English Vocabulary List: Definitions & Examples

Rampant (adj.): Widespread, going unchecked, increasing of something bad
getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way.
Inane (adj.): lacking sense, extremely silly, significance, foolish.‫ سخيف‬,‫تافه‬
Ethics (n.): a system of moral principles, rules.
Concur (v.): agree.
Clandestine (adj.): secret.
Flagrant (adj.) :(of bad action) shocking because of being so obvious ,
outrageous, glaringly bad.
Admonish (v.): to warn, to caution, advise, or counsel against something.
Duress (n.): compulsion by threat or force
Culprit (n.): a person guilty of responsible for fault, guilty person.
Inexorable (adj.): unyielding, unalterable, inflexible, and unrelenting.‫صارم‬
Egregious (adj.): extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable
Distraught (adj.): worried, confused, distracted; deeply agitated
Duplicity (n.): deceitfulness, double dealing, cunning, trickery
Acrimonious (adj.): caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature, speech, behavior, ‫الذع‬
Paucity (n.): smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness
Elicit (v.): to draw or bring out ‫يستدع‬
Pernicious (adj.): causing insidious harm or ruin, highly injurious or destructive
Tolerate (v.): to put up with, bear
Construe (v.): to deduce by inference or interpretation; infer ‫يفرس‬
Impunity (n.): exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment ‫افلت من‬