Case presentation on Gastroenteritis Presenting by: Ratnakar Pharm-D III year INTRODUCTION Gastroenteritis is an illness caused by infection and or inflammation of the digestive tract. It is characterised by nausea,vomiting,diarrhea and stomach cramps. * The most common cause is a virus, which tends to spread very easily. Less common causes of include bacteria or food poisoning. * An infection may be caused by bacteria or parasites in spoiled food or unclean water CAUSES * Gastroenteritis has many causes. Viruses and bacteria are the most common. *Bacteria: Escherichia coli, salmonella,compylobacter,shigella. *Viruses: Adenoviruse, Rotaviruse, norovirus. *Parasites: Giardia - The most frequent cause of waterborne diarrhea causing giardiasis. * Cryptosporidium - Affects mostly people with weakened immune systems, causes watery diarrhea Treatment PATIENT PROFILE C.R no: Name: Age: Gender: Weight: D.O.A : D.O.D: Social history: 9321/18 abc 7month 5day female 6.9 kg 12/08/2018 16/08/2018 Nil Provisional dignosis - Gastroenteritis Medical/Medicanation/Surgical/ADR history - Nil Food habbit: - vegetarian vital & clinical observation • • • • • • • Pulse B.P P/A R. Rate CVS TEMP CNS : 82 bpm : 110/70 : Nil : 22/min : S1 &S2 Normal : 101°F : Concious Laboratory data TCH - 20600 Treatment chart Brand name Generic name dose frequency and rout day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 Dexone Dexamethason 40mg OD pantop Pantoprazole 40mg OD Betnisol Betamethaso ne 1mg BD tetracyclline Tetracycline 250mg TDS Betadine Pavidone and iodine , NAOH TDS dynaper Diclofenac and pcm SOS 50mg 325mg Discharge summary BRAND NAME GENERIC NAME DOSE ROUTE Dexone Dexamet-hason 40mg OD Pantop Pantoprazole 40mg OD Dynaper Diclofenac and pcm 50mg 325mg SOS Betadine pavidone and iodine , NAOH - TDS Goal achieved Fever reduced pain reduced/relief protection from infection immunosuppression THANK YOU