industrialrevRectangle work contract

Names of Management:
Current Contract
1. Employees shall
work a minimum of
60 hours per week
(10 hrs/day, 6
2. Employer reserves
the right to
schedule all
employees more
than 60 hours each
week if necessary.
3. The work day shall
start at 7 a.m. and
end at 5 p.m. (10
4. If an employee
must work past 5
p.m. to finish the
product due to
his/her negligence,
said employee shall
not be paid for that
5. The employee will
be allowed one ten
minute break in the
morning, one ten
minute break in the
evening, and a half
hour lunch period.
Names of Union Negotiators:
Union Proposal Management
Negotiated Terms
Names of Management:
Current Contract
6. If an employee fails
to report to work
on time, his/her pay
will be docked for a
day’s wages.
7. If an employee does
no report to work,
he/she may be fired
or be docked one
week’s pay.
8. If an employee gets
hurt on the job, all
medical expenses
shall be paid by
9. All employees must
meet the day’s
quota or receive no
10.Supervisors reserve
the right to reject a
product if quality is
low. Employees
may not question
Names of Union Negotiators:
Union Proposal Management
Negotiated Terms
Names of Management:
Current Contract
11. Supervisors reserve
the right to remove
any employee from
the premises. If
necessary, for any
12.Rectangle Shirtwaist
Co. will not provide
overtime pay for
hours worked over
the minimum of 60
13.Rectangle Shirtwaist
Co. will not provide
health insurance.
14.Rectangle Shirtwaist
Co. will not pay for
vacation time and
will only allow such
time on a case by
case basis.
15. Rectangle
Shirtwaist Co. has
the right to lower
wages of all or any
employees if
necessary to stay
Names of Union Negotiators:
Union Proposal Management
Negotiated Terms
Names of Management:
Current Contract
16. All employees must
refrain from
unnecessary talking
during working
17. All employees must
refrain from sitting,
slouching, or
leaning on their
work stations.
18. All employees must
refrain from moving
away from their
work station
without permission.
19. Rectangle
Shirtwaist Co.
reserves the right to
block employees
from eating lunch
outside the
20. Employees of
Rectangle Shirtwaist
Co. are financially
responsible for
wasted or ruined
material. Paycheck
will be docked.
Names of Union Negotiators:
Union Proposal Management
Negotiated Terms