2018-year7 planet project ppt

Name of Planet
Provide a caption for each image.
Ex: This is a compilation image
showing the seasons on Saturn.
The images were taken by the
Hubble Space Telescope from
Earth’s years 1996-2000.
You and Your
Partner’s Names
• Who discovered your planet? When?
How? Where?
• Describe how the planet got its name.
• Place a photo (with a caption) of the planet
symbol and if possible, the discoverer as
Solar System
• Order from the sun.
• Distance from the sun in AU and in km.
• Orbital period (how long is one trip around
the sun?)
• Rotation (length of one day).
• Place an photo on this slide that shows
where your planet is located in relative to
other planets.
Planet Measurements
• Include all measurements from your data
• Insert a photo (with a caption) of your
Composition and Atmosphere
• Describe the core and surface composition
of your planet.
• Describe the composition of the
atmosphere if any. If your planet does not
have an atmosphere, simply state your
planet does not have one.
• Include a photo (with a caption) of the
inside of your planet (found on the
enchantedlearning.com website).
Surface Conditions
• List surface temperatures – coldest,
hottest, average.
• Describe the details about weather found
on your planet. If you are doing Jupiter or
Neptune, this is where you should show
and tell about the large spot.
• How many moons does your planet have?
• List moon names.
• If your planet has no moons, add more
pictures and captions instead.
Put the name of the most
interesting moon here
Tell us about this interesting moon.
Provide several facts.
Include a photo (with a caption).
Again, if your planet does not have moons,
add more photos and captions.
• Provide information about the rings
surrounding your planet.
• Include a photo (with a caption) of the
• If your planet does not have rings, add
more photos and descriptive captions.
Pluto: This is page should be about Dwarf Planets. Include a definition of a
dwarf planet, examples of other dwarf planets, and a picture with a
descriptive caption.
• List satellite names and dates that have
explored your planet.
• Include a photo (with a caption that
describes the mission) of at least one of
the satellites that has visited your planet.
• Add more slides if you need to.
• The completed Research Worksheet is worth
200 points!
• This presentation is worth 800 points.
– 600 for content. Did you complete everything asked
with a high level of effort?
– 250 for great images with excellent captions.
– 50 for style and neatness. Is your presentation
colorful, easy to read, and neat?
– 100 for your presentation. Were you clear, confident,
and knowledgeable about your planet?
– Total: 1,000 points!
• Delete this slide before turning in.
Did you finish early?
• Make your presentation “Over the Top”
– Add more facts
– Add more photos with descriptive captions
– Add animations
– Add an audio narration
– Add supportive graphics
Saving Your Work
• Save the PowerPoint (ppt) in your Science folder
on your computer
• Save your PPT file and any images in that folder
• If you want to work on this at home, you will
need a flash drive.
• Delete this slide before turning in.
Turning in Your Presentation
• When finished, alert Ms. Cameron
• If you have your own flash drive or a recordable
CD, you can take home your presentation files.
• WARNING – No points are awarded if your
presentation gets “accidentally” deleted, does
not save, gets lost, is at home, etc. YOU are
responsible for your files.
• Delete THIS slide before turning in.