IGCSE Writer's Effects Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan by Anupama Bohtan
Session title
Understanding use of Language -Writer’s Effects
3rd Dec ’18- 18th Dec’18
Grade room
Learner group
IGCSE class
11 lessons of 40 minutes
Group size
20 students
Learning aims
The students shall learn to identify words and phrases which contribute to the effect the writer wants to create in a particular
paragraph about a person, place or an event and develop strategies to effectively answer this question in examination
A statement which provides the
scope of the subject and the
overall intent of the course
Learning objectives
What are learners expected to
learn after completing the lesson?
These should be specific and
able to be assessed.
At the end of the lesson students: They will be able to effectively choose and explain the unusual words and phrases used by the
author to enhance their understanding of the person ,place or an event and one of the word choices will be imagery.
All students-They shall be able to identify and explain the effect of some the words and phrases chosen.
Most students: They shall be able to identify and explain the effect of the words chosen and one of them will be imagery
Some students: They shall be able to identify the appropriate words and phrases but will explain the effect of just a few.
How will you make your lesson
For inclusive learning, the lesson will start with an activity–
Lesson plan template
Activity -1-students shall sit in groups of 2-3 ;they shall be given a book ( the books of different genre shall be taken on
loan from the school library) and shall from the blurb of the book choose words and phrases which give them some
information about the book/its main character ;shall share with the class how this understanding of the contextual use of
these vivid words and phrases has encouraged them to read the book.( 2) lesson
Then, the class will be given a sensory details worksheet and a worksheet with simple sentences on it so that they reframe
and rewrite those sentences to make them more interesting by adding sensory details (They may use (words)the ones
they have written in the worksheet or write something entirely new)
Lesson Plan by Anupama Bohtan
Lessons 1
and 2
What are you doing?
Lesson plan template
Divide the class into the groups of 2-3
Showing them the covers of the book;
reading out some and asking them what
is the information they get from the
reading of the blurb?
How do they reach such a conclusion
/understanding about the book?
Which particular word or a phrase from
that sentence has helped them to reach
that conclusion.
Ask them how that word has aided them
in forming their opinion about the book
and if replaced by some other synonym
will it have the same effect on their
understanding (so that the understand
the difference between the layers of
meaning of a word) .Introduce the word
‘Writer’s effect’.
Ask them to explain the contextual usage
of the words/phrases and what all these
words /phrases are trying to convey
about the book and its main character
(which idea here binds them all together)
Give them the sensory details worksheet
to do in class.
What are your students doing?
In groups, listening intently and
Some of them will pick up the sentences
which help them to make an opinion
about the book.
Students pick up the words/phrases and
read/speak them out to the class
Discuss the appropriateness of the
synonym used and how it is not
producing the same effect as the word
used by the writer-understand the reason
why that particular word or phrase was
chosen by the writer.
Students are able to identify the ‘idea’
which is represented by the
words/phrases -novel/book is a romantic
novel/thriller/mystery/drama and what
the main character(s) is like chivalrous/beautiful/intelligent.
Understand the importance of words in
creating an effect, an impact in the mind
of the reader. Understand the word Writer’s effect
Learning materials and resources
Books from library (mixed collection -about 12)
Worksheets on sensory detailshttp://writingfix.com/PDFs/Process/Fun_with_Se
nsory_details_PreWrite.pdf -
Lesson Plan by Anupama Bohtan
What are you doing?
Lessons 3
and 4
Lessons 5
and 6
Ask students how they can define Writer’s effects.
Teacher picks up the key words and
writes them on the board
Use the presentation to explain the
Writer’s Effects- as the teacher moves
from one slide to the other
Slide 34 has the gist of what ‘Writer’s
effects’ means.
Slides 37-39 -ask students to choose the
vivid verbs vivid
language and explain the reason why
the writer has used such words;how this
vivid description helps the writer create
the tone and the effct on the
understanding of the reader.
The PPT is shared with the students via
managebac and students are asked to
go through it once again
Explain the IRWL technique for the Writer’s
effects ‘ question.
I Inferences(this is where you zoom and explain
the different things the word makes you
think of in the context of the whole passage and
the question).
R Reader (what the word helps the reader to
think, feel or understand in the context of
the passage and the question)
W Writer (what is the writer’s intention? Why has
this word been chosen?)
L Links (Make a link to another word that has
similar associations or is a contrast; link back
to the overview statement you have made).
Remember: I Really Want to make Links
Points to keep in mind Circle words or short phrases in each
paragraph that stand out and have
probably been used for effect or because
Lesson plan template
What are your students doing?
Students answer the question -say the
See the presentation and ask /answer
Students take notes as the presentation
moves forward
From slides 37-39, choose and write the
vivid verbs/adjectives/phrases/figurative
language and explain the reason why
the writer has used such words -how the
usage of these words creates the mood
the writer is trying to create and enhance
their understanding of the text.
Students make a note of this technique
in their notebooks and write down the
basic points to keep in mind when doing
such a question.
Give them a question for Writer’s Effects
from a past paper.
Students plan their response and check
with the answer key if they have followed
the same steps as given in the
Learning materials and resources
Power Point presentation on Writer’s Effects.
Past Paper-Canal Boat
Show the Presentation https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/igcse0522-extended-question-2-writer-s-effect11263579
Lesson Plan by Anupama Bohtan
What are you doing?
What are your students doing?
they are important. You should find at
least 4 per paragraph.
SENTENCES. These are your
quotations (the first E of PEE). Number
 Work out how these words all link
(Sometimes the words may create contrasting
 Your answer can either be two extended
paragraphs, one for each part of the
Senetnce starters –
“...” and “...” which emphasises.....
Emphasise that If they use these sentence
starts, they WILL answer the question.
 Show them the presentation and go step
by step with them as they check their
Lesson 7
Empahsise that the Things to look for are: use of
the five senses; use of contrast; use of colour; use
of noise; links between subject and environment;
surprising, or unusual words; words which create
sound effects; unusual or dramatic punctuation;
imagery (similes and metaphors)
Show them the complete presentation along with the
Lesson plan template
Students complete the task ‘Canal Boat’
given to them in the last lesson.
Compare their answers and mark
Learning materials and resources
Lesson Plan by Anupama Bohtan
What are you doing?
Lesson 8
Give them another task from Past paper
Emphasis the need to plan the answer
before they start writing it -use the IRWL
technique and use the sentence starters
given to them.
Lesson 9
Share the assessed task with them
Discuss their strength and weaknesses.
Give them a home task for Writer’s
effects from their workbook which will be
peer assessed
Lesson 10
Discuss the question.
Ask which student has been given the
highest marks -read out the answer of
that student in the class.
Teacher discusses with the students and
keeps the discussion focussed.
Lesson 11
A summative assessment of the task is
What are your students doing?
Students do the task
Students take notes and ask questions
Students assess one another
Students listen carefully to the answer
and then discuss the reasons why it was
And how it can be made better.
Students give the summative task
Learning materials and resources
Past paper -Text –‘An Unwelcome Appearance’
Past paper is used.
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.
The two activities and the discussions went well.
The students were able to grasp the presentation.
They were able to do the home assignment for the topic quite well. Students realise that an overview or an introductory statement is important as it binds
the complete answer. Peer assessment is quite useful as it helps students get a better overview of the way the mark scheme and the key is used.
The result of the Formal assessment howsoever was not so encouraging as students were unable to do it well -majority was getting just 50%
marks and only 20% class scored a high score of 80% and above.
The students who had learning disability found it quite challenging even though they were able to identify the words and phrases ,they were not
able to explain the effect well enough.
I feel I need more activity based teaching for the ‘inclusive students’ but in which they work independently so that they do not rely on support of
their peers.
Students need more practise and should relate their understanding of the concept and topic of the writer’s effect to the content in literature that
they are reading.
Lesson plan template
Lesson Plan by Anupama Bohtan
I as a teacher need to give the students more past papers and share the examiner’s reports with them.
Lesson plan template
Study collections