MySQL ODBC Driver & OLE DB Connection in ArcCatalog

Install MySQL ODBC Driver and Make an OLE DB Connection in ArcCatalog
MySQL ODBC Data Source Configuration.
1. Download and install the latest ODBC driver for MySQL (5.2.7)
2. Add the ODBC Datasource.
a. Open ODBC Data Source Administrator.
b. Click Add to add the new driver.
c. In the Create New Data Source dialog, choose MySQL ODBC 5.2 (ANSI or Unicode)
d. Click Finish to open the Connector dialog.
3. In the MySQL Connector dialog, fill out the form to connect to your desired data source.
Test the connection:
4. Click OK and OK on the ODBC Data Source Administrator to finish.
MySQL ODBC Connection in ArcGIS
1. In ArcCatalog, add the “Add OLE DB Connection” button to a tool bar.
a. From the Customize menu, choose Customize > Commands.
b. Type “OLE” in the search text box. The Add OLE DB Connection button should be
c. Drag the Add OLE DB Connection button to a toolbar.
2. Click the Add OLE DB Connection button to open the Data Link Properties dialog.
3. Select the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers choice and click Next.
4. Fill out the Connection properties:
a. Specify the source of the data by choosing the new ODBC Source created above (MySQL
b. Enter the username and password.
c. Choose or type the desired database name.
5. A new connection called OLE DB Connection.odc should appear under the Database Connections
section in the Catalog Tree. Rename the file if desired.
6. Open the new OLE DB connection and view your data.