Name: ___________________________ U.S. History Interim 2 Study Guide Key People to Know: James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson John Marshall Henry Clay John O’Sullivan Elizabeth Cady Stanton William Lloyd Garrison John Brown Horace Mann Susan B. Anthony Harriet Tubman Sojourner Truth Charles Grandison Finney Key Terms: Spoils System Precedent Judicial Review Nationalism Sectionalism Nativism or Nativist Feelings Tariff Cotton Gin Industrialization Urbanization Manifest Destiny Reform Suffrage Temperance Movement Immigrant Slave Indentured Servant Abolitionist ALL CORE DEMOCRATIVE VALUES (Poster in classroom) Supreme Court Rulings: (Cause & Effect) (Increase or Decrease powers of the Federal Government?) McCulloch v. Maryland Gibbons v. Ogden Marbury v. Madison Worcester v. Georgia Treaties, Agreements & Acts: (Cause & Effect) Missouri Compromise Louisiana Purchase Monroe Doctrine Transcontinental Treaty (Adams-Onis Treaty) Indian Removal Act Pinckney’s Treaty of 1795 Nullification Act 1832 Major Events: (Who, What, Where, When, Cause, and Effects) “Era of Good Feelings” – James Monroe Washington’s Farewell Address: What 3 things did he warn us about? War of 1812 Industrial Revolution (How did it change the U.S. Economy? Where did it happen? Who worked?) Agricultural Revolution (Cotton Gin/Slave Labor) (How did it change the U.S. Economy? Where did it happen? Who worked?) Erie Canal (What sections of the U.S. did it connect?) The closing of the 2nd Bank of the United States Panic of 1837 Mexican-American War The Alamo Annexation of Texas California Gold Rush How did Jackson increase the power of the Executive Branch? Raid at Harpers Ferry, VA Main goals of the Temperance Movement Political Parties: (Ideals) (In what section of the U.S. did most live: N, S, or W) Democratic Republicans National Republicans Whigs Federalist Anti- Federalist