Website: SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING YEAR 3 2018_2019 SEMESTER ONE Group members: NAMES REGISTRATION NUMBERS ILAB REPORT of Communication Engineering Lecturer: ZIMULINDA FRANCOIS DATE: 20 DECEMBER 2018 Question1 What feature of the multiplier module’s output suggests that it’s a DSBSC signal? No carrier signal , According to the formular of AM with carrier If you look at the envelopes closely , you will notice that they are not the same shape as the message as is the case with AM . Question2 The DSBSC signal is a complex waveform consisting of more than one signal. Is one of the signals a 2kHz sinewave? Explain your answer. Answer2:YES because 2kh sine wave is considered as message signal Question3: For the given inputs to the multiplier module, how many sinewaves does the DSBSC signal consist of, and what are their frequencies? Answer3: They are 2 input sine wave to the multiplier, F1 = 100khz F2 =2khz Question4: Why does this make DSBSC signals better for transmission than AM signals? Answer4: In AM both carrier as well as message signal is transmitted which results in poor efficiency i.e., 33% but in DSBSC carrier wave is suppressed and the efficiency is almost 100%. PART B: Question5: Why isn’t there any signal out of the Multiplier module when you’re not humming or talking? Answer5: Becouse there is no message signal sent . CONCLUSION: