1. Grading Rubric GCOM 123 (Individual Graded) Informational Group Presentation Excellent (A) Strong extemporaneous start, with appropriate attention getter, includes relevance, audience analysis, credibility, prepares audience for thesis, then strong clear thesis that contains main points, and if needed, a preview. For a group, usually at least 3 min or so, or if presenting individually, 1 minute or more Organization/Body Uses transitions, Clearly defined main points, parallel to thesis, cites sources in appropriate places and correctly, logical reasoning patterns apparent, speech/argument patterns used. Well researched material. Introduction For both Group And individual Satisfactory with room for improvement (B, C) Attention getter heard, audience analysis/relevance touched on, clear thesis containing main points or preview. 2-3 min (group) 45 seconds to 1 minute long (individual). Unsatisfactory (D) Failing (F) Abrupt start, reading, brief mention of audience analysis or raising of hands, unclear, broad or understated thesis, lacks eye contact and connection with audience, makes claims without support, no preview, or clear pattern in thesis. Less than 2 min (group) Less than 45 seconds (individual). Reading. Low energy. No connection with audience. No audience analysis shown, lacks clarity, lacks effort, no preview or clear pattern in thesis. Less than 1 min (group) Less than 30 seconds (individual). Easily identifiable main points. Uses transitions most of the time. Links support to credible sources, cites sources in appropriate places and correctly, follows speech pattern/argument. Mostly extemporaneous delivery. Want more eye contact. Difficult to identify points. Points not parallel to thesis. Lacking transitions, and citation. Some mechanical or choppy delivery. Need more eye contact. Low energy or volume. Sources cited but incorrectly, citation needed for some claims. Reading. Only some explanations conversational, low energy, need more eye contact, difficult to hear, or understand, main points brief or broad, not parallel to thesis. Not supported well, need more citation. Conclusion Delivery Time Extemporaneous delivery Clear transition to conclusion. Provides a review, and restates thesis, and includes a memorable and timely finish. Maintains extemporaneous delivery Extemporaneous. Vibrant energy, great posture, confident air, connected with audience entire speech, tons of eye contact, smiles appropriately, and interacts facially with audience. Planned conversation organized in a recognizable organization pattern, smooth pattern of speech, with regular intonation and pauses. Finishes speech very close to designated time. Clearly transitions to conclusion, brief review and restate thesis, mostly extemporaneous delivery, timely finish. Rushed short conclusion, very brief thesis restatement, misses time mark. Short (one or two sentence) conclusion or none. Misses time mark. Mostly conversational, no overtly nervous movement or energy, connects with audience most of the time, lots of eye contact and facial expressions, mostly fluid rate of speech with regular intonations and pauses, little to no reading or reporting meter, good energy, smiles at audience some. Choppy or mechanical rate of speech or reading some and explaining what was read, intermittent eye contact, medium to low energy and volume, nervous movement or poor posture (stiff, slouched, leaning, rocking) Few if any facial expressions, no connection with audience. Reading. Mechanical or memorized delivery. Little to no eye contact. Few if any facial expressions. Low energy. No connection with audience. Finishes speech in appropriate timely fashion. (within grace period) Misses the time mark, goes long or short. Misses the time mark, goes long or short. Sometimes finishes timely because of reading speech. Visual Aids Energy Follows the PP guidelines. Has creative and appropriate visuals that will enhance the message, and creates information hunger for the audience. Captured the audience attention and held it to the end. Follows the PP guidelines. Visuals enhance the message. Breaks some PP guidelines rules, some screens heavy, some pics detract from message. Uses no PP. Has no visuals. Kept the audience with the speech until the end. Displayed bursts of energy here and there that brought the audience back. Lost the audience entirely.