A Nice Description of a Nuclear Explosion… INTRODUCTION TO NUCLEAR WEAPONS INTRODUCTION TO NUCLEAR WEAPONS OBJECTIVES • Distinguish between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons – yields, intended targets, delivery methods. • Describe how fission and fusion reactions are achieved. • Identify the critical components of fission and fusion warheads and then describe the principles of operation. • Define critical mass and know what it is dependent upon. • List characteristics of nuclear explosions and the damage mechanisms. NUCLEAR WEAPONS CLASSIFICATION TACTICAL – Yield < 100 Ktons (15 Ktons min) – Eliminate personnel STRATEGIC – Yield > 100 Ktons – Used on vast area targets WPNS OF TERROR Perspective… Hiroshima ≈ 15 KT Nagasaki ≈ 21 KT – “small yields” easy to hide – Unpredictable – Dirty Bombs http://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/ WHAT WOULD DAMAGE LOOK LIKE IN ANNAPOLIS? TYPES OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS FISSION vs FUSION ENERGY RELEASE COMBINES ENERGY RELEASE SPLITS FISSION FUSION TYPES OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS FISSION vs FUSION INCIDENT NEUTRON FISSIONABLE NUCLEUS NUCLEUS SPLITTING FISSION PRODUCT (RADIOACTIVE NUCLEI) FUSION FISSIONABLE NUCLEUS FUSIONABLE NUCLEI ENERGY RELEASE INCIDENT NEUTRON NUCLEUS JOINING CHAIN REACTION ENERGY RELEASE FUSION PRODUCT FISSION NUCLEAR vs MOLECULAR BINDING ENERGY HELIUM ATOM + MOLECULAR BINDING ENERGY NUCLEAR MOLECULAR BINDING ENERGY BINDING ENERGY - + - NUCLEAR FISSION NUCLEAR FUSION Deuterium Tritium He Change between total binding Energy + + energy (before and after). Neutron CRITICAL MASSES Neutron generation across subsequent generations of neutron production is referred to as the neutron life-cycle, and the fissions which occur are referred to as a chain reaction. SUPERCRITICAL When fissile material is densely packed such that neutrons produced in subsequent generations continuously increase at an exponential rate SUPERCRITICAL CHAIN REACTION. • Principle behind fission weapon. CRITICAL Chain reaction that produces same amount of neutrons in each subsequent generation CRITICAL CHAIN REACTION. • Basis for electrical generation from nuke power plants. SUBCRITICAL Neutron population decreases throughout subsequent generations & produces less than one neutron to carry out fission SUBCRITICAL CHAIN REACTION SUPERCRITICAL FISSION WARHEAD – Must be reliable and rapid. – Each reaction produces one or more neutrons. – Neutrons cause exponentially increasing reactions. FISSION WARHEAD GUN-TYPE DESIGN “Little Boy” Hiroshima POLONIUMBERYLLIUM INITIATOR • 235U RINGS & BULLET BREACH BLOCK & DETONATOR GUN BARREL Forces (2) subcritical masses together to form supercritical mass. Simple & Uncomplicated design • High production cost • Low efficiency “FIZZLE” • FISSION WARHEAD IMPLOSION DESIGN “Fat Man” Nagasaki • USES TAMPER & HE TO MAXIMIZE EFFICIENCY. • Subcritical mass surrounded by high explosive. • Implodes inward, compressing material, sustaining chain reaction. • Prevents ‘FIZZLE’ – a premature end to reaction. • TAMPER Confines fission material allowing it to fission longer. FUSION WARHEADS • Requires extreme heat & pressure to combine nuclei • Uses a fission detonation to trigger fusion reaction – – – – Fission increases pressure 50Million X ambient pressure Pressure compresses & heats fusion material Temp & Pressure increase @ same ratio Temps reach 1010K thermal motion of fusion material very energetic THERMONUCLEAR FUSION NUCLEAR WEAPONS PRIMARY EFFECTS • Blast & Shockwave - 50% • Thermal Radiation - 35% • Nuclear Radiation (Initial & Residual) – 15% • Other Effects – Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). BLAST & SHOCK PEAK OVERPRESSURE As wave passes, pressure oscillates. DIFFRACTION LOADING NEGATIVE PHASE POSITIVE PHASE PEAK DYNAMIC PRESSURE 2ND POSITIVE PHASE WINDS CAN EXCEED 1000 MPH DRAG LOADING Wind away from explosion Wind toward from explosion THERMAL RADIATION X-RAYS created from extreme heat produce a giant FIREBALL FIREBALL radiates energy rapidly in form of thermal (IR) radiation (heat) and visible light. Extends further than any other primary effect spontaneous ignition of combustible material NUCLEAR RADIATION • After nuclear detonation – Neutrons emitted immediately – Gamma rays emitted from decay of fission products/secondary reactions of the neutrons with surrounding air – Radiation effects can be immediate or long –term (residual). – Classifications: • Prompt/initial radiation (within the 1st minute) • Residual radiation (after the 1st minute) RESIDUAL RADIATION PRODUCTS ALPHA (large/heavy) • Helium nucleus from fusion …skin can protect you BETA (small/light) • Electron or positron…clothing can protect you GAMMA (EM Radiation) • High energy photons emitted both immediately from fission reaction and later on during radioactive decay…lead can protect you • Excess neutrons not used in nuclear NEUTRON (small/heavy) reactions…lots of water may protect you RADIATION PENETRATION DEPTHS ADDITIONAL EFFECTS • FALLOUT long-term effects –Environment –Population • EMP –TREE –BLACKOUT SUMMARY • Distinguish between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons – yields, intended targets, delivery methods. • Describe how fission and fusion reactions are achieved. • Identify the critical components of fission and fusion warheads and the describe the principles of operation. • Define critical mass and know what it is dependent upon. • List characteristics of nuclear explosions and the damage mechanisms.