5E Integrated STEM Lesson Plan Rubric Topic, Grade Level, Time Standards 4 Topic and time are appropriate for the grade level selected and for the subject area integration. The appropriate CCSS and NGSS standards are addressed and well aligned to the objectives and assessments. All standards are written out. The lesson utilizes an excellent engaging context to ‘hook’ students in a meaningful application of concepts. The engaging context is appropriate for the subject area integration and grade level. 3 Topic and time are appropriate for the grade level selected and for integration. Justification Clearly explains the subjects integrated and how integration enhances students' understanding in each subject. Substantiates how practices will be developed in both subjects. Justifies why the integration is logical. The appropriate CCSS and NGSS standards are addressed and aligned to the objectives and assessments. Standards are written out. The lesson utilizes an engaging context to ‘hook’ students in a meaningful application of concepts. The engaging context is appropriate for the subject area integration and grade level and is from a reputable source. Describes the subjects integrated and how integrating subjects will enhance students' understanding in each subjects. Indicates how practices will be developed in both subjects. Tells why the integration is logical for this unit. Measurable Objectives Objectives are clearly written and measurable, and are targeted at diverse levels of the Depths of Knowledge (Webb). Objectives are well aligned to the CCSS and NGSS standards. Objectives are clearly written but may not be targeted at diverse levels of Depths of Knowledge (Webb). Objectives are aligned to the CCSS and NGSS standards. Lesson Procedure Procedures are extremely clear, well organized, appropriate for the grade level, and ready to use by other educators. Lesson is written in the 5E inquiry format (BSCS) with activities that meet the guidelines for each “E” Procedures are clear, organized, appropriate for the grade level, and ready to use by other educators. The 5E model is organized with good use of each “E” to accomplish lesson objectives. Engaging Contexts 2 One component missing or components are inappropriate. Standards are incomplete or do not align to the objectives and assessments. 1 Two or more components missing. Engaging context is not appropriate or significantly lacks connection to the content. Engaging context is missing. Description of the integration lacks depth or is cursory, without connections between subject areas. Provides weak rationale for integration. Provides inadequate rationale for integration or justification is missing all together. Objectives lack clarity and/or are not measureable. Objectives may not target Depths of Knowledge (Webb). Objectives lack alignment to CCSS and NGSS standards. Modifications in clarity or organization would be necessary to use the procedure provided. 5E format may be used incorrectly or not at all. Objectives are extremely poor, not connected to learning goals for the lesson or are missing entirely. Objectives are not aligned to CCSS and NGSS standards. CCSS and NGSS standards for all subject areas addressed are not included. Procedure is extremely disorganized or is not written in a way that is replicable by another teacher. Assessment/Rubric Assessments are appropriate to determine students’ mastery of objectives and activities for the lesson. Lesson describes appropriate use of formative assessments as an instructional tool to guide the lesson. Summative assessments are creative and well aligned to measureable objectives and standards. All student worksheets, rubrics, materials lists, handout, images, videos, website URL’s, etc necessary to implement the lesson are provided. Assessment is aligned with objectives and activities but may not sufficiently assess students’ mastery. Formative assessments are used but may not serve as an instructional tool. Assessments may lack connection to measureable objectives. More detail on use of formative assessment please 1-2 items may be missing. Written Convention Clearly written with impeccable grammar and no spelling errors. Well written with few grammatical/ spelling errors. Submission Lesson plan is submitted in the Dropbox and the Discussion Board as requested by instructors, following file naming convention. Lesson Materials Assessments does not adequately align with objectives and activities; and/or formative assessment is not used in the lesson. No assessments provided/assessments unsatisfactory. A significant number of items are missing, such that the lesson could not be implemented by another teacher. Some issues with clarity and/or grammar and spelling. Lesson cannot be implemented by another teacher as presented due to lack of materials/resources. Grammar/ spelling errors detract from the content and/or writing is unclear to the reader. Lesson Plan is not properly submitted. Total Points Earned (max 40): ______ Notes: