Your name Your gender A) MALE B) FEMALE C) OTHER Your Age A) B) C) D) E) 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-60 60 above Your occupation A) B) C) D) Student Employee Self-business Other Your education A) B) C) D) E) Secondary Bachelor Master Diploma Other Which of the following you usually get inspired from to catch-up with life trends A) B) C) D) Family& friend Social media By just observing random people Other What factors is more important to you while shoping A) Personal factors B) Cultural factors C) Social factors D) Psychological factors E) Other Please rate the following statements influential Strongly disagree My society culture My society culture affect my buying affect my buying behavior behavior Strongly disagree Disagree My society culture affect my buying behavior Disagree Neutral My society culture affect my buying behavior Neutral I consider my financial I consider my I consider my financial I consider my condition financial condition condition financial condition during shopping Strongly during shopping during shopping Disagree during shopping Neutral disagree I use social networking sites to spot the latest fashion trends Agree My society culture affect my buying behavior Agree I consider my financial condition during shopping Agree I use social networking I use social I use social I use social networking sites to spot the latest networking sites to spot the networking sites to spot sites to spot the latest fashion trends Strongly latest fashion the latest fashion fashion trends Disagree disagree trends Neutral trends Agree My family are the My family are the most My family are the most My family are the My family are the most influential people that affect influential people that affect influential people that affect most influential people that most influential my buying my buying affect my buying people that affect my my buying behavior Strongly disagree behavior Disagree behavior Neutral buying behavior Agree behavior I care about I care about people people opinions opinions when I buy when I buy things things Strongly disagree I care about people opinions when I buy things Disagree I care about people opinions when I buy things Neutral I care about people opinions when I buy things Agree My age determines the things I buy My age determines the My age determines the My age determines the My age determines things I buy Strongly things I buy Disagree things I buy Neutral the things I buy Agree disagree I only buy products that suit personality I only buy products that suit personality Strongly disagree I only buy products that suit personality Disagree I only buy products that suit personality Neutral I only buy products that suit personality Agree I often change to I often change to I often change to I often change to I often change to another product if another product if I had bad another product if I had bad another product if I had bad another product if I had I had bad experience with the previous experience with the experience with the bad experience with the experience with one Strongly disagree previous one Disagree previous one Neutral previous one Agree the previous one Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree I take in I take in I take in consideration I take in consideration I take in consideration consideration my consideration my society my society beliefs (Wearing my society beliefs (Wearing my society beliefs society beliefs beliefs (Wearing clothes) Disagree (Wearing clothes) Neutral (Wearing clothes) clothes) Strongly disagree clothes) Agree What kind of payment method you prefer during shopping A) B) C) D) E) Card Cash Virtual money Net banking Other Pre purchasing what you look for A) B) C) D) E) Product quality Brand Specification Price Other Have you felt any problem while purchase with Home Town? A) Yes B) No C) Maybe How Long have you been customer of Home Town? A) B) C) D) < 1 Year 1 - 3 Years 3 – 6 Years > 6 Years Do you always get the prompt service whenever you visit Home Town? A) B) C) D) Strongly agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Are you satisfied with the way to resolve the queries of the customers? A) B) C) D) E) 1 2 3 4 5 What was the single most important reason that you choose the Home Town? A) Brand Name B) Excellent Service C) Other If Yes, How much are you satisfied with Home Town Service? A) B) C) D) Strongly agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree