alteryx and datalake

Ticket #: INC000007648770
Caller: Smith, Brian-1
521 ID: smithbre
Contact Number: 8627788428
Callback Time: til 6
Business Site: east hanover
Ticket Type: new
Access Type: office
Issue: useh - alteryx and datalake disconnects from each other
Symptoms Notes:
>>alteryx and datalake disconnects from each other
TS Notes:
>>check in kmp
>>no information
>>check in KB
>>there is none
>>check in old tickets
>>adv to assign to USEH_L2DataLakeSupport_PH approved by lasacbe1
Resolution: USEH_L2DataLakeSupport_PH
KMP Link: INC000007545873 lasacbe1
SME / Approver's Name and 521 ID: lasacbe1
Resolver: USEH_L2DataLakeSupport_PH
************** END OF NOTES ***************
[28/08/2018 3:17 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
i just have a question regarding alteryx
who supports issues with alteryx in fort worth?
[28/08/2018 3:18 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
What issues are you facing?
You can contact Up4Growth support
[28/08/2018 3:18 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
invalid log in
and it's not connecting to the database
[28/08/2018 3:19 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
You might not have access
Please contact up4growth support for access issues
[28/08/2018 3:19 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
user can access it on his desktop
the issue is only happenning on her laptop
[28/08/2018 3:20 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
Oh, ya I wouldn't be able to help you with that
Through desktop please contact support
[28/08/2018 3:20 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
do you know the support group for this?
[28/08/2018 3:22 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
Let me check
[28/08/2018 3:22 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
thank you
[28/08/2018 3:22 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
Raise a request here
[28/08/2018 3:23 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
what are we requesting?
[28/08/2018 3:23 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
You have an access issue on a device right?
You can let them know that
[28/08/2018 3:24 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
but it's working on the laptop the issue is just on the desktop
[28/08/2018 3:24 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
Yes, you can let them know that
[28/08/2018 3:26 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
You can also contact IT support because I will not be able to help you with access
[28/08/2018 3:26 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
I see but do you support alteryx?
[28/08/2018 3:26 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
I can help with the training courses
On Up4Growth
[28/08/2018 3:27 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
so not specifically for alteryx?
[28/08/2018 3:28 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
There will be a owner of the course who can help with that
[28/08/2018 3:28 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
may i know the name of the owner?
[28/08/2018 3:29 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
I think it is Sreedhar Desineni
[28/08/2018 3:30 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
thank you i will try to contact him
[28/08/2018 3:31 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
You're welcome
[28/08/2018 3:31 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
is he the only one?
[28/08/2018 3:31 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
That is what I can see in the TAD newsletter
[28/08/2018 3:31 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
i see
[28/08/2018 3:31 AM] Pimplikar, Shruti (Ext):
You can contact Suchi Gupta since she posts the TAD newsletter
She might know
[28/08/2018 3:32 AM] Godoy, Carlo (Ext):
thank you