TV Commercial Rubric Group member(s) Product Date 3 2 1 The commercial is somewhat creative and effective and/or the presentation is adequate. The commercial shows little creativity or effectiveness and/or is not well presented. Creativity and presentation The commercial is creative & effectively written & is presented well. Persuasiv e technique s used The commercial is very persuasive & effectively uses at least 4-5 techniques to convince the audience to buy the product. The commercial makes good use of visual aids, set design &/or props. The commercial is persuasive & uses at least 2-3 techniques convince the audience to buy the product. The commercial is somewhat persuasive & uses only 1 technique to attempt to convince the audience to buy the product. The commercial includes visual aids or props, but they do not significantly contribute to the commercial and/or they are not well done. The commercial does not include any visual aids or props. Enunciation/ diction Speakers/voice overs enunciation/diction is very clear & accurate Speakers/voice overs enunciation/ diction is clear. Speakers/voice overs enunciation/ diction is not always easy to hear &/or understand. Within time frame (30 seconds) The commercial is presented within the time frame. The commercial is presented slightly outside the time frame. The commercial is presented significantly outside the time frame. Visual aids (props) Total Points: Comments: