,,23
•':1K ':I£l' 1';:':1 K':'I 1WK' OK ,~ 0;:" :'Inn,
•0'nK ':lW 1":137:1 0:'1':1'37:1 1n', :'I1W37:'1 '37~W,,24
».loc'mVK,;n) C'JlV1n;n 00 I 'JtlIn] omit G I 'l" . . . K,;n) ,nK 'l" C;,?
'l" CK " c'm?
K?) 'l" ,nK ?,?
20,12 n"tlI;,,) ;,n"tlI;n A
2O'13C;'~ ,nK?) C;,? A I'?) omit G I "K] omit G
,m G I
20'15"';']11';' ABOO, 11";' EF
20''';'';'') ";" AB
20,11 C?tlI",?) C?tlI", ?K A I C1K:'l) C'llC A I C'l;";" c'~,n;,) c'~,n;" C'l;";' A I ,;nJ"n",]
,;nJ"n', ABCoo, ,;nJ',n', EF I m~n) ;,n'~? A
..,19 "o~' Cl'l "O~" A I ,n'JtlI;,?,) ,m?n?, ,mp?;,?, A, ,mp?;,?, BDEFG I 'tlI'?tlI;,] + c,p'
"'20KJ) omit AG
2O'21'~Km] '~K" B I ;'?K 'lJ] ;'?K ;"lJ B, ;"lJ 00 I 'ltll;,'l ,nK;n D
2O,n"nn] ,nn A I ",n:'l) ,,?,1n;' ABDEF, ,?"n;, G I ""0';') C','O'J C I ,'nl1) omit G
20,23 ,ntll) 'KJntll EF I ,J'tlI,;,,) 'J'tlI,m EF I 'l'~'? . . • '?K~tlI?l 2 I EF I Cl) omit ABDEFG
'lD?) 'l'l1J EF
». 24 1"lI1J C;"l'I1J)I'll1~ Cl'l1J ABoo, "ll1~ EF I C'nK) c'nK;' A
MT 20:10-24)
So the first thought they would receive more,
but he gave only a dinar to each of them.
11 Then the first murmured against the master of the vineyard
12 saying: These last worked one hour and you have made them like us
who have worked all day [in] the heat.
13 He answered one of them and said to him: My friend, I have done
you no injustice. Did I not hire you for one dinar?
14 Take it and go. If I wish to give to this last like you
IS may I not do according to my desire? (Is there evil) in your eyes
when I am-good?
16 So the last shall be first and the first last. Many are called but few are
the chosen.
17 Jesus drew near to Jerusalem and took his twelve disciples secretly and
said to them:
18 Behold w;are going up to Jerusalem and the S~n of Man will be
delivered over to the chief sages and priests and they will condemn him
to death.
19 Also they will deliver him to the Gentiles to smite and destroy him,
but on the third day (he will arise).
20 Then came the wife of Zebedee I with her sons bowing down and
making a request from him.
21 He said to her: What do you wish? She said: That you command these
my two sons to sit the one on your right and the other on your left in
your kingdom.
22 Jesus answered them: You do not know what you are asking. Are you
able to endure the suffering and the death that I am going to endure?
They said: Weare able.
23 Then he said to them: Drink my cup, but (that you should sit) on my
left or my right is not for me to grant to you but to the one who is prepared before my Father.
24 The ten heard [this] and it was a matter of anger in their eyes in regard
to the two brothers.
[MT 20:25-21-5
C;':::1 C'", C'U;' 'K'W)W '37' C;" '~K" "'K ,"W' C:::1'i',,25
.CW!))' C'Wi':::1~ C;""'l'
.C:l1'IK 1'Ii'W' C:I')':::1 "'l m';" ;'J,,;'W C:I')':::1 ;";" 1:1 K'u
':::137 C:I, ;";" 1'WK' m';" C:I')':::1 ;'J,' 'WK,27
1'11'1" 1'I'W, K';' CK ':1 ';"1'I,tz."W K:::1 K' C'K 1:::1 'WW D
.c':::1,' ,!),:I 'W!))
"'!) i"!)
.1'InK ;"':::1n ,',nK
,n"':::1 C'O):I) ;'~;'29
1'~;';' "1' '37~W" .",;, 'JK C'KJ" C"'37 ')W ;');"30
TK .K:::1 1'I""KU~ ,"W' K':::1);' C;" '~K" .m ;,~ ';"'KW"
.1))n " , 1:::1 '~K' 'i'37J
1'~;' C"~'K' C'i'37'J ";' C;, :I"~31K' C;':::1 "31l ;"':::1n;,,31
.u)n ", 1:::1
•C:I' mw31;', ,J,1'I ;,~ '~K" CK'i'" "'tz." "~37,,32
.U')'37 mni'!)1'Iw 1"K;' "~K,,33
C:lm'~K c;" '~K" C;")'37:::1 37l" ,"W' C;"'31 ,,~n,,34
,,,;, C31;' ,:1, ,',nK ,:1,;', 'K' ,,,;,, 'K' ,,~, .C:l1'IK K!)"
T"!) i"!)
n,w', C'l'IT;' ,;" 'lK!) 1'1':::1, 'K':::1" C'W", 'K ':::1'1',,1
.""~'1'1~ C')W ,,'W'
1'1'IK 'KJ~1'I ,,~, C:ln:l) K';' 'WK 'J:::1~;' 'K ,:1, C;"'K '~K,,2
."K C'K':::1;" cmK "'1'1;" .1'InK ;"'37' 1'InK
,,~, C;" ,',J 1"K;'W " "~K ,:::1, C'W W'K C:I, '~K' CK,3
.C;'1'IK :::1U37'
'~K' K':::1);' ,:::1, C"i" m ,:14
:::10'" ')37 K';' 31WU, i",J " K:::1' ':I'~ ;,);, 1"J 1'1:::1, "~K5
•1'1'IK 1:::1 "37 '37' 1'1'IK '37
...... IO'P") IO"P" A I OW!l)') O~;:), ABEF
..... D::l,),;)2] omit EF I npll"] n,ll" ABEF. n'w' D
...., " ) 'll'lO ABDEFG I D'nC) D'nCil AD I Kl:l] omit ABCDEFG
..... ,m'ltll"'] "ltll'" ABCDG. "/.)1(" EF , '/.)1(") "/.)1(" ABDEF I 1t';)):I] :Uil EF I n"ItU1J)
n'TIt)Z) ACDG. n'U1J B n'ltuZ) EF
...3. Whole vs 31] omit G I Oil •.• ;:)!lPIt,) om 'Oil ,Z)It, ABDEF I o"Z),It,) "/.)1(' EF
......1'1J,] 1'1J F I ,It"]'ltil A. It" EF
'il;) AH I 'W') omit H
21:20il'?K) Oil' G. omit H I D::ln;:))) on;:)) H I nnlt'] + il"OIt A I nnlt2] il1JP A. + ilz)P BEFG I
omit) ilmlt A I ellt';)m) Dnllt 'It';)m EF
21:3,/.)1(') ,~ A I D::l,) D::l,,1t ABDG. omit EF I Oilnlt) D::lnlt ABDEFG
21:' It;)') It;) EF I It'il Pwm] omit G I ::10"') ::I;:)", ABCDEFG I l,nlt'] "Z)n AEFG Il,nIt 2] nmnlt
MT 20:25-21:5)
Jesus (brought them near) to him and said to them:
Know that the princes of the Gentiles have dominion over them and
their great ones seek (to subdue them).
26 It will not be so among you, because he who wishes to be great among
you (will serve) you.
27 He who among you wishes to be first will be your servant,
28 (just as) the Son of Man did not come that they might serve him, but
that he might serve and give himself as a ransom for many.
29 They entered into Jericho and a crowd followed him.
30 Behold two blind men came out beside the road. They heard the noise
of the multitude and (asked) what this might be. It was said to them:
The prophet Jesus from Nazareth is coming. Then they cried out
saying: Son of David, have mercy on us.
31 But the crowd rebuked them (saying: Be silent;) they nevertheless were
crying out and saying: Lord, Son of David have mercy on us.
So Jesus stopped, called them and said: What do you want [me] to do
for you?
33 They said: Lord that our eyes might be opened.
34 Jesus had pity on them, touched their eyes and said to them: Your faith
has healed you. Immediately they saw, praised God, and followed him.
Then, all the people praised God because of this.
Chapter 21
They drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethpage on the Mount of
Olives, and Jesus sent two of his disciples.
~e sai~ unto them: Go into the fortress which is opposite you and
Immediately you will find a she-ass and her colt (with her). Untie them
and bring them to me.
If a man should say anything to you, tell him the master has need of
them ~nd immediately he will let them go.
All thiS was to fulfill the word of the prophet saying:
S~y t~ the .daughter of Zion: behold your king comes to you, just and
vlctonous IS he, hwnble and (riding) upon a she-ass and upon a colt the
foal of a she-ass.
[MT 21:6-21
•,"W" O'''! 'Wl(:l 'W37'" ':l,,,,6
On"'37 ,~W O",nl(m n"'37 ,"W" :1:l,'" '''37n, 1,nl(n 'l(":1",7
.n'37~' "37'" On"W':1'~' On"':l
~i"o., C"in~, ",:1 On"W':1'~ O"W,,!) n":1nn~ 0":1,,8
,",nl(" ,"J!), ,:l",tz,"', O"!37n "!)J37
l(J37W,n "n OW:1 l(:1n ",:1 O"37n 37"W'~ l(J37W,n '~l(' 0"l("j;'9
.T'l(:1' O"~W:1 'l(!)nn 'J37"tz"~
n"!) i"!)
.m l(,n ,,~ '~l(' '''37n ,:l n"n O'W"" Y'W" l(:1:1 1:l ",nl( "n",10
.,"',,:1 'Wl( ''''''l(Tl(J~ l(":1Jn ,"W"
nT 037n "~l(",11
,,!)n", .o"':l,~m O"J'j;'n OW l(!~'" "n n":1 Y'W" l(:1",12
.0"J,"n "':l'~ m:1w,~n, O"Jn"ttm mm,
onl(' O"~37n ,:l, l('v" n,!)n n":1 "n":1 ":l :1"n:l on"'l( '~l(",13
.O"!"'!) n'37~ nml( on"W37
.Ol(!)'''' W'v~:1 o"no!), 0""37 ''''l( ':1'V",14
O"'37Jn, .nW37W ml(,!)n ml(" O"Jn:ln, O"~:lnn "",,, 'l(':1",15
"'37'" O"~:lnm .'l(n 1:1 n:1nw" O"'~'l(' W'v~:1 O"l("j;'
"n37~W '~l('" on, 137'" ."l( O"'~'l( n~ n37~W l(,n " "~l(",16
ln37 n,o" O"vJ,", 0""'37 "!)~ onl('v l(,n ."l(
on, Wi"~ n"n ow, OW,,", l("JJn n":1 'l( n!,n "", :1n37",17
.'l(n m:l'~~
.:137' '''37' :1W", 'v:1:1 "n",18
O"'37n v' n:1 l(!~ l(" n"'l( W"", ",n '!l( nnl( nJl(n l(,,,,19
.,,,~ n)l(nn W:1"m .0"37' ",!) ,~~ l(!" 'l( n, '~l('" ,,:1,
.,,,~ n)l(nn nW:1" '''l( "~l('" ,n~n", o","~,nn 'l('''':ZO
nJl(n, l(' v!)O ",:1 nJ'~l( 0:l:1 n"nn Ol( on, '~l('" Y'W" 137",21
.nW37" 0:1 l(:1'" W'~"W nm ,n, "~l(n Ol( ":l 'W37n ,:1,:1
21,6 'll.") omit G
21'·c',nlC') C':1" G lC1'''Oil] c'n,,;) ABDEFG
21"lC1Yll."il] il1Yll."il A C;'Yil Y'll."7.)] C;,Y UY'll."7.) EF, C;'Yil ';7.)il Y'll."7.) B
2"" :Tnn) + C;ll."" ABEF
21,n;"lCTlCl7.));"T]7.) A ;lC"T]7.) B, n'lCT]7.) DEF, ;lC"TlCl7,) G
21,12 n':1) n':1:1 AEF
KI7.)")lCl'" A
Cll.') Cll.'7.) A
m:1ll."7,)i!1] cm:1'll.'17,)' A
C'l"il) omit A,
C'l" G
21,15 'lC':1") 'lCl'1 EF C'lil;)i!1 C'7,);)nil] 2 I ABDEF mlC';] omit A
21'''1;] omit A C"7,)'lC] "7.)lC' A ';lC'] ";lC A Cil;) Cil';lC G '7.)lC"] omit A ';lC2 ] omit A
2'''' :11TY.1) + cn,lC ABDEFG lC'lln) il'lln BCDEFG ,;,,2] ,;" ABDEFG
21'''lC'''1 'lC" G nnlC] omit G il:1] + C'llCn EF ,:1;) ,:1;:1 B 1'7,) illlCnil] omit G
21'201il7,)n',) + 1!C7.) G "7,)lC") '7,)lC; G 1'7.)) A (7), omit G
21,21 Cil; , • • ,Y"] 'll." Cil; '7,)lC" G
C:1) C':1 AEF, ,;) DG
MT 21:6-21)
Then they went and did as Jesus commanded them.
7 They brought the she-ass and the colt, and Jesus rode upon it while the
others placed their garments and clothes upon them. Then they made
the ascent.
8 Many of the crowd spread out their garments in the way, and others
(cut) branches from the trees and cast them before him and behind him,
9 calling out saying: Hosanna, savior of the world, blessed is he who
comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna, our savior, may you be glorified in heaven and on earth.
10 It came to pass afterwards, when Jesus entered Jerusalem, all the city
quaked saying: Who is this?
II The people said to one another: Jesus the Prophet from (Nazareth) which is in Galilee.
12 Jesus entered the house of the Lord and found there those who buy and
sell. He overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of
those who were selling doves.
13 He said unto them: It is written, my house will be called a house of
prayer for all the nations, but you have made it a cave of violent men.
14 Then the blind and lame came to him in the temple and he healed
15 The chief sages and priests came to see the wonders which he did. The
young boys were calling out in the temple saying: Let the Son of God be
praised. The sages mocked
16 and said to him: Have you not heard what these are saying. He answered them and said: I heard them. Have you not read: From the mouth of
children and babes you have established strength?
17 He left and went out to Bethany and (spent the night) there and there he
was explaining to them the' kingdom of God.
18 It came to pass in the morning that he returned
to the city hungry.
19 He saw a fig tree near the road and drew near to it but found nothing on
it except leaves. He said to it: May fruit never come forth from you.
Immediately the fig tree died up.
20 The disciples saw, were amazed, and said: How is it the fig tree dried
up immediately?
21 J
esus answered and said to them: If you have faith without doubt, not
only to the fig tree will you do [thus], but should you say to this mountain that it should depart and go (into the sea), it will be done.
[MT 21:22-32
.1":1pn C'J'~K~ ":"Im :"I,!)n:1 l"KtZln 'tZlK ':J,12
'J'!P' C'J:"I:J:11 c'~:Jn:"l "'K ,:1'P', ,~" tz"P~:"I 'K K:1,,23
•:"IT:"I ,'n:"l :"ItZlyn n:J :"IT'K:1 '~K' CY:"I
CK' nnK :"I'KtZl 'JK Cl C:J~ 'KtZlK C:"I' '~K" ,"tZl' C:"I' 1Y"u
.:"ItZl,y 'JK n:J :"IT'K:1 C:J' '~'K 'JK Cl :"ImK " "~Kn
':1!yn', ?C'tZlJK:"I 1~ 'K C'~tZl:"l 1~ :"In':"I l'K~ 1Jn1' n":1~25
K' :"I~'
'~K' C'~tZl:"l~ '~KJ CK .'~KJ :"I~ '~K' C:"I'J':1
.,:1 U'~Kn
1Jn1'tZl C'J'~K~ C':JtZl :"I":1n:"l 1~ K"J C'tZlJK:"I 1~ '~KJ CK,26
.:"1':"1 K':1J
'JK n:J :"IT'K:1 C:J' '~'K K' 'JK Cl '~K" .UY,' K' "~K,,27
"! i?'!)
" ":"1 "K tZl'K .C:J' :"IK'J :"I~ ,','~,n, ,"tZl' '~K K':"I:"I :1,Y:128
.'~':J ,,:1Y, C":"I 'J:1 " " '~K" ,nK:"I tZll" C'J:1 'JtZl
.,,:"1' cm :J"nK' .:"I!" 'J'K " '~K,,29
.,,:"1 K" "'K 'JJ:"I "'K 1Y" 1:J '~:J ,nK' '~K,,30
,"tZl' C:"I' '~K" .1'tZlK':"I " "~K" ?:1K:"I ,,!, :"ItZlY C:"I'JtZl~ '~31
m:J'~:1 C:JnK '~'P' mW"j?:11 C'!"!):"ItZl C:J' '~'K 'JK '~K
C'!"!):"I 'K:1 .cnJ~:"I K" :"Ip,! " , 1Jn1' C:J"K K:1tZl3Z
Cl .:"I:1'tZln:1 cn,," K" C'K" cnK' ,:1 'J'~K:"I' mW',p:11
.:"I!),n:1 Y~tZl' y,~tZl' C'JTK ,~, .':11'~K:"I' cn~m K' p ',nK
."22"::l') "::l::l, BEFG
•1: 23 C'JiI::lm C'7.)::lnil) C'JiI::lil '''''1 ADEFGH, C'''''li1 C'JiI::lil B C'];'I::lil C i1l1.'Yn) + (-,,, BEF)
,., 1m 'tl, ABDEFGH
'1:24 Cm) CiI'''K A
nnK i1"KlI.' 'JK Cl) omit C
nnK i1"KlI.') 1nK ,::l, ABDEFGH
i1mK ,,,) ..,
AH,'" ,mK BOO,'" i1mK CEF
'1:25 C'tlll.'i1 1tl) C'tlll.'i1tl H C'lI.'JKiI 1tl) C'lI.'JKtl H ,tlK") + C'lI.'JKiI 17.) 'K C'tlll.'i11tl ,tlKJ tlK F
,tlKJ i1tl) omit ADEFGH ,tlKJ tlK) omit B C'tlll.'i1tl) C'tlll.'i1 1tl H
21:JO C'lI.'JKil1tl) C'lI.'JKiltl A i1"::lnil1tl) ~'::lniltl AH i1"::lni'l) m"::lnil EF
·1:2'I"tlK,,) + ,,, H ~) 'J'K A ,tlK',) + Cil" H
·1:-::l,Y::l) nY;) A
i1K'J i1tl) i1K'JiI 00 1nKi'I) mK" D ,,::l'" C"i'I) 2 1 A
,,::l"') ,,::lY G
'tl,::l) 'tl,::l" A, 'tl,::l::l BDEFG
.1:20 cm) i1nJ A
21:. "11( 'JJi'I) 2 1 A
21:3. 'lI.") omit EF
21:321Jm') omit EF
DnJtli'l) DnJ'tlKiI A, DnJtlKiI BDEFG
C'I"llil 'K::l) C'I"llm ,::l ABDEFG
u'tlKm) U'tlKiI ABDEO DntlnJ) cn"n G i11l,n::l) i'Itl::ln::l A
MT 21:22-321
Eve~Ing whIch you shall ask in prayer while believing, you will
H ~ went Into
the temple to teach and there came to him the sages, the
pnests, and the rulers of the people saying: By what power do you do
this (and who gave you) this strength?
24 Jesus answered them and said to them: I also will ask you a question and
25 if you tel.l me I also will tell you by what power I do [this].
T~e baptIsm of John whence was it, from heaven or from men? They
gneved among themselves saying: What will we say. Ifwe say from
u heaven, he will say to us: Why did you not believe him?.
If we say from men, we fear the crowd because all of them believe John
was a prophet.
27 So they said: We do not know. He said: Also I will not tell you by
what power I do [this].
28 In that evening Jesus said to his disciples: What is your opinion? A
certain man had two sons; he approached (one) and said to him: Go my
son today to work in my vineyard.
29 He said to him: I do not wish to. But afterward he repented and went.
30 He said to the other likewise and he answered him: Here I am, Sir, but
he did not go.
31 Which of two did the will of the Father? They said to him: The first.
Jesus said to them: Truly I say to you, violent men and harlots will precede you into the kingdom of heaven
32 because John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not
~believe. him. But) ~iolent men and harlots believed him and you saw
It a~d dl~ not turn In repentance. Also afterward you did not repent to
belIeve hIm. To the one who has ears to hear let him hear in disgrace.
[MT 21:33-22:1
N"J i?'El
NJ '371.:1tv 0''':'1':'1 n37'O;' ""1.:I;n; ,"tv' '1.:IN N':'1:'1 n37:1)33
1:1" :1':101.:1 ,mN "1' O,~ 371:)J ':1~J ,nN 01N • 37"T:'1 ;tv1.:l
.,~,,; ,;" 0":1'37; ':'1"I'El', ,:1 :1Jn :1v' 01' ,~,n:1 ;'11.:1
;:1V; 0":1'37:'1 ;N "':137 ;N n;tv :'1N':1n:'1 Z'l'ON n37; ':'1"34
'Jtv:'1 nN 11':'1" ,nN:'1 nN ,~" "':137 nN 0":1'37:'1 ,ni?,,3S
.0'J:1N:1 ';1'0 'tv';tv:11
.1~ '1.:1~ 0:'1; ,tv37" 0'J'tl.'N':'11.:1 0':1' 0":137 "37 n;tl.',,36
.'J:1 nN 'N" ';'N '1.:IN; ,J:1 0:'1; n;tv ,:1, Z'l'037
,~; .tv,,':'1 ,m ':'137' ;N tl."N "1.:IN" U:1 nN 0":1'37:'1 'N",38
•,n;m tv,'J, ':'11,m,
•':'111':'1" 0'~:'1 11.:1 ':'1'N'J'" ':11nl',,39
10:'1; :'1tl.'37' :'11.:1 0'~:'1 ;37:1 N:1' 'tl.'N~ :'1n37,40
0":1'37; 1n' '1.:1'~' :'137':1 O':1N' 0'37':'1 '1.:IN; ,; 'J37,,41
•,'1.:1 ,nN':1n
un'tl.' o',nN
:'1n':'1 O'J,:1:'1 'ON1.:I 1:1N :1,n~:'1 OnN'i? N;:'1 ,"tv' 0:'1; '1.:IN,,4Z
.'J'J'37:1 nN;ElJ N':'1 nNt :'1n':'1 ":'1 nN1.:I :'1JEl tl.'N';
'11; 1nJm 0~';371.:1 0'1.:Itv m~;1.:1 37,pnntl.' O~; '1.:I'N 'IN nNt;43
•',El :'1tv'37
.1"0' :'1';37 ;,El' ,tvN' :'1n,' nNT:'1 1:1N:'1 ;37 ;ElU:1144
,:1,1.:1 N':'1tv ",~" ,,;tv1.:l O'tl.'"El:11 O'J:'1~:'1 ';"1 '371.:1tv,,45
(.0:'1; :'1':'1 N':1J;tl.' m":1n:'11.:1 'N''l' ,n'1.:I:'1; 'tl.'V:1,,46
v;n ,;
(:1"J) N"J j?'El
•;tv1.:l ',:1,:1 "37 0:'1; '1.:IN" '''tl.'' 137,,1
21~Omit Brit. Lib. ms and C. Our basic text for these vss is D.
21034,IC') nlC 00, omit B
2"35 C']:31O "PO '117"117:11) '117"117:'1 nlC 'pO" G
21''''C':3') omit A I C']'1l7IC':'II;)) omit EF
21,., ,:n) ,:3T.'1 ABEF I '7;)1(') '7;)1(" G
21'''':'In 'IC 1I7'1C) omit A I ,:1,) ,,] A I 117"]') + nlC A
21,,," :'InJ'l) :'InlC' A
2"., 'I;)IC' " UY',) " 'I;)IC" EF I c',nlC) c',m A
2"aU']'Y:3 ••• nM) omit G I nlC'!l]] mlC'!l] B
21,.. :'In1') :'IIC" EF I "!l' '1I71C') '!l']:'I' EF I P'TO') pO!l' A
21,.. ""1) omit EF I C'~'!l:n C']:'I:I:'I) 2 1 EF, O']:'I:lm c'l;):ln:'l G I "'1171;)) "'1171;) nlC G
21'40'1I7p:3") ,m1l7p:3" BEF I m":3n:'ll;)) m":3n:'l 11;) A I 1C':3]'1I7]IC':3]:l1I7 A I Cm) C:'I']':3 G
22<1 At this point the Brit. Lib. ms again becomes our basic text; ms C also resumes at this point.
Both number this IC"S P'!l since the entirety of the last pereq was omitted. All other mss number
this :3"S P'!l.
MT 21:33-22:1)
(At that time Jesus said to his disciples
and to a company of the Jews: Hear now the parable of the sower. A
certain honorable man planted a vineyard, walled it up on every side,
built a tower in its midst, and also dug a vat in it, entrusted it to servants,
and went on his way.
34 It came to pass at the time of the gathering of the produce, he sent his
servants to those who were working to receive his produce.
3S But the workers took his servants, smote the ftrst, killed the second,
and the third they stoned with stones.
36 A
. he sent many more servants than the ftrst and they did to them
37 Finally, he sent them his son saying: Perhaps they will honor my son.
38 The workers saw his son and said to one another: This is the heir.
Come., let us kill him and we will inherit his estate.
39 So they took him, cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
40 Now when the lord of the vineyard comes what will he do to them?
41 They answered him saying: As for the wicked he will destroy them in
misery and his vineyard he will give to other workers who will immediately give to him the portion of his produce.
42 Jesus said to them: have you not read the scripture, the stone the
builders rejected has become the head of the comer; this was from the
Lord; it is a marvel in our eyes.
43 Therefore I say to you the kingdom of heaven will be tom from you
and given to a nation producing fruit.
44 He who falls upon this stone will be cast down; he who falls upon it
will be broken apart.
4S The chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables and understood
that he was speaking in regard to them.
46 They sought to kill him but they feared the crowds to whom he was a
Chapter 22
Jesus answered and spoke to them agam
in the words of a parable.
[MT 22:2-18
.:"IEl," mU'37 ,tuN ,,7J, :"I7J" C'7Jtu m;"7J1
." t::1N N" :"IEl,", C'N"j;':'1 '37::1 "'::137 nN
'n];,:"1 :"1]:"1 C'N"i" "7JN '7JN' C""N C"::137 "37
•:"IEl'":"I 'N 'N'::1 .p'7J ';':"1' mEl'37' C','W 'n"::1T' :"InW7J:"I
.C:"I'P037::1 Cn1p7J' "37::1 Cn1i'7J ,;"" 'T::1 C:"I,5
•c".,m C::1 "'37nm ("'::137 nN
C""Nm 6
Cn'::1 nN' C:"I:"I C'"1":"I
'ElN ,"" ,,7J:"I 377JW,,7
•tuN::1 rt'W
•C"'N' ":"1 N' C'N"i':"I i" N':"I n];"7J :"IEl'":"I "'::137' '7JN TN8
.:"IEl,"' 'N'i' 'N17Jn 'WN ,;" C';"':"I 'N 'N1 :"In37,9
C'37" C'::1'1::) C'N17J]:"I ,;, '1::1i'" C';"':"I 'N "'::137 'N1,,10
•C";"N:"I7J :"IEl'":"I N'7Jm
tu::1,,7J :"1':"1 N' 'WN C1N CW N'" C";"N:"I mN" ,,7J:"I N::1"ll
•:"IEl'":"I ',,,::1
N'::1 1N;" :"InN::1 ,'N '::1':"IN " '7JN"l1
.tu"":"1 N':"I' .:"IEl'":"I
"Ntu::1 ':"I,;",tum ",,,,, "" "ON ,'n,tu7J' ,,7J:"I '7JN TN 13
.C']'tV i'"m ';':::l :"1':"1' CW, n'n"n
.C'1::)377J C',"::1]:"I' C'::1, C'N"i':"I 14
""1 j?'El
•,:::l,::1 ,n"i" '137'" C'W,,'El:"l ';":"1 TNI5
'::1, '7JN' O''''''':''I7J C'tu"El C37 C:"I"'7J,n7J "'N
tuW'" ,]'N' C'P'N:"I " , m'7JN::1 "7J,m :"InN 17JN]W ']37"
.C']El NtVU N" ,:::l, C'W,
.1'N CN 'j"N!'~7 07J nn, 1';']:"1 " :"IN" :"I7J "7JN17
.C']El]" '],n'7Jn :"I7J, '7JN" cm,;,] nN ,tV,,",,18
22'3,,) 1t:1' ABDEFG, omit C
22'4'm:)il) 'm1"il ABDEFG I moVl C','W) 'l'Vl
22"":1 cm) omit C, ,1t:1 It, cm G I ,,:1) lC:1 D
22"lC') ,""OJ nlC ,np, ABDEFG I C:1) Cil:1 G
"'7J~W") n'w., A I n,w',) + "'~W" ,'n ABDEFG I c'nl"il) C'~"ilil A
...·ilnVl) + ", G
..... C',,'Til 'lC) omit EF I C"''Til) + 'lCI~" G
22,,, il'il) ilo,n, "lC' G I W:1"~)1U1:1'~ D
22,12 ':1'illC) 'l'onc A I llt"lllt':1 A I ilO,nil) ilo,n A
22'13,',:mj omit EF I "lCW:1) ',wn~:1 ABDEFG I n'nnn) m'nnn ABDEFG I p"m) ilp',n, C
22,14 C':1') C':1"~ EF I C'''SI~) C'''Vl~ A
. .
At this point the Brit. Lib. ms and ms C number this section 1"1 p,O, leaving out :1"1, thus bnngmg
their' numbering system into line with the other mss. See 21 :33 and 22: I. I ':1'T:1) ":11:1 D.
22,,. Beginning) + Cil''''~'n CJ 'IVl" EF I ,n',w"l ,n,w', CF I O""'il~ C'1U1'O CJ) onnt D I
C'1U1'O) C'I"O A I C'P'lCil) C"lCil A
22'I7'~'It) + U' G I ,.,) omit G I 'lC"I')
A, ""1' B, "'1' CDEG, '0'1' F
22,.I,w',n',) ,w' "" ABDEFG I 'l,n'~n) 'l,n'on ABDEFG I C'101n) C'Oln ABDEFG
MT 22:2-18J
The Kingdom of heaven is like a king
who made a wedding ceremony.
3 He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the wedding
ceremony, but they did not wish (to come).
4 He again sent other servants saying: Tell those who are invited, behold I
have prepared a feast, I have killed oxen and fowl, and all is ready.
Come to the wedding ceremony.
5 But they scorned and went away, some into the city and some to their
6 Others (took his servants), abused them, and killed them.
7 The King heard this, was angry, sent those murderers away, and burned
their house with fire.
S Then he said to his servants: The marriage ceremony is ready, but those
who were invited were unworthy.
9 Now go out unto the roads and all whom you find invite to the marriage
10 His servants went out unto the ways and assembled all those who were
found, good and bad; so the marriage ceremony was filled with those
who were eating.
11 The king entered to see those who were eating and saw there a man
who was not clothed in wedding garments.
12 He said to him: My friend how did you come in here without wedding
garments? He was silent.
13 Then the king said to his servants: Bind his hands and feet and cast him
to the nether most and lowest hell; there will be weeping and gnashing
of teeth.
14 Many are called but few are chosen.
15 Then the Pharisees came and took counsel to take him in speech.
16 They sent to him some of their disciples, with (violent men) from
Herod saying: Rabbi, we know that you are faithful, you faithfully
study the way of God, you fear nothing, and are impartial.
17 Tell us your opinion: Is it right to give tribute to Caesar or not?
18 (Jesus recognized) their deceit and said: Why do (you entice me,
[MT 22:19-33
." 'N'~" .0~:"1 37~~~ " 'N':"1 19
.C'W':"1' nNm :"1"J:"1 ,~, C:"1"N '~N,,20
nN ""NT'J' '~'W:"1 ,"W' C:"1"N '~N TN •'1"NT'J.' '~N,,21
.C~i"N' C'i"N' 'WN' 'j"N!'J.7 ;j"~!'j7 ,tvN
.,:J'" ':"1'~T37" ':"1~n', '37~W,,22
,"J i"£)
.c'n~:"1 n"nn~ C"£)':Jm C'p',J:"1 "'N 'N'P ~\1il 0"::1 23
C:"1~ ,nN n~, ,',n' C'nN ,~W' ':J :"1W~ '~N ,), "~N " '~N,24
.,'nN 37'T C"p, ,ntvN nN ,'nN np'w " l'N 1~'
37'T N'~ n~, :"1WN l'WN':"1 NW)' U')'~ ":"1 C'nN :"137~tv :"1)m25
.,nWN nN ,'nN C~"
.'37'~W:"1 '37 'w"w, ')tv:"11:J'u;
.:"1WN:"1 :"1n~ C:"1',nN,27
.:"1WN:"1 :"1':"1n :"137~tv:"1~ ,~ 'N C":J' :"1':"1 '~:Jtv28
1137' C',£)O:"1 ,)'~n N" uwn C:"1"N '~N" ,"tv' 137,,29
":"1' p, C'tv)N C'W):"1 N" C'W) C'W)N:"1 ,np' N' :"1~,pn:"1 c,'~JO
.C'~W~ C'P'N ':IN'~:J
'~NW c:J' ":"1 '~NW c'n~:"1 n"nn~ cnN'p N':"1 31
'P'N U'N :J"N' .~p37' 'P'N' pnJ' 'P'N C:"1'~N 'P'N ":"1 ')N32
.c"n:"1 'i"N N":J c'n~:"1
.,n~:Jn~ ':"1~n', m,,~n:"1 '37~W,,33
"''''?) +
tmu~ AG, + ,nK tmu~ D, + "lU~ EF
U,21'7JK") ,,7JK', BG, "I:lK TK EF I "KT'I?··2,3J 'T'lU? A, "T'I? B, 'T'I? CDE2.3G,
'O'I? F' I C:t'?KJ C:t? AEF I nK) omit A I "T'I7'J omit ABEFG I 'lUK'J
C'P?K? C'P?K? 'lUK'1 C'?K? 'lUK C'?K?' A I C'P?K?2J omit B
u,u 'WlU") omit EF
U,13 K,:t:t ~':J) K':t:t nY:J H I 'K'P) ,:J'P A
U':lAU? ,,7JK) omit A I ,'nK ~T C"P?J omit G
U,25U'J':J ••. :tJmj omit G I l'lUK':1] + nK G
"'''1bere is confusion in the text of G.
...27 C:t',nK') m,nK' B
u'21':J::llU) omit A I :t':t) :tn':tlU A, :tn':t BDEFG I 'I:l?K] 'I:l? G I
:tlUK:t • • • ?KJ C?::l? :tn':t ':J::llU :tlUK? :t':tn C:tY:JlUl:l 'I:l? :t'nn:t C,':J A
U,19 C:t'?K 'I:lK" 'lU' 1Y") 'I:lK" 'lU' C:t? 1Y" H I UlUn) 'lUJn G I ny,) "Y' EF I
C'P?K:tJ C'?K:t A
u,JOC'lUJK C'lUl:t K?'] omit G I P'l K?K A I C'P?K] C'?K A
U,lI C::l? ":t '7JKlU! omit DG I ":1] omit H I '7JKlU2J omit ABEFH, + C::l? G
u""lKJ omit G I 'P?KI.2.l.4.>J ':t?K A I 'P?K 2J 'P?K' H I K"::l) '::l H
MT 22:19-33)
Show me a tax coin. They brought (a plain one) to him.
20 He said to them: Whose form is this and [whose] impression?
2t They said: Caesar's. Then Jesus said to them: Return to Caesar that
which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's.
22 They heard and were amazed. They left him and went away.
23 On that day, the Sadducees and those who deny the resurrection of
the dead met him. They asked him
24 saying: Rabbi, Moses surely said to us: When brothers dwell together
and one of them dies and has no son, his brother should take his wife
to raise up the seed of his brother.
25 Behold there were seven brothers among us. The first one took a wife,
died without seed and his brother married his wife.
26 Likewise the second and third unto the seventh.
27 After them the woman died.
28 Since (she) had already belonged to all of them, to which of the seven
will she be a wife?
29 Jesus answered and said to them: You err and do not understand the
writings or the power of God.
30 In the day of resurrection men will not take women nor women men,
but they will be like the angels of God in heaven.
3t Have you not read concerning the resurrection of the dead that the Lord
spoke to you saying:
32 I the Lord am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of
Jacob? If so, he is not the God of the dead but the God of the living.
33 The crowds heard and were amazed at his wisdom.
[MT 22:34-23:4
;'''! j?'D
.",:JY ":Jnn;, C'P"!' :1JY~ l'le ':J C'W"'D;' ,le, 'Wle:J,34
,mOJ' "le c:Jn ,;"'leW,,35
.:1"n:Jw ;""1 m!~ le';' :'1T'le "~le ,,36
.,:J, 1:J:J' ,:J:J 1'P'le ";' nle n:J;'le' " '~le37
.;'J'Wle,;' le';' n38
.1'~:J 1Y" n:J;'le' ;",le ;,~" n'JW 39
.C'le':JJ:1, ;,'"n ;',,:J ;",n;, ;',le;' m,!~;, 'nw ,y,40
Y'W' C,leW', C'W"D;' 'DOle,,41
.", 1:J " "~le" .;";" ,~ 1:J' n'w~;, 1~ C:J, ;'le,' ;,~ '~le~2
l"le '~le' W,p;, m':J ", ,mle ,le'P 1'le C:1, '~le,,43
C,,;, 1':J"le n'Wle ,y 'J'~" :JW 'Jrnt, ";' CleJ :J'n:J~
1U:J ;";" 1'le l"le ,le'P ", Cle4S
.,:J, 'J~~ "leW, "nD 1"le' 1le:J~ ,:J, ,:J'W;', ,,:J' le,,46
'''! j?'D
,le, CY;' ,le ,"W' ,:J, Tle1
.c'~:Jnm C'W"'D;' ,:JW' ;,W~ leO:J 'Y '~le,2
,le C;"WY~' c;,'mJpn:J' 'WY, ,,~W C:J, '~le' 'Wle ,:J ;,ny,3
.C'W,Y CJ'le cm C"~'le C:1W ,wyn
c.." c?:J"O? ,,:J,' le, m"'l mleW~ C'JmJ' C'W",,4
.YU' C'!" CJ'le CY:J!le:J "Dle
Chapter 23
,,,,,, ABOO. ,,,,, EF.
U.J5,:n?1C1I1") 'it?1C1I1" EF. + ,~, G I "IC] + Oittl A
22,36 " ) ,~, A I ill'lC) 'T'IC CEFG I it?"1 i11Jtl) 2 1 A I it"n~ll1) it"n~ F
22'3'I"P?IC) Tit?1C A I ,~~? ?~~) omit G I ';)'] omit ,;), and add: ~ ?;)~, ,ll1DJ ?;)~, ABDEF
21:JI itJ'll1IC.,it) + m'Jtl~ll1 m"1i11 A. it"'1 :nJtlit C. mn1:n DEF. itJ'll1IC'1:n m'Uit G
u.JO n'Jll1) n'Jll1:n ABDEFG
U.. mlCi1) '?lCit A i1'1,nit) i1'11n B
22,•• 'll1') omit G
22,.. ,~?] omit G I it'it' 'tl P'] omit A
22,... Om) Oit'?1C BEF. omit 00 I TIC) ,'IC' A I 'IC'P) lC.,p ABDEFG I l'~ ,~? ~it m,~) 4 1
2 G ,~?) omit EFG
u." T~"IC) T~"IC? A I ,'?1.,? • • .") omit FG
u... 'IC'P) ,mlC IC"P ABDEFG it'it') it'it EFG
22'''llC;)tl) llC;)tl' ABCDEG
""itn,,] itnw EF I ~'] ,~, ABDEFG I '111" "tlll1) ''1tlll1m 'll1Jn G I Di1'mJpn~,) c.,'nupn;)1
ABDEG Cl"nupn;)1 F Oit'll1W,] Oit'll1Jtl;), E. Cl"ll1Jtl;), F o:n] omit ABDEFG
""vs 4] o~t C I c?~'O?] + ~it 'J~ '/;);)111 A. + ~ 'tl;)ll1 BOO, + ~it '!);)ll1 EF I "DIe] ,?'DIe
11:30 '''T.1J)
MT 22:34-23:4J
When the Pharisees saw that the Sadducees
had no answer, they joined his servants.
3S Then a sage asked him tempting him:
36 Rabbi, tell [us] which is the greatest commandment in the Torah.
37 He said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart
(and with all your soul and all your strength).
38 This is the first.
39 The second is like it: Thou shalt love your neighbor as yourself.
40 Upon these two commandments the whole law hangs and the prophets.
41 The Pharisees assembled and Jesus asked them
42 saying: What is your opinion concerning the Messiah, whose son will
he be? They said to him: The son of David.
43 He said to them: How is it that David by the Holy Spirit called him
saying: Lord,
44 as it is written: The Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies the footstool of your feet.
4S If David called him Lord, how is he his son?
46 They were not able to answer him a word (and) from then on they
feared to ask him anything.
Then Jesus spoke to the people and to his disciples
saying: Upon the seat of Moses the Pharisees and the sages sit.
Now all which (they) say to you keep and do; but (according to) their
ordinances and deeds do not do because they say and do not.
They demand and set forth great burdens [which] (the shoulders of
men) are not able to bear; but they themselves even with their finger
are unwilling to move.
[MT 23:5-20
C"i" C'tv':1'~ C'tv:1", C')'37 ;'N'~' C'tv'37 C;"tU37~ 'J,5
C""l 0;N'7"i1'~ C'N'i') m'i'i'
C:1tU,~ m';", mNntv~ 'n:1:1 ;,),tvN' C':1'O~ m';" C':1;'N6
m,tuN':1 m'O)J 'n:1:1
.C'):1, CN"i'" mi,n:1 C;" m,nntv;",7
CJ"J, CJ:1, N';' ,nN .C'):1, C'N'i') m';" 'i,n 'N cnN,8
.C'~tv:1tv CJ':1N N';' ,nN .T'N;' '37 C'N' 'N'i'n 'N :1N,9
•n'tv~;, N';' ,nN CJ:1,tv C'):1, 'N'i'n 'N,10
.CJnN n,tU~ ;";" CJ')':1 "'l;,l1
•C,,' ntv' ,tvN' ntv' c~"n' ,tvN,12
T"i i"!l
C'N '):1 ')£1:1 C'~tv mJ'~ C'!l)n C'~Jnm C'tv"!l;' CJ, "N I3
.N:1' CmN C':1T137 CJ)'N N:1' C'i";"
C'i'"m C"J'N CnNtu C'!l)n C'~Jnm C'tu"!l;' CJ, "N I4
.,'N tv)'37 ":10n ;'T ":137:1' ,"N tU,,:1 nU~'N;' C'tzl);, 'OJ)
,tvNJ' CJn)'~N:1 ,nN tv'N :1, "tvi" ;,tv:1';', C';' C':1:1'015
.C"i'~ C"!lJ 37' ;";" ,tUi') ;";"
:1"n ')'N ,J';':1 37:1tv);,tv "~Nn 'tUN C"'37;' ':1tv,~ CJ, "N I6
C'tv, :1"n 'J';';' 1"):1' tu'i') N';'tU ,:1, ;'T'N:1 "" 'tUN'
'J';" tv'i');' ,:1, 'N 'J';';' "'l ,m' ;'T'N C"'37' C'37l'tv~17
.nn' :1"n 1:1'i' :1"i"tv 37:1tu)m :1"n U'N n:1T~:1 37:1tv' ,tvN,18
11:1'i';' 'N tu'i'~;' n:1T~;' 'N 1:1'i';' ,m' ;'T'N I9
.'J,n:1tv ;,~ ,J:1, 37:1tzl) n:1T~:1 37:1tu' 'tvN20
2.),5 C'lVlP. • • ?:nj omit C I C'lV1:1?/:)) C:"I'1I1P/:) D, C:I11:1 G I 0'K'?:1'D)1I1K?:1'D A, 1I1K"?:1'D BF,
lVlK'?':1'D D, lVlK'?:1'D EG
2.)~ m':"I?j en,':"I? A I C:1lVl1J) read C':1111'/:) I :"I3'1I1K':1 m'03:1 '11:1:1) 3 I 2 ABDEFG I :"I3'll1K':1)
11ll1K, A, :"I3'1I1K' BDEFG
2.),7CK"P") CK'j;l?' EF, C:"I? llK'j;l?' G
2.),IC'"K ••• 0:1:1,) omit D (hap)
"'91(1:"1 ••• :1K') omit D (hap-see on 22:8)
2.)'''C:1:1,1I1) C:1':1,1I1 C I 1MK) omit EF
2.),12 "111'2] omit EF I 01") ="11' A
2.)'''C'D3") + "P1I1 C"1'0 CllK1I1 A, + C"1'0 CllK1I1 BDEFG I C"TlC) + C'K:1 C:13'K CllK ABDEFG,
C"TlC:"I DEF I C'I"mj :"11":"1' A
2.),I·C'1I13:'1) omit G I :"IT] omit EF I ,'K) ,"K ABC, mrut EF
2.)'15:1?) omit G I '1I1K:1') '1I1K:1 EF I P') :1P, EF
2.),.. "/:)Kll '1I1K) "7.)Kll111 H I lVTj;l3) '1I1j;l3 A I ?:1':"I:"I 1"3:1?) '3'3:1?' ?:1':"I? H
2.), 17 :'1T'K) ':"IT'K ADEFGH I ,:1,] ,:1';' ABGH I ?:1':"I?)'? G
2.),11 P:1111') P:11111 D
2.),19 Beginning of vs) + C"'P:"I "K ABDEFG I :"IT'K) ':"IT'K ACDEFG
2.),'" P:11113) + ,:1 A I :"I/:) ?:1:1,) :"I1J:1 G I ':1'11:1111 :"I/:)) ':1'11:1 ,ll1K A
2.),2' Vs 21 omitted by all mss.
MT 23:5-201
All their actions they do for the sake of appearances: they
wear expensive gannents and large tassels, called phiblios;
6 they love to recline first in the banquet halls, to be (seated) first at the
7 to prpstrate themselves in the streets, and to be called Rabbi.
S But as for you, do not desire to be called Rabbi. One is your Rabbi and
all of you are brothers.
9 Call no man upon the earth father. One is your father who is in heaven.
10 Do not be called Rabbi, because one is your Rabbi, the Messiah.
11 The greatest among you will serve you.
12 He who exalts himself will be humbled; he who is humbled will be
13 Woe to you Pharisees and sages, hypocrites (because you close up) the
kingdom of heaven before men; (you yourselves do not enter) and those
who wish to enter you do not pennit to enter.
14 Woe to you Pharisees and sages, hypocrites, because you devour and
divide the wealth of certain widows with lengthy exposition; for this
you will suffer a long punishment.
15 You encompass sea and land to bind the heart of one man to your faith
and when he is bound he is doubly worse than before.
16 Woe to you, council of the blind, who say that he who swears by the
temple is not obligated, but he who vows by anything which is consecrated to the structure of the temple is obligated to pay,
17 -mad and blind men, which is greater, the temple or that which is
consecrated to the temple?18 and whoever swears by the altar is not obligated but he who swears that
he will make an offering is obligated to give it.
19 (Woe blind men), which is more, the gift or the altar, the temple or the
20 He who swears by the altar swears (by it)
and by everything which is in it.
[MT 23:22-34
."'37 :nu"::1' ,::1 37::1W:I C'P'N NO:J::1 37::1W' 'WN,n
n"i i?'D
1,~,m n::1w:-'n 37:1~:I~ C"W37~~ C'W"D" c'~:Jn, C~, "N23
cm ~"n~ '1'Dtu~ '~T ,::1:J:I ,m' N'~ ,tuN C'::1:137 C"TU~'
N" mW37' C"'N' C"~N~~ "N • ~:I'~N~' n~Nm ,on~
.CmN m:Jw,
.'~l~ nN C'37"::1' w,n'~ ,::1,::1 C'P'P'~ C"'37~ C'l'm~ 37'T24
T,n::1~ m'37p~, mO':J~ ,mpnw c'~:Jnm C'W"D~ C:J' "N2S
.~N~'1" ~'::1:1 N'~ c:J,m
.T,n::1~ 'WN "~1' m'~, ':J,n::1W ~~ ~,nn ~P:l ~,n,26
C',::1P' C'~"~ C'D:ln~ C'tl"'Dm c'~:Jn~ C:J' "NZ7
mN'~ l:J,n::1' C'N ':1::1, 1'::1' T,n::1~ '~"W C':I::1"~~
.C'D:I'1'~' C' n~ m~i37
mD:ln mN'~ c:J::1'P::1, C'N ':1::1, C'P"i T,n::1~ cnN 'N,n pZll
',::1P ':I::1nw c'~:Jn~,
.m37tu" Z9
.C'p"i~ ':lNi "::1:Jm
C'N'::1:1~ 'l'~ 'WN' cnN C':I::1W C:J~i37 '37 C"'37~ cnN nNT::1 31
.C:J'm::1N ~tu37~:J C'l~U cnN,3Z
'::1,tun N' CN c:I~'ll"~ ,o':ln ,'N C':I'37Di 37'T c'wm33
1'''i P'D
c:J' n"w ':I:I~ nNT' C"'~'~ m"::1n, ,"w' '~N N'~~ Z'l37::134
'Z'l::1::1 '::1'N:Jn c~~, u,~n c~~, .C"D'O' c'~:Jm C'N'::1:1
."37 'N "37~ ':I'D"m c:Jm'o:l:J
23,23 37:1lU') 37:1lUJ A
C'P'Ie] C',1e A ,:1] + "'37 leln':1' G :1lU":1' ,:1) :1~':1 B
23,23 The Brit. Lib. ms and ms C break off at this point. Ms D becomes our basic text from here to the
end. I 37J1.)J;'] 37J37J;' ABEF I C':1J37] C':1n37' ABEF, C':1J37' G I 1"I1.)1e;',) omit G I C",Ie'J + c;,
EF mlU37') mlU37;" A cmle] mle B
23,:15 ,nJpl"llU) ,npJl"llU A, ,nJpl"I G
T'!n:11.) m'37p;,,] 2 1 A
23'26;,pJ '11M') ;,pJ '1Jn;, A, '1Jn;, B, ;,pJ1.) 'pn;, EF T,n:11.)) T'!n:1lU B
23m 1':1') C'D' ABEF C1K) C1K;' EG 1:nl"l:1'] C;)'I"I:1, ABF
23,21 C1K] C1K;' F I C;):1'P:1,) C;):1'P:1 B I mac'1.)) C'Ie'1.) A
23,29 C;") C;), ABEFG I C'1.);)n;,,] omit G I C'P'1lt;, 'llell '1:l;)m] '1:1;)1"1 C'P'lll;' 'J"ll' A I 'llell]
'l"ll ABEF
23,31 '1.)':1 2 )1"1'1.);" A
23,30 '11;') 'lie EF
C'1.);)m) C'1.);)n F
C"D'O'] C"D'O BF, + C'DJn G
C;'1.)"] C;'1.) B
+ "l"Im A 'J'D1,m) C'D"m A
C'W"D~' C'D:ln~ c~, "N
'~'::1 c'n':I~ ':I"~ N' U'm::1N '~'::1 U"~ CN "~Nm30
MT 23:22-341
He who swears by the throne of God
swears by it and by the one who sits upon it.
Woe to them, the sages and Pharisees, who tithe (mint,) dill, and pomegranate, but who commit robbery (and leave undone) that which is
weightier, that is, the judgments of the Torah which are: kindness, truth
and faithfulness. These are commands worthy of doing; one should not
forget them.
Offspring of blind leaders, who are strict in the matter of the gnat and
swallow the camel.
Woe to you Pharisees and sages because you cleanse cups and platters
on the outside but inside them is full of wickedness and uncleanness.
(Hypocrite), cleanse first that which is inside in order that that which is
outside might be pure.
Woe to you sages and Pharisees, hypocrites, who are like whitened
sepulchers which appear on the outside to be (beautiful) to men, but on
the inside are full of the bones of the dead and the filthy.
Thus you appear on the outside to be righteous to men, but within you
are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
Woe (to you), hypocrites, Pharisees, and sages because you build the
tombs of the prophets and glorify the (monuments) of the righteous.
You say: If we had been in the days of our fathers we would not have
permitted [them] (to put) the prophets (to death).
In this you bear witness against yourselves that you are sons of those
who killed the prophets.
You behave according to the deeds of your fathers.
Serpents, seed of vipers, how will you escape the judgment of Gehenna if you do not turn in repentance?
At that time Jesus said to the crowds of Jews: Therefore, behold I am
sending to you prophets, sages, and scribes. Some of them you will
kill, some of them you will afflict in your synagogues and you will
pursue (them) from city to city,
[MT 13:35-24:9
C, '37 .V"'!;' ,:1:1
T'N;' '37 ,!)WJ;' V",! ,::l C, C::l"'3735
.n:n~" ,::l";';' 1"~ Cn:1';' ,tuN ;'''::l'~ 1~ ;''''::l!
;,m ",;, '37 ;"N ,::l 'N'~"tu C::l, '~'N ''IN n~N~36
C"~37!) ;'~::l c"m,tu;, nv'b~' C"N"~J;' n:1";';' C",tu"" '37,37
nnn ;,"m'!)N n'UJ,n;, ~'ONn ,tuN::l '''J~ ~'ON' "n"!,
.n"!, N" ;'''!)J::l
.m~,n C::l"n~ '~T37n cnN 1::l,38
",~ "~Nntu '37 ,'''N' 1N::l~ "J'N,n N' C::l, '~'N ''IN n~N~39
MT 23:35-24:91
,tu:1J ",;, ;''';'W::l,
tu'v~;' 1~ '"W" N!" 'WN::l ";,,,,1
.W'V~;' "J"J~ ,mN';"
;"N ,::l 'N,n '~N",2
.1~N '37 1~N CW
1Jn", W""~"!) " "NW W'v~;' n"~ ,:1J c"nm ,;, '37 ,n~w~,3
''';'''W::l ;,";,"tu mN;' ;,~, ;"N ,::l ;''';''' "n~ ,no~ ;'N""JN'
C"37;' n"'::ln ;''';''' "n~, ,,"nn"tu::l 'N C"J"J37;' ;"N ,::l
'NW" N" 0';''' ,::l;'tu C::l,
Chapter 24
W"N C::lnN ;'37n" 1!) "~tzm '"W" C;" 137",4
.C::lnN '37n", n"w~;, N';' ''IN '~N' ,,~tu~ 'N~" C"~'tu5
,,~;,n 1!) ,,~tu;, mN~!;' n,~m m~n,~;, '37~'L'n 'WN::l cnN"
.n"'::ln;, 1"N 1"'37 '~N N~' ,"n37 ;'T ,::ltu
m~, m~,;,~ ''';'''' ;'::l'~~ '37 ;'::l'~~' "U'37 ",:1 C'V",7
.m~,v~~ TV37" '~::l ~37"
.m~'N::l~;' n,nn ;"N '::l8
C"~37;' ,::l, ;,!),n, ,";,m C::lnN ,:1,;'''' m,!, C::lnN "ON" TN 9
.'~tu '37
nn, ABEF
I n::lT7.)"] n::lT7.)il' B
I C1 'Y] C~ EF I il'::l'::1 1::1) omit B I n::lT7.)"
'::l'ilil] '::lili11 n::lT7.)il
C'M1'lUil np'07.)' C'IC'::IJil] C'IC'::IJi11 CM1'lUil G
np'07.)'] n'p07.)' A
il'CJ::l nnn] omit G n'I') cn'I' BG
""lU1P7.)il l7.))lU1P7Jil7.) G ,mlC'il'] + nlC G lU1P7Jil 'J'J::I)lU1p7.)il' n'::Iill'J::I G
"'2,7.)1("] '7.)'IC' EF, + Cil' G I ClU) omit A
"'3'il 'Y] 'il::l A n'::I] omit ABEF "lClU) 'lClU A lU"C'C] ,'C'C AG
illC"'JIC']lUlC"'JIC' EF, O'IC"JIC G ,,'nn'lU::l 'IC] omit G ,,'nn'lU::l] + " EF
'n7.)'] 'n1.) F ,nlC'::I'1 ilnlC'::I' A
..,4 "7.)lUil] + C::l' EF I C::lnlC) C::l' EF
..,51C'il] omit A C::lnlC) C'::I'il nlC A
"""::Iiln) "il::ln G
..,I m::l'IC::l7.)il] omit A
"""OIC'] "07.)' AEF
nlC G
(in order to place) upon you the blood of every righteous
one which has been poured out upon the earth, from the blood of Abel
the righteous unto the blood of Zechariah the Son of Barachiah whom
you killed between the temple and the altar.
Truly I say to you that all these things will corne upon this generation,
and upon Jerusalem who kills the prophets and removes those who are
sent. How many times I wished to gather your children as a hen gathers
her chicks under her wings and you would not.
Therefore you will leave your houses desolate.
Truly I say to you, you will not see me henceforth until you will
say: Blessed is our savior.
It carne to pass when Jesus went out from the temple, as he was going,
his disciples drew near to show him the buildings of the temple.
He said: You see all these; truly I say to you that all will be destroyed
and there will not be left there one stone upon another.
As he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, John and
Andrew asked him secretly: When will all these things be and what will
be the sign when all these matters will take place, or when will they
begin and when will be the end of the world and your corning?
Jesus answered them: beware lest anyone should lead you astray,
because many will corne in my name saying: I am the Messiah, and they
will lead you astray.
As for you, when you hear of wars and a company of hosts, beware
lest you become foolish, because all of this will occur, but the end will
not be yet.
Nation will rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom; there
will be great tumults, grievous famine, and earthquake in [various]
All of these are the beginning of suffering.
Then they will bind you over for tribulation and will kill you, and you
will become a reproach to all the nations for my name.
[MT 24:10-27
.C:''1')':J 'D1i'n', C;':J c;, "":J" C':J, 'T"" nwo
.C':J,;' nN '371'" 'i'lrm 'N':J) '~'i',,1l
.C':J, n:J;'N "'Dn m37W';' ;':J,n 'WN:,,12
.37W" n'?:m;, '37 ;,:m' ,tuN,13
?:;) ?37 '?37 m'37? T'N;' ?:;):J nNT '?''')''''N T37? ;",tv:J w"n,14
.n'?:;)n;, N:Jn TN' C'".;,
'~'37 ?N')' 'D ?37 "~N;' c~,tV T'i'tV ,;,n tv'1'C""i"1')N :"IT 15
.1':J' N"i';" W"i' C'i'~:J
.C',;'? 'CU' N"':J 'WN TN16
.,n':J~ ,:J, C,tu m,i'? ", N? n':J;' ?37 ,tvN,17
.,n)n:;) nni'? :J,tV' N? ;"W:J ,tuN,18
.C;';' C'~':J mi")~?' m,;,? ,,;'19
.n:Jtu:J' ,nc:J c:;)nC')~ ;,';,n N?W ?N? '??Dn;,20
;,n37 '37 C?'37;' nN':J~ ;,n';,) N? 'WN ;,?"" ;"1 ;,';,n TNW21
•;,';,n N? ;,,~:;),
":J37:J i" ,tv:J ?:;) 37'tV" N? C'1'37~ c;,;, C'~';' m';, ,?,?,22
.C;';' C'~';' '1'37~' c',n:J);'
.')'~Nn N? CW? 'N n'tu~;, ;,);, C:;)? tV'N '~N' CN 1~T:'l ,mN:J'Z3
C'nD'~' mmN un', 'i'W;' 'N:J)' C"i'W 'n'tV~ '~'i"tVZ4
.c',n:J);' nN m371':J 'N:J' m';,? ?:;)" CNW 1')37:J C'?""
.U'~Nn ?N c'"n:J ,);" 'N1n ?N ':J'~:J ,);, C:;)? "~N' CN'u
.,m';, C"i' C:;)? "~'N '));'25
N"i' j?'D
;'N')' n'T~:J N1" i',:J;'tu ,~:;) ,','~?n? ,"w' C;,? '~N "3727
.C'N;' 1:J?tu ,nN':J ;,';,n 1:;) :J'37~:J
24:11 n:l,') ,W:J,,' EF I C:1:J) C'It:J BF I '!lspn',) 'J!lpn', F
24:11 ,pW:1j ,pw G
24:14 TV,) TY;:J B I ';':J,1"1t) ';':J,1'1t A, ';':J,11t'1t EF I ;:l:J) + 'O!llt ABEFG I ;Y) omit A I C'Ui1]
CYi1 G I 1t:Jn) 1t:J G
24: 15 :tT) ,:tT A, It,m EF I ~tlO"P'tllltl tlW"p'tlllt A I ;It'l"!l ;Y) + 1t':Jli1 AG, 1t':Jli1 ;It'ln
24:10 Tit) Tit' G I :1n':J) :1n:1':J AEF
24:11 m,p;) nnp; AB, np; G, omit EF
24:lt ',i1) 1t,i1 EF
24:";It;) omit G I ,no:J) ,'no:J A I n:Jw:J' ,no:J] n:JW:1 C,':J BEFH
24:21 It; 'WIt) It;W F
24:22';,;,) It;,;, A I C:1i1'j omit EF I Y'W"] Y~' ABEFG
24:23 n'WIJi1) + 1lt:J; ABEF low; ,It) omit G
24:24 O"PW) O':J, G I ,1t:J') ,It':J' A I nit) mIJ F
24:20 CIt') CIt Tit' A I 'ltJn] ';ltwn EF I um) Ui1 A
24<25 Vs 25 comes after vs 26 in Shem-Tob. I ,m'i1) omit A
24<27 0:1;] omit A I n'TIJ:J] n'TIJIJ BG I l:J;W) 1:J ;W AEF
I n:Jw:J') n:J~ A
MT 24:10-27)
Then many will be perturbed, deal treacherously
with each other, and be enraged among themselves.
False prophets will arise and lead many astray.
When wickedness multiplies, the love of many will grow faint.
Whoever waits until the end will be saved.
And this gospel, that is, evungili, will be preached in all the earth for a
witness concerning me to all the nations and then the end will come.
This is the Anti-Christ and this is the abomination which desolates
which was spoken of by Daniel [as] standing in the holy place. Let the
one who reads understand.
Then those who are in Juda, let them flee to the mountains.
He who is upon the house, let him not come down (to take) anything
out of his house.
He who is in the field, let him not tum back to take his garment.
Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who nurse children in
those days.
Pray to God that your flight will not be (on the Sabbath day).
Because then there will be great distress which has not been from the
creation of the world unto now and as will not be.
Except those days were few, no flesh would be saved; but for the sake
of the chosen those days will be few.
At that time, if one should say to you: Behold the Messiah is (here) or
there do not believe it.
Because false messiahs and false prophets will arise and they will give
signs and great wonders so that if it can be they will come to lead the
chosen astray.
(Then) if they should say to you: Behold he is in the wilderness, do not
go out, and: Behold he is in the chambers, do not believe it.
Behold I tell you before it happens.
Again Jesus said to his disciples: As the lightning comes from the east
and is seen in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
[MT 24:28-41
.C"WJrI ,,::mn' CW rI'Uri rI'rI'W C'i'7;) rlT'N:J 28
"'N rI'l' N' n"rI' W7;)WrI 1wn' Crirl C'7;)'rI ',nN rl37W rlmN:J,29
•nun' C'7;)WrI ,'m C'7;)Wrl7;) "£1' C':J:J::m,
rl7;)'Nri mn£lW7;) ,:J ,:J:J', C'7;)W:J C'Nri l:J'W mNrI rlN" TN'JO
.rlN"J rI"~:J' :J, ,'n:J C'7;)WrI ':J37:J C'Nri 1:J nN 'N'"
37:J'N7;) ,',n:JJ nN fl'ON' " ' l "i':J, '£l'W:J '':IN'7;) n,w,,31
.cm~i' '37 C'7;)WrI rI~i'7;) C'7;)WrI mm,
c'n7;)'~ C"37' rI'£lJ37 'N,n 'WN:J 'W7;)rI "7;),n r1JNnrl T377;)32
':J '37,n
.C"37W' N'rI :J"i'33
C',:J,rI "N ,:JW '37 ",rI
":J37' N'W C:J, '7;)'N 'IN 17;)N34
•C"W37 ,'rI'
.":J37' T'Nm C'7;)WrI,35
C'7;)WrI ':IN'7;) N" 37"'W '7;) l'N N'rIri n37r17;)' N'rIri C"rl7;),36
•,:J':J :JNrI N'N
MT 24:28-41)
:J"i? P'£l
l:J'W U'7;)':J rI'rln 1:J
'7;)':J 'WN:J
""7;),n, ,,'W' '7;)N "3737
C" '37 C':J" C"£l' c'mw, C":J'N ,,:J7;)rI C"i' ,'rI 'WN:J38
.rI:J'n:J m N:JW
,nN':J rI'rln p cn'nw', CrI"37 ,,:J7;)rI N:JW '37 '37" N,,39
37W' ,nNrI' i"'~ ,nNrI ,nN rI'W:J c'w"n C'JW ,'rI' CN TN40
.:JT37' ,nNrI' ,:J,' ,nNrI
.:JT37n nnNrI' ':J,n nnNrI nnN 1,n~:J mJm~ C'WJ c'ntv41
C"W):J7;)rI "'0' C"37r1 n":Jn:J C':JN'7;)rlW rI'rI' rln
.C'37'rl7;) C':J'~rI ""£1" C"37r17;)
u,,. :1':1'111) :1':1n111 A
u'''',nK] + n'J ABEFG I 0'0111:10) 0'0111:110 EF
U':lIP'111) P '111 A
U'3I"P~') omit E I C'0111:1') omit AEF I 'P] 'P' EF
U,31 All mss jump from ~"i' vs 32 to ~"i' vs 33 (hap.).
U,33 See note on vs 32.
U,34 "K) omit B I C"~':1 "K) "K:1 C"~':1 H I C"111l1] C'111PJ H
U>31 U'O'~] ,nK'~ ABEF
U,:lIC"!l') O"!l A
u'30"~1.l:11"~1.l EF
u''',nK:1 2) nnK:1 B I ,nn:1,2) nnK:1' B, '~:1' EF
U,41 C'nlU) 0'/'1111' AB, '~, EF I nnK] ,nK G I C',P:1l.l) C"lI:110 A
Wherever the body is, there will be gathered the vultures.
At that time, after (the tribulation ot) those days, the sun·will grow dark,
the moon will not give forth its light, the stars will fall from heaven,
and the host of heaven will be shaken.
Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and all the
families of the earth will weep and will see the Son of Man on the
clouds of heaven with a great host and with dreadful appearance.
He will send his angels with a trumpet and with a great shout to gather
his chosen from the four winds of heaven, from one end of heaven unto
the other.
From the fig tree learn the parable; when you see its branches and
leaves sprouting know that he is near
to the gates.
Truly I say to you: this generation will not pass away until all these
things shall been done.
Heaven and earth will pass away.
But of that day or that time there is none who knows, not even the angels of heaven, but the Father only.
Again Jesus said to his disciples: As in the days of Noah so will it be in
the days of the Son of Man.
Just as before the flood, they were eating, drinking, being fruitful,
and multiplying until the day when Noah entered the ark.
They did not know until the flood came upon them and destroyed
them; so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Then if there shall be two ploughing in a field, one righteous and the
other evil, the one will be taken and the other left.
Two women will be grinding at a mill; one will be taken and the other
left. This is because the angels at the end of the world will remove the
stumbling blocks from the world and will separate the good from the
[MT 24:42-25:8
'TK ,~,n K'tZl
:1Jl~ ~~tZl
~", ~,~
.K:1 C;:"J"K
CK ,~,n nKf"J
.,n':1 ":1n,
.K:1' ,'n~ C'K 1:1 ~~tu 'T'K ,~,n K'W C'J,;:'J ,'~n cnK p44
,~ "J"K ,mK CtZltZl c;:,n~, 1~KJ~ ':1~~~ C':1tZl,n cnK m~45
't,n~:1 C';:'K nn, "!)~
.1;:' ~tZl,~ 'K':1:1 "J"K '~'1:ltntZl K'~~ ':1~~ "tzlK46
.'~~'tu' "!)~ '~tzl C;:" '~'K 'JK 1~K47
K:1' :1~~~n~ 'J,1K ,:1,:1 '~K" ~, K'~~ ':1~~ ~,~, CK,48
c'"n~ C~ ~ntZl" ';:'K" "J"K ":1~ m;:,~, ,'nn,,49
.37" K' 'tZlK n~:1' ~;:,n' K' 'tZlK C,':1 "J"K K:1'SO
.C'J'tu p"m ';:':1 ~,~, CtZl C'!)Jn~ C37 ,p,n c'w', ,~",!)"Sl
,~~ ,,~tzl
l"j? j?'!)
'~K TK42
'"j? j?'!)
,tzl~' ~~"
C'~tZl m;:,,~ ,','~,n,
'~K ,,~l
.~,;:" 1nn nK'i" 'KJ" 1~'m'J ,ni"tZl
.m~;:,m mT"T 1~~ tZl~m m,'c;:, m'J~ ,,~ 1~~ tZl~n2
.1~~~ 1~tZl 'K'J'~ K" 1~'m'J 'K'J'~ m,'c;:, tZl~n~3
.1~'m'J C~ 1:1";:':1 1~tZl 'K'J'~ m~;:,nm4
.~JtZlJ' ':1~~~nJ 1';:' :1J~' 1nn~ ~~~~n',S
.,nK'i" 'K:1 K:1 1nn~ ~J:1 ~~tZlJ
mm ~",~ 'In:1 ,~,,6
.1~'m'J ':1'~m
m"n:1~ 'K:1 TK7
C;:'J~tu~ u, 'In m~;:,n, m,'c;:,~ m"n:1~ ~J'~Km8
.';:'~'J 'J'm'Jtzl
"'G"~lUI 'i7JlU G 110 ~'mK12 I G
..,., rn'l + n'~:11''TK A ICIlC~' A ,,~n'l "nn, ABEFG
"''''':1n) ":1 EF I C'TKI C'TK:1 FG IlC~; ,.n17110 BG
"'''~nml omit G I nn'l + 0:1' A
..,.. ,m'JnlU) ':1lCJ7.l'lU ABEF
"'''''Otl] ,~,tl ABEFG
"'·'017:11 ~17:1 A I lC~'IIC' AEF,lC'~' B
"'''lC~'1 lC~' A
"'51':1,.'0") ':1,nO" A
25'2lU7.lm) lU7.lnm A I 1:17.l 21 omit AG
25,3 m,'o~1 m"O~:1 A, m'Jl7:1 G I 'lC'J':1 2j lC'J':1 A I 0:17.l17] omit EF
25'5':17.l:17.lm) '7.l:17.lm A I :1JlUJ'1 UlU" B, :1JlUm EF, 1JlUJ' G
25""p :11m) "p, A
25,7 m"n~:'1) + 1:1:1 ABEFG
MT 24:42-25:8)
Then Jesus said to his disciples: Therefore watch with me
because you do not know at what hour your lord is coming.
43 This you know, if one knew at what hour the thief was coming, he
would watch and not allow him (to dig) into his house.
44 So youshould be prepared, because you do not know at what hour the
Son of Man is going to come.
4S What do you think of the faithful and wise servant whose lord places
him over his children to give (them) food in its time?
46 Blessed is that servant whose lord (finds) him doing thus when he
47 Truly I say to you that he will place him over his children.
48 But if that servant should be evil and should say in his heart: My lord is
late (in) coming,
49 and should begin to beat the servant of his lord and should eat and drink
with gluttons,
so his lord will come in a day for which he does not wait and at a time
which he does not know.
SI He will divide him and place his portion with the hypocrites;
there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Chapter 25
Again Jesus said to his disciples: The kingdom of heaven is like ten
virgins who took their lamps and went forth to meet a bridegroom and a
Five of them were lazy fools and five of them were alert and wise.
The five foolish brought their lamps, but they brought no oil with them.
The wise brought oil in their vessels with their lamps.
The bridegroom was late and behold all of them lingered and (slept).
It came to pass at midnight that behold a voice was heard: Behold the
bridegroom is coming; come to meet him.
Then all (those) virgins came and trimmed their lamps.
The foolish virgins said to the wise: Give us some of your oil because
our lamps have gone out.
[MT 25:9-23
", 1"K ,,~
Ui" C"'~'7.):"I 'K K:l ,~, '7.)K' m7.)~n:"l :"I:1:l37m'
.U' ,on"w K''':l .1~" U,tv 17.)W:::l
:"I!)1n, '7.)37 'K:::l m:l~'7.):"11 1nn:"l K:::l nUl" '~':"I 'WK~ ":"1",10
•'37W:"I 'lO:l'
•U' nn!) U:l"K '7.)K'
:"I:1K'i'm m,"o~:"I 'K:::l ~"nK,l1
.1nK "7.) 37"" ":l"K C~, '7.)'K ":lK n7.)K:::l 1:"1' 137"'u
.1nn:"l K:::l"tv :"I37W:"I1 C''':''I '37,n K'W c~, "7.)W:"I 1~ '37,13
:"I"i? i?'!)
C'K' :"17.)" C"7.)W m~'7.) ,nK 1'''7.)' ''''''7.)'n' ,"w" '7.)K "37 14
•U'7.)7.) C:"I' 'T!)'" '''':::l37 nK K'i'''' :"Ii',n, ",:::l "':"1
,nK "tv",W" C":::l':"IT C":lW 1n:l ":ltv, C":::l,m :"IW7.)n 1n:l ,nK,IS
•,~", "", .C:"I' 1n:l " "'K'~ W"K
.c",nK :"IW7.)n n",,:"11 C":::l,m :"IW7.)n:"l ':::li'7.):"1 "",16
.c",nK :"Itv7.)n n",,:"I' '~7.)' :"I:li' ":"1 C":lW ':::li'7.):"1 1~ '7;)~,17
•''':l''K 1'7;)7;) nK 1'7;)~'" T'K:::l ,!)m ":"1 ,nK:"I ':::l1'7;):"1,18
1':::ltvn C:"I7;) Wi':::l'" C:"I:"I C"':::l37:"1 1"K K:::l C":::l, C"7;)" ,nK,I'
nn:l C":::l':"IT :"Itv7;)n ":l"K " '7;)K C":::l,m :"IW7;)n:"l ,:::li'7;):"1 Wl",20
•"nm, 'WK c",nK :"IW7;)n " K:"I' ",
17;)K:l n":"1 137'" .:"InK 17;)K:l' :::l'~ ':::l37 C:l7;)K ''':l''K " '7;)K",21
.''':l''K nn7;)W:::l K:::l :"I:::l,:"I '37 '7;)"WK ~377;):::l
C":::l,m C":lW ":l"K '7;)K'" Wl:l C":::l,:"IT:"I C":ltv ,:::li'7;):"1 Cl,n
•"nm,:"I 'WK c",nK C":lW :"1:1:"11 ", nn:l
17;)K:l n":"1 ,,~, .:"InK 17;)K:l' :::l'~ ':::l37 C:l7;)K ''':l''K " '7;)K",23
.''':l''K nn7;)W:::l K:::l :"I:::l,:"I '37 '7;)"tvK ~377;):::l
15"U'1ll1) + ,;)'1 A I P'1) D:l'1 BEFG I IC"J) :tIC,J EF I U'1) + 1;)'1' A
15" 2 1;'1'1) C;'I'1 EF I C;)'1) P'1 G
15' 13 1nn;'l 1C::1'll1) ::1? "np 1nn;'lll1 A
15"4;'11m) + IC';'I A I ,nlC) 'IC A I 'Y!l") "p!l" ABEFG(?)
15,'S,Jll1'1) 'Jll1?, ABEF 11m2] omit AEFG I ''1)IC'1 EF
15,10 C'::1,m) omit F I n'"m)
C ' Jll1
15''',;)1.3' ;'l3P) 'P ,;),7.l, ;'IJ,p A. ,:l,7.l, ;'IJ,p BEFG I n'"m) n"';'Ill1 A I ;'Ill17.ln) C'Jll1 A. ;'Ill17.ln
E ,........'_ conectionJ I c',nlC ;'Ill17.ln) ,m' F
15,., ,nlC'l ',nlC' A I C':l'l omit F I C;'I;'I • • • l'lIC) 1'11(;'1 F I C;'I;'I C',::1P;'I) C'1:lP;'I ''11C G
15'2e'1::1P7.l;'l) '1::1P7.l G I c'::1,m') omit G I '7.lIC) '7.lIC" ABEFG I ;'Ill17.ln) ;'Ill17.ln7.l A I nm) ,nm G I
,'1) + ;'I,ll1P A I 'nm,) 'nm,;'I A
15,21 tlP7.l::1) tlP17.l::1 G
::1";'1 '1::1P7.l1P" G I C'1ll1 1) C'Jll1;'1 ABEFG. After this word F has 3 garbled
words and omits all else down to vs 24. I C'::1,;'IT;'l) omit A. ',m B
15,.. Vs 23) omit F [see note on vs 22).
,7.lIC',. . .
MT 25:9-23)
The wise answered saying: Go now to those who sen
and buy for yourselves because there is not enough oil for us and you.
We fear that it win be lacking for us.
It came to pass when they went to buy, the bridegroom came; those
who were ready went with him into the marriage ceremony and the
gate was closed.
Afterwards, the foolish came and caned at the gate saying: Our lord,
open for us.
He answered them: Truly I say to you, I do not know who you are.
Be careful, therefore, because you do not know the day nor the hour
when the bridegroom will come.
Again Jesus told his disciples another example: The kingdom of heaven
is like a man going on a far journey; he called his servants and dispersed
to them his money.
To one he gave five coins of gold, to the second he gave two coins of
gold and to the third one, to each according to what was suitable
for him he gave. Then he went on his journey.
The one who received five coins of gold went and gained five others.
Likewise the one who received two went, bought, sold, and gained
five others.
But he who received the one went, dug in the earth, and hid the
money of his lord.
After many days the lord of those servants came and sought from them
an accounting of the money.
The one who received five coins of gold came near (and) said to him:
My lord, you gave me five coins of gold and behold for you are five
others which I have gained.
His lord said to him: Truly you are a good and faithful servant.
Because you have been faithful in a little, I will appoint you over much;
enter into the joy of your lord.
Also the one who received two coins of gold drew near and said:
My lord, you gave me two coins of gold; here are two others which I
have gained.
His lord said to him: Truly you are a good and faithful servant. Because you have been faithful in a little, I will appoint you over much;
enter into the joy of your lord.
[MT 25:24-37
"Ji'm :1nN :1Wi" T31W "n31'" ")"N '~N'" ,nN:1 ':Ji'~:1 W)",:U
.n'T£) N' ,tvN ft'ONm n31'T N' ,tvN
:J':1m "n)~~, "n::l':1 ,nN,,,~,25
,tvN ")N ,J'i'tv n31'''W ",nN 'J31' 31' ':J31 '~N'" ''')''N 131",26
"n'T£) N' ,tvN ft0'N' "n31'T N'
nN ':Ji'~ "n"":1"N':J:J' ")n"tv, "O::l) nn, :J""n n"":1 nNT,n
.M1'" C31 ",tv
.c":J,m :1w~n:1
'WN' ,nUM1 :J:1m ')~~ ,ni' nNT,28
•U~~ ni"" " "'N':1 " 1"N 'WN" " 1n)n " tv" ,tvN,29
"::l:J " :1":1" cw, m"nnn "::ltvn~:J ,:1::l",tv:1 'J31:1 ':J31:1'3O
.C")W i"'M1
."W " ,'W
MT 25:24-37)
'"V i?'£)
'''::IN'~ C31 ':1N'~:J C'N:1 1:J N':J:J' ,","~,n,
'~N "3131
.",:J::l NO::l '31 :Jtv" TN
:131":1 ''''£)'' 'WN::l C:1")":J '"'£)''' C"1):1 ,::l ''')£)' '£)ON",32
.C"T31:1 1":J' C":JW::l:1 1":J
."N~tv' C"T31:11 U"~'" O":Jtv::l:1 nN )"J",33
'':IN "::l,,:J C"::l,,:J 'N':J ')"~'" ,tvN' ,:J," TN34
.:1n37 '31 C"31:1 nN"':J~ C::l, 1::l'~:1 C"~tv:1 m::l'~~
n"N mntv, ", cnm, "nN~J ''::IN' ", Cnn), "n:J31' "::l35
")'£)ONm "n"":1
"n"":1 ':110:1 n":J:J ")"i':Jm :1"n "),w":J,m C"3136
."'N 'N':Jm
')~J ,U31:JW:1' :J31' ,')"N' ,n~ U)"N C"j:''',J:1 U31" TN37
25,20 '7.)K"] omit G
25,25 ,'W'] + 1"K:1 A
25''',7.)1(''] + " ABEF IK,2]" EG
25,., '3n"W'] + C:l:1 m,'w G
25,21 :1:lT:lj :1,:lT:l AEF I 'Zmm) ':lum ABEFG I :lW7.)n:lj :lW7.)n A
25,2t ln3n)ln3' ABEF I np,' ") np,n G
25,30':l::l"W:lj ,m::l"W:l ABEFG I CW'] CWW EF I ") omit A
25'3'K':1:1') K:1:1 B
25,32 C':1W::l:lj C'W:1::l:l BEF
25,33 ,"'I") "'!l" EF, ,"'W" (?) G I C':1W::l:l) C'W:1::l:l BEF
25'34'WK') 'WK B I '::l,,:1)'W B I ':1K] + C'7.)W:1W G I m::l'7.)7.)) m::l'7.) G I C'7.)W:lj C'7.)W ABEF
I C"':lj C", G
25'3hn:1") cn:1" B I '3'!lOlCm) :1" '3'IlKn, G I 'nMI) 'n7.)l(1 G
25,36 :l,'n) + 'n":l G I "K 'K':1m) '3"p:1m A
2503'1 '3") + " ABEF I C'p""Tll:l] + "7.)1(" G I "3Y:1Wm) "3Y:1~ G I U7.)I)MI ABEF I "npWm)
,,3'pWm ABEFG
Then he who received the one drew near and said:
My lord, I know that you are finn and hard and that you reap what you
did not sow and gather what you did not scatter.
So in fear of you I went and hid your coin of gold and behold you have
what is yours.
His lord answered and said: Wicked and lazy servant, since you know
that I reap what I did not sow and gather what I did not scatter,
therefore, you should have given my wealth to my money-changers so
that at my coming I would have received what is mine with profit.
Therefore, take from him the coin of gold and (give it) to the one who
gained five coins of gold.
To the one who has it will be given, but to the one who does not have
that which was intended for him will be taken from him.
As for the lazy servant, cast him into the darkness of the lowest places,
there shall be for him weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Again Jesus said to his disciples: When the Son of Man comes in his
revelation with his angels, then he will sit upon the throne of his glory.
All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate them
as the shepherd separates the sheep and the goats.
He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Then he will say to those on his right: enter blessed (of) my father and
inherit for yourselves the kingdom of heaven prepared for you from the
creation of the world until now.
Because I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was thirsty and you
gave me to drink, I was a wayfarer and you took me in,
naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, I was in prison
and you came to me.
Then the righteous will answer: 0 our Lord, when did we see you
hungry and satisfied you, (thirsty) and gave you to drink,
[MT 25:38-26:6
"n'o:" o"y38
,,"K 'JK:n ';'0;' n'::1::1 ,U'j:'::1' ;",n39
,tuK O'~YD;' ,;:'::1tV 0;:" '~'K 'JK 1~K 0;" '~K" ,,~;, 137,,40
." on'wy "K;:' O'J~j;';' "K ,nK~ 'JY ,nK' on'wy
n'~"Y WK::1 'K::1' O""K 'J~~ "'0 "K~W' 'WK' ,::1,' 01,41
";:'K'~' 1~W;' OY 0;:" 1;:"~ O'j;'~::1
" on'j;'w;, K" 'nK~J ";:'K' " OnnJ K" 'n::1y,tz141
;",n 'mK on'o;:, K" 0"37 'mK OnDOK K" n"K 'n";,43
.'mK on'j:'::1 K,' n'::1::1'
'K K~J' ::137' UJ"K ,'J'K' 'n~ "'K "~K" 0;' 01 ,JY' TK44
o'n,w~ '~37 ,J";' K" ';"0;' n'::1::1 'K ;",m O"Y, n"K
MT 25:38-26:61
On'W37 K' 'WK O'~YD;' ,;:,W 0;:" '~'K 'JK '~K" O;"'K ;'J37,,45
."K On'WY K' "K;:' O'J~j:';' "K~ ,nK 'JY, nKT
.0"37 "n, O'j:",J;', 0"37 1'K'" ;"K ,;:",,46
;"K;' 0"::1';' ,;:, ,::1,' ,"W' ;,,;:, 'WK;:' ,;",1
"::1 'O~, O'K;' 1::1' nOD;' ;";" O'~' 'JW ,nKTV ,y,n K,;'l
.;'::1"J' 0''';'';'
,~W, O'J;';:';' "lJ 'In::1 037;' ""1' O'J;';:';' 'UO 'DOKJ TK3
.11";'" ;'~'Y::1 ,"W' nK W'Dn, ,',n' 'J37",4
.0Y::1 ;";" 1'Ktu 1D 1n::1 ;";" K' "~K,,5
37"J~;' 1'~'0 n'::1::1 ;"JJn 'D;:'::1 ,"W' ;";' ,tuK;:' ,;",6
,','~,n, '~K
15''''VS 38] omit FG I "n'o:n] 'U'O;), AB, "l'O;)' E
15'''VS 39] omit FG
15'''';):l1l1] ';)111 EF I ,nK/:)] 'nK/:) BEF I "K;) • • • ,nK/:)) "K;) "K ,;)/:) ,nK G
15'4'0:11] '1I1K' EF I 'l/:)/:)] + OM/:) (7) G I 1;)'/:)11;)'/:):1 G
15,42 n:lM1I1) 'n':1 :lM1I1 G I ;';)K' " tlnnl) 'mK onY:l1l1 G I ,,2] ',;), 'mK G
15'''VS 43] omit G [see vs 42] I n':l:l'] + ':1'0:1 ABEF I 'mK on'o;) K" O"Y] omit A
15,44 ,m~ "l'K' 'n/:)) 3 1 2 A I m,~) U'l'~ B I :1"m) :1"n 'K ABEF I n':l:l 'K] n':l:l' B
15,45 mK 'lY?) 2 1 A
15'''O''Y) + O'nlU nil" A, :l:1Y F
]0" ,:l"') + nK H
]0'2:1':1'] K:l' G I O~:l) ~ AH I ,,:l] ':l':l B
]O,30Y:1 ••• ']10]0'):1;);'11 OY:1 ",,~ G 11I1!l'KP)1I1KD'KP A
]o'4'Ji1") + :l, G I 1l11Dn,) O'Dn, G I U,,:1,,)
]O'S ~n:l J ~n:1 l:I1':l A
]O":1'))n) K')ln A I 11/:)'0)1'/:)'111 ABEF
Chapter 26
naked and clothed you,
sick and visited you, in prison and came to you?
The king will answer and say to them: Truly I say to you that every
time you did it to one of the needy of these (my brothers), even the little ones like these, you did it to me.
Also he will say to those on his left: Depart from me you cursed and go
into the eternal fire, to the place prepared for you, with Satan and his
because I was hungry and you did not give me to eat, I was thirsty and
you did not give me to drink,
I was a wayfarer and you did not take me in, naked and you did not
clothe me, sick and in (prison) and you did not visit me.
Then they also will answer and say to him: When did we see you, 0
our Lord, hungry, thirsty, or a wayfarer, naked, sick, or in prison and
were not with you serving you?
He will answer them and say: I say to you that whenever you did not
do this to one of these needy, even the little ones like these, you did
not do it to me.
Then these will go into eternal abhorrence but the righteous into eternal
It came to pass when Jesus finished speaking all these things, he said to
his disciples:
Do you not know that after two days will be the Passover and the Son
of Man will be delivered into the hand of the Jews for the gallows.
Then the rulers of the priests and the great ones of the people were
gathered together in the court of the chief priest whose name was
They took counsel together to seize Jesus by craftiness and to kill him.
But they said it should not be at the feast lest there be a tumult among
the people.
It came to pass when Jesus was in Cephar-hananyah in the house of Simon the leper,
[MT 26:7-22
,tl.'l'C' '37 ''''l'C j:'i'''' :"I'j:" :"In'tl.'~ '£1:1 nnl'C :"Itl.'l'C "'l'C :"Itv1J7
.1n'tl." :"I:10~ l'C':"I'
:"IT:"I l":1l'C:"I 37"~ 'l'C~ 0:"1' 37",8
•0"J37' nn" :1, ,'n~:1 :"I';:)'~'
0'~'tl.'l'C~ Onl'C 0:"1' '~l'C :"Itl.'37J l'J37 :"IT'l'C' ,:1, ,;:) 37"':"1 ,"tu,,10
•"~37 :"Intu37 l'C'£lJ' :1'~ :"Itu37~ n~l'C:1 .nl'CT:"I :"Itul'C:"I nl'C
•,'~n 0;:)~37 :"I':"Il'C l'C' 'Jl'C' ,'~n 0;:)~37 ,'n' O"J37:"1 ';:)11
.'n":1j:" T~" '£111:1 nl'CT :"I~tv'1Z
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•";:)T:1 nl'CT :"Itv37 ,tl.'l'C '~l'C' 0"37:"1 ';:):1
n"j? j?'£1
.O'J:"I;:):"I ""1' ,~",;:)tul'C l'C'" ,~tutu ,tu37 O'Jtu:"l~ ,nl'C ":"1 Tl'C 14
O'tv'tl.' ,nl'C 'j:'O£l" .0;:)' ,"tl." "0~l'C 'Jl'C' " unn :"I~ '~l'C,,15
MT 26:7-22)
•''''l'C "O~' l'J37 tuj:':1 "'l'C' 1l'C;:)~,16
o','~,n:"l ,:1,j:' "'i~:"I 1n 'tl.' l'tl.'l'C':"I 0":1,17
•no£l:"l n,';:)l'C " l';:)J
"~l'C' n'tl.'37' ,:1' U:1,'tl.' tl."l'C :"IT'l'C' "37:"1 'l'C ,;:), 0:"1' '~l'C,,18
•"'~'n 037 nO£l :"Itu37" '~37 l'C':"I :1"j:' 'J~T :1,:"1 '~l'C :"I;:) "
•""~'n :1'" CD ln~ :1tl.'" l'C,m :1'37 n37' ':"1"20
,nl'Ctv 0;:)' 'Jl'C '~'l'C 0:"1' '~l'C 0";:)'l'C ":"1 '~l'C;:)21
:"IJl'C '~l'C'
.'J'O~' O;:)~
.:"IT 'Jl'C:"I 'J"l'C '~l'C' ,nl'C ,;:) " "~l'C" 'l'C~ ':1i37n"n
j;'1''''] j;"1ln, F I ,,,,It) il",1t AO I il~O"') il~'O'" A, ~:lO'" 0 I 1n'W')ln'Wil'Y EF
'TIC'" 'Y 0 I illil l'~ltil Y'''''] il'!)W ilWIt 'Y 0
20"':1") ,,:1' il'il B, ,,:1' il'ilW 0 I ~, ,'n",~) omit 0 I nn")ln'" 0
2O,1t ill'It') ill'ltW EF I ilWY3 l'3Y] ilW"
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""'Y ilnWY 1t'!)3') 2 3 I A
20,11 a"3Yil) a"Yil EF I ,'n'] "il' ABEFO
20,12 '!)",~) '!llt~ B
20,'3 n) nltl AO I l"')lY'~ B I a"Yilj a,j;'''' EF I ilWY 'WIt) omit E I ilWY) ilnWY ABO, onut F
I ":ll~) 'n':ll~ A
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2O,ltU~1'WW'It) U~1' 'WIt EF I ~'il) + '3''TIC EF I ilWY"1 ilWYIt ABEF
2O'''Vs 19) omit all mss
20,:11 ~"') "~ EF
2O'221M] + '7.)1(' A I mit) Oil", mltil A I '3''TIC) omit EF
20,1 1M)
a woman drew near to him with a flask of costly ointment;
she poured it upon his head while he was reclining at table.
But this waste was very displeasing to them.
It would have been possible to have sold it for a great price and
to have given it to the poor.
Jesus who knows everything in regard to any matter done, said to
them: Are you making accusation against this woman? Truly she has
performed a good and wonderful deed toward me.
Because the poor (will be) with you always, but I will not be with you
Her placing this on my body refers to my burial.
Truly I say to you, everywhere this gospel, that is, evungel, is proclaimed in all the world, that which this one has done will be said in
reference to my memory.
Then one of the Twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the
chief priests.
He said: What will you give me that I should deliver Jesus over to you?
They settled with him for thirty pieces of silver.
From then on he sought a context for delivering him over.
On the first day of the festival of unleavened bread the disciples came
to Jesus saying: Where shall we prepare for you to eat the Passover?
He said to them: Go into the city to a certain man who will be a volunteer for the task and say to him: Thus says the teacher, my time is near;
with you (I will observe) the Passover with my disciples.
It came to p~ss at the time of evening, he was sitting at table with his
twelve disciples.
As they were eating he said to them: I say to you that one of you will
inform against me.
They were very sad and spoke each one to him saying:
Lord, is it I?
[MT 26:23-36
":'1 C;,:l, .'],:l7,)' N,n n'31p:J '7,)31 ", ;:J,~n cn; 131,,23
.,m"7,)tVn ,n"':ln ';NtV ,n"':ln N; 1:l; .nnN n'31p:J C';:l'N
N,nn C'N; "N ,:J :J,n:l:l ,;,n C'Nn l:JtV n7,)N ,"tV' cn; '7,)N,,24
.N,nn tV'N; ,;u N;tV ,; :J'~ .'07,)' C'N 1:J ,;':JtV:J 'tVN
.n':J' nnN '7,)N" nT ']Nn ':J, ,; '7,)N" ,,:l7,) 'tVN N'" 131,,25
~"i? i?'!)
""7,);n; 1n', ,np;n', ,,:J', cn; ,"tV' np', C';:l'N n7,)n26
.'!)U N,n m ';:IN' ,np '7,)N"
m7,) ,ntV '7,)N" cn; 1n', 1':JN; c'n:JtV 1n', O':ln nN np,,27
.nU,31 n'!):l; c':J,n ,,:J31:J ,!)tV' ,tuN ntu,n n":J7,) '7,)' ,m28
'31 nNm l!)ln "!)7,) ,;'N' 1N:l7,) ']N nntVN N; C:l; ']N '7,)'N29
.C'7,)tu m:l;7,):J C:l7,)31 tznn ,mN nntVNtV N,nn c,'n
.c'mn ,n; 'N3t" ':l;,,30
'''i' i"!)
pw n;';n ';31 ':J3t31nn C:l;:l 'N:J ""7,);n; ,"tV' '7,)N TN3
.c'31"n n]'3t,!)m n31"n nN ,n :J'n:l
.;';l:J C:l; n;lN nn'7,)n7,) '7,),p ',nN,32
:J3t31nN N; ']N ";31 ,:J3t31' C;:l CN ,; '7,)N" tu",,~,!) 131,,33
':Jln nN"p C"p n;';n nT:Jtu ,; '7,)'N ']N 17,)N ,"W' '7,)N,,34
.C'7,)31!) /l ':J ''!):In
nT:l' .,:J ''!):IN N; '7,)31 m7,); ,; l:ln' CN tu",,~,!) ,; '7,)N,,3S
.c"'7,);nn ;:l ,; ,j17,)N
CW; ,;Ntu '31 N] ':Jtu '7,)N" C']7,)W N'l ,!):l; Cn7,)37 ,"W' N:J TN36
)6,2) 'l';)7.l') '1'07.l' AF I '''ICII1) ''''1C1I1 A
)6''''''''::2111::2) omit G I D'TIC 1::2) '07.l' D'TIC:11::2 A, C'TIC:1 1::2 '07.l' EF I 'O7.l') + ''''::2111::2 G
)6'15,,;)7.l '1I11C) omit G I ";)7.l) + " or" G I 'JIC:l) :1nlC:1 EF
)6,)6 C''';)'IC :17.l:1) omit EF I '111') + nlC H I "::2") + ,mlC EF, omit G I In', ':1p"n',) ,"n', H I
:1T] ,m ABGH I 1C':1) omit H
)6,21 ,m)IC':1 :1T G I n1J1J) n1J1J:1 H
)6,Z9'llC'] omit G I '11C :1nll1lC IC") omit B I 'JIC2 ] omit EF I C'7.lIl1] '::21C A
)6'31,;).",) '::2111" ABEF
)6,31 ""7.l"n" '111' '7.lIC] '111' C:1" '7.l1C ABEFGH I '''J '::2JJnn C;)";)] 2 3 I F I C'''':l) lICJ:1 AEFG
)6,32 "'''1::2) "'''1:1 ,:1::2 EF
)6,33l111'O'Il] "O'll A I c.,;)) omit G
)6,.. ,7.lIC") + ,., ABEF I :1T::2I11) nlCT::2111 AEF
)6, 35 l111'O'Il) "O'll A I C"'7.l"n:1 .,;)) C.,,;) G
MT 26:23-361
He answered them: He who dips his hand
with me in the dish will sell me. All of them were eating from one
dish. Therefore, they did not recognize him; because if they had recognized him, they would have destroyed him.
24 Jesus said to them: Truly the Son of Man goes as it is written concerning him; woe to that man for whose sake the Son of Man is betrayed.
Good would it be for that man not to have been born.
25 Judas, who sold him, answered and said to him: Rabbi am I this one?
He said: You have spoken.
26 They were eating and Jesus took bread, blessed, divided it, gave it to
his disciples and said: Take and eat; this is my body.
27 He took the cup, gave praise to his father, gave it to them, and
said: Drink from this, all of you.
28 This is my blood of the new covenant which will be poured out for
many for the atonement of sins.
29 I say to you I will not drink henceforth from the fruit of this vine until
that day when I drink it new with you in the kingdom of heaven.
30 (They returned) and went out to the Mount of Olives.
31 Then Jesus said to his disciples: Come, all of you, be grieved because
of me tonight because it is written: Smite the shepherd and the (sheep)
will be scattered.
32 After my resurrection from death, I will be revealed to you in Galilee.
33 Peter answered and said to him: If all of them are grieved because of
you, I will never be grieved.
34 Jesus said: Truly I say to you, this night before the cock-crow you will
deny me three times.
35 Peter said to him: If it is arranged for me to die with you, I will not
deny you. Likewise all the disciples said to him.
36 Then Jesus came with them to the village of Geshemonim and said: Sit
now until I go there and pray.
[MT 26:37-51
:13t37n;" ,'nn;" 'N':JT '):J ')W nN' W"~'D nN nj;',,37
.'~37 "~tv, ')';:)~O m~ '37 n:J3t37n~ 'WD) 0;" '~N TN38
,;:)" ON '~N" "Dn', ")D '37 "D" ~37~ ~N' ~N'
;";" :'13t" ')NtV ,~;:) N' O)~N .m;, 0';:):'1 ')~~ N) '0;' m':'1'
•,),3t,;:) N'N
,)'N;' ,;:) ""~'D' '~N" .O')W' ON3t~" o','~,n;, 'N N:J,,40
.nnN ;'37W "~37 ,,~W, ";:)'
" "" 1';:)) n,,;,tV n~N;'tv l"O):J 'N:Jn 1D "'Dn:'1' "~tu41
.:'1',m w,n 'W:J;' nN 'N'
N'N ;'T:1 0';:);' "0;" ,;:),n N' ON "~N' "Dn;" n')w
•,),3t,;:) 'W37 :'1';" ':'1nWNW
•O',:J;:) 0;")'37 ";'W O')W' ON3t~" 1;:) ',nN :JtV,,43
.O')'WN';' O',:J,;:) n'w',w 037D "Dn;" "" omN :J'T37,,44
N"'j:' j?'D
mu, uw 0;" '~N" ,','~,n, "'1' ,"tV' N:J TN45
•0'N~n;, ,':J 'O~' O'N:'1 1:J' n37;'
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.N:J ,','~,n :J"'~ ,nN N~"';:)ON N'" ;,);" ':J'~ U"y47
""1 nN~ o'm,tv o,~,tv:J' m:J,n:J :'1:J, nnN :'1":Jn '~37'
.037:'1 "tV, 0');';:);'
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•';'j;'W" ':J, ''1'37 O,'W " '~N" ,"W' 'N tV1) ,,~,49
,:J 0" ,n,w', ,:J,j;'" .n'W37 ;,~ ':J';'N Y'W' "'N '~N,,50
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•• lVl'''·!l) ""'!l A I 'lW nK'l) 'WK'l A I ;It'Df) iI''Dl B
··J"l';)IXl) 'l"ZlW EF
.:Jf ,.,.,) omit G I tllC;2j omit A I ;P) nK F I ,7.lK") ':IIC 'Zl'K'l AEF. + ';)K BG I
K)) omit AB I 'lKW) l'lKW F
.... ,''''!l;)lVl''''!l; E. O""'!l; FG I 'P) omit AEF I 1l'KiI) 1l'K G I nnK ilPW) 2 1 G
"··l!l) + ;) G I 'K;)n) K;)n FinK 'K' ,;) 1K 'K";); A I W;n)lVl;n A
..a "O;r;) + nK AB I O':;)iI) 0':;) A I 'WP) "WP ABEFG
..OJC''D:;)) + "ilW A
••• C;r;) omit G
••07K;)) omit EF Iii;)') + K;) A I CPiI "lVl) omit F I CPi'l) omit E
-,m'07:l 'WK'l) ,:n0l:) E. 'iI'07:l C,tl1 F I mK) + W'KiI ABEFG I K'iI'j iltil A
-";K) ,; EF I '",W") ':;)';W" A
"'-'. iI'iI) "iI A I CP iI'ilj nK G I m':;)"j + nK ABG
MT 26:37-51)
He took Peter and the two sons of ZebedeeI
and began to be sad and troubled.
38 Then he said to them: My soul is grieved unto death; support me and
watch with me.
39 He slowly went forward a little, fell on his face, prayed and said: (my
father), if it is possible, take this cup from me. Indeed, let it not be as I
will, but according to your will.
40 He came to the disciples and found them sleeping. He said to Peter: So
you are unable to watch with me one hour?
41 Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation, because truly the spirit
is ready to go (to its creator, but) the flesh is weak and sick.
42 He went again to pray saying: If you are not able to remove this cup
except I should drink it, let it be done according to your will.
43 Afterwards he returned and found them sleeping because their eyes were
44 He left them and went to pray a third time according to the first words.
4S Then Jesus came to where the disciples were and said to them: Sleep and
be at rest; behold the time has come near when the Son of Man will be
delivered into the hand of sinners.
46 Arise, let us go, for behold he who will betray him is near.
47 While he was speaking, behold Judas Iscariot, one of his twelve
disciples, came. With him was a large crowd with swords and whips
sent from the chief priests and the princes of the people.
48 He who betrayed him had given them a sign: (The man) whom I kiss is
the one whom you are to arrest. .
49 Immediately he drew near to Jesus and said to him: Greetings Rabbi;
then he kissed him.
so Jesus said to him: My friend, what have you done? ·They came,
stretched out their hand against him, and arrested him.
SI Behold, one who was with Jesus stretched out his hand,
drew his sword, struck one of the servants of the priests,
and cut off his ear.
[MT 26:52-66
~,n~ ~,n
C,!)"tz.mtv ;,),) ,~
",~ '7,)~,,52
371)!)' ':J'~tv 1'~n ~,;'53
?C':J~'7,) ,tv
.mtv37' ,,~, ptV ?C'~,n:J;' 1'~'7,)' ,,~,S4
'm~ nnp, cn~~ C'~U ')";' C~ '7,):J ;",~n, ,"tv' '7,)~ ,n~55
C:J,7,)'7,) tu,p7,)~ C:J7,)37 'n";, C" ':J~ ~,;" .C,~,tv~, m~,n~
,n' ;,n37 "
,~,n ~tv;,
p~, ,~,,~~
?'),n~:J37 ~"
137' ;,tu37) m ':J C)7,)~S6
.,n,~, ,;"n');, ""7,),n
':J T~' .C');':J;' ",,, tu!)'~P n'~, ,"tv', ,:J',,;' C;,,57
.";'P) C'tv"!);,, C',!)'O;'
.C');':J;' ",,, n'~ '37 p,n,7,) ,',n~ ",;, ;";' tv",,~,!),S8
.n":Jn;, ;,~" '37 C')7,)'~;' 'X~ " ~tv" n'~, O):J),
137' ,"tu' ,,,) ,ptu "37 C'X" ";' C'tu"!);,, C');':J;' """,59
.,"tu' ,,,) ,ptu "37 ;,~,;, U':J;' ,tu~ ,n~, C'~X'7,) ";' ~,,60
.C"ptv C"37 ,)tv ,~~ ~'O'
C'7,)' '" ,n~, ,~;, tv,p7,) n'ntv;" n":J' " tv' '7,)~ m '7,)~,,61
.,m~ lpn,
,,~tu m'37;' ,,,) ,~, ;')'37 ')'~ " '7,)~" cp C');':J;' ",,,,62
.,''') C"'377,)
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,~;, 1~ ,~,n 1"37 c:J, '7,)'~ ')~ "37' '7,)'~ ;,n~ ,"tu' " 137,,64
.c'pntV '~37~ ~~ ,~;, n"~,, 1'7,)" ~tz.'"
,,'X U, ;'7,)' .c'p'~ ,,~ ;'T '7,)~' ",,,~ 37'P C');':J;' ",,, T~6S
.,~;, ,,~ "~ Cn377,)tv c:J":J ;,);" ?c',n~ C"37'
.;,n'7,) ~"ntv U37 cm ?mtv37' 1:Jn'tv c:J' ;,~" ;'7,)66
T~ .C'~':1:l;'7,) c'~,n:J;' '~'7,)'
C'D"II1:lIl1) C'D"II1:l1l1 ABFG
..,55 C'tl,II1:J, n1:J'":J) omit 0
"'''Ut''~')l'It''~' ABEFO I ,",:J,] + tl:l" 0
..,S7":lPll + CII1" 0
" ' l111'tl'D') "tl'D' A I ,Y'j"lt A I "''':l~:l • • • Ol:ll') omit BF
"''''''''1') omit BFO I C'I"] + It'I~'' B
..,.. ,It:Jj omit 0
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..... :llY It" '111.,) 231 G I :llY) :ll'Y A I 'lit 'Y':JII1~)2 1 ABEG, 1 F
"''''111') omit A I
,~,It 'lit "~J 1:l" G I l'~'''1 + ,:J1t G
"' C'j:)"It) C'''1t AO I "It:l) C'''1t A, C'j:)"1t BEF, "It:l "It G
"'53,",) ,""
MT 26:52-66)
Jesus said to him: Return your sword to its sheath,
for (those who draw) the sword will fall by the sword.
S3 Do you not understand that I can meet my enemies and indeed there will
be for me at once more than twelve legions of angels?
S4 But how will the Scriptures be fulfilled? Because thus it is intended to
be done.
S5 Afterwards Jesus said to the crowd: As if we were thieves have you
come to take me with swords and whips? Was I not with you every day
in the temple teaching you without you hindering me?
56 Surely all this was done because the writings of the Prophets were
being fulfilled. Then all his disciples left him and fled.
57 They led Jesus to the house of Caiaphas the high priest. Then all the
scribes and Pharisees were gathered together.
58 Peter was following him at a distance unto the house of the high priest.
He entered the house and sat near the craftsmen until he should see the
59 The chief priests and the Pharisees wished (to find) false witnesses
against Jesus in order to put him to death.
60 But they did not find even one, though they provided many false witnesses against Jesus. Finally two false witnesses came forward.
61 (They said): This one said I have the power to destroy the temple of
God and after three days to repair it. .
62 The high priest arose and said to him: Do you not answer anything
against the testimony that these are bearing against you?
63 But Jesus answered not a word. The high priest said to him: I adjure
you by the living God that you tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of
64 Jesus answered him: You say it; but again I say to you, you have yet to
see the Son of God sitting at the right of the power of God coming on
the clouds of heaven.
65 Then the high priest tore his garments and said: This one has cursed
God. What need do we have for other witnesses? Behold all of you
have heard how he cursed God.
66 What do you think can be done? They answered: He is guilty of death.
[MT 26:67-27:8
,.']!)J " ,n!)1' C',nlC' '~:Jtu '31 ':'1'P':'1' ,']!)J 'PP' TlC'"
•,:J:'1 ,~ n'tu~:'1 u, "~lC C"~'lC68
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.1~'31 n":'1 ""1:'1 ,"tu' C31 :'1nlC lC':'1' " n,~,lC'
nlC :'1~ 311" ']'lC :'1WlC :'1' '~lC' ,:J:'1 ']!)J :'1' wn:J W""1',!),70
CW C',J,31,
J"'j? i"!)
,"tu' 11] :'1J31 ,np, C']'~1V:'1' c'~:Jn:'1 "'11 ,:J 'VJJ ':'1".
•':'IU':'1' ,:J, ':J~tu
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J,tu, ,'nn:'1 1'1] :'1':'1tu lC1"":JOlC lC'" :'1lC' ,tulC:J TlC,3
.C31:'1 ']PT" C']:'1:J:'1 "11' C"]'1 c'tu,tu:'1
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.:'1lC,n :'1nlC
•'~J31 :'1,m nnlC 'In nV" " ":'1' W1V~J m31~:'1 V'T's
"lC C'W]W pn' lC' ,,~~ m31~:'1 ,nV' 'WlC:J C']:'1:J:'1 "'11,6
.,"W' '~1 131J Un]W C:'1 Cl '~1W W1V~J m31~:'1
ctu "J1'W l31J o,n ,J,' CllC :'11W l31J cmlC un', 'J31",7
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. .067 ,mp"m) ,m;):'11 EF
..,.. ,;):1) ,n'K :1;):1 G
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..m :1K') ':1K' ABEF I C',:2,,") C''T7J'31'' ABEFG I '7.3'31) omit A I n'SKJ::I) mKU A, "'K1J::I BE
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>7,1 C'7.3;)n:1) C'J:1;):1 A
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>7'3"'11") "'11 "K EF C31:1) C31 G
>7"1:1311") ,u'n', EF I C'TK] O'TK "lU F I o,n) omit EF I "::I1'lU) "::IP'lU ABG, "'l'lU EF
n,nlC :'1n!)W :'1lC' ,31tu:'l ,J31 ,tulC:J,7.
.n,"JlC]J ,"W' C31 1~'31 :'1':'1 tu'lC:'1 :'1T
.,,':J:'1 lC'W :'131,JWJ ,"tu' tun:J n,nlC C31!),72
"~lC" 'JnJ C'1~'31:'1 tu,,"1"!) 'lC 'W1] 1'31~ l~T' l:J ,nlC,73
.C:'I~ :'InlCtu ,:J] "Jl~tu lC'J]:'1 :'1T n"Jn~ lC':'1 :'1nlC "
lC'V 1'~' .,,':J:'1 lC' l~T C,tuJtu 31Jtu'" ,,!):J, ,'nn:'1 TlC74
,,!):J' 'J1:'1 nlC"V Cl'VW ,"W' " '~lC 'WlC~ ,:JU W""1',!),7S
.'W!)] m"'~J :'1:JJ, T,n, lCJ' TlC' .C'~31!) '1 ,J
MT 26:67-27:81
Then they spit in his face and struck him on the back,
and others slapped him in the face
saying: Tell us, Messiah, who struck you.
Peter was standing at the entrance of the courtyard, and there came near
to him a maid who said to him: Were you not standing with Jesus the
Peter lied to her before all and said to her: Woman I do not know
what you are saying.
When he passed through the gate another maid saw (him) and said to
those who were (standing) there: this man was standing with Jesus in
Again he denied Jesus with an oath [saying] that he did not know him.
After a little while, those who were standing in the courtyard drew near
to Peter and said to him: You are from this prophet's group; it is clear
from your speech you are one of them.
Then he began to deny and to swear that at no time had he known him.
Immediately the cock crowed.
Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him, that before the crowing
of the cock he would deny him three times. Then he went outside and
wept with bitterness of soul.
Chapter 27
It came to pass in the morning all the chief sages and elders took counsel
against Jesus that they should surely put him to death.
They led him bound to the house of Pontius Pilate who was commander.
When Judas Iscariot saw that he had been judged, he began to turn in
repentance. He returned the thirty dinars to the high priest and to the elders of the people.
He said: I have sinned because I have shed innocent blood. But they
said to him: What is that to us? You see to it.
He threw the coins in the temple, went and took a rope and hanged
When the chief priests received the coins they said: It is not possible
for us to place these coins in the temple because they are the fruit of
blood since they were given for the blood of Jesus.
So they took counsel and gave them for a field of a certain potter of clay
that they might (bury) strangers there.
Therefore that field is called the tent of blood unto this day.
[MT 27:9-23
,:J, O::l'J'Y:J :J,t) ON 0:'1' '7,)'N' N':JJ:'I :'I"::lT '7,)N7,) O'll.'J TN9
"N ":'1 '7,)N" .flO::l O'W'W ',::lW "pW" .",n ON' ',::lW
o,n ,J,':'I O'N:'I7,) ':'In •,J,':'I 'N ,::l"W:'I
.:'I,J 'J"N 'WN::l1o
"7,) N':'I :'InN:'I " 'NW' t)"N"!) 'J!), '7,)'Y :'1':'1 ,"W"u
•'7,)'N :'InN '7,)N '"ll.''' .0"':'1':'1
O'W, OY:'I 'Jpn O'J:'I::l:'l ",,) ,Y:J fl'" :'1':'1 ,"W' 'WN::l,12
•:'IJ'37 :'1':'1 N' "'Y O"7,)'N ":'IW ,:J,
.1')J W' m',y :'I7,)::l :'IN" 1J'N " '7,)N t)"N,,!),13
.'N7,) :'IT7,) N'!)J :'1':'1 t)"N"!)' ,:J, "'N :'IJY N' "'W,,14
OY, nn, :'1':'1 "Y:'I ':JT)ll.' O):'IJ7,) :'1':'1 no!) 'W ,:J::lJ:'I )n:'l 0":J,15
•,J,' 'WN ,mN O"'ON:'I7,) ,nN "ON
•W"N:J':J '7,)W :'It)'W t)Y7,)::l :'I':'IW ,nN w':Jn :'1':'1 t)"N"!) ":J,16
.,,:J:J ,mN OW, :'InJ' 'Y ni"J'
n'JNtZl 'J,n "N7,) :'IT'N t)"N"!) 0:'1' '7,)N '!)ONJ 'WN::l,17
.n'tZl7,) N,pJW ,"ll." 'N ll.'''N:J':J
.np'J OJn nNJW ,YW Y'" :'1':'1 t)"N"!)W ,!),18
17,)7,) 'IN :'I,'nN '7,)N' n"ll.' " :'In,w ,nWN NO::l:J :JW,' '''Y:J,19
:'1"':'1 nNT:JW p',J ,mN ,)J::l ,:J, '7,)Nn N' 1'JY O'W:JW
."Y:J :'IN'7,):J O':J, O'J'J37 'n':Jo
WN:J':J nN "NW' OY, "':'IP:'l n,:'I 'Jpn O'J:'I::l:'l
.n'7,)' "'ll."W,
.ll.'N:J':J "7,)N 0:'1' .n'JJW 'J,n 0:'17,) :'IT'N t)"N"!) 0:'1' 1y,,21
O,,::l, .n'w7,) N'i'J:'I ,"W'7,) :'IWYN :'17,) ::l"N t)N"!) 0:'1' '7,)N,,22
•:'I'n'w 'J37
O'pY'T ":'1 i'nn:J 0:'1' .:'IW37 :'IY, 'T'N 0:'1' '7,)N t)"N,,!),23
.':'I"n' ':'I"n' ':'I"n'
27";'I":lT] omit G I ,7m ... ,7.l,I<,] omit G I 0;"] O:l, A I ,:::1,) ,:::1;' ABEF I ClC'l + 1<, ABEF
I "PW") + nl< EF I O'W'W)'PW " EF I ',I< ";') omit G I ,:l"W;'] ,;':l"W;'I AEF I '1";'1']
+ O;'l7.l 'n,p' 'WI< 'P';' C'Tl< EF I ;,n] ';'In ABEG I c,n]w,n BEFG
27'''OJ;'I . . • ,,:::1) O');'I:l;'l OJn "":11.) G
27"3 ')'1<) ;,nl< 1'1< A
27,15 1n:'1] 1n A I no!) 'W] O;"W EF I ;";'2] + " AEFG I 'WI<] + OJ;'I G
27'''WI<:::I':::I]WI<:::II<,:::I A, W:::I,I<:::I B, W:::I,:::I EF,WI<:::I':::I G
27,17 "I<7.l] + O')W;'I A I n')I<W] '),n'Jnw A I WI<:::I,:::I]WI<:::II<,:::I A, W:::I,:::I EF
27,11 CI<,'!)W '!)'] CI<,'!) G
27''';,,'nl<] ;,'n7.l AEF, ,nl< G I ")J) ,:::1, EF I ,:::1,) omit G I P'U) P',lI;' BG I
;"";'1) + 0" 'I<'P) A
27,:10 nm] OJ;' B I 0"] 0;'1' "7.)l(' OJ;' nl< G I "I<W') "I<W'W ABEF I n17.l' • . • nl<)
WI<:::II<,:::I 1<" n'7.l;" 'W' nl< A I WI<:::I,:::I) WI<:::II<,:::I A, W:::I,I<:::I B I n17.l' 'W'W') omit EF
27,21 Vs 21] omit EF I WI<:::I,:::I ••• ;'ITI<] omit A (hap) I WI<:::I,:::I]W:::I,I<:::I B
27,22 CI<,'!) 0;" '7.)l("] omit A (hap. see on vs 21) I CI<,'!)] omit G
27,23;,n H'I<) ;'17.) A I ,m,n"] omit BEF
MT 27:9-231
Then was fulfilled the word of Zechariah the prophet:
And I said to them: if it is good in your eyes, multiply my wages, but if
(not), forbear. So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver.
Then the Lord said to me: Cast it unto the potter. This is from the man
who forms clay,
10 as the Lord commanded.
II Jesus was standing before Pilate who asked him: Are you the king of
the Jews? Jesus said: You say it.
12 When Jesus was harassed by the chief priests and elders of the people
in regard to some word which they spoke against him, he did not reply.
13 Pilate said to him: Do you not see how much testimony there is against
14 But Jesus did not answer him a word and Pilate was exceedingly
amazed by this.
IS On the day of the honored feast of Passover, it was their custom for the
commander of the city to give to the people one of the prisoners whom
they wished.
16 Pilate had a prisoner who was almost crazy: his name was Barabbas.
Taken in a case of murder, he had placed him in the dungeon.
17 When they were gathered together Pilate said to them: Which of these
do you wish that I should release, Barabbas or Jesus who is called
18 This was because Pilate knew that due to hatred without cause he had
been taken.
19 While he was sitting upon the throne his wife sent to him a messenger
saying: I implore you that in no matter should you speak a word against
this righteous man because in this night I have suffered many things in a
vision because of him.
20 The chief priests and the elders of the law assembled the people (that)
they might ask for Barabbas and that Jesus might die.
21 Pilate answered them: Which of them do you wish that we should release? They said Barabbas.
22 Pilate said to them: If so, what shall I do with Jesus who is called
Messiah? All of them answered that he should be hung.
23 Pilate said to them: What evil has he done? Then they vigorously cried
out: let them hang him, let them hang him, let them hang him.
[MT 27:24-38
O'W C"W:'1' ";" N" :'1~'j:'n :'1':'1 N'W '",N':::1 W"'\:)N"£)'U
Tn" O'~ np, 031:::1 :'1"'1 :'1\:)\:)j:' :'1T '31:::1 O'j:"W O"j:' 0:'1~31 ,:::1,
.'W31n :'1~ 0;" ,,~tu .0:'1~ 'j:') ')N '~N' 031:'1 ')£):::1 ""
.U31'T '31' U"31 :'1':'1' ,~, "~N' 031:'1 ,;, ')31,15
.,m'n'w ;'1)'31~' "j:" ,"W' 0:'1' 'O~' WN:::1':::1 :'1' n'):'1 TN'u
0'~31~ :::1, ':'1j:' ')£):::1 ":'1j:'" '~W~:::1
,"W', ,nj:"
1"'P P'£)
'W,£) TNZ7
.j:"" 'W~ "31~ ,m£)\:)31" 'W~ "1:::1 ,"W', ,mW':::1"'ZlI
":::1 nnN ;'1)j:' " ,~W, 'WN' '31 ':'1~'W" 0'3t,j:'~ :'1'\:)31 'W31'Z9
1'~ 1"31 O,'W U~~ 0'1'31'~ ":'1 0'31";" n')~':'1
.'WN':::1 O';'~' :'1)j:':'1 o'nj:'" ":'1' ")£):::1 " o'j:'j:""JO
,mw':::1,m "31~:'1 U~~ '\:)'W£):'1 ')~~ '1'31':'1 'WN;,,31
,,3t, ,tu':::1'~
.')31);':'11'31~W '~WW W'N:::1 '311£) "31:'1~ O'N3t" 0"31,3z
.:::1'31' 'nw:'1 ''', :'1:::1"3t:'1 1""W ,mO)N'
"N"'Nj:' ':'1 N':'1 N\:)U'U N'j:') O'j:'~' 'N:::1,33
N" 'W'1':'1 ",nw, ,'nn:'1 'WN;" .:'1'~:::11'T~ 1" " un),34
.n,nw' :'13t"
."U:::1 "1:::1 ,p,n :'1:::1"3t:::1 ,m~tu ,tuN;' ,nN,35
n'TN) ,"W' :'1T '~'N :'1':'1W ,nN :::1n;,~ 'WN' '31 " ,n'):'1 ,nN,37
.'N'W' 1'~
."N~W' ,nNm U'~" ,nN:'1 0':::1)1 ')W '~31 "n) TN38
%7'''Fllm'''Il']lm'''Il' AEFG I ,mK':2 Fllm"'ll') tlaca,ll ,mK':2' G I K'" ittnpn] omit A I ",~, K"')
",~, it'it K'" EF I C'lW)"~ A I np"] + tlP" A I ,~) 'OK" EF I CitO) CTrlO ABEF, 'lU' C'Ttl
G I "OW) ,'Ttl" EF
%7' 25 UY1]UP am G lapit ,,~) c",~ G IUP'T) u'nT BEF
%7'''m] am AEF I WK:2,:2) WK:2K':2 A, W:2,:2 EF
%7'ZI,~] omit G
%7,2t,WY1) itWY1 B I ,itC'W'1) mc'W'1 AEF, 'O'W., G I nnac] 'mK G I ,.:2] ,,.:2 ABEF,
". "P G I UCC] + a""'K G
%7'" c'PP1"] C'PP1' ,'m A
%7<3.Um,)'] + '1Ktl ABEFG I UCtl'],,, A I FI:2"C] "FI:2"" ABEF I
%7,n'i111] 'W111 ABEF I "",'W)
A I :2,Y1) :2,pm B
%7'33o'K""KP] "K:2"KP A, 'K"K""P EF
%7,30 it:l,'] it:l, ABEF
%7'30VS 36] omit all mss
%7"''TTTK :2n~ ,~ "P] 3 4 2 1 EF I itT),m A I K'no] nK'UO EF
%7'" 'mKit] 'Km A I 'mKm] 'mK' E
,,1:2) ",1:2
,,:1,) ,,:1.,
MT 27:24-38)
Pilate, when he saw that he had no power of resistance
and was unable to make any peace with them, before a great dispute
among the people might arise because of this, took water and washed
his hands before the people and said: I am innocent (of the blood). Be
careful what you do.
All the people answered and said: His blood will be upon us and upon
our seed.
Then he released Barabbas (to them), and delivered to them Jesus for
beating and affiiction that they might hang him.
Then the horsemen of the court took Jesus under guard and came together before a great company of many people.
They clothed Jesus with silk garments and covered him with a greenish
silk robe.
They made a crown of thorns and placed it on his head and set a reed in
his right hand and were bowing down mocking him [saying]: Peace be
upon you, king of the Jews.
They spit in his face and took the reed and struck his head.
When they had mocked him (much), they stripped the robe from him,
dressed him in his own clothes, and gave orders to hang him.
As they were going out from the city, they met a man whose name was
Simon the Canaanite. They compelled him to carry the gallows, that is,
"The Cross."
They came to a place called Gulgota, that is, Mount Calvary,
and gave him wine mixed with gall. But when he began to drink it he
perceived [what it was] and would not drink it.
When they placed him on the gallows they divided his garments
by lot.
Afterward, they set for him over his head a writing which said: This is
Jesus of Nazareth, the king of Israel.
Then two thieves were hung with him, one on his right and one on his
[MT 27:39-57
37'tlnn O'~' :'1W'W
tv~, 0'37')~' ')~~ 0''''37'~ ":'1 0"::I'37;,,39
"37::I' '~:'1 W'v~ n::I,n 'W!)~ n~, 0,,~,~,40
.;'::I"1:'1 1~ " '~:'1 l::I :'1n~ O~' '~137
O"~'~' U~~ 0''''37'~ ":'1 037:'1 ')VT, 0'):'1::1:'1 """,41
", ~':'1 ,~'W' ,,~ O~ .37'tv,:'1' ,::I,' ~, '~137' 37'W':'1 0',n~:'142
l::I ~':'1W ,~~ ~':'1tv :'11" O~ :'1n37 ':'137'W" '~::I 137W) ~':'1 '::143
C'?ru ":'1W O'::I)).:'1 "
,,~~ 0~137
O',::I,:'1 om~,44
•n'37'tvn :'137W '37 "~37' 0"37:'1 '::I::I m::l,wn 'W37) n'tvW :'137tv"4S
.')n::IT37 :'1~' ,,~ ,,~ W"v:'11,tv'::I ,~,~ ",,, "V::I V371 ,"tv,46
.:'1"~' ~"V :'1T ,~~ OW 0"~'37:'1~ ,n~,47
.mnw' " 1n), T~,n ':'1~'~' "'!)O~ nV' ,,~,48
•':'137'tv", :'1"~ ~::I' O~ :'1~') O"~'~ ":'1 0',n~;"49
,"::I~' ,n~tv) n,w, ",,, "V::I n,n~ 037!) V371 ,"W"SO
:'1W37" :'1~~' :'1'37~'~ O'37'V ')W' tv'V~:'1 n::l'!) 37'V) ,,~,SI
.0')::I~:'1 "::InW)' T'~:'1
.,~V '!)37 n~,~ ')'W'~ O'::I" ,nn!)) 0"::IV;"S2
.O'::I,' ",,), W'V:'1 "37::I '~::I ,'nw ,n~, On"::IV~ '~1"S3
T'~:'1 nW37':'1 ,~, ,"W' ,,~tv, '~37 0"~'37;" :'1~~:'1 ,tv,54
'V"~:'1 p :'1':'1 m n~~::I O"~,~, ,~~ "n!)', ,tv37)tv O',::I,:'1'
'W~W 'W~ 1m~~ V,n,~ m'~'37 ":'1W m::I' O'W) OW ":'1,S5
.:'1::1 '37 "''':'1~ ,"tv',
O~, t')O,', ::IV37' O~ O"~, :'1)"'''~ :'1~"~~ :'1n':'1 l"::I::I,56
.'~'::IT ')::I
:'1':'1' t')O,' ,~W .:'1~'O~)'::I~ :'1':'1W "W37 O,~ ~::I ::I'37 n37,,57
.'''tv'~ ,'~,n
27,30 117lC') Oll7lC' A
27,40 'lI7!)lC] 1'lC A, 'lI7lC BEF I n:1,n] n:1,n :lnlC G I "lC:"I)"lC F I O'/,)'J + ':U:1n A I :1:1'''1:11/,)]
:1:1'''1:1/,) EFG
27: 42 11'117':1 O',nlC:1] 11'117';" lC!)' O',nlC" G I l'/,)lC3'] + ,:1 ABG
27:43 ':1) ,:1 [to be read with vs 42; see above] ABG I O'p"lC:"I) O'''lC:1 A
27:" '117'] '117' "I1'lI7n :111117'" A
27:C :1'''lC'') P'''lC'' EF
27:·1'!)OlC] 1'!)0:1 EF
27,5' :1"I1/,)"/,)] :1"I1/,)/,) EF
27:52'!)11] '!)I1:1 B
27:53 On":1p/,)] om':1p/,) E I ,'nll7j m EF I ,"m] '''1 EF
27:54'117113117 0":1';") '117113 'lI7lC 0":1':1 ,,:1, G I O"/,)'lC'] "/,)lC" AG, '/,)lC' E I p'''lC:1] ;""lC:1 AB
27:551mlC/,)] omlC/,) G I :1:1) :1!l EF
27:57 :1lC'OlC3':I/,) :1':1117] omit G I :1lC'OlC3':I/,)) :1lC'C'/,)":I/,) A, "OlC/,)':I/,) EF I ,117'/,) ,~"n :1':1') omit
MT 27:39-57)
Those who were passing by mocked him
and shook (their) heads
40 saying: See, (how) you would lay waste the temple of God and in yet
three days (build it); save yourself; if you are the Son of God come
down from the gallows.
41 The chief priests and the elders of the people mocked him saying:
42 Others he saved; himself he cannot save. If he is the king of Israel let
him come down from the tree and we will believe.
43 Since he trusted in God, let him save him now if he' wishes, because he
said he is the Son of God.
44 The thieves who were hung with him said to him these very same
45 At the sixth hour, darkness came in all the world and it remained until
the ninth hour.
46 Jesus cried in a loud voice saying, in the holy language: My God, My
God, why have you forsaken me.
47 One of those standing there said: This one is calling for Elijah.
48 Immediately he took spongy-bread, filled it with vinegar and gave it to
him to drink.
49 Others were saying: We will see if Elijah will come and deliver him.
50 Jesus cried another time in a loud voice and sent his spirit to his father.
51 Immediately the curtain of the temple was tom into two pieces, from the
top downwards; the earth shook and the rocks were broken.
52 The graves were opened and many of those asleep in the dust arose.
53 They came out of their graves and after (this) they entered the holy city
and were revealed to many.
54 The captain of the hundred and those standing with him watching Jesus
saw the earthquake and the things which were done and were very afraid
saying: Truly this was the Son of God.
55 Many women were standing there at a distance from among
those who served Jesus from Galilee unto that time.
56 A
mong them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and
Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee!.
57 At evening time, a rich man from Karnasiah came. His name was Joseph
and he was a disciple of Jesus.
[MT 27:58-28:8
." ,;-nUl'JU ;''ml ~"N"D' .'''W'~ rtu.:'1 " 'NU" ~"N"D' ,,;-n58
•i~O :l'XVn 'tOo 'l:::1:::1 ,;";,, ,np, rt0",59
'D '37 :'1"'l pN Cll" ':::1N~ unn :::1ln3 :'1':'1tu ,,:::1P:::1 ,mN Ctu,60
.~N"D' 'N:::1 C'W"D:'1' C'3:'1;':'1 ""l nOD:'1 n,n~~,62
'''37:::1 '~'N :'1':'1 "pum :"ITtu C"';'T~ '3N '33"N " "~N,63
•:'1'n', "~37' C'~' :'1tu'tu TP'tu c"n:::1
,','~,n~ :"IT'N "'N:::1tl.' 'tl."'tl.':'1 C" '37 ":::1j:' ,,~tl." :'1'1 1;",64
,tu37' :"IT CN' .m~:'1~ '~37tu C37' "~N' ,nN' .,mN :::1Ul" N:::1'
."tuN':'1 ,~ 1"nN:'1 "37 :'1':'1' " l
.";"ntl.' :::1'~ ,m':'1 "~W C"~'W 'Wp:::1 C:'1' '~N ~N"D,65
.c,,~,tl.' CW ,n'3:'1' ,;-n~nm ':::1j:':'1 1'3:::1 '~'tu C;-n66
MT 27:58-28:8)
''''i' i"D
C"~' :'13"'l~ C"~ 'N:::1 :'1~;,tl.':'1:::1 37':::1tl.':'1~ "tl.'N':'1 C":::1,1
•,:::1P:'1 mN" n,nN
.'~37' PN:'1 ,D;-n ,:::1P' C'~tl.':'1 ,~ ", ":'1 'N'~tu T'N:'1 :'1tl.'37'3,2
•l'tu;, "'l:::1' W~tl.';, :'1':'1 ':'1N,~,3
.c'n~:'1 "~37' C,,~,tl.':'1 ":'1:::13 "nD~,4
mtup:::1~ ,nNW 37'" '3NW "nDn 'N C'tl.'3' '~N' 'N'~:'1 :'1337,5
.:'1'113 'WN '"tl.'''
'~37 'WN C'P~:'1 'N" 'N':::1 p, •'~NW ,~;, 'n ,:::1;'W 1N;' '33'N6
•,"N:'1 Ctu
:'1':'1' N,;-n .1"N:'1 Ctl.' '~37 ,:::1;'tu ,','~,n, "~N' ,,~
.C;" '~N 'tl.'N;' ':'1'N,n CW, C;"3D'
:'1:::1, :'1n~tl.':::1' 'N'~:'1 mN' ":::137:::1 ':::1P:'1~ ,nD:::1 C'W3:'1 'NI"S
,,','~,n, '~N'
.'n '~37 ,"N:'1tl.' 'D'
Chapter 28
27''''KW') 'KW' B I fJ''':'I) '1",:1 MK A I 'W'7.l] omit FO
27'<0'1)) omit B I 'Jj:l:l] omit 0
27'61I VS 61] omit all mss
27'62 nOI):I] nOI):I C,' ABEF, + ? 0
27,"1"'] :I;'" B I 1"nK:lll"nK F
27,65 ,,7.3Wj
21'2':'1) CW:I B, 'K:I EF I C'7.3W:ll7.3] C'7.3W:l7.3 AEF I WY'] + ,"Y A
21,4 C'M7.l:l] C'M7.3;' AE
21,5 C'W),) C'Wl:l
21'7C;" , •• CW,] ':I'K'M 'WK '7.lK 'WK;' 0 I '7.lK] ,J, A
21,I:lJ'1 :1""'0
He came to Pilate and asked him for the body of Jesus. Pilate commanded that they should give it to him.
Joseph took it and wrapped it in a very fine silk garment.
He placed him in his own tomb which had been freshly hewn from
stone and placed a large stone over the entrance of the tomb.
On the morrow of the Passover the chief priests and the Pharisees came
to Pilate.
They said to him: Sir, we remember that this liar said while still alive
that at the end of three days he would arise and come to life.
Therefore command his tomb to be guarded until the third day, since
perhaps one of his disciples might come and steal him. Afterwards they
might say to the people that he arose from death. If they should do this,
the last perversion will be greater than the first.
Pilate said to them: Search out guards (and) guard it as well as you can.
So they completed the structure of the tomb, sealed it, and placed a
guard there.
On the first day of the week, early in the morning, Mary Magdalene
and the other Mary came to see the tomb.
Then the earth shook because the angel of the Lord descended from
heaven to the tomb, overturned the stone, and stood still.
His appearance was like the ~un and his garments like snow.
From the fear of him the guards were dismayed and stood like dead
The angel answered and said to the women: Do not fear for I know that
you seek Jesus who was hung.
He is not here for he is already alive as he said. Come, therefore, and
see the place where the Lord arose.
Then go immediately and tell his disciples that the Lord has already
arisen there. He will be before you and there you will see him as he
told you.
The women went out of the tomb with fear because they had seen the
angel, but with great joy because the Lord had come back to life. They
ran to tell his disciples.
[MT 28:9-20
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As they were going Jesus passed before them saying:
May the Name deliver you. They came near to him, bowed down to
him, and worshipped him.
Then Jesus said to them: Do not be afraid; tell my brothers that they
should go to Galilee and there they will see me.
While they were going some of the guards entered the city and declared to the chief priests all that had happened.
They came together for counsel with the elders of the people. Then
they gave much money to the horsemen
and said to them: Say that his disciples came by night and stole him
while you were sleeping.
If this should come to the ears of Pilate we will tell him that he should
leave you alone.
They took the money and said thus as they instructed them. This is the
word [held] in secret among the Jews unto this day.
After this when his twelve disciples came to Galilee he appeared to
them in the mountain where they had prayed.
When they saw him they worshipped him, but there were some of them
who doubted him.
Jesus drew near to them and said to them:
To me has been given all power in heaven and earth.
and (teach) them to carry out all the things
which I have commanded you forever.