What is the most important scientific achievement for our world today? Discuss • The atomic bomb • Discovery of DNA • Landing on the moon • Darwin’s discovery of evolution • The periodic table • Other...... Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Wednesday 3rd July Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Learning Objectives Copy these down • Describe how Newlands and Mendeleev arranged elements. • Explain how Mendeleev overcame the problem of undiscovered elements. In small groups 6 Mins Arrange the shapes http://www.online-stopwatch.com/large-stopwatch/ One possible answer.... Number of Sides-------> 1 3 4 5 6 8 Mins On your own Arrange the following elements into an order. Justify your arrangement. 8 Mins On your own Arrange the following elements into an order. Justify your arrangement. One possible answer.... Metal Metal Non Metal Floats on Water Sinks in Water After the video you will be asked to answer this question: Describe how Mendeleev arranged elements by their properties. (3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsbXp64YPRQ Describe how Mendeleev arranged elements by their properties. (3) Keywords: properties, elements, compounds, atomic mass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsbXp64YPRQ 8 Mins The Challenge Can you predict the gaps in the table? Can you explain how have done so? 8 Mins The Challenge Can you predict the gaps in the table? Can you explain how have done so? How close were you? 23 Metal 0.97g/cm3 98°C 883°C Reacts v. quickly with water Metal 73 5.3g/cm3 938°C 2833°C 4.23g/cm3 80 Non metal 3.10g/cm3 -7.2°C 58.8°C Reddish brown liquid How close were you? HWK Name:______________ Due Wednesday 10th July Use a pencil for lines Use a ruler Use all the space on the paper RTQ: Atomic Mass vs Boiling Point Use an accurate scale (xaxis) Use an accurate scale (yChecklist /10 axis) Label both axis Label title Use x for points not dots Line through all the points HWK Name:______________ Due Wednesday 10th July Use a pencil for lines Use a ruler Use all the space on the paper RTQ: Atomic Mass vs Boiling Point Use an accurate scale (xaxis) Use an accurate scale (yChecklist /10 axis) Label both axis Label title Use x for points not dots Line through all the points HWK Name:______________ Due Wednesday 10th July Use a pencil for lines Use a ruler Use all the space on the paper RTQ: Atomic Mass vs Boiling Point Use an accurate scale (xaxis) Use an accurate scale (yChecklist /10 axis) Label both axis Label title Use x for points not dots Line through all the points HWK Name:______________ Due Wednesday 10th July Use a pencil for lines Use a ruler Use all the space on the paper RTQ: Atomic Mass vs Boiling Point Use an accurate scale (xaxis) Use an accurate scale (yChecklist /10 axis) Label both axis Label title Use x for points not dots Line through all the points HWK Name:______________ Due Wednesday 10th July Use a pencil for lines Use a ruler Use all the space on the paper RTQ: Atomic Mass vs Boiling Point Use an accurate scale (xaxis) Use an accurate scale (yChecklist /10 axis) Label both axis Label title Use x for points not dots Line through all the points HWK Name:______________ Due Wednesday 10th July Use a pencil for lines Use a ruler Use all the space on the paper RTQ: Atomic Mass vs Boiling Point Use an accurate scale (xaxis) Use an accurate scale (yChecklist /10 axis) Label both axis Label title Use x for points not dots Line through all the points Settler Recall the relative mass and relative charge of: • A neutron • A proton • An electron 3 minute s Settler Recall the relative mass and relative charge of: • A neutron has a relative mass of 1 and a relative charge of 0. • A proton has a relative mass of 1 and a relative charge of +1. • An electron has a negligible relative mass (1/1840) and a relative charge of 1. S 6/6 A Modern Periodic Table Modern Periodic Table • ModernDescribe Periodic the Table arrangement of elements in the modern periodic table Learning Objectives • Explain the meaning of atomic number, mass number and relative atomic mass. • Use your knowledge of electron shells to desribe the periodic table. Periodic Table of Elements 1 Label: 1. label groups 2. label periods 3. shade/colour metals/non metals 4. Add a key H 1 hydrogen 7 Li 3 lithium 44 He 2 helium 9 11 4 5 Be B boron beryllium 12 6 carbon 23 24 27 28 11 12 13 14 Na Mg sodium 39 19 K potassium Al magnesium aluminium 40 45 48 20 21 22 Ca calcium Sc scandium 85.5 88 89 37 38 39 Rb rubidium Sr strontium Y yttrium Ti titanium 51 23 V vanadium 32 S fluorine 35.5 Cl 10Se Br Ge As Sn Sb Te I minut Pb Bi Po At es Fl Lv silicon 15 16 phosphorous sulfur Ne 10 17 neon 40 Ar 18 chlorine argon 63 65 70 73 75 79 80 84 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Cr chromium Mn Fe manganese Co iron Ni cobalt nickel Cu Zn Ga copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine Kr krypton 91 93 96 98 101 103 106.5 108 112.5 115 119 122 128 127 131 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 molybdenum technetium Zr zirconium Nb Mo niobium Tc Ru Rh ruthenium rhodium 184 186 190 192 55 56 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 lutetium P oxygen F 9 59 181 barium 31 O 59 178.5 caesium nitrogen 8 20 56 175 Lu N 19 55 137 Ba Si 7 16 52 133 Cs C 14 Hf hafnium Ta tantalum W tungsten Re Os rhenium osmium Ir iridium Pd Ag palladium silver Cd cadmium In indium tin antimony tellurium Xe iodine xenon 195 197 201 204 207 209 209 210 222 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Pt Au platinum gold Hg mercury Tl thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine Rn radon 223 226 260 261 262 263 264 265 268 281 281 285 286 289 288 293 294 294 87 88 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 darmstadtium roentgenium Fr francium Ra radium Lr lawrencium Rf rutherfordium Db dubnium Sg seaborgium Bh bohrium Hs hassium Mt meitnerium Ds Rg Cn Uut copernicium ununtrium Flerovium Uup ununpentium livermorium Uus Uuo ununseptium ununoctium Periodic Table of Elements Groups 1 1 2 3 Li 3 Periods lithium 2 9 Be atomic number helium H element symbol 1 11 element name hydrogen 4 5 B boron beryllium 12 6 C carbon 14 7 28 31 11 12 13 14 15 Na Mg 19 K potassium Al magnesium aluminium 45 48 20 21 22 Ca calcium Sc scandium 85.5 88 89 37 38 39 Rb rubidium Sr strontium Ti titanium Y 23 V vanadium 16 phosphorous S sulfur fluorine 35.5 40 17 18 Cl 63 65 70 73 75 79 80 84 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Cr chromium Mn Fe manganese Co iron Ni cobalt nickel Cu Zn Ga Ge As copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic Se selenium Br 103 106.5 108 112.5 115 119 122 128 127 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 molybdenum technetium Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh ruthenium rhodium 184 186 190 192 55 56 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 hafnium tantalum W tungsten Re Os rhenium osmium Ir iridium Pd Ag palladium silver Cd cadmium In Sn Sb indium tin antimony Te Kr bromine 101 Ta argon 59 98 Hf Ar chlorine 96 niobium neon 59 181 lutetium 32 Ne 10 56 178.5 barium oxygen F 9 20 55 175 caesium O 93 zirconium Lu 8 19 52 137 Ba silicon P 16 91 Zr yttrium 51 133 Cs Si N nitrogen 27 40 8 He 24 39 7 44 23 sodium 6 2 relative atomic mass hydrogen 7 5 Key H 1 4 tellurium I krypton 131 Xe 54 iodine xenon 195 197 201 204 207 209 209 210 222 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Pt Au platinum gold Hg mercury Tl Pb thallium lead Bi bismuth Po polonium At Rn astatine radon 223 226 260 261 262 263 264 265 268 281 281 285 286 289 288 293 Uup Lv 294 294 87 88 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 darmstadtium roentgenium Fr francium Ra radium Lr Rf lawrencium rutherfordium Db dubnium Sg seaborgium Bh bohrium Hs hassium hydrogen alkali earth metals alkali metals transition metals Mt meitnerium Ds Rg non metals Cn Uut copernicium ununtrium Fl Flerovium ununpentium livermorium Uus Uuo ununseptium ununoctium halogens noble gases http://www.online-stopwatch.com/large-stopwatch/ Using the information in the textbooks if necessary Chemistry for you chapter 3 1. Atomic number is .......................................................... It is also known as the ............ number. 4 2. Mass number is .............................................................. minut It is also known as the ............ number. es 3. Relative atomic mass (RAM) is the m___ m___ of an a____ r_______ .................................................... Hand your work to the pupil next to you and mark each others work. 1 mark for each tick (words in bold) 1. Atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. ....................................................................... proton It is also known as the ............ number. 2. Mass number the is total number of protons and neutrons in the ........................................................................... nucleus of an atom. ............................. nucleon It is also known as the ............ number. 3. Relative atomic mass (RAM) is the m___ m___ ean ass of an a____ r_______ to 1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon 12. tom elative ............................................................. P 10/10 A Electron energy levels (Shells) For neutrally charged atoms number of electrons = number of protons Electrons fill the lower energy levels first (inner shells) The number of electrons that can fit in each shell is fixed. 2 for the first shell 8 for the second shell 8 for the third shell (18 for the 4th shell) Electron energy levels (Shells) Example: Lithium Lithium has an atomic number of 3. -this means it has 3 protons. -this means the atom has 3 electrons. Electron energy levels (Shells) +3 We put +3 in the nucleus to represent the 3 positive charges from the protons. Electron energy levels (Shells) lithium atom We put +3 in the nucleus to represent the 3 positive charges from the protons. +3 We then add ‘electrons’ (these can be X of O). - 2 in the first shell. - 1 in the second shell. Electron energy levels (Shells) lithium atom Check The number of X’s must equal the number in the middle. Li We can also just put the element symbol in the nucleus. (we do not draw the empty shells) TASK: Draw the electron arrangement for sodium in your books 3 minut es Using your atom whiteboards: Draw the electron arrangement for oxygen. 16 O 8 oxygen Using your atom whiteboards: oxygen atom Draw the electron arrangement for oxygen. +8 16 O 8 oxygen Using your atom whiteboards: Draw the electron arrangement for hydrogen. Using your atom whiteboards: hydrogen atom Draw the electron arrangement for hydrogen. +1 Using your atom whiteboards: Draw the electron arrangement for neon. Using your atom whiteboards: neon atom Draw the electron arrangement for neon. +8 Using your atom whiteboards: Draw the electron arrangement for calcium. Using your atom whiteboards: calcium atom Draw the electron arrangement for calcium. +20 TASK: Draw the electron arrangement for potassium in your books 3 minut es Q1-7 Mini Quiz: 10 minute s 1. What charge does a neutron have? (1) 2. What is the mass of an electron? (1) 3. What does relative atomic mass mean? (1) 4. What is another name for proton number? (1) 5. How many electrons can fit in the lowest energy level? (1) 6. Complete the table (3) Element Electrons in 1st shell Electrons in 2nd shell Electrons in 3rd shell Electrons in 4th shell Group in periodic table hydrogen 1 0 0 0 1 lithium 2 1 2 0 sodium magnesium neon sulfur calcium 8 8 0 2 2 7. What is the connection between the number of outer electrons and the group? (2) Mini Quiz: 1. A neutron has a charge of 0. 2. An electron has a negligible mass (1/1840). 3. Relative atomic mass is the mass of an atom relative to the mass of an atom of carbon 12. 4. Atomic number is another name for proton number. 5. 2 electrons can fit in the lowest energy level (shell). Each correct row is worth 1/2 mark 6. Complete the table (3) Element Electrons in 1st shell Electrons in 2nd shell Electrons in 3rd shell Electrons in 4th shell Group in periodic table hydrogen 1 0 0 0 1 lithium 2 1 sodium 2 2 8 8 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 2 8 8 0 6 calcium 2 8 0 6 2 0 sulfur 2 2 2 2 magnesium neon 8 7. What is the connection between the number of outer electrons and the group? (2) The number of outer electrons determines the group, 7 electrons in the outer shell would put the atom in group 7. Atoms in the same group behave similarly. 10/10 SA