CAPSTONE PROJECT FORMAT 1 inch CAPSTONE PROJECT TITLE (BOLDFACE); MUST NOT EXCEED THREE LINES, UPPER LINES MUST BE LONGER THAN LOWER LINE OR THE TITLE MUST FOLLOW THE INVERTED TRIANGLE FORMAT 3 double spaces A Capstone Project Submitted to the Faculty of the Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology of the Bulacan Agricultural State College 3 double spaces In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree 1.5 inch Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 3 double spaces by Author M. LastName 3 double spaces Adviser M. LastName Adviser 2 double spaces Month, Year 1 inch 1 inch ii APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE SHEET 1 double space This capstone project entitled (All CAPS, Bold Typeface) prepared and submitted by (All CAPS, Bold Typeface) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance. 1 double space Signature PRINTED NAME Adviser 1 double space 1 double space APPROVED by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ________. 1 double space Signature PRINTED NAME Member _________________________ Date Signed Signature PRINTED NAME Member _________________________ Date Signed 1 double space Signature PRINTED NAME Chairperson _________________________ Date Signed 1 double space ACCEPTED and APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 1 double space Signature PRINTED NAME Program Chairperson, Information Technology _________________________ Date Signed Signature PRINTED NAME Dean, Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology _________________________ Date Signed iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1 double space Should follow the same format as of the Executive Summary. The students are encouraged to acknowledge their advisers, as well as other people who have had contributed to the project whether direct or indirect. Dedications, Sayings and any verse from the bible are not appropriate. Avoid the expressions such as “One of the researchers would like to thank….”, “The proponents would like to extend……” or “The proponents would like to thank……”. Write “M.C. Author thanks …..” instead. 3 double space M.M.C. Author Initials iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 double space This outline demonstrates the format of all Capstone Project final reports. All text should use Times New Roman, should be double-spaced, justified, and 12 points size. All sides should have a one-inch margin except the left side which has a one-and-a-half-inch margin for binding purposes. Pages should be numbered with Roman Numerals from title page to List of Figures, Tables and should be numbered with Arabic numerals thereafter. Page numbers should appear at the upper right corner of each page, right aligned; however page numbers should not appear on the title page and on the first page of every chapter. This part will discuss the summary of the Capstone Project. Important parts of the paper should be discussed. The Executive Summary should only consist of one paragraph, and ideally contain words not more than 200. v TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 double space Page TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………………... i APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE ……………………………………………... ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT …………………………………………………………. iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ………………………………………………………. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………… v LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………………. . vii LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………………………………………. viii LIST OF APPENDICES …………………………………………………………. ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………….. 1 Project Context ………………………………….…………………………. 1 Purpose and Description …………………………………………………… 1 Objectives of the Project …………………………………………………… 2 Scope and Limitation ………………………………………………………. 3 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ….…………………. 4 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY …………………………………………….. 5 Environment ……………………………………………………………….. 5 Requirements Specifications ………………………………. ……………… 5 Development Method ……………………………………………………… 6 Design of Software, Systems, and/or Processes…………..…………… 6 Development ………………………………..…………………………. 6 Testing and Evaluation………………………………………..………… 6 vi CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION………………………………… 7 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ………………………………………………….. 8 CHAPTER VI: RECOMMENDATION ………………………………………... 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………… 10 APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………….. 11 A. Title of Appendix A ……………………………………………………….. 12 B. Title of Appendix B …..…………………………………………………… 13 C. Title of Appendix C …..…………………………………………………… 14 D. Title of Appendix D …..…………………………………………………… 15 E. Title of Appendix E …..…………………………………………………… 16 F. Title of Appendix F …..…………………………………………………… 17 G. Title of Appendix G …..…………………………………………………… 18 H. Title of Appendix H …..…………………………………………………… 19 I. Title of Appendix I …..…………………………………………………… 20 J. Title of Appendix J …..…………………………………………………… 21 K. Title of Appendix K …..…………………………………………………… 22 vii LIST OF TABLES 1 double space TABLE NO. TITLE Page 1 Table Heading for Table 1 ……………………………………... 6 2 Table Heading for Table 2 …………………………………….. 7 viii LIST OF FIGURES 1 double space FIGURE NO. TITLE Page 1 Figure caption for Figure 1 …..………………………………... 6 2 Figure caption for Figure 2 …………………………………….. 7 ix LIST OF APPENDICES 1 double space APPENDICE NO. TITLE Page A Title of Appendix A …..………………………………... 6 B Title of Appendix B…………………………………….. 7 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 double space Project Context What is this project and why do we need this project? What is interesting, valuable or original in this project? 2 single space Objectives Should be measurable using the result of this project. Objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. Example: General Objective To develop an Automated Piglet Feeder System using Electronic Controller Board for Bulacan Agricultural State College. 2 single space Specific Objectives The development of Automated Piglet Feeder System using Electronic Controller Board for Bulacan Agricultural State College should be able to: 1. first objective; 2. second objective; and 3. last objective. 2 Scope and Limitation This will set your boundaries for the project. Scope deals with what your project can do, while limitation deals with what your project can’t do. 2 single space Definition of Terms IT Term 1 – This is where the technical IT terms are discussed according to how they are going to be used in the study. IT Term 2 – This is where the technical IT terms are discussed according to how they are going to be used in the study. . CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 1 double space This part will explain recent publications or studies that will support the project’s purpose. It will not showcase what other people have done. This requires a minimum of five (5) local and international literatures which covers studies within the last ten (10) years. Every publication or study should be cited accordingly (Ex: According to Author,MC). CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 1 double space Environment For organization specific capstone projects, where population of the study, organizational chart and profile is discuss. 2 single space Requirements Specifications This part will discuss the requirements set by the client (user of the system/website/network). The Entity Relationship Diagram, Data Dictionary and other necessary data may be used to aid in the discussion of the requirements. 2 single space Operational Feasibility Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development 2 single space Technical Feasibility This refers to the technical resources needed to develop, purchase, install or operate the system. 5 Schedule Feasibility The project can be finish and implemented in an acceptable time frame. Gantt Chart/PERT CPM Chart 2 single space Economic Feasibility This will discuss the projected benefits of the proposed system. Cost and Benefit Analysis Cost Recovery Scheme 2 single space Conceptual Framework The purpose of this part is to discuss the conceptual framework that examines information technology (IT) governance effectiveness, its determinants, and its impacts on its client. This article describes how information systems in the human services can be facilitated with a framework that addresses the fundamental roles of data, information and knowledge in understanding organizational information systems. Development Method This part will discuss the method to be use in developing the project. For software development, web development and game development it can either be structured (e.g. Waterfall model), object-oriented or agile method (e.g. prototyping, iterative, spiral model). For e-learning modules, instructional software design method (e.g. ADDIE model, Extreme Programming etc.) is to be used. For network design and implementation, discuss the network model to be used and the routing protocol to be followed. The study may also be in line with the new trends today like the IoT ( Internet of Things that can be implemented within the school vicinity. Design of Software, Systems, and/or Processes After setting the requirements, the student should discuss the design of their projects whether it is software, system and/or processes using either of the following: A. Network Design and Implementation and Server Farm Configuration and Management 1. Network Floor Layout 2. Routing Table 3. CAT Sheet B. Software Development/ Game Development/Interactive Systems/Information Kiosks 1. Context Diagram (structured/agile) 2. Data Flow Diagram (structured/agile) 3. Use Case (object oriented) 4. Class Diagram (object oriented) 5. Sequence Diagram (object oriented) 6 6. Transition State Diagram (object oriented) 7. UML Diagram (agile) 8. Schematic Diagram (w/hardware integration) 9. Block Diagram (w/hardware integration) 10. Flowchart C. E-Learning Systems 1. ADDIE Model 2. Storyboard D. IT Management 1. Flowchart 2. Organizational Structure 2 single space 7 Development This part will discuss the following: - Software Specification - Hardware Specification - Program Specification - Programming Environment o Front End o Back End singlespace space 22single Testing and Evaluation This part will confer the turn of events during the development and testing of the system and/or process. Bugs, errors, other constraints and solutions to these problems should be discussed. single space Unit Testing This is the method of testing each program or module. The objective of this phase is to identify and eliminate errors that could cause logic errors and unusual program termination. single space Integration Testing Also called link testing, this is done for two or more programs that depend on each other. Integration testing has the following series of tests to guarantee error-free system integration. o Compatibility Testing o Performance Testing 8 o Stress Testing o Load Testing System Testing Sometimes called acceptance testing which involves the entire system to be tested. Evaluation To determine the sample size of evaluation population, students can either use Sloven’s formula or the total population sampling. Sloven’s formula is use for a large population while the total population sampling is use to examine the entire population which has a particular set of characteristics. For further information regarding population sampling, you may visit the following websites: 1) 2) 9 To analyze the data gathered from the evaluation or for the system testing, the students may use but not limited to any of the following: 1) T-test 2) Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test 3) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 4) Chi-Squared Test 5) Correlation Coefficients 6) Linear Regression Models 7) Logistic Regression Analysis For further example and discussion of the evaluation tool, students may visit the following websites: 1) 2) 2 single space Implementation Plan A schedule both agreed by the client and the student must be planned and illustrated using a Gantt chart. A detailed discussion on implementation schedule should be highlighted on this part. This can include the following: - Project Implementation Checklist - Implementation Contingency - Infrastructure/Deployment CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1 double space A discussion on the results during implementation, bugs, errors and other constraints experienced. Solutions to these problems should also be discussed. This will discuss the project’s result and Analysis Report. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 1 double space Conclusion section is required. It may review the main points of your paper, do not summarize your paper as the conclusion. This part will discuss if the objectives has been satisfied. Do not conclude anything beyond your findings and analysis. The conclusion might elaborate the importance of work. CHAPTER VI RECOMMENDATION 1 double space The recommendation section may recommend or suggest applications or extensions that will further improve the project. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 double space Follow the APA format and must be alphabetized. A. Books Author(DATE).Title, Publisher B. Unpublished Capstone Projects Author(DATE).Title C. Journals D. Electronic Sources Author(DATE)..”Title “.Retrieved Date, from weblink E. Others 13 APPENDICES 1 double space Appendices should follow the same format as chapters. If there are multiple appendices, label each one with letter, e.g. A: Appendix Title, B: Appendix Title, and so on. A table of data necessary to explain or to support the project’s idea. A: Canvassed Materials Appendices should follow the same format as chapters. If there are multiple appendices, label each one with letter, e.g. A: Appendix Title, B: Appendix Title, and so on. 2 single space B: User Manual/User Guide Appendices should follow the same format as chapters. If there are multiple appendices, label each one with letter, e.g. A: Appendix Title, B: Appendix Title, and so on. 2 single space C: Relevant Source Code D: Pictures (includes capstone presentation, capstone evaluation, awarding to client, implementation) E: Plagiarism Certification – this includes the summary of output and certificate 14 F: Sample Evaluation Instrument Bulacan Agricultural State College Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan Evaluation Form COMPUTERIZE INVENTORY SYSTEM OF BETHLEHEM MARIAN SCHOOL OF PULILAN Name:__________________________________ Age ( ) below 20 years old ( ) 20-30 years old ( ) 31-40 years old ( ) 41-50 years old ( ) 51 years old and above Designation: ( ) Student ( ) Staff ( ) IT Expert Date:___________________ Gender ( ) Male ( ) Female Instructions: Please evaluate the following by checking the box with the corresponding value according to the degree of acceptability of the developed system. 4- Highly Accepted 3- Moderately Accepted 2-Slightly Accepted 1-Not Accepted Rating Category A. Performance 1. The system can easily provide search results from a search query. 2. The system can easily print inventory reports. 3. The system response time is fast from the request of the user. 4. The system can retrieve data on the database quickly. 5. The information entered on the system are easily added or updated in the list. 4 3 2 1 15 B. Usability 1. The system provides up-to-date information regarding inventory. 2. The user saves effort in printing inventory reports. 3. The user can easily update item details. 4. The user can easily find details about item in the inventory. 5. The user can set details to be used in adding items in the inventory. C. Security 1. The system provides different access level account for different user. 2. Features of the system that can be accessed depend on the level of accessibility of the user. 3. Only the administrator can add and update inventory items. 4. The system provides a list of user who logs in to the system (user log history). 5. The system is being locked when user try to login many times. D. User-friendliness 1. All text fields are properly labeled and organized. 2. The system gives appropriate instructions. 3. The system gives appropriate warning messages in any attempt to change or delete data. 4. The user can easily operate and navigate the system. 5. The user can easily understand the functions of buttons and menus in the system. E. Consistency 1. The system provides appropriate icons on every buttons. 2. The system provides appropriate font size and font style on all labels of the system. 3. Buttons are uniformly placed. 4. Print information is included in the inventory reports to be printed. 5. Buttons and menus are properly linked Comments/Suggestions:____________________________________________________ 16 G: Title Proposal Project Title: Proponents/Researchers: Objectives of the Study: 1. Scope of the Study: Limitations of the Study: Project Design/Development Plan: Program Specification Software Specification Hardware Specification Noted By: Recommending Approval: Approved by: Signature PRINTED NAME IT 222 Subject Teacher ____________________ Date Signed Signature PRINTED NAME Head, IT Department ____________________ Date Signed Signature PRINTED NAME Dean, IEAT ____________________ Date Signed 17 H: Adviser Nomination Republic of the Philippines BULACAN AGRICULTURAL STATE COLLEGE San Ildefonso, Bulacan INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT CAPSTONE PROJECT ADVISER NOMINATION I __________________________________, a Bachelor of Science in Information (name of student) Technology student hereby request ____________________________________ as my Capstone (name of faculty member) Project Adviser. Conforme: (NAME OF FACULTY _________________________ Capstone MEMBER) Adviser Noted: (NAME OF HEAD) _________________________ Head, IT Department Approved: (NAME OF INSTITUTE DEAN) _________________________ Institute Dean 18 I: Panel Evaluation Sheet (Panel Members during the final presentation like 1) Programmer/ IT specialist 2) at least an MSIT/ MIT graduate faculty and 3) Quality Control IT personnel, should not part of the IT faculty within the institute) Republic of the Philippines BULACAN AGRICULTURAL STATE COLLEGE San Ildefonso, Bulacan PANEL EVALUATION SHEET 16 (To follow and for approval) J: Peer Evaluation Sheet Republic of the Philippines BULACAN AGRICULTURAL STATE COLLEGE San Ildefonso, Bulacan PEER EVALUATION SHEET Student Name: Subject Code: Date: CAPSTONE PROJECT TITLE: _______________________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA: Group Members Oral Interaction with the Group (5%) Member’s Document Section (5%) Panel Member: _______________________ Signature over Printed Name TOTAL TOTAL: ______________% Adviser: ________________ 19 K.: Summary Sheet for Oral Examination 20 M: Acknowledgement Receipt Republic of the Philippines BULACAN AGRICULTURAL STATE COLLEGE San Ildefonso, Bulacan ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPT This is to acknowledge receipt of one (1) copy of the manuscript of Name of Student Course _______________________, _________________ with her capstone project entitled __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. Office __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Name __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Signature __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Date __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 21 N: English Critic’s Certificate March 22, 2016 ENGLISH CRITIC’S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through all the sections of the Capstone Project study entitled “AUTOMATED PIGLET FEEDER SYSTEM USING ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER BOARD FOR BASC” parallel to the set of structural and grammarian rules that govern the format of technical writing and composition of sentences, phrases and words in the English language. Signed: MS. DESIREE A. RODRIGUEZ English Critic Conforme: JUDE KEVIN T. GONZALES KENNETH G. IGNACIO GABRIEL C. SOLATORIO Project Developers 22 O: English Critic’s Personal Data Sheet P: Curriculum Vitae of Developers Q: Memorandum of Agreement/MOU/Letter of Acceptance R: Other Relevant Documents