Description of other precipitation datasets: We obtained 3-hourly precipitation from Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP), which is a global product available at 0.25° spatial resolution for the period of 1979-2015. This dataset uses station (CPC Unified and GPCC) and satellite (CMORPH, GSMaP-MVK and TMPA 3B42RT) based observations as well as the atmospheric reanalysis products (ERA-Interim and JRA-55) to provide precipitation estimates at the global scale [downloaded from; Beck et al., 2017]. Beck et al [2017] evaluated the quality of MSWEP and other gauge adjusted precipitation products like Global Precipitation Climatology Project 1-Degree Daily (GPCP-1DD), TRMM (TMPA 3B42), and Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Unified against estimates from 125 FLUXNET towers located across the globe and found the highest correlation coefficient for the MSWEP data. The other 3-hourly precipitation dataset at 0.25º spatial resolution was obtained from the TRMM 3B42v7 [Huffman et al., 2002] for the period of 1998-2015. The TRMM 3B42v7 dataset is available from 1998 onwards, which is prepared by adjusting bias from station based observations and the Passive Microwave and Passive Microwave calibrated Infra-Red [Huffman et al., 2002; Prakash et al., 2016]. Prakash et al. [2016] showed that TRMM can be used with relatively higher confidence over the Indian region as compared to Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP). We obtained daily observed precipitation data at 0.25 degree resolution which was developed by Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) [Pai et al., 2014] for the period of 1979-2015. This dataset was developed using 6955 rain gauge stations across India and was comparable to available precipitation datasets from IMD at 0.5°×0.5° and 1°×1° resolution [Pai et al., 2014]. More information on this dataset can be obtained from Pai et al. [2014]. Additionally, we obtained Global Summary of the Day (GSOD) daily station based observations for precipitation and dew point temperature, which are available from the Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) dataset (DSI-3505) and can be accessed from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website ( /pub/data/gsod/). The GSOD observations were carefully checked for quality and consistency for the 23 urban locations as described in Ali and Mishra [2017]. 1 Supplemental Fig. S1(a-e) Mean intensity of extreme precipitation (mm) per city based on 95th percentile of precipitation, using precipitation data obtained from IMD (green; 1979-2015), MSWEP (red; 1979-2015), GSOD (cyan; 1979-2015), TRMM (black, 1998-2015) and CMORPH (blue; 19982015) for 30 minutes to daily scale respectively. The p-value and h-value estimated using Mann Kendall test are shown in Supplemental Table S9 for all the used precipitation datasets at different time scales. This figure and subsequent figures were developed using the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT, 2 Supplemental Table S1. Details of selected urban areas. Station id 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Name Longitude Latitude Size (km2) Ahmedabad 72.58 23.03 464 Bhopal 77.42 23.25 286 Bhubaneshwar 85.84 20.27 135 Bikaner 73.31 28.02 155 Mumbai 72.83 18.98 603 Chennai 80.27 13.08 426 Coimbatore 76.97 11.02 247 Indore 75.9 22.7 390 Nagpur 79.09 21.15 218 Gadag 75.75 15.4 120 Guwahati 91.73 26.18 215 Hissar 75.7 29.2 510 Jaipur 75.8 26.9 112 Lucknow 80.9 26.8 620 Kolkata 88.37 22.57 185 Patna 85.1 25.6 100 Anantapur 77.6 14.68 80 Pune 73.86 18.52 244 Rajkot 70.78 22.3 170 Ratnagiri 73.5 17 540 New Delhi 77.21 28.61 50 Surat 72.83 21.17 327 Tiruchirappalli 78.69 10.81 167 3 Supplemental Table S2: Details of all datasets used in the study. S.No Dataset 1 2 3 4 CMORPH TRMM MSWEP IMD 5 GSOD 6 ERAInterim Climate Variable Dataset Resolution Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation & Dewpoint temp. Daily mean temp. & vertical wind velocity at different pressure levels and daily mean surface temperature 4 Time Period Spatial 8 km × 8km 25 km ×25km 25 km × 25km 25 km × 25km Temporal 30 minutes 3-hourly 3-hourly Daily 1998-2015 1998-2015 1979-2015 1979-2015 Point Data Daily 1979-2015 25 km × 25km Daily 1979-2015