CJC 111 Ch 5 Makeup Assignment - Clifford Landis

Make Up Assignment Week 5
Clifford Landis
Chapter 5 Quiz
1. When a police administration wants to limit officer discretion, it can institute a
departmental policy to guide the officer’s decision making in certain situations, such as
high-speed chases. Definition: Policy is defined as a set of guiding principles designed to
influence the behavior and decision making of police officers.
2. One of the primary functions of patrol officers is to deter/prevent crime by maintaining
a visible presence in the community. Definition: Deter is defined by Merriam-Webster
as to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting. (The definition for deter is not in
the book.)
3. The science of crime investigation is known as forensics. Definition: Forensics is defined
as the application of science to establish facts and evidence during the investigation of a
4. The technique of DNA fingerprinting involves crime labs using samples of a person’s
genetic material to match suspects to crime. Definition: DNA fingerprinting is defined as
the identification of a person based on sample of her or his DNA, the genetic material
found in the cells of all living things.
5. All modern police departments incident-driven policing, in which officers respond to
calls for service after a crime has occurred. Definition: Incident-driven policing is defined
as a reactive approach to policing that emphasizes a speedy response to calls for service.
6. Most patrol officers are assigned to random patrols, in which they cover designated
areas and react to incidents they encounter. Definition: Random patrol is defined as a
patrol strategy that relies on police officers monitoring a certain area with the goal of
detecting crimes in process or preventing crimes due to their presence, also known as
general or preventative patrol.
7. Community policing is a popular strategy in which officers are encouraged to develop
partnerships with citizens to prevent and combat crime. Definition: Community policing
is defined as a policing philosophy that emphasizes community support for and
cooperation with the police and preventing crime.
8. The police subculture is shaped by physical dangers, such as assault, and the mental
dangers, such as high levels of stress that the officers face every day. Definition:
Stressors is defined as the conditions that cause stress. (The definition of stress is not in
the book.)
9. Police use of nondeadly force is regulated by the concept of reasonable force, or the
amount of force that a rational person would consider necessary in a given situation.
Make Up Assignment Week 5
Clifford Landis
Definition: Reasonable force is defined as a degree of force that is appropriate to
protect the police officer or other citizens and is not excessive.
10. Police corruption is an umbrella term that covers police misconduct from taking bribes
to engaging in illegal drug trafficking. Definition: Police corruption is defined as the
abuse of authority by a law enforcement officer for personal gain.