Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Presentation © 2013 General Motors Indonesia Presentation 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Overview The climate control system regulates the temperature inside the vehicle cabin. The climate control system also removes humidity from air in the passenger compartment. All vehicles use a manually operated single zone Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. The HVAC system combines advanced features, such as air filtration, with efficient operation and purposeful design. The HVAC system increases driver comfort by adjusting the climate inside the vehicle, and removing dust and pollen particles from the vehicle’s interior air. By increasing driver comfort, driver alertness also increases, and driver attention can be fully focused on the vehicle operating environment. Additionally, some drivers have a lower tolerance to dust and pollen than others; minimizing the presence of potential respiratory irritants can also increase driver comfort and alertness. HVAC Module Refrigerant System Vehicles with Air Conditioning (A/C) use R-134a refrigerant and a fixed displacement, beltdriven cycling clutch compressor. The compressor is a piston-type, Delphi model CSP-17. In addition to the compressor, the refrigerant system includes the refrigerant hoses, condenser, receiver / dehydrator, thermostatic expansion valve, and evaporator. © 2013 General Motors Indonesia 4-1 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update Presentation Air Conditioning Compressor and Hoses Within the refrigerant system, refrigerant flows from the compressor to the condenser, where it is cooled by a thermostatically controlled electric cooling fan. Refrigerant exiting the condenser flows through the receiver / dehydrator. Condenser, Radiator, and Coolant Fan Module The receiver / dehydrator mounts directly to the condenser and contains a refrigerant filter. Replacing the refrigerant filter involves recovering the refrigerant from the vehicle, removing the condenser, and removing the plug from the bottom of the receiver / dehydrator. Once the plug is removed, the filter can be removed from the receiver / dehydrator. To install a new filter, reverse the removal procedure. 4-2 © 2013 General Motors Indonesia Presentation 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update Refrigerant Filter and Condenser Refrigerant flows from the receiver / dehydrator to the thermostatic expansion valve located at the evaporator inlet, which regulates the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator. As the refrigerant flows through the evaporator, it absorbs heat from the passenger compartment. As the refrigerant absorbs heat, it vaporizes. Refrigerant vapor travels to the compressor inlet, where the cycle begins again. Application Specification Metric English 70 ml 2.5 oz Condenser Replacement 30-40 ml 1.0-1.4 oz Evaporator Replacement 30-40 ml 1.0-1.4 oz Total System PAG Oil Capacity 110 ml 3.7 oz R134a Refrigerant Charge 500 g 17.6 oz PAG Oil Compressor Replacement: The service compressor for 2013 Chevrolet Cobalt / PM7 is precharged with PAG oil. Refrigerant and Lubrication Capacities Compressor Control To operate the A/C system, the driver presses the A/C button on the HVAC control head. The HVAC control head sends an A/C request signal to the Body Control Module (BCM). © 2013 General Motors Indonesia 4-3 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update Presentation 1 2 4 3 1. Body Control Module 2. HVAC Control Module 3. Evaporator Temperature Sensor 4. HVAC Air Inlet Motor A/C Compressor Control Schematic The BCM delivers the “A/C On” request to the Engine Control Module (ECM). Upon receiving the “A/C On” request, the ECM monitors the refrigerant pressure sensor, Throttle Position Sensor (TPS), Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor, and engine speed. If all operating criteria are within preset limits, the ECM engages the compressor clutch by providing ground to the A/C clutch relay. The ECM cycles the compressor on and off based upon the refrigerant pressure sensor readings. Refrigerant Pressure Sensor With the A/C system running, the HVAC control head uses the evaporator temperature sensor to monitor the evaporator temperature. If the HVAC control head detects that the evaporator 4-4 © 2013 General Motors Indonesia Presentation 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update temperature is less than 3° Celsius (38° Fahrenheit), the control head disables the A/C clutch to prevent the evaporator from freezing. Evaporator Temperature Sensor Passenger Compartment Air Filter Some vehicles have a passenger compartment air filter that cleans air entering the passenger cabin. The filter removes pollen and dust. The filter should be replaced as part of routine scheduled maintenance. To replace the filter, remove the instrument panel storage compartment (glove box) and remove the filter service lid by depressing the lid retainers. With the service lid removed, slide the filter straight back. Reverse the removal procedure to install a new filter. Service Lid and Passenger Compartment Air Filter Air Distribution All vehicles are equipped with a manual HVAC system. To adjust the temperature or airflow settings, the driver uses the control knobs and switches on the HVAC control head. © 2013 General Motors Indonesia 4-5 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update Presentation HVAC Control Head Blower Operation The driver can control the blower speed by setting the blower switch to any of five positions, including OFF. The blower switch and blower resistor are located on the ground side of the blower motor electrical circuit. The blower resistor block contains three fixed resistors. Depending on the blower switch setting, blower motor electrical current will travel through one, two, or all three resistors. In the high blower speed setting, B+ current bypasses the resistors and travels directly to the blower motor. In the OFF position, no current passes through the blower motor circuit. 4-6 © 2013 General Motors Indonesia Presentation 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update 1 2 1. HVAC Control 2. Resistor Blower Control Schematic Temperature Control A pull-pull cable system accomplishes all temperature blend door adjustments. The pull-pull cable system uses two cables that run between the temperature control knob and the temperature control cam gear. When the driver turns the temperature knob, the knob pulls on one of the cables, which pulls on the temperature cam gear, causing the gear to rotate. As the cam rotates, it moves a lever attached to the temperature door, causing the temperature door to move within the HVAC case. © 2013 General Motors Indonesia 4-7 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update Presentation Temperature Door Control The position of the temperature door directs air through or around the heater core. The amount of air passing through the heater core determines the temperature of the air coming out of the vents. When the driver turns the temperature knob in the opposite direction, it pulls on the other cable, causing the door to reverse direction. Temperature Door Mode Control The HVAC system contains three mode doors that direct air to various vents. The vehicle has five air delivery modes: vent, bi-level, floor, defog, and defrost. 4-8 © 2013 General Motors Indonesia Presentation 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update Like the temperature control, a pull-pull cable system controls mode door position. Turning the mode knob on the HVAC control head changes the mode setting. The mode knob pulls on one of the cables attached to a mode cam gear, causing the gear to rotate. As the cam rotates, it moves a lever attached to one of the mode doors, causing the door to move within the HVAC case. At the same time, the gear portion of the cam / gear drives a second set of cam / gears that controls the position of the other mode door. Turning the mode knob in the opposite direction pulls the other cable, causing the doors to reverse direction. Mode Door Cam Recirculation Mode The recirculation mode door can be positioned to allow outside air into the HVAC case, or to allow air from inside the vehicle to be recirculated through the HVAC system. The recirculation door is controlled by a two-wire electronic actuator mounted to the HVAC case and a push-button switch on the HVAC control head. When the driver presses the recirculation button the HVAC control head supplies battery voltage and ground to the recirculation actuator. The recirculation door moves from its current position to the requested position. Pressing the recirculation button a second time causes the HVAC control head to reverse actuator circuit polarity and move the door back. When the door is in the recirculation position, an indicator on the button illuminates. Recirculation Switch © 2013 General Motors Indonesia 4-9 2013 Chevrolet SPIN Model Year Update Presentation Rear Window Defogger In all vehicles the rear window defogger activates by depressing a switch in the center of the blower control knob located on the HVAC control head which triggers the BCM to turn on this defogger and supply power to the rear defogger relay to heat the window glass. Rear Window Defogger Switch 4-10 © 2013 General Motors Indonesia