CH3104 Biochemical Engineering Asst Prof TAN Meng How N1.2-B2-33 1 Course Administration • Lectures: Fri 11.30am-1.30pm (CBE-LT) • Tutorials: Tues 1.30-2.30pm (CBE-SR3) or Tues 2.30-3.30pm (CBE-SR3) or Tues 3.30-4.30pm (CBE-SR3) or Fri 10.30-11.30am (CBE-SR3) • Textbook: Michael L. Shuler and Fikret Kargi, Bioprocess Engineering – Basic Concepts, Pearson • Grading scheme: Quiz 1 (20%) Quiz 2 (20%) Final Exam (60%) 2 Syllabus (Weeks 1-7) • Introduction to biochemical engineering • Biology review (molecular biology, cell biology, and metabolism) • Gene regulation • Alteration of cellular information and cloning methods • Genome engineering • Systems biology • Synthetic biology • Genetically engineered organisms 3 Lecture 1 – An Introduction to Biochemical Engineering 4 What is biochemical engineering? Biochemical engineering is a process that uses living cells (such as microorganisms) or biomolecules (such as enzymes) to carry out a chemical transformation leading to the production and ultimate recovery of valuable products. 5 A History of “Biochemical Engineering” Ancient Uses of Microorganisms (Before 1800 A.D.) • • • • • • • • Caveman to Earliest Recorded History --- aging of meats, cheeses, and alcoholic beverages. Ancient Chinese and Japanese -- soy sauce from fermented beans. Ancient Egyptians (2500 B.C.) -- malting of barley and beer fermentation. Mesopotamian tablet records brewing of wine and beer is established professions in 2000 B.C. Columbus lands in North America to find the native people drink beer made from corn. Chinese use moldy soy bean curd to clear up skin infections (1000 B.C.) Central American native peoples use fungi to treat infected wounds. Middle Ages experimenters learn how to improve the taste of wine, bread, beer, and cheese. In the early years, mankind did not know that these fermentation processes were 6 being carried out by microscopic forms of life. Getting closer to the truth • In 1680, Antony Leeuwenhoek designed a microscope that was powerful enough to see yeast and bacteria • A description of these organisms, accompanied by diagrams, was sent to the Royal Society of London. • However, he did not consider the spherical forms to be living organisms but compared them with starch granules. 7 A realization in the 1800s Discovery and isolation of microscopic life 1803 -- A French scientist, L.J. Thenard, announced that yeast was the cause of fermentation and it was alive, since it contained nitrogen and yielded ammonia on distillation. Unfortunately, such evidence was not conclusive of life and his findings were rejected by supporters of the conventional notion that fermentations were chemical processes only. 1857 -- Louis Pasteur, another French scientist, proved that Thenard was correct. He showed that the yeast, which produced fermentation, consisted of living organisms capable of growth and multiplication. He further demonstrated that oxygen was not required for fermentation. In addition, Pasteur's research showed that the growth of microorganisms was responsible for spoiling beverages, such as beer, wine and milk. He further invented a process in which liquids such as milk were heated to kill most bacteria and molds already present within them (pasteurization). Pasteur also showed that certain diseases were caused by microorganisms (germ theory). The work of Pasteur laid the foundation for modern microbiology and current-day microbial biotechnology. 8 Rapid development in the 1900s 1901 -- Rudolf Emmerich and Oscar Low, University of Munich, isolated a primitive antibiotic, pyocyanase, from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium. Several hundred patients were successfully treated, but quality control was poor and pyocyanase was abandoned as it was considered to be too hazardous. World War I -- Chaim Weizmann (considered to be the father of industrial fermentation) solved a serious British ammunition problem by using the bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum (the Weizmann organism) to produce acetone, which was used in the manufacture of the explosive cordite. 1923 -- Pfizer opens the first commercial successful plant for citric acid production from sugar. 1928 -- Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin. Today, simple organic molecules such as glycerol, lactic acid, and butanol are produced on an industrial scale by fermentations. 9 CASE STUDY: Discovery and development of penicillin: How biologists and engineers work together A chance discovery Alexander Fleming's 1928 photo of the plate with Staphylococcus bacteria and Penicillin mold Contaminant Minimal growth around contaminant (Why?) Intended bacteria Chance favours the prepared mind! CASE STUDY: Discovery and development of penicillin: How biologists and engineers work together • Fleming noticed “spoiled” experiment — an antimicrobial agent was at work • WW II — there is a need for huge amounts of antibiotics like penicillin, but how do we produce them in large quantifies? • Formidable problems to fermentation: – media (“food”) that is conducive for growth – new tank design that guards against entry of undesirable microbes – large volumes of sterile air required – separation process for a fragile and unstable product • No one person had all the necessary skills. Multidisciplinary teams required. - Biologists: experiments, manipulations of living microorganisms, understanding of cellular processes - Engineers: operation of fermentation tanks, theoretical calculations Result: increased penicillin concentration (up from 0.001g/L to over 50g/L today) 12 The story of penicillin 15+ years Discovered by Alexander Fleming 1928 Fermentation route was chosen Chemical synthesis proved to be too difficult Full scale production 1940’s Efforts to increase production •cell line selection •medium optimization •process development Era of Molecular Biology (Late 1970s - Present) 1973 Herbert Boyer (University of California, San Francisco) and Stanley Cohen (Stanford University) establish recombinant DNA technology The discovery of recombinant DNA technology and the birth of genetic engineering allows for the efficient production of compounds not indigenous to the host microorganism. 14 The importance of recombinant DNA technology is recognized by top biomedical awards Biochemical Engineering as a Discipline Work in a team environment with chemists, biochemists, microbiologists, and chemical engineers. • Steps in the development of a new biochemical process and roles professionals play. 1. Identify a desired reaction or product (chemist, biochemist). 2. Identify key enzyme(s) or microorganism (biochemist, microbiologist). 3. Process development (chemist, biochemist, microbiologist, chemical engineer). 4. Design of bioreactor and recovery unit operations (chemical engineer). 5. Metabolic engineering: application of engineering analysis to metabolic pathways within microorganisms to improve product yields. 16 Typical chemical processing A P B A temperature flow rate A+B P P A B B Reactor Separation Biocatalyst: cells and enzymes 1-5 mm 10-20 mm Cell as a bioreactor A A B C D E P Reactor cell Complex mixture ? Products : Cells Metabolites Enzymes Nucleic acids Other biomolecules Separation (How?) Bioprocesses: advantages • Cells will often perform reactions that are too difficult to do synthetically (e.g. penicillin). • Cells can turn cheap, basic nutrients (for example, agricultural waste) into valuable products. • Enzymes are highly specific catalysts with high catalytic activity that has been optimized/ evolved by Nature over thousands of years. The Challenge It is difficult to efficiently and economically recover a high purity biochemical product from a complex mixture of related and functional molecules, impurities, and contaminants, which often have similar physical and chemical properties. There are usually trade-offs, e.g. between purity and yield. 21 Economics of biochemical engineering 22 Workflow There are multiple choices and decisions to be made. 23 Cell Culture Media Design 1. Nutritional requirements - Carbon source, specific nutrients (e.g. vitamins, minerals, amino acids), elemental requirements 2. Environmental requirements - pH, temperature, oxygen 3. Regulatory constraints - Qualifications of vendors, potential impurities or contaminants, consistency 4. Other constraints - Cost, environmental impact, product inhibition 24 Industry Focus 1: Food & Beverage Industry Focus 1: Food & beverage Fermentation Products • • • • • cheese soy products yoghurt wine, beer bread Enzymes • adjust food flavour • adjust food texture • improve nutritional quality Example: high fructose corn syrup – corn syrup that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert some glucose to fructose to produce a desired sweetness Fermentation • A form of anaerobic respiration occurring in certain microorganisms (eg. yeasts) • Alcoholic fermentation is a series of biochemical reactions by which a simple sugar is converted to ethanol and CO2. Process for wine-making • Wild yeast/ ambient yeast vs cultured yeast - Wild yeast can produce unique flavored wines, but cultured yeast is more easily controlled - Most common cultured yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (within which, there are hundreds of different strains) • Upon addition of yeast: - Intermediates: three-carbon molecules, acetaldehyde - Sometimes a small amount of acetic acid is made (vinegar taint) • Yeast ceases its activity when: (1) All the sugar has been exhausted (2) Concentration has exceed 15% alcohol per unit volume - Exhausted yeast fall to the bottom of the fermentation tank as sediment known as lees. Agricultural Examples • Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST), a hormone that is injected into cows for increasing milk production • Bio-insecticides for crop protection • Phyto-vanillaTM flavor is produced from plant cell culture Industry Focus 2: Textiles Stone washing denim • • Annual sales of jeans > $700 billion Jeans are commonly subjected to stone washing to give the fabric a softer, smoother feel. Indigo dye adheres to denim surface traditional method new method Denim is faded by abrasive action of pumice stones Cellulase enzyme removes some of the dye by partially hydrolyzing the cotton surface • weakens the fabric • new looks • lower costs • shorter treatment times • less solid waste Detergents • Detergent industry is the largest single market for enzymes at 25 - 30% of total sales • Dirt comes in many forms and includes proteins, starches and lipids (fats and oils) • Proteases, amylases, and lipases are enzymes used in detergents • Enzymes allows lower temperatures and less agitation for washing • The enzymes used are all produced using Bacillus bacteria Industry Focus 3: Environment • Cleanup of hazardous waste sites using bacteria that feed on pollutants • Bacteria used for bio-remediation • Wastewater treatment • Biosensors: use biological activity to detect toxic substances Bioremediation is a waste management technique that involves the use of organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants from a contaminated site. According to the EPA, bioremediation is a “treatment that uses naturally occurring organisms to break down hazardous substances into less toxic or non toxic substances”. Technologies can be generally classified as in situ or ex situ. 34 Using engineered bacteria to remove Cadmium from the environment 6His (hexahistidine) is a metal-binding peptide. 35 A whole-cell uranium biosensor A bacterial strain has been engineered to fluoresce in the presence of uranium when it is exposed to UV lamp. 36 Industry Focus 4: Pharmaceuticals 6.5 years Discovery of a promising compound 1 year Preclinical testing in animals Phase I clinical trials in healthy volunteers 3 years 19 months Phase III clinical trials in 1000 to 3000 patients FDA review and approval 2 years Phase II clinical trials in 100 to 300 patients 100-300 patients Drug may be prescribed by physicians The Drug Development and Approval Process -The drug discovery and approval process takes and average of 15 years and costs almost $400 million Products • • • • • Small molecules and metabolites Antibiotics Protein drugs Vaccines Antibodies, monoclonal antibodies (MAb) “Recombinant DNA technology enables bacteria and yeast to produce human proteins such as insulin” What can biochemical engineers do? Case study: Artemisinin production for malaria treatment Production cost decreased by more than 100-fold! (Jay Keasling’s lab at UC Berkeley) 40 Contributions from several organizations 41 Synthetic biology – a new frontier in rational biological engineering 42 iGEM Synthetic Biology Competition • An annual international competition for students interested in the field of synthetic biology • NTU participated in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. Each year, we were awarded a Gold medal for our research. ( ( ( ( • iGEM 2019 will be held from 31 October to 4 November. • Please email me if you are interested! 43