ANSWER KEY Nuclear Decay The following atoms all undergo alpha particle emission. Write the complete nuclear equation. 210 84 238 92 238 90 222 86 Po → alpha particle + Pb-206 → alpha particle + Th-234 Th → alpha particle + Ra-234 Rn → alpha particle + Po-218 U The following atoms all undergo beta decay. Write the complete nuclear equation. 14 6 90 38 40 19 C → beta particle (e-) + N-14 Sr → beta particle (e-) + Y-90 K → beta particle (e-) + Ca-40 13 N → beta particle (e-) + O-13 7 The following all undergo electron capture. Write the complete nuclear equation. 106 47 116 50 190 78 123 53 Ag + electron (e-) → Pd-106 Sn + electron (e-) → In-116 Pt + electron (e-) → Ir-190 I + electron (e-) → Te-123 ANSWER KEY The following all undergo positron emission. Write the complete nuclear equation. 116 50 61 29 30 16 85 38 Sn → positron (e+) + In-116 Cu → positron (e+) + Ni-61 S → positron (e+) + P-30 Sr → positron (e+) + Rb-85 Complete the missing information in the reactions. Then, label the reaction one of the following: Alpha Decay Electron Capture Beta Decay Positron Emission C-6 → 238 92 15 8 15 7 N + 234 U → O → 32 14 90 15 7 47 Type: beta decay e N + positron (e+) 0 1 244 Pu → 0 1 4 2 e + 40 20 Type: alpha decay Type: positron decay Type: beta decay e Ag + electron (e-) → Sc-40 → 94 1 Th + alpha particle P → S-32 + 105 0 Ca He + U-244 105 46 Pd Type: electron capture Type: positron decay Type: alpha decay