Letter of Undertaking Template.RCN-D14^23116776

Perpetua Fernandes
Senior Buyer
QF Strategic Sourcing
Tel +974 44540922
Fax +974 4454 8492
PO Box 5825 Doha, Qatar
RFP Title: Artwork Physical Count of Inventory Collection at MATHAF
Ref: QF/2018/RFP/2048
Dear Perpetua Fernandes,
With reference to your mail dated 30th January 2019 requesting for an undertaking in writing
for the subject RFP Ref Title: Artwork Physical Count of Inventory Collection at MATHAF
(QF/2018/RFP/2048), GWC hereby undertakes to inform Qatar Foundation that the storage
and handling of Mathaf Artworks is executed by our GWC Fine Arts team/dept. under the
Qatar Museum Authority’s existing agreement with GWC Fine arts for storage of Mathaf
artworks and the subject RFP Scope of physical verification of the artwork inventory shall be
executed by our GWC’s Records & Asset Management team/dept on the award of this
project. Please note that these two depts. are independent of each other and they both
come under different dept. heads. The asset verification team do not have access to the
artwork storage facility since it is a highly secured area; similarly, the asset inventory
verification done by GWC’s asset management/inventory team will be directly reporting to
Qatar Foundation and not to the Qatar Museum Authority’s storage team. Therefore, I
herewith declare that there will be no conflict of any nature that may arise in between the two
depts. during the implementation of this two different scope of work. Qatar Foundation can
be rest assured that their requirements will be met in a smooth and timely manner.
Yours sincerely,
Sunil Kambrath
Senior Director- Contract Logistics & Records & Asset Management