Melodrama Unit 2017 Student’s name: _____________________________ PERFORMANCE CRITERIA MARKING SHEET (5 marks) Collaborative Process. Contribution to the construction of the performance /2 Dedication and reliability in the process of creating the performance /3 (5 marks) Use of performance styles. Good triumphs evil /1 Melodramatic conventions /4 (12 marks) Realisation of characters Development and presentation of Melodramatic characters Use of expressive skills – voice /4 Use of expressive skills – movement /4 Use of expressive skills – gesture and facial expression /4 Consistency in the performance of characters and synchronisation with other members of the ensemble. Interaction with other performers, for example, by demonstrating awareness of them in the performance. /1 Consistency in character portrayal. /1 Maintaining focus throughout the performance. /1 (5 marks) Structured Plot Beginning: Clearly acted- who what where when /2 Middle: Clearly acted- tension as evil character develops his/her plan. /2 End: Good wins /1 (3 marks) TOTAL OUT OF 30