Types of Reactions Lab

Types of Chemical Reactions Lab Activity
To observe a series of reactions, classify them as one of the four major types of chemical reactions,
and write word equations and chemical equations to represent the reactions occurring.
Reaction 1: Magnesium ribbon and oxygen from the air.
Light Bunsen burner. Have metal tray close at hand. Take a small piece of magnesium ribbon, no
longer than 2 cm, and hold it using the tongs. Both partners should hold a piece of blue glass in front
of their eyes. Put end of magnesium ribbon into the burner until it ignites – DO NOT LOOK
DIRECTLY AT FLAME WITHOUT BLUE GLASS. Once the burning stops, drop the remaining
product in the metal tray, and allow tongs and product to cool. Turn off Bunsen burner.
Disposal: Place any remaining solid into the garbage. Clean off tongs and metal tray using plenty of
water in the sink.
Reaction 2: Copper (II) sulfate and iron metal.
Use a graduated cylinder to pour 50.0 mL of water into a small beaker. Measure out 2 g of
copper(II) sulfate on a piece of paper towel. Add to the beaker of water and stir until dissolve. Take
a small amount of iron filings on a piece of paper towel. Add these to the beaker and stir using a stir
Disposal: Pour and rinse beaker well into the waste container labelled “Reaction 2: Copper (II)
sulfate and iron”
Reaction 3: Calcium sulfate and sodium carbonate.
Label two test tubes CaSO4 and Na2CO3. Use a graduated cylinder to add 10.0 mL of water to each.
From the containers at the front, carefully add a small amount of calcium sulfate and sodium
carbonate to the appropriate test tubes. Bring the test tubes back to your desk and stir with stir
sticks. Carefully pour one test tube into the other.
Disposal: Pour and rinse the test tubes into the waste container labelled “Reaction 3: Calcium
sulfate and sodium carbonate”
Reaction 4: Sodium chloride and copper metal.
Use a graduated cylinder to pour 50.0 mL of water into a small beaker. Measure out 2 g of sodium
chloride on a piece of paper towel. Add to the beaker of water and stir until dissolve. Take a piece
of copper on a piece of paper towel. Add this to the beaker and stir using a stir stick.
Disposal: Pour liquid down the drain. Thoroughly rinse the copper, dry it, and return it to the front.
Analysis Questions
1. Which of the five signs of chemical change did you observe during each chemical reaction?
2. Using the known reactants of each reaction carried out,
a. Classify the type of reaction occurring
b. Write a word equation to represent the reaction
c. Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the reaction.
3. Explain what happened during Reaction 4 to support your observations using what was
learned in class about this particular type of reaction.
Observations and Results
Use the tables below to record your observations of each reaction.
Reaction 1
Observations of
Magnesium Metal
Before Reaction
Observations After
Burning Magnesium
Evidence of Chemical
Change Observed
Observations of Iron
and Copper (II)
Sulfate Before
Observations After
Evidence of Chemical
Change Observed
Observations of
Calcium Sulfate and
Sodium Carbonate
Before Reaction
Observations After
Evidence of Chemical
Change Observed
Observations of
Sodium Chloride and
Copper Before
Observations After
Evidence of Chemical
Change Observed
Reaction 2
Reaction 3
Reaction 4