Manifest Destiny: Historical Perspectives

The whole enterprise of this nation,
which is not an upward, but a
westward one, toward Oregon,
California, Japan, etc., is totally
devoid of interest to me, whether
performed on foot, or by a Pacific
railroad.... It is perfectly heathenish,?
a filibustering toward heaven by the
great western route. No; they may go
their way to their manifest destiny,
which I trust is not mine....
-Henry David Thoreau
The whole continent of North America
appears to be destined by Divine
Providence to be peopled by one
nation, speaking one language,
professing one general system of
religious and political principles, and
accustomed to one general tenor of
social usages and customs. For the
common happiness of them all, for
their peace and prosperity, I believe
it is indispensable that they should be
associated in one federal Union.
-John Quincy Adams
I proceed now to a consideration of what is to
me the strongest argument against annexing
Texas to the United States. This measure will
extend and perpetuate slavery....
....The great argument for annexing Texas is,
that it will strengthen "the peculiar institution" of
the South, and open a new and vast field for
By this act, slavery will be perpetuated in the old
States as well as spread over new...By annexing
Texas, we shall not only create [slavery] where it
does not exist, but breathe new life into it, where
its end seemed to be near. States, which might
and ought to throw it off, will make the
multiplication of slaves their great aim and chief
-Reverend William Ellery Channing
A Letter to Hon. Henry Clay, 1837
"America has no right to take the
lands west of the Louisiana
Territory. Those lands are
rightfully owned by Mexico and to
enter into conflict with the
Mexicans just to expand and take
that land would violate the
principles of this great nation."
“…The North Americans will spread
out far beyond their present bounds.
They will encroach [creep] again and
again upon their neighbors. New
territories will be planted, declare
their independence, and be annexed.
We have New Mexico and California!
We will have Old Mexico and Cuba!
The isthmus cannot arrest [stop]–not
even the Saint Lawrence!... A
hundred states will grow up where
now exists but thirty.”
-DeBow’s Commercial Review, 1848
"It is America's right to stretch from
sea to shining sea. Not only do we
have a responsibility to our citizens to
gain valuable natural resources we
also have a responsibility to civilize
this beautiful land." "... The American
claim is by the right of our manifest
to overspread and to possess the
whole of the continent which
Providence has given for the
development of the great experiment
of liberty and federative selfgovernment entrusted to us. It is a
right such as that of the tree to the
space of air and earth for the full
expansion of its principle and destiny
of growth..."
“It is time for opposition to the
Annexation of Texas to cease…
Texas is now ours… Let their
reception into the “family” be frank,
kindly, and cheerful…”
“Other nations have undertaken…
hostile interference against us,…
hampering [slowing down] our
power, limiting our greatness and
checking the fulfillment of our
manifest destiny to overspread the
continent allotted by Providence
[God] for the free development of our
yearly multiplying millions.”
-John L. O’Sullivan
“For myself, I was bitterly opposed
to the [annexation of Texas], and to
this day regard the war, which
resulted, as one of the most unjust
ever waged by a stronger against a
weaker nation. It was an instance of
a republic following the bad example
of European monarchies, in not
considering justice in their desire to
acquire additional territory.”
-Ulysses S. Grant, 18th American