Miss Farah SCIENCE PRESENTATION SKILLS You will each be placed in a group of two (no more than three students) and given a topic area to research and present back to the class next week. You will have two lessons to complete this and deliver your presentation next week Friday. SCENARIO. You work as an ambassador for a company with a small branch based in Leicester called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) whose aim is to; “Inspire young people about the exciting and rewarding careers that studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths can lead to” (www.stemnet.org.uk). YOUR TASK. Your task is to produce a short presentation to a group of year 8 students about a chosen topic to help raise their interest in science. You will be assessed on your research and presentation skills. You can present your topic as a PowerPoint or as a poster to the class. NAME OF AMBASSADORS IN YOUR GROUP: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Your chosen topic is: __________________________________________ Task of each member in group: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Miss Farah Below are some helpful tips on how to be successful in this task. For a successful presentation you should; 1. Produce a structured presentation with an introduction to your topic. 2. Include relevant images that apply to your chosen topic. 3. Keep to the point and ensure that what you say is relevant and to the point. (A maximum of 10 slides) 4. Make sure that each person has a part to say in the presentation or a role. 5. Make sure that text used on each slide is short and concise. Try to avoid copying and pasting huge amounts of text. 6. Make sure that all texts and images are clear and readable. 7. Try and keep eye contact with the audience and avoid staring at the ceiling, floor, at the presentation or notes for too long. 8. Make sure that your voice is audible and avoid talking in a monotone, too fast or too slow. 9. Make sure to appear confident, mature, professional, and enthusiastic. 10. Finally make your presentation fun and interesting. TICK WHEN COMPLETE