Art Analysis Worksheet

Thinking About Our Art of the Week
1. What are your first thoughts about this artwork?
2. What do you think it’s about?
3. What might it be called?
4. When do you think it was created?
5. Why did the artist create this work?
6. How do you think it’s been made?
7. Do you like it?
The Adoration of the Shepherds - Van der Goes - 1476
Hunters in the Snow – Pieter Bruegal - 1565
Resurrection – El Greco - 1604
Mona Lisa Leonardo Da
Vinci - 1503
Houses of Parliament, Sunset – Claude Monet - 1904
Girl with a Pearl Earring – Johannes Vermeer – c1665
Canal Grande – Canaletto - 1738
Gin Lane – Hogarth - 1761
The Third of May – Goya - 1814
Movement in Squares – Bridget Riley - 1961
The Scream – Edvard Munch 1893
The Haywain – Constable - 1821
Ohashi, Sudden Shower at Atake –
Ande Hiroshige - 1857
Starry Night – Vincent Van Gogh - 1888
Les Parapluies
(Umbrellas) – Renoir 1884
The Birth of Venus – Botticelli - 1486
The Lady of Shallot – JW Waterhouse - 1888
The Tree of Life – Gustav Klimt - 1909
Time Transfixed – Rene
Magritte - 1939
Guernica – Pablo Picasso - 1937
Transverse Line – Wassily Kandinsky - 1923
Maesta – Duccio - 1311
Composition with Red,
Blue and Yellow –
Mondrian - 1930
Galatea of the Spheres –
Salvador Dali - 1952
Galaxy – Jackson Pollock 1947
Sticks Framing a Lake – Andy Goldsworthy – c1990
Snow Storm – JMW Turner - 1842
Yellow Line Flower – Banksy -
Le Penseur (The Thinker) – Auguste Rodin – 1880-1902
Marilyn Monroe – Andy Warhol - 1963
Roots- Frida Kahlo- 1943
Untitled- Nicola Mount- 2009
The Kiss- Gustav Klimt- 1907-1908
An old woman seated sewing- Johannes Van de Aack- 1655
The Good Samaritan- Jacopo Bassano- c1562
Family of man- Barbara Hepworth- 1970
Virgin of the Rocks- Leonardo Da Vinci- 1483-1486
Oldfield Road Dwellings- L.S.Lowry- 1927
Gatheringforsomereason- Stanley Boxer- 1976
The Bullies- Edward Ardizzone- 1961