Ukrainian Biotechnology

Biotechnology in
Population: 42 million ppl
Area: 603,628 km2
77.8% Ukrainians
17.3% Russians
4.9% others/unspecified
Biotechnology of Plants
Micropropagation of cloned plants:
Meristem culture
Callus tissue culture (proteins,
polysaccharides, enzymes, etc.)
Embryo culture
Biotechnology of Plants
Bacterial Desulphurization of
using microorganisms of various
taxonomic groups. Data about the
reduction of sulphur content in the
coals, mainly pyrite, under the
action by representatives of
mesophilic and moderately
thermophilic acidophilic
chemolithotrophic bacteria are
Desulphurization of Coal
Odessa Mechnikov University together with biotechnological center are
involved in desulphurization of Ukrainian coal located in L’viv and Volyn’ coal
mining regions, while combining the industry with precious metal mining,
such as Germanium.
Biotechnology of Plants
Production of probiotics
(Lactobacillus acidophilus, etc.)
Production of medicinal plants
Pharmacology: secondary
metabolites ( humans use
secondary metabolites as
medicines, flavorings, and
recreational drugs), antibiotics,
monoclonal antibodies, starch,
Monoclonal antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies (mAb or moAb)
are antibodies that are made by
identical immune cells that are
all clones of a unique parent
cell. Monoclonal antibodies can
have monovalent affinity, in that they
bind to the same epitope (the part of
an antigen that is recognized by the
antibody). In contrast, polyclonal
antibodies bind to multiple epitopes and
are usually made by several
different plasma cell (antibody secreting
immune cell) lineages. Bispecific
monoclonal antibodies can also be
engineered, by increasing the therapeutic
targets of one single monoclonal antibody
to two epitopes
Biotechnology of Plants
Propagation of endangered species
Preservation of biodiversity
Production and growth of virus-free
November 1, 2017, IN VITRO PLANT,
Research and Production Center, Odessa Ukraine
Biotechnology of Plants
Growth of plants selected for the genes of
interest, disease resistance, elevated
synthesis of the products of metabolism,
herbicides resistance, stability of abiotic
(expl. soil, water) and biotic factors
Despite the new national legislation
establishing biotech registries, due to the
lack of required sublegislation only one
biotech event (mentioned below) is legal
for distribution in Ukraine for the purpose
of animal feed. No other biotech events
are currently legal for import, production,
or sale in Ukraine (2016-11-10).
Roundup Ready MON 40-3-2, in the form
of soybean meal, is the only GE event in
the official registry of approved feed
sources that contain agricultural
biotechnology for a term of five years
from 2013- 2018.
Alternative energy sources: production of
bioethanol and electricity
Corn is a major export item for Ukraine,
and China is among its largest buyers of
corn as the result of an agreement signed
in 2013. The official protocol on
phytosanitary and inspection
requirements on corn export from Ukraine
to China does not contain direct
references for testing GE presence in
shipments, however the protocol allows
exports of products compliant with
China’s phytosanitary legislation and
standards. Technically such a framework
might allow GE corn exports as China
accepts GE-positive cargo, but only if the
shipment is marked accordingly and
contains only those GE events that are
approved and allowed in China (see GAIN
Report 14032 for further details)
Biotechnology of Animals
Animal breeding for the production
of meat, lard, poultry and eggs
Transgenic animals: rabbits, pigs,
sheep, mice, rats
Ukraine also approved the Antigen
V-RG oral vaccine for carnivores
“BrovaRabies V-RG” until October
2020, to be used for veterinary
Aquaculture: fish, oysters
(seaweed), crawfish, clams, shrimp
Cis-genes: do not contain foreign parts of genome, i.e. manipulation of
genome with restriction enzymes
Recombinant DNA technology
Microbiology and Biotechnology, N3 2017, Ukraine
І. А. Блайда, Т. В. Васильєва (pp.6-23)
"Micropropagation - Definitions from". Retrieved 2008-03-17.
"Frederick Campion Steward". Cornell University Faculty Memorial
Statement. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-02.
"Secondary metabolites - Knowledge
Encyclopedia". Retrieved 2016-05-10.
Ukraine Biotechnology Annual, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service report,
2016-11-10, UP1619