02.11.2017 Irregular Nouns List English-Zone.Com ...the BEST English-Learner's site on the 'Net! IRREGULAR PLURALS LIST Study these groups of words to learn how they change to plural. Each group of words has similar changes. US -> I SINGULAR PLURAL alumnus alumni cactus cacti focus foci/focuses fungus fungi/funguses nucleus nuclei radius radii stimulus stimuli IS -> ES SINGULAR PLURAL axis axes analysis analyses basis bases crisis crises diagnosis diagnoses ellipsis ellipses hypothesis hypotheses oasis oases paralysis paralyses parenthesis parentheses synthesis syntheses synopsis synopses thesis theses IX -> ICES SINGULAR PLURAL appendix appendices index indeces/indexes matrix matrices/matrixes EAU -> EAUX SINGULAR http://english-zone.com/spelling/plurals.html PLURAL beau beaux bureau bureaus/bureaux tableau tableaux/tableaus 1/3 02.11.2017 Irregular Nouns List *** -> EN SINGULAR PLURAL child children man men ox oxen woman women *** -> A SINGULAR PLURAL bacterium bacteria corpus corpora criterion criteria curriculum curricula datum data genus genera medium media memorandum memoranda phenomenon phenomena stratum strata NO CHANGE SINGULAR PLURAL deer deer fish fish means means offspring offspring series series sheep sheep species species OO -> EE SINGULAR PLURAL foot feet goose geese tooth teeth A -> AE SINGULAR PLURAL antenna antennae/antennas formula formulae/formulas nebula nebulae vertebra vertebrae vita vitae OUSE -> ICE SINGULAR http://english-zone.com/spelling/plurals.html PLURAL louse lice mouse mice 2/3