Experiment No. 2 Analysis of Surface Water I. Introduction Surface water refers to water found on the surface of the earth. Lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands are all examples of surface water. Surface water may be a source of drinking water but it is not recommended unless properly filtered, disinfected and monitored to ensure good water quality. In this experiment, the quality of the surface water from Tumagbok River in Miag-ao was measured through conducting physical and chemical analyses specifically in terms of Temperature, Dissolved oxygen, Total Suspended Solids and Phosphate determination. Location: Tumagbok River, Miag-ao, Iloilo Latitude: 10.698 Longitude: 122. 237 Elevation: 19 m Weather condition: Slightly rainy A. Physical Parameter I. Introduction Water temperature is a measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of water. Water temperature regulates ecosystem functioning both directly through physiological effects on organisms, and indirectly, as a consequence of habitat loss. Photosynthesis and aerobic respiration, and the growth, reproduction, metabolism and the mobility of organisms are all affected by changes in water temperature. Aquatic organisms can only survive within a particular temperature range. If temperature goes too far above or below the tolerance range for a given species, its ability to survive may be compromised. II. Data and Interpretation of Results Temperature Average Trial 1 27 26.5 Trial 2 26 According to ---. Results show (refer to Table -) that the recorded average temperature of 26.5 was --B. Chemical Analysis 1. Dissolved Oxygen I. Introduction Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen that is dissolved in water and is essential to healthy streams and lakes. It is an indication of how polluted the water is and how well the water can support aquatic plant and animal life. A higher dissolved oxygen level usually indicates better water quality. If dissolved oxygen levels are too low, some fish and other organisms may not be able to survive (Stevens Institute of Technology, The Global Water Sampling Project 2007). II. Data and Interpretation of Results RAW DATA: 1.1. Standardization of Thiosulfate Initial volume of titrant Trial 1 24.8 mL 0.0 mL Trial 2 1.2 mL 1.2. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen Initial volume of titrant Trial 1 20.3 mL Trial 2 15 mL Final volume of Total volume used titrant 50.0mL (26.2 + 1.2) mL = 26.4 mL 1.2 mL 27.6 mL 26.4 mL Final volume of Total volume used titrant 25 mL 4.7 mL 18.2 mL 3.2 mL 2. Total Suspended Solids I. Introduction Total Suspended Solids parameter measures the amount of undissolved solid particles in water such as level of siltation, decaying plant and animal matter, and domestic and industrial wastes. The residue obtained after the thoroughly mixed water sample is filtered and dried represents the amount of solids suspended in the sample which can be used as a general indicator of its overall quality. RAW DATA: Trial 1 Filter paper + Residue + Evaporating Dish (weight in grams) Mass of evaporating dish After 1 hour 29.7460 Mass of evaporating dish After 30 mins 29.7460 Difference (+/-) 0.000 Trial 2 Mass of Filter paper + Residue + Evaporating Dish (in grams) Initial 29.0277 After 1 After 30 Difference hour mins (+/-) 29.0318 29.0328 0.001 After 30 mins 29.0321 Difference (+/-) 0.0007 Sample Volume filtered (V): 0.025 L Initial mass of filter (B) Average Mass of filter + residue (A) Trial 1 88.8 mg 93 mg Trial 2 89.4 mg 94.15 mg TSS Trials 168 mg/L 190 mg/L Calculations: Average 179 mg/L Standard TRIAL 1: 𝟗𝟑−𝟖𝟖.𝟖 0.025 TSS= =168 mg/L TRIAL 2: TSS = (94.15 – 89.4)/0.025 =190 mg/L ` Based on the recorded data (refer to Table and -) and the calculations above, the resulting average TSS value of the two trials exceeded the standard --- of the –(reference). Therefore, the water sample is considered -3. Phosphate Determination I. Introduction Phosphates are one of the major important nutrients in natural water. Yet, the addition of large quantities of these to waterways accelerates algae and plant growth; enhancing eutrophication and depleting the water body of oxygen, resulting harm in other species. Thus, its content in water is critical in determining the level of algal growth that the water will support. II. Data and Interpretation of Results Concentration 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 Absorbance 0 0.027 0.046 0.058 0.073 0.085 0.165 0.227 0.385 Phosphate Standard Calibration Curve 0,45 0,4 y = 0,737x + 0,0135 R² = 0,999 Absorbance 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 Concentration (ppm) Trial 1 Trial 2 Concentration Absorbance 0.313 ppm 0.482 ppm 0.244 0.369 Standard for concentration In analyzing the phosphate content of the water sample, absorbance values for each corresponding prepared standard iron concentrations were first determined through the use of a spectrophotometer (refer to Table 2). These values (concentration versus absorbance) were then plotted to serve as the standard/calibration curve (as shown in the blue trend line of Fig. 1) and to be able to establish an equation of the line using Microsoft Excel. The resulting equation is: y = 0.737x + 0.0135 Where: Determined absorbance values for each trial from spectrophotometer reading were then substituted to the equation to solve for the value of phosphate concentration as demonstrated in the calculations below: Trial 1: y = 0.737x + 0.0135 x = 0.312754 Trial 2: x = 0.482361 For both Trial 1 and 2, the resulting concentration of --- and ---, respectively, were found to be ---- as it --- the standard value of – according to ---.