CHAPTER 1 DNA: The Hereditary Molecule e sin o Cyt SECTION C ne ani Gu e min Thy ine en Ad Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students What is the Structure of DNA? S 17 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.1 The Puzzle of DNA Structure and Replication INTRODUCTION THE FUNCTION OF DNA is based entirely on its structure. A single strand of DNA consists of many individual building blocks called nucleotides that are connected, in a long string, by chemical bonds. Each nucleotide contains one of four possible nitrogenous bases: either adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine (T). In principle, it is possible to construct a DNA strand that contains these four types of nucleotides in any conceivable sequence. In nature, however, DNA exists as a double-stranded molecule in which the two strands that lie side by side interact in a very specific way. The nature of the interactions that occur between these two strands is such that the sequence of nitrogenous bases on one strand always has a predictable relationship to the sequence of nitrogenous bases on its partner strand. This relationship underlies the ability of DNA to serve as the hereditary material and has sometimes been called “the fundamental secret of life.” In this exercise, you will be provided with half of a file folder and a set of puzzle pieces of different shapes and colors that represent the four kinds of nitrogenous bases that are found in all DNA molecules. You will use these pieces to solve a simple puzzle, and from the finished puzzle, you should be able to figure out the nature of the relationship that exists between opposite strands of a double-stranded DNA molecule, and why DNA is so easy to replicate when a cell gets ready to divide. MATERIALS For each student or pair of students: one half of a file folder puzzle pieces PROCEDURE, PART A 1. Draw a straight line near and parallel to the left hand edge of your piece of file folder. A G 2. Select ten of your puzzle pieces at random, or in any order that you wish. Place each of these pieces on the paper so that it is letter-side-up and so that its flat end touches the line you have drawn (Fig. 1). This will be the left-hand strand of your DNA puzzle. Figure 1 Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 18 ine Thym ine Aden C.1 3. Now form the right-hand strand of the DNA by placing the remaining puzzle pieces on the paper so that the non-flat end each of them fits snugly against the non-flat end of one of the pieces in the left-hand strand. A G T sine Cyto ine Guan 4. Draw a straight line next to the flat ends of the pieces in the right hand strand (Fig. 2). 5. Use your finished puzzle to answer the first four questions on the next page. Figure 2 PROCEDURE, PART B A G T 6. Pair up with another person in your class. 7. One person in each pair should put all of his or her puzzle pieces back in the bag (Fig. 3). Figure 3 8. Carefully transfer the right-hand strand of the remaining DNA puzzle to the right hand side of the other person’s piece of cardboard, leaving the left-hand strand where it is (Fig. 4). A G Figure 4 T A G A T 9. Use the puzzle pieces in the bag to build a second DNA strand on each piece of cardboard (Fig. 5). G 10. Answer questions 5 and 6 on the next page. Figure 5 Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 19 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.1 Name __________________________________________________ Date ____________________________ Hour ________________ ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Do you see any consistent relationship between the DNA bases (puzzle pieces) in one strand of your puzzle and the bases with which they are paired in the other strand? If so, state the nature of the relationship(s) you see. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Half of the puzzle pieces that you were given (the A’s and G’s) were much larger than the other pieces (the C’s and T’s). Did this size difference cause your DNA model to be significantly wider in some parts than in others? If not, why not? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Is there any consistent difference in the way that the pieces in the right-hand strands and the left-hand strands of your model are oriented? If so, what is the difference? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. How can you account for the fact that no matter which bases were selected for the lefthand strand of a DNA molecule, everyone had just the right pieces left over to assemble a matching right-hand strand? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Do Part B of the puzzle before you answer the next two questions. 5. Are the two DNA puzzles you now have the same or different? How can you account for this? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6. What do you suppose biologists call this process of making two identical doublestranded DNA molecules from one when it occurs in cells? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 20 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.2 The Spiral Staircase N 1944, A TEAM OF BIOLOGISTS LED BY OSWALD AVERY MADE A VERY IMPORTANT DISCOVERY: DNA EXTRACTED FROM ONE KIND OF BACTERIUM COULD BE USED TO TRANSFER HERITABLE TRAITS OF THAT BACTERIUM TO A SECOND BACTERIUM! THIS WAS THE FIRST CLEAR INDICATION THAT DNA WAS THE CARRIER OF HEREDITARY INFORMATION. OTHER REPORTS DRAWING THE SAME CONCLUSION SOON FOLLOWED. I BEFORE AVERY, SCIENTISTS HAD PAID LITTLE ATTENTION TO DNA. THEY KNEW IT CONTAINED THE SUGAR DEOXYRIBOSE, PLENTY OF PHOSPHATE AND FOUR BASES. Reprinted with permission from Gonick, L. and Whellis, M. (1991). The Cartoon Guide to Genetics. New York: Harper Collins Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 21 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.2 Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 22 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.2 Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 23 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.2 Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 24 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.2 Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 25 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.3 What is a Model? And What is it Good For? AS WE GREW UP, most of us played with various models: model cars, model planes, model houses (doll houses), model people (dolls), etc. Not all models are designed for childhood play, however. Models serve important functions in many areas of adult life. Engineers, for example, evaluate various possible airplane designs by building scale models and examining how they behave in a wind tunnel (which is itself a model of the atmosphere). Models are usually highly simplified relative to the objects that they portray, and often several different models, simplified in different ways, are required to study different aspects of the same object. For example, the engineer who is designing the seats for a commercial airliner requires a very different kind of model than does the engineer who is designing the wings. Neither of these models would necessarily be more correct than the other; they would merely be simplified in different ways in order to serve different purposes. DNA MODELS Scientists find models of various kinds of molecules very useful for visualizing how their parts fit together and for predicting what their properties should be. Indeed, it was only when two biologists by the names of Watson and Crick built the first fairly accurate scale model of DNA that it became clear what the structure of real DNA molecules must be. In the next exercise, you will build a much simpler DNA model than Watson and Crick did in order to visualize certain very simple aspects of its structure. But as you progress in the study of biology, you will probably encounter several other kinds of DNA models that are constructed so as to reveal other, more detailed aspects of DNA structure and function. Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 26 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.4 Building a Three-Dimensional DNA Model MATERIALS For each student or pair of students: Use the following list to make sure that your modelbuilding kit contains the correct number of pieces of each type. Then use it to determine what each of these pieces represents. Short straws representing the nitrogenous bases: 3 blue straws = A (adenine) 3 red straws = T (thymine) 3 green straws = G (guanine) 3 gray straws = C (cytosine) Pieces used to build the sugar-phosphate ladders: 12 black connectors = sugars (deoxyribose) 12 red connectors = phosphate groups 24 yellow straws = sugar-to-phosphate bonds 6 white connectors = hydrogen bonds Pieces used to build the stand for the model: 1 long gray straw 3 medium-length green straws 1 four-prong black or silver connector PROCEDURE 1. Make 12 nucleotides as shown in figure 1. Each nucleotide will require one deoxyribose sugar, two yellow sugar-to-phosphate bonds, one red phosphate group, and one nitrogenous base (either red, green, blue, or gray). Phosphate (red) Deoxyribose (sugar) (black) Sugar-to-phosphate bonds (yellow) Nitrogen base (blue, red, gray or green) Figure 1: Making a nucleotide Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 27 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.4 2. After you have made all the nucleotides you can, use the white connectors (hydrogen bonds) to join them in pairs according to the base-pairing rules (A to T and G to C), as in figure 2. Hydrogen bond (white) Figure 2: Making a nucleotide pair 3. After you have finished forming the nucleotide pairs, use the sugar-phosphate bonds to join them (fig. 3), in any order you want. 5’ end 3’ end Deoxyribose sugar (black) Sugar-phosphate ladder 4. Note that the sugar-phosphate chain on the left side has a red phosphate group at the bottom (its 5’ end) but not at the top (its 3’ end) and that the sugarphosphate chain on the right side is just the opposite. This is one of the ways that enzymes that interact with DNA molecules can tell the two strands apart. Hydrogen bond (white) Phosphate (red) Nitrogen base (blue, red, gray or green) Sugar-to-phosphate bonds (yellow) 3’ end 5’ end Figure 3: Joining the nucleotide pairs Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 28 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.4 5. Build the stand for your model using the one long gray straw, the three medium-length green straws and the four-pronged black connector. 6. Slide the white hydrogen bonds that run down the middle of your model onto the stand. 7. To get all of your model to fit on the stand, you will need to twist it counterclockwise at the top (fig. 4). Now you have a representation of the famous doublehelix of DNA. 8. Answer the questions on the next page. Figure 4: The completed model on a stand Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 29 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden C.4 Name __________________________________________________ Date ____________________________ Hour ________________ ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS YOU HAVE NOW built two models of double-stranded DNA: the flat one in the puzzle at the beginning of this exercise that you used to deduce the base-pairing rules and how DNA is replicated (which we will call “model A”), and the one you have just built with straws and connectors (which we will call “model B”). As mentioned earlier, often two models of the same thing will be simplified in different ways to emphasize different features of the object they are representing. 1. What feature or features of a double-stranded DNA molecule are represented better in model A than in model B? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. What feature or features of a double-stranded DNA molecule are represented better in model B than in model A? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What feature or features of a double-stranded DNA molecule that you read about in the excerpt from the Cartoon Guide to Genetics are not well represented in either model A or model B? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 30 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden Name __________________________________________________ C.5 Date ____________________________ Hour ________________ DNA Model Questions THE DIAGRAM ON THE left represents an untwisted, double-stranded DNA molecule. O A O 1. Label each sugar group on the diagram with a letter S. 2. Label each phosphate group with a letter P. O O 3. One adenine (A) and one guanine (G) have already been labeled. Label the rest of the nitrogenous bases. 4. Circle one nucleotide. What three things go together to make a nucleotide? O G O ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ O O 5. The sides of the DNA ladder are made up of alternating ________________________ and ________________________ groups. O O 6. The rungs of the DNA ladder are made up of _______________________________ 7. A is always paired with ________________ O O 8. G is always paired with ________________ 9. Paired bases are held together by weak bonds called __________________ bonds. O O 10. When the DNA ladder twists the way it normally does, the shape of the molecule is called a ___________________________ Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students S 31 sine Cyto ine Guan ine Thym ine Aden Name __________________________________________________ C.6 Date ____________________________ Hour ________________ DNA Word Search FIND AND CIRCLE the words that go with each of the clues given below. Then write the answers on the lines next to the clues. I U B N B E O C Z H T Q T X C V E D I D J Y R S P G E L D S N P A E I B D A S D B U A W O L W N D V E E N G T A O S D R I S T W B I T I N D X E O Y E J S A X F L P K E N S R M N O R E O A T Y B E E M W Y E E Y Z O O I O X B G O R S A Y A N X J Z D E K H T V L O E E I S S S O I H 1. The nitrogenous base A ____________ B W P Y O M A C Y D S L B W D T E W E G V L H W X C K J N C C O J N G G P X Q K X M I U R W Y S V Q E H B K O S P H A T E B L T T Q O U I F C H X N C R R Q L S I D C P R M E P R H I X L G O L B N C N G V S U U K E N E W N Y N U N I S F B Q I V E B O E N I M Y H P A L B S P D U A H B J Z Z M T S R A U H A I R X Y Z O I L E H E L B V W Q X M L C N X I I A F R T D L A Q D N U B I N O T Q Y S C U B R Q W D N I I C T U S H K Y J R G A T G D I L E S F N L S I Q N N L Q E I B N X Q N R F O P X A V Y N Y O D Q X P V G M Y 9. The name of the bonds that hold the 2. The nitrogenous base C ____________ two strands of DNA together (between 3. The nitrogenous base G ____________ the bases) ____________ (two words) 4. The nitrogenous base T ____________ 5. The genetic material inside all cells __________ (abbreviation) 6. The full name for DNA ____________ _______________________________ 7 The scientific name for the shape of the DNA molecule ________________ _______________________________ (two words) 8. The arrangement of two bases in the DNA molecule forms a ____________ _____________________ (two words) Chapter 1 • Modern Genetics for All Students 10. Pairs of these molecules form the steps or rungs in the DNA molecule ______ _______________________________ (two words) 11. This subunit of DNA has three parts: a phosphate, a sugar and a nitrogenous base __________________________ 12. The long backbones of the DNA molecule are made of alternating sugar and __________________________ bonds. 13. This process occurs when DNA makes a copy of itself ___________________ S 32