1 Theory Behind the Protective Relaying at [REDACTED] Pumping Stations Eric Goetz, EE, M. Eng., EIT Abstract—Protective relay testing is a large part of most GAP engineers and technicians’ jobs. While being able to test a relay is a valuable skill, knowing the theory behind the protective relaying is more important if you want to be a more self-sufficient relay tester and more knowledgeable field or design engineer. This paper will explain the various theories behind different protective elements that were used in the [REDACTED] upgrade projects using knowledge learned during formal education and on the job training. I. INTRODUCTION T HE projects at the [REDACTED] pump stations involved switchgear and relaying upgrades. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) relays were used to replace old General Electric (GE) electromechanical (EM) and Multilin microprocessor relays. These SEL relays are meant to be oneto-one replacements for the old relays and provide a more reliable form of protection than the previous relaying schemes. This paper’s theory section will be split into three sections of protective elements: feeder, motor, and transformer. While there is definitely overlap between these categories, I have tried to split the elements into their most relevant categories and will address the purpose of each element in terms of the object they are protecting. I chose this project for my graduation thesis because I have spent a majority of my career working on it and have personally and professionally grown from it. II. APPROACH AND PLANNING I was not involved in any of the initial planning of the project. I was brought in late in the game to test the relays and then progressively became more and more involved as the project continued. When I was given the relay settings, they were incomplete and incorrect, so a lot of fact finding needed to occur before I could start testing the relays. This was the first time I had tested motor protection relays, so I had to do a lot of research and make a lot of phone calls as I developed a test plan for the 15 SEL 710 motor relays. All of the initial relay testing was performed at CE Power’s Seward office before the relays were shipped to their respective [REDACTED] sites. This had to be done before the relays were onsite to cut down on onsite testing time. Once they were on site, I assisted in the installation and commissioning of the switchgear, which will not be covered in this paper. All of the relay settings changes that needed to be implemented were documented and submitted for approval by the project’s design engineer. As-left relay settings were given to the customer upon the completion of commissioning. Documentation of the relay testing was submitted for review to the project’s Professional Engineer (PE) to ensure proper testing was completed and legitimate results were obtained. III. THEORY: FEEDER PROTECTION Feeder protection inside an industrial facility can be fairly basic and limited to simple voltage and current elements. Once you step out of a plant and into the transmission and distribution world, things get more complicated. These projects’ protection schemes were limited to 5 kilovolt and 15 kilovolt (kV) feeders, so no distance elements were needed and only overcurrent, undervoltage, and overvoltage elements were used. A. 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent Instantaneous overcurrent elements are used to protect equipment during a short-circuit fault where virtually unlimited current is being sent through the breaker into the fault. These elements’ pick-up levels are set at extremely high levels, which can make them impossible to test with smaller capacity relay test sets. These elements are called instantaneous because they are meant to act with no intentional delay. This is true for EM relays, however, you can program an intentional delay into the elements in a microprocessor relay. Since I was trained by testing EM relays, I am extremely cautious while testing instantaneous elements. When finding an EM relay’s instantaneous pick-up level, you should not simply ramp the current until it trips. This constant high level of current could burn up the instantaneous coil. Instead, you should do a pulse ramp module and pulse the fault current for around 50 to 75 ms with a cool down period of 200 ms or so to allow heat to dissipate out of the coil. Microprocessor relays do not have separate instantaneous coils like EM relays, but instead use internal current transformers (CTs) that feed information into an analog to digital converter. The continuous thermal rating of a SEL 751A, the type of feeder relay used in this project, is 15 A and the 1 second thermal rating is 100 A, so similar precautions should be taken while testing these. B. 51 – Time Overcurrent Time overcurrent elements are used to protect an object in a current fault or overload situation. The pick-up level is set in CT secondary amps for feeders. In the SEL 751A relay, this level can be set from 0.50 A to 16 A. These elements have an intentional delay in them that corresponds to a trip curve that is programmed in to the relay. This curve is picked to coordinate 2 the breaker’s trip time with protective objects upstream and downstream of it, like other relays, low voltage trip units, and fuses. A coordination study is performed using software that compiles information about the equipment (bus, breakers, switches, cables) and protective devices (relays, low voltage trip units, fuses) in the power system and coordinates all of the protective device settings to have the proper sensitivity and selectivity. The settings for each relay and trip unit must make them sensitive enough to trip on an abnormal level of current. The settings must also allow them to select whether the fault level requires immediate action or a time delay to allow other protective devices downstream to clear the fault first. For example, if you have a bus with one main and three feeders and a fault happens downstream of one of the feeders, you want the feeder to trip and clear the fault before the main breaker trips off the entire bus. So the feeder breaker’s relay or trip unit will have a lower current pick-up level and a curve and time dial setting that has it trip faster at a lower fault current level than the main breaker. The main breaker will open up if it has given the feeder breaker sufficient time to clear the fault and it fails to do so. The other two feeders will lose power to them, but the damage to the faulted equipment being fed by the third feeder will still be reduced. There are a variety of time curves available for the SEL 751A. This is one major benefit of microprocessor relays over EM relays. To get a different curve with an EM relay, you will need to buy an entirely new relay, but you only need to change a setting in the microprocessor relay to change its curve. Below is the formula for SEL’s Inverse time curve: π‘π = ππ· × (0.180 + 5.95 ) π2 − 1 Where, π‘π = ππππππ‘πππ ππππ ππ· = ππππ π·πππ π = ππ’ππ‘ππππ ππ ππππ − π’π When you do time tests of these curves using a modern relay test set, the test set software should have these curves preprogrammed into it and the only settings you will need to enter are the relay’s pick up level and time dial setting. The test module for a time overcurrent element will then test the relay at various multiples of pick-up and compare the actual operate times to nominal operate times dictated by the formula. It is good practice to test three or more points on the curve to insure accuracy across a good portion of the domain of the curve. You should also test each individual phase separately to ensure they all have correct pick-up levels and timing. The actual operate times of a relay will never perfectly match the curve, but the relay’s manual will state the accuracy of the relay’s timing and this will give the band of acceptable timing results. To test the pick-up level of an EM relay, you can use the pickup test provided in Omicron’s overcurrent test module. It first puts a fault state on the relay to spin the induction disc until it closes the trip contact and then varies the current until it finds the current level that just allows the induction disc to pick-up and drop-out the contact. This method cannot be used with a microprocessor relay because they do not use induction discs. One method used is setting the overcurrent pick-up bit in the relay to either an output contact or an indicating LED on the front of the relay and manually varying the current to find the current pick-up and drop-out levels. EM relays use spinning induction discs for time overcurrent elements. These discs do not instantly reset after a fault is removed and have a reset curve associated with them. Microprocessor relays have an option to instantly reset or to emulate an EM relay’s induction disc. The main reason an EM reset would be programmed into the relay is if other relays in the upstream or downstream protection have EM resets. When testing microprocessor relays that emulate an induction disc, you can either allow sufficient time for the relay to reset or temporarily program the relay to instantly reset for testing purposes. C. 27 – Undervoltage The effects of an undervoltage condition varies depending on the piece of equipment that is driven by that voltage. This will be explained in more depth during the motors section of this paper. EM voltage relays look very similar to EM overcurrent relays, but instead of having pick-up current levels, they have pick-up voltage levels. EM voltage relays also have inverse timing curves similar to overcurrent relays’ timing curves. These are tested by first applying nominal system voltage to the relay for enough time to let the induction disc rest against the back stop. Lower the applied voltage until the induction disc just leaves the backstop. This voltage level is the actual pick-up level and should match the pick-up level set in the relay. Reapply nominal voltage and wait for the induction disc to come to rest at the backstop. Then apply a percent of the pickup voltage and time the operation of the relay. The operate time should match up with the curve in the EM relay’s manual. Do this several times at different percentages of the pick-up level to test a large portion of the curve’s domain. The SEL 751A feeder protection relay does not have an inverse time delay function. Its voltage elements only have definite time delays. To test these elements, start at nominal voltage and ramp the voltage down until you see indication that the undervoltage element is picked up. Then, apply nominal voltage briefly and switch it to an undervoltage condition to see if the operate time matched the time delay setting in the relay. D. 59 – Overvoltage Much like undervoltage conditions, the effects of overvoltage conditions varies depending on the equipment being supplied the voltage. This will be discussed further in the motor protection section. The design and test methods for undervoltage and overvoltage relays are very similar. The only differences are after you stabilize your relay at nominal voltage, you start ramping the voltage level upwards to find the pick-up and during the timing tests you apply voltage levels over 100% to do the timing tests. 3 IV. THEORY: MOTOR PROTECTION Motor protection has many similarities to feeder protection, but the protective elements are set in specific ways that best protect a motor. Unlike feeders that provide power to a multitude of smaller loads, the 15 of the feeders at [REDACTED] provide power to individual 5kV motors. These motors have specific voltage and current levels that they run at with little wiggle room, so the protective relaying is more in depth than a typical feeder relay. A. 50 – Instantaneous Overcurrent Instantaneous overcurrent is used in motors relays to protect against short circuit faults, just like in feeder relays. The only difference is the SEL 710’s instantaneous overcurrent pick-up level is set in multiples of FLA instead of in amps secondary. B. Load Jam A load jam or a mechanical jam occurs when the object the motor is driving gets bound up and causes the rotor to lock into place. Basic motor theory dictates that the amps flowing through a motor’s windings is proportionate to the amount of torque produced by the motor. These motors in particular are synchronous machines, so they run exactly at the line frequency applied to the windings. Synchronous motors will try to produce enough torque to constantly maintain their running frequency. When a jam happens, the motor will try to produce very high torque by drawing high levels of current to overcome the jam and return to its running frequency. The amount of current drawn during a jam is called Locked Rotor Amps (LRA). This value is determined by the motor’s manufacturer and listed on the nameplate. This element is programmed in the SEL 710 relay by setting the pick-up level at a multiple of FLA that is below the LRA and by also giving it a time delay. The load jam element is very similar to a definite time overcurrent element. The only real difference is for a load jam trip to occur, the motor must be in the running state before the element is armed. To test the element, you must trick the relay into thinking the motor is running by applying a normal current level close to FLA to it for a short amount of time and then abruptly apply current that is over the pick-up level for the load jam element. This can be accomplished with a pulse ramp module or a state sequencer module. C. 51 – Time Overcurrent The time overcurrent element in the SEL 710 is set up and operates the exact same way as in the SEL 751. Time overcurrent elements are set a lot slower for motor relays than they are for feeder relays due to the fact that motors draw a lot of amps during start up, so the time curves need to allow for the inrush of current. D. 51Q – Negative Sequence Time Overcurrent Negative sequence time overcurrent operates the same way a normal time overcurrent element does, except it only takes into consideration the negative sequence symmetrical component of the three phase current. When a motor is running in a normal state, it should have balanced current through each phase with the correct phase rotation. If those conditions are true, you shouldn’t have any negative sequence current in your symmetrical components. If the phases are reversed, but still have equal current magnitudes, you will only have negative sequence current. If the phase rotation is correct, but you have an imbalanced currents through your phases, you will have negative sequence current in your symmetrical components, but you will also have positive and zero sequence currents alongside it. Negative sequence currents have a rotation opposite of normal rotation, so they work to try to spin the motor backwards. This causes heating inside the motor that can shorten the life of the motor. This is will discussed more in depth later in the paper. When testing negative sequence time overcurrent, you do the exact same tests you would do for a normal time overcurrent, except you need to set the test set to output different levels negative sequence to test the operate curve. The Omicron test module outputs negative sequence current by swapping two of the phases’ angles while still applying balance magnitudes. When the SEL does its negative sequence calculations, it finds the negative sequence component and then multiplies it by three and applies that number to time overcurrent formulas. However, the Omicron test module does not abide by this same calculation, so you need to enter in your pick-up level as one third of what it actually is. For example, if your pick-up level in the SEL is set at 3 A, you need to set it as 1 A in the Omicron time overcurrent test module. E. 46 – Current Imbalance Three phase motors are one of the most naturally balanced loads you will come across. A current imbalance is caused by factors both inside and outside of the motor. They can be caused if a motor has been internally shorted or has an open winding. They can also be caused by a blown fuse, imbalanced line voltages, or high resistance terminations that cause voltage imbalance at the motor terminals. According to Paul Gill’s Electrical Power Equipment Maintenance and Testing, a 1994 study found that 46% of faults that reduced motor’ efficiency were caused by connectors and conductors in the power system feeding the motor. It also goes on to say that a 1% voltage imbalance can cause a 6% to 7% current imbalance and a 3.5% voltage imbalance can cause a 25% increase in winding temperature. A 10°C increase above rated temperature can result in a 50% reduction of motor life due to winding insulation break down. So in conclusion, voltage imbalances mean temperature increases and temperature increases mean decreases in motor life span. The reason we monitor negative sequence current and current imbalance instead of voltage imbalance is because most times we cannot economically monitor the voltage at the motor’s terminals. However, the current running through the motor starter is the exact same as the current running through the windings, so you can monitor current imbalance using the CTs at the motor starter. Current imbalance in the SEL 710 is calculated in terms of percent. The formulas for current imbalance is as follows: πΌπ,π,π πππ = |πΌπ,π,π | − |πΌ|ππ£π × 100% |πΌ|ππ£π 4 πΌππ£πππππ πππππππππ = max{πΌπ πππ, πΌπ πππ, πΌπ πππ} When the average current is below FLA, the |I|avg in the denominator of the Ia.b.cimb formula is replaced with FLA. To test this element, you will start all of the phases at equal current and ramp one of the phases up until the element trips. Before you run the test, calculate what level of current the ramped phase should reach when the relay trips on current imbalance. The current imbalance element and negative sequence time overcurrent element might step on each other since negative sequence currents are created when there is a current imbalance. This adds layers of current imbalance protection that might be considered overkill, but it shouldn’t cause nuisance trips as long as both elements are set correctly. F. 47 – Phase Reversal A phase reversal element will trip the relay if it detects that either the voltage or the current phase rotation do not match the phase rotation in the settings. This happens when two phase are rolled when the conductors are terminated up stream of the CTs and PTs. If the phases are rolled downstream of the CTs and PTs, the relay will not detect a phase reversal because it will still see correct current rotation, so doing an initial bump of the motor to confirm correct rotation is still necessary. This protection is important because a motor can cause a lot of damage to itself and the equipment it is driving if it spins backwards. This element is tested by first applying normal phase rotation to the relay and then reversing the phase rotation to make sure it trips. This can be seen like another kind of “belt and suspenders” setting since the negative sequence overcurrent can detect a phase reversal most of the time. The only time negative sequence time overcurrent wouldn’t catch a phase reversal when the phase reversal element would have is on an unloaded motor that isn’t drawing enough current to trip the negative sequence time overcurrent element. The argument can then be made that if the motor is unloaded, then it isn’t tearing anything up by spinning backwards in the first place. Regardless, activating phase reversal and negative sequence overcurrent at the same time will not cause nuisance trips if they are set correctly, so there is no harm in doing so. G. 27 – Undervoltage The operation and testing of undervoltage elements for motor protection are the same as for feeder protection. The effect on a motor due to an undervoltage condition might be different than the effect on other pieces of equipment. The amount of power required by the mechanical load of a motor is fixed and equals the voltage times the current. So if the voltage of a motor drops, the current will rise to compensate and cause heating in the motor. Another effect of low voltage is low starting and maximum torque in induction motors. One positive side-effect of low voltage is better power factor, but this does not make up for increase in current and decrease in torque. H. 59 – Overvoltage The operation and testing of overvoltage elements for motor protection are the same as feeder protection. The effect on a motor due to an overvoltage condition might be different than the effect on other pieces of equipment. Even though the higher levels of voltage should mean there is less current draw, it can actually have the opposite effect on certain type of motors. This is caused by the voltage trying to magnetize the iron in the motor past the point of it being easily magnetized due to saturation. This causes an excessive current draw on the motor, which in turn causes heating. High voltage also increases starting and maximum torque and decreases power factor. Most motors are designed to be able to run in a ±10% voltage band from nominal, but constantly running them towards the edges of this band will shorten the motor’s life. The following figure from Paul Gill’s Electrical Power Equipment Maintenance and Testing summarizes the effects of abnormal voltage levels on a motor. Effects of Abnormal Voltage Levels on a Motor I. 55 – Power Factor Power factor is the ratio of real power to apparent power. Motors are machines driven by the principle of magnetic induction, so power factor monitoring and correction is important when using large horsepower motors, like the ones at [REDACTED]. These motors are synchronous motors with a static excitation system, so their power factor can be corrected by tuning the exciter voltage. Induction motors do not have an exciter and will always have a lagging power factor that will require capacitor banks for power factor correction. Power factor is calculated by comparing the angles of the voltage phasors to the angles of the current phasors. The formula is as follows: π. πΉ. = cos(ππ − ππΌ ) If the angle of the voltage (θV) is greater than the angle of the current (θI), then the power factor is lagging (current lags voltage) and the load is inductive. If the angle of the voltage is less than the angle of the current, then the power factor is leading (current leads voltage) and the load is capacitive. Poor power factor causes more amps to be drawn through the power lines than necessary, increasing voltage drop across the lines. Utilities penalize large industrial customers for poor power factor, so power factor correction is important at large facilities. As mentioned earlier, the pump motors at [REDACTED] have a static exciter that can be tuned so the 5 motors have near unity power factor. If they fall too far out of unity power factor, there is something wrong with the excitation system and they need to be tripped offline. To test the SEL 710’s power factor elements, first calculate the angles between the voltage and the current that will cause the leading and lagging elements to pick-up. Apply nominal voltage and FLA to the relay at the same angle. Start ramping the angle of the current up (for leading) or down (for lagging) until the relay trips. The power factor elements will not trip if they do not see a substantial amount power flowing through the motor, so setting the voltage and current levels to the nameplate levels is the safest bet. V. THEORY: TRANSFORMER PROTECTION The [REDACTED] pumping station had two transformers that were having their protection upgraded from EM relays to an SEL 387E transformer protection relay. Transformer protection relays have many of the same functions as feeder protection relays used in the same exact manner. However, the only protective functions active on these transformer relays were the differential elements because both the high side and low side breakers had SEL 751 relays that provided overcurrent protection. The purpose of differential protection is to isolate the transformer if an internal fault occurs while also preventing tripping during a through fault scenario. Older EM differential relays were difficult to set up and test because they had a finite number of winding taps that could be used to compensate for differences in high side and low side CT ratios. Determining the settings for these relays involved a long series calculations involving the full load VA of the transformer, the high side and low side CT ratio, the CT configuration, and the available taps on the relay. These calculation would need to be made multiple times to find the tap setting that provided the least amount of current mismatch. If the mismatch was inherently too high, the transformer could trip during normal operation conditions. You were also required to wire up the CTs for a Delta-Wye transformer in a Wye-Delta configuration to compensate for the 30 degree phase shift that occurs in a Delta-Wye transformer. With new microprocessor relays, such as the SEL 387E, all of this leg work is taken out. The settings file for the SEL 387E asks for all of the pertinent information and does all of the calculations for you. Both CT sets can be wired up as Wye-Wye as long as that information is put into the settings because the internal calculations can compensate for the phase shift. A. 87 – Restrained Differential Element The restrained differential element takes into consideration the restraint current flowing through the transformer along with the operate current and will only operate if that point is above the operating characteristic curve. An example of one of these curves is pictured below: The curve in the SEL 387E can be broken up into 3 regions. The first region is the minimum operate region. This region shows the absolute minimum amount of operate current that is required to trip the relay. The next region is the slope 1 region. This is where the relay will only trip if the operate current is above a certain percent of the restraint current (25% in this case). The slope 1 line is projected from the graph’s origin, but it is at first superseded by the minimum operate setting. The length of this line is determined by another setting in the relay called IRS1, which dictates the maximum restraint current level of slope 1 region. The final region is the slope 2 region. It picks up where slope 1 leaves off and gives the curve a steeper incline. According to the SEL manual for the 387E, “the dual slope characteristic provides for CT ratio mismatches, CT ratio errors, CT saturation, and errors because of tap changing”. As transformer through current increases, the inaccuracy of the CT readings increase, so the slope needs to become steeper to reduce the risk of a nuisance trip. The easiest way to test this element is by downloading a premade test plan that allows you to import the relay settings into it. These can be found on the Omicron website in their Protection Test Library (PTL). These test plans are not perfect and might require some additional tweaking to work properly. If a PTL is not an available, your second best option is to use the differential module in your test set and try to manually input all of the transformer, CT, and operation characteristic information into your test object. If that also isn’t an option, then get ready to do some intense math that won’t be covered in this paper. All transformer differentials, both EM and microprocessor, that I have dealt with have had PTLs associated with them, so I have never had to resort to the last two methods. B. 87 - Unrestrained Differential Element The unrestrained differential element can be seen as that definite operate current level trip. The unrestrained trip level is typically set to trip when the operate current is at around ten times the winding tap. At this level of operate current, there is no way it is attributed to CT saturation or ratio errors, no matter how large the restraint current is. The element is tested the same way as the restraint operation characteristic, but you use high operate and restraint current values to find the unrestrained operation pick-up level. 6 C. Harmonic Blocking and Restraint Harmonic blocking and restraint are similar functions. Harmonic blocking will block a trip if the amount of a certain harmonic frequency is present in the differential current. This relay in particular has 2nd harmonic, 4th harmonic, and 5th harmonic blocking. According to the SEL 387E relay manual, 2nd and 4th harmonic current occurs during the initial energization of the transformer. The inrush current used to magnetize the core has a very large even harmonic elements. The relay will see this and will block the differential element from tripping until the 2nd and/or 4th harmonic elements falls below the percentage level in the relay settings. According to the SEL 387E relay manual, 5th harmonic current occurs when a transformer is overexcited, which happens when the voltage to hertz ratio exceeds 1.05 per unit for a loaded transformer or 1.10 per unit for an unload transformer. The blocking for the 5th harmonic works the same as it does for the even harmonics. The percentage of harmonic differential current is calculated by dividing a certain harmonic’s portion of the total current flowing into a transformer by the operate current. The Omicron’s harmonic test module will apply enough differential current to trip the relay, but vary the harmonic content of it to find the blocking pick-up level. Harmonic restraint only applies to 2nd and 4th harmonics. Instead of outright blocking a trip when the harmonic content of the differential current raises above a certain percentage, it instead increases the restraint operate curve by the sum of the scaled 2nd and 4th harmonic values. This would prevent the relay from tripping if for some reason both the 2 nd and the 4th harmonic contents were almost to their blocking threshold, but neither were over the threshold to block the trip on their own. VI. TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY The main tool used for this job was an Omicron CMC relay test set. There are other relay test sets that can be used, but the customer did not have a preference, so I used the test set I have used my entire career at CE Power. I designed most of the relay test plans, except for the test plan for the SEL 387E transformer differential relay. I acquired this test plan from Omicron’s Protection Test Library and customized it for our specific needs. The main technologies I encountered were different types of SEL relays: the SEL 710 motor protection relay, the SEL 751A feeder protection relay, and the SEL 387E transformer protection relay. These replaced old GE EM and Multilin relays. The EM relays are still viable forms of protection, but lack the communication ability and compact design of modern day microprocessor relays. A single microprocessor relay can take the place of dozens of EM relays. Older Multilin relays are notorious for power supply failure due to electrolytic capacitors drying out, but the SELs are much more reliable. VII. SAFETY Safety is paramount to the success of any job. The relay testing portion of this job took place in the [REDACTED] shop area, so there weren’t many hazards around. Safety glasses and steel toed shoes were the only PPE require. People in the surrounded area were made aware that testing was going on so they could avoid the relays under test. If they were to come into contact with a relay during testing, they could end up shocking themselves or damaging the relay or test equipment. While onsite, all the proper PPE was wore and equipment was locked out before work was performed to ensure no unexpected breaker operations occurred that could result in bodily harm or equipment damage. VIII. PROJECT CONCLUSION The work at the [REDACTED] stations is still in its final stages. Certain portions of the project’s design were incorrect from the beginning because not all of the proper information was provided to the design engineer. These issues needed to be resolved in the field. The relay testing portion was finished on time even though the relay settings were not correct or complete when they were first issued. There were a few changes in the project scope, but very few of them effected the relay testing. The changes that I headed all involved either logic changes in the relay or changes to how the relays’ digital and analog inputs and outputs interfaced with their existing SCADA system. In spite of these hang ups, our team still finished our objectives and the customer seems satisfied. There has been discussion of future work there. IX. INSIGHT/PROFESSIONAL GROWTH The relay testing and installations at the [REDACTED] pumping stations was an immense learning and growing experience in my career. I was originally brought onto the project just to test the relays and shadow the commissioning process. Due to extenuating circumstances, I quickly took over the functional commissioning and any field engineering that needed to occur to complete the project. My troubleshooting skills have developed greatly. I was still relatively new in my career when this project began and hadn’t been on a large project before. I quickly found out that things don’t always go as planned and you need to be able to adapt and overcome a situation to keep a project on track and that finger pointing won’t solve any issues. Many times in the project, there would be a hold up due to the customer’s negligence, but I learned to keep calm and work with the customer to get things moving again. I have definitely become better at handling myself when things do not work the way they should. In the future, I would like to do more work on the design engineer end. I have no experience doing coordination studies and protection and control circuit design. I also would like more experience in the field of transmission and distribution protection since most of my experience is with industrial facility protection.