1patel sahil ielts speaking cue cards 2013

Sahil Patel
Describe a child that you know.
You should say:
Who the child is?
How you know the child?
When you see the child?
Explain why you like/dislike this child.
Describe someone who has had an important
influence on your life.
You should say:
Who the person is?
How long you have known him/her?
What qualities this person has?
Explain why they have had such an influence on
Describe an old person that you know.
You should say:
What your relationship is to this person?
How often you see them?
What people think about this person?
Explain why you like them.
Describe a lake, a river or a sea you have visited.
You should say:
Where the lake is?
How often you have visited it?
What activities you do there?
Explain why you like this particular place.
Describe a present you have given someone.
You should say:
Who you gave it to?
What kind of present it was?
How it compared to other presents you have
Explain why you decided to give this particular gift.
Describe a sporting event you attended.
You should say:
What kind of sport is was?
How it compared to other events you’ve been to?
How often it takes place?
Explain why you consider this event to be of
Describe a TV show that you enjoy.
You should say:
What type of show it is?
How often it is on?
How popular it is with other people in your
Explain why you like it.
Describe a happy childhood event.
You should say:
When it happened?
Who was involved?
How you felt at the time?
Explain why you remember this particular
Describe someone who gave you help
You should say:
Who helped you?
When they helped you?
How they helped you?
Explain why this help was important to you
Describe a person you live with
You should say:
Who this person is?
How long you have lived with him/her?
What you do together?
Explain how well you get on together.
A celebrity
Describe a celebrity who is famous in your
You should say:
Who the person is?
Why they are famous?
How often they appear in public?
Say whether or not you admire this person.
An influence
Describe someone you has influenced you
You should say:
Who this person is?
What kind of person she or he is?
How long you have known them?
And explain how they have influenced you
A childhood friend
Describe a friend you had when you were a child
You should say:
How you first met?
How long you were friends?
What you used to do together?
Explain why you liked this person.
An old person
Describe an old person you admire.
You should say:
Who this person is?
How long you have known him/her?
What qualities he/she has?
Say why you admire him/her?
A good cook
Describe someone you know who is good at
You should say:
Who this person is?
How you know him or her?
What kinds of food they cook?
Explain why this person is good at cooking.
Somewhere near water
Describe a place near a lot of water you enjoyed
You should say:
Where this place was?
Who you went there with?
What you did there?
Explain why you enjoyed visiting that place.
A museum
Describe a museum you enjoyed visiting.
You should say:
Where this museum is?
What you can see in this museum?
How long you spent in the museum?
Explain why you would recommend this museum?
A shop
Describe a shop or market you go to regularly.
You should say:
Where type of shop or market it is?
What you can buy there?
How often you go there?
Say why you choose to go that shop?
A house or apartment
Talk about a house or an apartment you would like
to live in.
You should say:
What it would look like?
How big it would be?
Where it would be located?
Explain why you would like to live there?
Describe a place that you would like to travel to.
You should say:
Where you would like to go?
How you would go there?
Who you would go with?
Explain why you would like to go to this place.
A restaurant
Describe a restaurant you know.
You should say:
Where this restaurant is
What type of food the restaurant serves
How often you go to this restaurant
Explain why you would recommend this
A hotel
Describe a hotel you have stayed in.
You should say:
Where it is?
What facilities it has?
When you stayed there?
Say whether you would recommend it to a friend?
A garden
Describe a garden you remember visiting.
You should say:
Where it is?
What it looks like?
What people do there?
Explain why you remember it.
Something old
Describe something that you or your family has
owned for a long time.
You should say:
What it is?
How your family acquired it?
How long your family has kept it?
Explain why it is important to your family
Modern technology
Describe a piece of modern technology you own.
You should say:
What it is?
What you use it for?
How long you have owned it?
Explain why it is important for you
An interesting subject
Describe your favorite subject at school or
You should say:
What it was?
Who taught you?
How long you studied it?
Say why it was your favorite subject
A magazine
Describe a magazine you think is interesting
You should say:
How you know about this magazine?
Where you can buy it?
What it contains?
Explain why you think this magazine is interesting.
A photograph
Describe a photograph that you remember.
You should say:
When it was taken?
Who took it?
What is in the photograph?
and explain why you remember this photograph
Describe an important letter that you received.
You should say:
Who wrote it?
What the letter was about?
How you felt about the letter?
Explain why it was important.
Describe your favorite item of clothing.
You should say:
What it is?
When you bought it?
Why you bought it?
Say why you like it so much.
Describe a piece of music you like
You should say:
What it is?
What it sounds like?
When you first heard it?
Explain why you enjoy this piece of music.
An advertisement
Describe an advertisement you like
You should say:
What type of advertisement it is?
What product it advertises?
Where you first saw it?
Explain why you think this advertisement is
Describe a journey you regularly make
You should say:
Where you go to and from?
How often you make this journey?
What form of transport you use?
Explain why you make that journey in that way
Describe your favorite subject at school or
You should say:
What it was?
Who taught you?
How long you studied it?
Say why it was your favorite subject
Leisure time
Describe what you usually do in your leisure time.
You should say:
Who you do this with?
Where you do it?
How you do it?
Explain why you like to spend your free time this
Describe a practical skill you have.
You should say:
What the skill is?
How often you use it?
Who taught it to you?
Explain why the skill is so practical.
A television program
Describe a television program you watched and
did not enjoy.
You should say:
What this program was?
Where and when you watched it?
What it was about?
Explain why you did not enjoy it.
A book
Describe a book you are reading
You should say
What the book is about?
When you read it?
How long you read it for?
Explain what you like about the book.
A country
Describe a country you plan to visit.
You should say:
What the country is?
When you plan to go there?
Who you would like to travel with?
Explain why you would like to go there.
Describe something special you want to buy in the
You should say:
What it is?
What it is like?
When you intend to buy it?
Explain why you want to buy it.
A childhood memory
Describe a happy memory from your childhood
You should say:
What happened?
How old you were?
Who else was there?
Explain why you remember it so well.
A project
Describe a project you worked on in your studies
or job
You should say:
What the project was?
Who else was involved in it?
How long it took?
Explain what you learned from this project.
A sporting event
Describe a sporting event you attended or
You should say:
What sport it was?
When it happened?
Who was involved in it?
Explain what you remember it.
A meal
Describe a meal you enjoyed
You should say:
Who was there?
When and where it was?
What you had to eat?
Explain why you enjoyed the meal so much
A celebration
Describe an occasion when you celebrated
You should say:
What you were celebrating?
Who was there?
When it happened?
Explain why it was memorable.
Describe some advice you received
You should say:
When you received the advice?
Who gave the advice to you?
What the advice was?
Explain why you thought it was good advice or not
A wedding
Describe a wedding you attended
You should say
When it was?
Who got married?
What happened at the wedding?
Explain whether it was a typical wedding
A decision
Describe an important decision that you made
You should say:
What the decision was?
How you made your decision?
What the results of the decision were?
Explain why it was important.
A musical event
Describe a musical event in your country
You should say
What the event it is?
Where it takes place?
What kind of music is played?
And you should explain why you enjoy it
A news story
Describe some interesting news that you have
recently read about or heard about.
You should say
What the story was?
Who was involved in the story?
Where you read or heard about this story?
Explain why this news story was interesting to you.
Describe something special you want to buy in the
You should say:
What it is?
What it is like?
When you intend to buy it?
Explain why you want to buy it.
A decision
Describe an important decision that you made
You should say:
What the decision was?
How you made your decision?
What the results of the decision were?
Describe a wedding that you have attended.
Please say
- Whose wedding was it?
- Where did it take place?
- How was it celebrated?
- How did you feel about the wedding?
Describe your dream job when you were young.
Please say
- What kind of job was it?
- Where did you learn about it?
- What kind of training/skills are needed for that
- What is the importance of this job?
Talk about a musical event in a foreign place that
you have attended.
- Why do people like music?
- Why do you think music is important?
- Should parents force their children to play some
- Why do you think parents want their children to
get involved in music?
- In some shopping centers or business places
there is always music playing, why?
Talk about an old person that you know. Please
- Who is he /she?
- What did you learn from him / her?
- How did you come to know him/her?
Describe a foreign musical festival that you
enjoyed. Please say
- Where was it?
- When was it?
- Who was there with you?
- How did you feel after that?
Talk about an interesting place that you know that
is open to public. Please say:
- what kind of place it is,
- who goes there,
- why people usually go there, and
- explain why you think it is an interesting place for
Talk about something that you have made by
yourself (from wood, metal, paper or other
material). Please say
- What did you make?
- Why did you make it?
- How did you make it?
- Explain how you felt about it.
Talk about a letter you have received lately. Please
- Who sent it to you?
- Why did he/she send it?
- How did you feel when you read it?
- Why was this letter important to you?
Talk about a job that you would like to do. Please
- What job is it?
- Why would you like to do it?
Describe your favorite restaurant. Please say
- What decoration style does it have?
- What kind of food is served there?
- Whom do you go there with?
Describe a situation that angered you the most.
Please say
- Where and when did it happen?
- What exactly made you angry?
- How did you handle this situation?
Describe a city/town that you like to visit. Please
- What town is it?
- Why do you like it?
- How do you know about this town?
- What attracts you the most in this town?
Talk about an old building that you have visited
recently, please say
- What is that building?
- Where is it located?
- Why did you visit that building?
Speak about a place outside of your country that
you would like to visit. Please say:
- Why do you want to visit this place?
- What do you know about this place?
- Why do you think you would enjoy?
- What would you do there?
Talk about a trip that you would like to go on.
Please say:
- Where would you go?
- How long would the trip be?
- Do you like to travel alone or with other people?
Describe a place where you would go for a holiday,
please say
- Where would you go?
- Why would you choose it?
- What would you do there?
Describe a place where you would go for a holiday,
please say
- Where would you go?
- Why would you choose it?
- What would you do there?
Describe a child that you know. Please say
- What does he/she look like?
- What are your feelings for him/her?
- Who is he/she?
Talk about something unusual that you did
recently. Please say
- What was it?
- With whom did you do it?
- Why did you do it?
Talk about help you have provided to someone.
Please say
- Whom have you helped?
- Why did you help?
- How did the person benefit from it?
Talk about the recent news in media that made an
impression on you. Please say
- Whom was it about?
- What happened?
- Why did you remember it?
Talk about an expensive thing you have bought.
Please say
- What is it?
- Where did you buy it?
- When did you buy it?
- Why did you buy it?
I had to talk about some interesting news I read in
a newspaper
- When did this happen?
- What was the news about?
- Why was it interesting?
Talk about your favorite subject at school, you
should say:
- What was the subject?
- Do you still study this subject?
- Do you think that this subject helps?
Describe a famous person who you want to meet.
You should say:
- Who that person is?
- What personality he/she has?
- What is the reason he/she is famous?
- Why you want to meet him/her.?
Describe something old that your family has kept.
Please say:
- What it is?
- Why you like it?
- How long have your family kept it?
Explain why you like to keep it.
Describe an animal you saw, which you find very
interesting. You should say:
- Where you saw it?
- How you felt about it?
- Why do you think it was interesting?
Describe something you have always wanted to
- What is it?
- Why do you like it?
- Do you think you will buy it someday?
Discuss a sports activity you watched or joined,
you should say
- Where it happened?
- What exactly happened?
- Why it was memorable?
Talk about a person who cooks well, you should
- Who this person is?
- How she/he learned to cook?
- How long she/he has been cooking?
Talk about a place in your town you like most, you
should say:
- What place in your town that is,
- Why you visit the place?
- How often you visit the place?
- When you last visited the place?
Talk about an advertisement you heard or seen,
you should say
- What was the advertisement?
- Where and how you heard it / seen it?
- What were the items in the advertisement?
Describe your favorite activity during childhood,
you should say:
- When was it?
- What was the activity?
- With whom?
Describe an exciting news that you heard, either
through the phone or e-mail, please say:
- What was it?
- Who did you tell?
- Why was it exciting?
- Talk about a TV show that you watched recently
that you didn’t like, you should say:
- When was it?
- What happened in the show?
- Why didn’t you like it?
Talk about What you would like to start doing as a
leisure activity. You should say:
- What the activity is?
- Where you would do this activity?
- Will it be easy or difficult to do this act?
Describe a place that you visited in the past, you
should say:
- Where it was?
- When it was?
- What that place was?
- Why you remembered that place?
Describe anything that you made yourself, please
- What you made?
- How you made it?
- When you made it?
- How did you feel about it and what was so
special about this thing?
Talk about the recent changes in your hometown.
Please say:
- Which part of your hometown these changes
have affected?
- When and where these changes were made?
- Wow you felt about it?
Talk about something that you bought but did not
use much. Please say:
- What was it?
- Where you bought it?
- Why you did not use it?
Describe your last weekend, please say
- Who you met?
- What you did?
- Explain what your normal weekend is like.
Please talk about the school that you went to
when you were a child, you should say:
- What school that was?
- Where it was?
- What you remember about your teachers?
- What you enjoyed during the school time?
Talk about a musical piece that you like, please say
- What is your favorite music?
- What musical instrument is playing there?
- When is it usually playing?
Talk about your favorite TV or radio program, you
should say:
- How often do you watch or listen to it?
- Do you discuss the program with anybody?
- Why do you watch it or listen to it?
Talk about an exciting sport that you know of, you
should say:
- What the sport is?
- How did you know about the sport?
- What makes the sport exciting?
Talk about your favorite shop, you should say:
- Where it is located?
- How you came to know about it?
- What they sell there?
Talk about sports that is popular in your country,
you should say
- How did you first learn about this sport?
- Is it easy to play this sport?
Describe a teacher you had in school, please say
- Who the teacher was?
- Why this teacher was important to you?
- Whether you would like to meet that teacher in
the future again and why?
Tell me something about a foreigner that you like
the most. Please say:
- Where did you meet that person?
- Why did you like him/her?
- What do you learn from him/ her?
Describe a person that you admire the most in
your family, please say
- Who is he/she?
- Why have you chosen this person as a role
Describe a gift you bought for someone. Please
- What was it?
- Who did you buy it for?
- Why did you choose this gift?
- And please say whether the person liked it or
not, and why.
Describe a person you admire in your family.
Please say
- Who is this person?
- Why do you admire him/her?
- When did you last meet this person?
Talk about the car you would choose if you could
buy any car. Please say:
- What car would you buy?
- Why would you buy this particular car?
Tell me about a specific skill that you have
learned. Please say
- Why did you learn it?
- How did you learn it?
- Why do you find it useful?
Talk about a person who is very successful in
his/her life. Please say
- Who is that person?
- How do you know him/her?
- Why do you like that person?
Describe a situation when something in your
house broke or stopped working. Please say
- What was it?
- What happened when it broke/stopped working?
- How did you feel about it?
Describe your ideal house. Please say
- Where do you want the house to be?
- What should it look like?
- How many people should it accommodate?
Talk about your family, please include in your
speech the following points
- Name a family member whom you admire.
- When did you meet him/her last time?
- How often do you meet him / her?
- Why do you admire him/her?
Describe a hotel you stayed in or know about.
Please say:
- What its name?
- Where is it?
- What does it look like?
- Explain why people like to stay there.
Talk about something that you can do it to help
the environment, please say
- What is it?
- How can you do it?
- How would you suggest to somebody to do it?
Describe a project or a piece of work you did
together with someone, please say
- Who it was?
- What you have done?
-Why you have chosen this person?
Describe a thing you bought, that you had to save
money for, please say
- What it was?
- How long you saved money for it?
- What you felt when you bought it?
Talk about a job that you would like to try, please
- What the job is,
- What skills are necessary to do that job and
- Where you would like to work.
Describe a small company in your hometown that
you think is successful, please say
- Why you think it is successful?
- How you know it?
- What they produce?
- Explain how you think it became successful.
Talk about a cultural festival which people are
celebrating in your country, please say
- When and where is it celebrated?
- How is it celebrated?
- What is the difference between its celebration
the past and at present?
Talk about a story that is well known in your
country. Please say
- What is the story?
- Where have you heard this story?
- Is this story well known to people from other
countries too?
Talk about actions you would take if you were
given a chance to protect the environment. Please
- What would you do first?
- Why is it important?
- How would it help the environment?
Talk about a historical place that you have visited
in your country to learn about the past. Please say
- Where is this place?
- When did you go there?
- What did you learn about the past?
Describe a toy you had in your childhood. Please
- What was the toy?
- Who gave it to you?
- When and where did you play with it?
Describe some good exercises for health that you
would recommend to others. Please say
- What are they?
- What equipment is needed to do them?
- Why would you recommend them to the other
Talk about an advertisement that you saw recently
on TV. Please say
- What is your favorite advertisement and why?
- What is it about?
- What audience was the advertisement for?
Talk about one skill you have learned, like driving,
cooking, etc. Please say
- How have you learned it?
- Why have you learned this skill?
- How difficult was this skill to learn?
- Why do you think it is useful?
Talk about a piece of home equipment that you
have (other than a computer), please say
- What the equipment is?
- How you got it?
- What purpose you use if for?
Talk about a friend that you have known for a long
time, please say
- What did you like about her/him when you first
- Are you in contact with him/her now?
- Why did this friendship become a long one?
Describe a job that you applied for recently, please
- What type of job was it?
- How did you find out about it?
- Would you take the job, if you were accepted?
- Explain why you were interested in that job.
Talk about a job that you would like to try, please
- What the job is?
- What skills are necessary to do that job?
- Explain why you want to work in that job.
Talk about a friend of yours, please say
- How you got to know him/her?
- What you do with him/her?
- How you communicate with him / her?
- What the characteristics of a good friend are?
Talk about a wild animal that you like best, please
- What animal that is?
- Where you saw it?
- What it does?
Describe a movie that you saw recently. You
should say:
- What was the movie about?
- Where did you see it?
- Who were you with?
- What did you like about the movie?
- What did you dislike about the movie?
- Why did you choose that movie?
Talk about something you learned to do very well
(Example. cooking or driving), please say
- What skill did you acquire?
- How did you acquire that skill?
- How is it important?
Talk about a person who speaks a different
language to yours
-whom you have met. Please say
- Where & how did you meet this person?
- What was so special about this person?
- What did you learn from him/her?
Describe a wedding that you have attended.
Please say
- Whose wedding was it?
- Where did it take place?
- How was it celebrated?
- How did you feel about the wedding?
Describe your dream job when you were young.
Please say
- What kind of job was it?
- Where did you learn about it?
- What kind of training/skills are needed for that
- What is the importance of this job?
Talk about a business/political leader whom you
like. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- What does he/she do?
- Why do you admire him/her?
Describe a movie that you saw recently. Please say
- What was the movie title?
- Where did you see it, at home or in the cinema?
- When was it?
Talk about an old person that you know. Please
- Who is he /she?
- What did you learn from him / her?
- How did you come to know him/her?
Describe a foreign musical festival that you
enjoyed. Please say
- Where was it?
- When was it?
- Who was there with you?
- How did you feel after that?
Talk about an interesting place that you know that
is open to public. Please say:
- What kind of place it is?
- Who goes there?
- Why people usually go there? and
- Explain why you think it is an interesting place for
Talk about something that you have made by
yourself (from wood, metal, paper or other
material). Please say
- What did you make?
- Why did you make it?
- How did you make it?
- Explain how you felt about it.
Talk about a letter you have received lately. Please
- Who sent it to you?
- Why did he/she send it?
- How did you feel when you read it?
- Why was this letter important to you?
Talk about a job that you would like to do. Please
- What job is it?
- Why would you like to do it?
Describe your favorite restaurant. Please say
- What decoration style does it have?
- What kind of food is served there?
- Whom do you go there with?
Describe a situation that angered you the most.
Please say
- Where and when did it happen?
- What exactly made you angry?
- How did you handle this situation?
Describe a city/town that you like to visit. Please
- What town is it?
- Why do you like it?
- How do you know about this town?
- What attracts you the most in this town?
Talk about an old building that you have visited
recently, please say
- What is that building?
- Where is it located?
- Why did you visit that building?
Speak about a place outside of your country that
you would like to visit. Please say:
- Why do you want to visit this place?
- What do you know about this place?
- Why do you think you would enjoy?
- What would you do there?
Talk about your favorite meal and how often do
you eat it. Please say
- What is it?
- Why is it your favorite?
- With whom do you eat it?
Tell me about your ideal holiday/vacation. Please
- Where would you go?
- Whom would you like to go with?
- What would you do there?
Talk about a meal that you were invited to. Please
- When and where it took place?
- Who has invited you?
- Explain why you enjoyed the meal.
Talk about an interesting lesson or training that
you have attended. Please say
- Where did it take place?
- What was the lesson/training?
- Why did you like/dislike it?
Talk about your neighbor or roommate. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- When did you meet?
- Do you see each other a lot?
Describe a present that you have given to
someone. Please say
- What was it?
- Who did you give it to?
- Why did you choose it?
Talk about a sport event that you have attended
or watched on TV. Please say
- What sport event it was?
- Where it was held?
- Why you remembered this sport event?
Describe a cafe that you like to visit the most.
Please say
- Where is it?
- When and how often do you go there?
- What is so special about it?
Describe a perfect vacation away from home.
Please say
- What has to be taken into account to make the
vacation perfect?
- Where would you go?
- Why would you like to travel there?
Talk about a leisure activity that you would like to
do. Please say
- What is it?
- Why would you like to do it?
- With whom would you do it?
Talk about an interesting speech that you have
attended. Please say
- Who was the speaker?
- Where did it take place?
- What was his/her speech about?
- Why did you like it?
Describe an event or a situation when you were
late. Please say
- What was the event?
- What was the reason that you were late?
- How did you feel about it?
Talk about a situation when you helped
somebody. Please say:
- Who the person was?
- Why they needed help?
- How you helped them?
Describe a place where you have spent most of
the time in your life. Please say
- What is this place?
- What were you doing there?
- Why was that place important to you?
Talk about a movie that you have seen recently.
Please say
- What movie was it?
- What is the significance of that movie?
- What is the main hero like?
Talk about a wrong decision made by somebody
you know. Please say
- What was the decision?
- Why do you think it was wrong?
- Does that person agree or disagree with you
Describe a product that you bought and were
disappointed with. Please say
- What was the product?
- Where did you buy it?
- Why was it unsatisfactory?
Describe your idea of a perfect vacation. Please
- Where would it be?
- Whom would you go there with?
- What would you do there?
Talk about math lessons at your
elementary/primary school. Please say
- Why do you think they were useful?
- Were they helpful to you?
- Did you enjoy them?
Describe a sports event that you saw on TV or live.
Please say
- When and where did you see it?
- What was the event?
- Why did you like watching the event?
Describe an advertisement that makes you want
to buy a product. Please say
- What was the product?
- What was the advertisement about?
- Why did it make you want to buy this product?
Describe a song that you heard recently and liked
it. Please say
- What was the song about?
- When and where did you hear it?
- Why did you like it?
Describe a room you spend the most time in.
Please say
- What does it look like?
- What do you do there?
- Why do you spend so much time in there?
Describe a parent in your family that you
remember well. Please say
- Who was that person?
- How well do you remember him/her?
- Why did you like that person this much?
Talk about a house or an apartment that you have
visited and liked the most. Please say
- Where is it?
- How did you get there and with whom?
- What did you like about it?
Describe a talk that you have heard recently.
Please say
- Who gave the talk?
- Where was it?
- What was it about?
Talk about something you have bought and
weren’t satisfied with. Please say
- What was it?
- Where did you buy it?
- Why weren’t you satisfied?
Describe a very happy couple in your life that you
find interesting. Please say:
- Who are they?
- Where do they live?
- Why do you find them interesting?
Describe a house that you have visited recently.
Please say
- What was so interesting about it?
- When and why did you visit it?
- Where is it located?
If you were given a chance to do an unusual job,
what job would it be? Please say:
- Why do you think it is an unusual job?
- Where did you find out about it?
- What is so interesting about this job?
Describe an advertisement that you have seen
recently. Please say
- What was the product in the advertisement?
- What was the importance of the advertisement
to you?
- What did you like about it the most?
Talk about a sport in your country. Please say
- What sport is it?
- Is it well developed in your country?
- What is the most popular sport there? Why?
Describe a situation where you had to be very
polite. Please say
- What was the situation?
- Why did you have to be polite?
- What did you do to be polite?
Talk about a way of communication that you
prefer (telephone, letter, email, text messages).
Please say
- Why do you like it?
- How often do you use it?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of
Talk about a present that you gave to your friend.
Please say
- What was it?
- When did this happen?
- How did you feel about it?
Talk about a garden that you have visited recently.
Please say
- Why did you visit it?
- Who was there with you?
- Describe the garden in general.
- Why was / wasn’t it interesting?
Describe an international sport event that you like
the most. Please say
- Where and when did you see it?
- With whom did you watch it?
- What did you do while watching it?
Talk about a gift that you gave to someone
recently. Please say
- What was the gift?
- Whom did you give it to?
- How did you feel about it? Why?
- Why did you choose this gift?
What would you want to buy if you had enough
money? Please say
- Why would you like that?
- Do you think you will actually buy that at some
- How would you feel after buying this item?
Describe a village/town/city that you like the
- Give a short description of that village/town/city.
- Why do you like it?
- What in particular do you like there?
Talk about something that you plan to do in life
besides your work and personal life. Please say
- What do you want to do?
- What should you do for your plan to come true?
- Why do you want to do it?
- How would you feel once you have achieved it?
Talk about a funny show you saw or a funny
incident that happened to you. Please say
- What was it?
- Why was it funny?
- Who was there with you?
Talk about a vehicle that you would like to have.
Please say
- What vehicle is it?
- Why do you like it?
- How will you get one?
Describe a person whom you enjoyed talking to.
Please say
- Who is he/she?
- How often do you talk with him/her?
- What things did you enjoy talking about?
- Why do you like talking with her/him?
Describe an activity that you would like to do with
a group of people. Please say
- What activity is it?
- Whom do you want to do it with?
- Why do you want to do it?
Talk about your childhood friend whom you
haven’t seen for a long time and want to meet
again. Please say
- Who is that person?
- Where did you meet last time?
- What was he/she doing that time?
- Why do you want to see him/her again?
Describe a job you would like to have. Please say
- Why you would like to have this job,
- What skills you need to do this job, and
- Where you think you will be able to get this job.
Talk about an unusual job you would like to do.
Please say
- What is it?
- How did you know about it?
- Why do you think you can do it?
- Why do you like this job?
Talk about something you read recently that you
would recommend to others. Please say
- What was it about?
- Did you enjoy reading it?
- Why would you recommend it?
Talk about an activity you did with your friends
recently. Please say
- What was it?
- How did you feel about it?
- How often do you do it?
Describe an important event in your life. Please
- What was it?
- Why was it so important for you?
- Why do you still remember it?
Describe a happy event in your childhood. Please
- What was it?
- When was it?
- Why do you still remember it?
Describe a situation when you were extremely
polite to someone. Please say
- What was the situation?
- Who were you polite to?
- How did you feel after that?
Talk about a TV program that you like to watch.
Please say
- What the program is about
- When you watch it
- Who you watch it with, and
- Why you think it is interesting.
Talk about a film or real event that you have seen
recently. Please say
- When did you see it?
- What was it?
- Why was it important?
- Why did you remember it?
Talk about something that made you laugh. Please
- Where was it?
- Who was there with you?
- Why did it stick in your memory?
Describe a river (or any other body of water) that
you used to visit. Please say:
- Where was it?
- Who was there with you?
- How did you feel there?
Describe an event from your childhood that you
remember. Please say
- What was the event?
- How old were you then?
- Why do you still remember it?
What would you buy if you had a lot of money?
Please say:
- Why would you buy it?
- What would you do with it?
- How would that make you feel?
Talk about a singer or a group famous in your
country. Please say
- What kind of music do they play?
- What audience is it for?
- Why do people like it?
Talk about a real event or a movie which you have
seen recently. Please say
- What was it about?
- Why did you see it?
- Why would you recommend it to others?
Talk about a vehicle that you would like to have in
the future. Please say
- What car would it be?
- Where would you drive it?
- How can you get it?
Talk about a product you have purchased recently
that you are not satisfied with. Please say
- What was it?
- What did you buy it for?
- What is wrong with it?
Describe a situation that made you laugh. Please
- When did it happen?
- What exactly made you laugh?
- Who were you with?
Describe a teenager that you know. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- How do you know him/her?
- Why do you like him/her?
Talk about a song that influenced your life. Please
- What was the song?
- Why do you like the song?
- In what way did that song influence your life?
Describe a plan that you want to fulfill (unrelated
to work or studies in your life). Please say
- What is the plan?
- How will you achieve it?
- What have you already done to achieve it?
Describe a job that you would like to do in the
future. Please say
- What type of job is it?
- Where would you like to work?
- What are the skills required for this particular
Talk about a place of natural beauty that you
would like to visit. Please say
- What and where is it?
- How can you get there?
- Where did you hear about it?
- Why do you like it?
Talk about a team work/project you have
participated in. Please say
- What was the project about?
- Did it help you on a personal level?
- Whom did you participate with?
Talk about a way of communication that you
usually use. Please say:
- What way is it?
- How often do you use it?
- What are its advantages or disadvantages?
Do you like teamwork? Why?
- How does teamwork help?
- Do you think children must develop the skill of
- Does having leadership skills qualify a person to
be a team leader?
Talk about a way of communication that you
usually use. Please say:
- What way is it?
- How often do you use it?
- What are its advantages or disadvantages?
Describe a subject in the secondary school or high
school which influenced your life. Please say
- What kind of subject was it?
- When and where did you hear about it firstly?
- Do you like this subject?
Talk about a street in your city. Please say
- Where is it?
- How does it look?
- What kind of people live there?
Talk about your best friend. Please say
- How did you meet her/him?
- When was the last time you got together?
Describe a sporting event that you saw either in
person at the stadium or on TV, please say:
- What was the event?
- When was it?
- How was it?
Describe a vehicle that you would like to buy in
the future. Please say
- What vehicle would you buy?
- Why would you buy it?
- Why is it important for you?
Describe an interesting old person that you have
met recently. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- Why is he/she interesting?
- How did you meet him/her?
Describe a garden that you have visited and would
like to return to. Please say
- Where is it?
- What do people do there?
- Why do you want to go there again?
Talk about a situation when you were very
relaxed. Please say
- Where was it?
- When was it?
- Who were you with?
Describe a lesson or a training session you had.
Please say
- What was it?
- Who was the teacher?
- What did you like the most?
Talk about a book you read recently and would
suggest to others to read. Please say
- What is the name of the book?
- What is this book about?
- What part of the book influenced you the most?
- What did you learn from it?
Talk about a city that you have visited. Please say
- What city is it?
- Where did you go in the city?
- What did you see?
- Explain why you have chosen to visit this city.
Talk about a holiday you spent on a lake, river or
near the ocean. Please say
- Where was it?
- What did you do?
- When did it take place?
Describe how you usually communicate with your
friends. Please say:
- Are you communicating by phone, letters or emails?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of
these ways?
- Do your friends agree with this way of
- Which way do they prefer?
Talk about a book you have read and would like to
read again. Please say
- What book is it?
- What is it about?
- What did you learn from it?
- Explain why would you like to read it again?
Describe the journey you were on as a child.
Please say:
- Where did you go?
- Who was there with you?
- How was that journey?
- Why do you still remember that journey?
Talk about any historical event. Please say
- What was the event?
- Where did it take place?
- When did it occur?
Describe a beautiful place of nature that you want
to visit. Please say
- Where is it?
- Whom are you going with?
- What can you see there?
Describe your favorite TV show that you enjoy
watching regularly. Please say
- What is it about?
- When is it shown?
- Why do you like it?
Talk about the most difficult thing that you have
done recently. Please say
- What was it?
- What skills did you need to do it?
- Why was it important to you to finish this task?
Talk about a famous person in your country.
Please say:
- Who is he/she?
- What is he/she doing?
- Why is he/she so famous?
Describe a birthday party that you or your friend
threw. Please say
- When was the party?
- Who was invited to the party?
- What did you enjoy at the party the most?
- What was so interesting there?
Describe a happily married couple that you know.
Please say
- Who are they?
- How did you meet them?
- Why do you think they are so happy?
What means of transportation would you choose
for yourself: a car, a motorcycle or a bicycle?
Explain why you prefer this particular option.
Talk about your leisure time. Please say
- Where do you spend it?
- Whom do you spend it with?
- Do you enjoy spending it this way?
Describe what kind of exercises people do in your
- What exactly do they do?
- Where do they usually do it?
- Why do they do these particular exercises?
Talk about a holiday or vacation you spent in a
group of other people. Please say
- How was it?
- Where was it?
- What was so nice about it?
Talk about your favorite movie. Please say
- What movie is that?
- What is it about?
- Why do you like it?
- How does it make you feel?
Describe an item you would buy if you received a
large amount of money. Pleases say:
- What is it?
- Why would you buy it?
- How would you feel about buying this item?
Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed
watching. Please say:
- What was the event?
- Where did you watch it?
- Whom did you watch it with?
- Why did you enjoy watching it?
Describe a present you have given to someone
recently. Please say:
- What was it?
- Why did you choose it?
Talk about science subjects that you learned in
high school. Please say
- What subjects did you learn?
- Did you like any of these subjects?
- Describe your teachers.
Talk about science subjects you were taught in
secondary or high school. Please say
- What were the subjects?
- Were the teachers good?
- Did you like the courses?
Talk about a happy event in your childhood. Please
- What was it?
- Where did it happen?
- Who were there with you?
Describe a job that you would like to do. Please
- What job is it?
- What skills do you need to do it?
- Why would you like to do this job?
- Why this is it important to you?
Describe a business that you would like to start.
Please say
- Why do you want to do it?
- Where should it be located?
- Who would be your customers, mostly?
Talk about an old person by whom you are
influenced. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- When did you meet him/her?
- Why were you inspired by him/her?
Describe an old person that you like. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- Explain why is he/she interesting to you?
Talk about a famous person you are interested in.
- Describe this person.
- How did you come to know about him/her?
- Why did he/she become famous?
- What have you learned from him/her?
Talk about some family news that you have heard
recently. Please say:
- What news you heard,
- Who gave you the news,
- How you felt after hearing the news, and
- Why you remembered the news.
Describe an old person that you recently met.
Please say
- What was special about him/her?
- Do you like him/her? Why?
Describe a situation where you were close to a
wild animal. Please say
- When and where was it?
- What animal was it?
- What was the animal doing?
- Why do you remember that day?
- How did you feel about it?
Talk about a present that you received. Please say
- What was it?
- Who was it from?
- Why did you like it?
- What was people’s reaction to this present?
Describe a situation where you would have a lot of
money. Please say
- What would you do with the money?
- What would you buy?
- Why would you buy it?
- How would that make you feel?
Describe a person that helped you a lot. Please say
- Who was it?
- What did he/she do for you?
- How did you feel about it?
- When did that happen?
Talk about something difficult that you did very
well. Please say
- What was it?
- When did it happen?
- How much preparation did you do to make it a
Talk about an important building in your country.
Please say
- Where is it located?
- Who does visit the place?
- Why is it important?
Talk about a beautiful place in the nature. Please
- What does it look like?
- Why do you go there?
- What makes this place so special for you?
Talk about a job that you would like to have. You
should say
- What is it?
- What skills are needed for it?
- Why did you choose it?
Describe the happiest person you have ever met,
please say:
- Who is this person ?
- How do you know this person?
- What does make this person so happy?
Talk about someone who had shown you kindness.
Please say
- Who was it?
- Where did it happen?
- What did he/she do for you?
Talk about a book that you have recently read.
Please say
- When did you read it?
- Why did you read it?
- What is the book all about?
- Would you recommend this book to others?
Describe a birthday party that you were invited to.
Please say
- Whose birthday was it?
- Would you rather do something else instead of
going to the party?
- Why was it special?
Describe a situation that made you laugh recently.
Please say
- Where did it happen?
- Who was there with you?
- Do you think you will remember it for a long
Talk about a memorable journey you had as a
child. Please say
- How was it?
- Where did you go?
- Why was it so special?
Describe an advertisement you have seen or heard
recently that impressed you. You should say
- What was the advertisement about?
- What did you like about the advertisement?
- What made it stand out?
Describe your favorite part of the day. Please say
- Why do you like it?
- What do you usually do during that time?
- Whom do you spend it with?
Talk about a science subject that you studied at
the secondary school. Please say
- What was the subject?
- How were the teachers?
- Why did you like it?
Talk about the happiest person you know. Please
- How do you know him/her?
- Why do you think he/she is happy?
Describe a situation in which you were very polite.
Please say
- Where did it happen?
- How did you show that you were polite?
- Explain why were you so polite?
Describe a business that you would set up. Please
- What business is it?
- What are the necessary conditions to set up such
a business?
- What product would it sell or produce?
Talk about something you have seen or read that
made you laugh. Please say
- What was it?
- Who was there you with?
- Whom did you tell about it?
- Why do you still remember it?
Describe a place that you would like to visit, when
you have some free time. Please say
- Where would you like to go?
- Whom would you like to go with?
- What would you like to do there?
- Why do you want to go there?
Describe an occasion or event when you were
congratulated. Please say
- What was the occasion?
- When was it?
- Who was congratulating you?
- How did this make you feel?
Describe an old person that you know well. Please
- Who is he/she?
- When did you meet him/her?
- What is so interesting about him/her?
Talk about a hand-made useful tool that you
created. Please say
- What was it?
- How did you do it?
- Why is it useful in everyday life?
Talk about a famous musician in your country.
Please say
- Why was he popular?
- What is the reason you like him the most?
Talk about a movie that you recently saw, please
- What was the movie title?
- Whom did you see it with?
- When did you see it?
- What was it about?
- Explain why you liked this movie.
Talk about the most interesting journey that you
had when you were young. Please say
- Where have you been?
- Whom did you travel with?
- Why was that trip important for you?
Describe a small business that you would like to
start. You should say
- What business is it?
- Where would you like to start it?
- What would it require to make a start?
- Why have you chosen this particular business?
Describe a lake or a sea that you visited. Please say
- What is its name?
- Where is it?
- When did you go there?
- What do people do there?
Talk about things that can make you a bit angry.
Please say
- What are they?
- When and where are they happening, usually?
- Why do they make you angry?
Talk about a family photograph. Please say
- Who is on that photograph?
- Who took the photo?
- Why do you consider it memorable?
Talk about a letter you received recently. Please
- Who was it from?
- What did it say?
- How did you feel about it?
Describe something that you learned about
another culture. You should say
- What did you learn?
- What is the new culture?
- How did you find out about it?
Describe your friend. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- How did you meet?
- Why do you like him/her?
Talk about a very good student friend that you had
during school. Please say:
- Who this friend was,
- Why he/she was your good friend,
- What did you do together?
Talk about your favorite subject in school. Please
- What was it?
- Why was it your favorite?
- What were the special features of that subject?
Talk about a restaurant that you like. Please say
- What restaurant is it?
- What type of food is served there?
- Whom did you go there with?
Describe a place of work that you know of. Please
- Where is this place?
- Who works there?
- Is it a good place?
Describe a shop that impressed you. Please say.
- Where is the shop?
- How did you learn about it?
- What do they sell?
- Why were you impressed so much?
Describe a foreign music event that you have been
to. Please say
- When was it?
- Where was it?
- How did you feel there?
Talk about a culture you became familiar with
recently. Please say
- What culture was it?
- When did you learn about it?
- What was the occasion?
Talk about a famous place that you know and
would like to visit. Please say
- Where is this place?
- What have you heard about the place?
- What will you do when you go there?
- Why did you choose this place?
Describe the place where you would like to live.
Please say
- Where would it be?
- What will it look like?
- Whom with would you like to live there?
Describe a person who taught you a certain skill,
such as cooking or driving. Please say
- Who is that person?
- How did he/she teach it to you?
- Why did you learn it?
- Was this skill useful to you?
Talk about a special meal you want to have. Please
- Whom do you want to share it with?
- What kind of food would you like to eat?
Talk about a wedding you have recently attended.
Please say
- Whose wedding was it?
- What did you do there?
- What was so special about this event that made
you remember it?
Describe a foreign culture that you like. Please say
- What culture is it?
- How did you get to know about this culture?
- What do you like in it?
Describe an occasion when somebody gave you
money as a present. Please say:
- What did you do with that money?
- Is there a tradition to give money to children in
your country?
- Do parents spend money wiser than their
Describe a movie that you like. Please say
- What is the name of the movie?
- What is it about?
- Why do you like it?
Talk about a product that you want to buy
overseas. Please say
- What kind of product is it?
- Why are you buying this product overseas?
- Is it easy to buy this product in your country?
Cue Card
Talk about a color that matters to you. Please say:
- What color it is?
- When this color became important in your life?
- Why this color matters to you?
- How your choices are affected by this color?
Talk about the latest movie that you saw. Please
- What was the movie title?
- When did you see it and with whom?
- Why did you like/dislike it?
Talk about foreign music that you heard. Please
- What type of music was it?
- How has it influenced you?
- Does music play an important role in our society?
Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard
recently. Please say
- What is the name of the advertisement?
- Explain what it is about.
- Why did you remember this advertisement?
Talk about a positive change in your life. Please
- What was the change?
- When did it happen?
- Why do you think it was positive?
Talk about your favorite thing that you have lost
recently. Please say:
- What did you lose?
- How did that happen?
- Why was that item important to you?
Describe an interesting culture you learned about.
Please say
- What culture was it?
- Where did you learn about it?
- Why are you interested in it?
Talk about a leader from the world of business,
politics or sports. Please say
- Why do you think he is a leader?
- What does distinguish him from other leaders?
- What does inspire you about him?
Describe an important event in your life. Please
- When did it happen?
- What was the event?
- Did it have an effect on your life?
Talk about a book that you have read recently.
Please say
- What is the book about?
- Who is the author?
- Did you like or dislike the book?
Talk about a place in open air where you go to
relax. Please say:
- Where and when do you go?
- Why do you find it relaxing?
- How do you relax in that place?
Describe the furniture in your house. Please say
- What type of furniture is it, modern or
- What is it made of?
- Who bought that furniture?
- How do you feel about that furniture?
Describe a public place of your choice. Please say
- What is this pace?
- Where is it situated?
- Why would you recommend others to visit it?
Describe your dream job when you were young.
Please say
- What kind of job was it?
- Where did you learn about it?
- What kind of training/skills are needed for that
- What is the importance of this job?
Talk about a business/political leader whom you
like. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- What does he/she do?
- Why do you admire him/her?
Talk about your favorite restaurant. Please say
- Where is it?
- What type of food is served there?
- Why do you like this place?
Talk about a song that you remember from the
childhood. Please say
- What was it about?
- Who was singing it to you?
- When was the first time you heard it?
Describe a person that you know well. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- What do you like about him/her?
- Do you spend a lot of time together
Talk about an animal inhabiting your country that
you like. Please say
- What animal is it?
- What are its habits?
- How often can you spot one?
- Why do you like it?
Talk about something that you lost. Please say
- What was it?
- Where did you lose it?
- How did you feel about it?
Describe two people from the same family. Please
- Who are they?
- How often do you meet them?
- How good are they with each other?
- Explain about the similarities between them.
Speak about a place outside of your country that
you would like to visit. Please say:
- Why do you want to visit this place?
- What do you know about this place?
- Why do you think you would enjoy?
- What would you do there?
Talk about an old building that you have visited
recently, please say
- What is that building?
- Where is it located?
- Why did you visit that building?
If you were to start a business, what kind of
business would it be? Please say
- How do you know about it?
- What would inspire you to do it?
- What is the advantage of this business?
Describe a city/town that you like to visit. Please
- What town is it?
- Why do you like it?
- How do you know about this town?
- What attracts you the most in this town?
Describe a situation that angered you the most.
Please say
- Where and when did it happen?
- What exactly made you angry?
- How did you handle this situation?
Describe your favorite restaurant. Please say
- What decoration style does it have?
- What kind of food is served there?
- Whom do you go there with?
Talk about a product from another country that
you want to buy. Please say
- What kind of product is it?
- What country is the product from?
- Why do you want to buy it?
- Is it convenient for you to buy this product in the
place where you live?
Talk about a job that you would like to do. Please
- What job is it?
- Why would you like to do it?
Talk about a letter you have received lately. Please
- Who sent it to you?
- Why did he/she send it?
- How did you feel when you read it?
- Why was this letter important to you?
Describe the furniture in your home. Please say
- What type of furniture do you have in your
- What is it made of?
- Who selected it?
Talk about an interesting place that you know that
is open to public. Please say:
- What kind of place it is?
- Who goes there?
- Why people usually go there? and
- Explain why you think it is an interesting place for
Describe a foreign musical festival that you
enjoyed. Please say
- Where was it?
- When was it?
- Who was there with you?
- How did you feel after that?
Describe an open air place that you like. Please say
- When do you go there?
- Where is this place?
- Why do you go there?
- Why do you think this is a good place for
Talk about an old person that you know. Please
- Who is he /she?
- What did you learn from him / her?
- How did you come to know him/her?
Talk about an outdoor activity that you enjoy the
most. Please say:
- When and where did you start doing it?
- Where do you do this activity?
- Whom do you do it with?
- Explain why you like this activity.
Talk about a journey you intend to go on in the
future. Please say
- Where will you go?
- Whom with?
- Why is it important for you to be there?
Describe a character of your personality. Please
- Is it good or bad?
- When can your character be useful?
- How did you acquire it?
Talk about a newspaper or a magazine that you
recently read. Please say
- What was the article that you liked?
- How many people would agree with your
- How important is the newspaper in influencing
people’s opinions?
- Is other media important too?
Describe an unusual or interesting thing you did
recently. You should say
- Where did you do this?
- When did you do this?
- Whom did you do this with?
- Why was it interesting?
Talk about a family event you attended, please
- When and where did it happen?
- Who was present and what happened?
- How did you feel about the event?
Describe a journey you took that got delayed.
Please say
- Where were you going?
- What kind of transportation have you used for
- What was the reason of the delay?
Talk about a job that helps to make the world a
better place. Please say
- What job is it?
- Where did you learn about it?
- Why do you think it helps so much?
Talk about an unusual thing you did recently.
Please say
- What was it?
- Who was there with you?
- How did you feel about it?
Describe a place outdoors where you go to relax.
Please say:
- Where is this place?
- How often do you go there?
- Why does it help you relax?
Talk about a program you watched on TV and
learned something from. Please say:
- When and where did you watch it?
- What was it about?
- Why did you watch it?
- What did you learn from the program?
I’d like you to talk about a photograph you once
took. You should say
- When you took it?
- Who you took it with?
- What it shows?
- Why you like this particular photograph?
Talk about a leader or a role model that you have
(in sports, politics or any other field). Please say
- What does the leader do?
- How did you come to know about the leader?
- What are the qualities of that leader that you like
Describe a job that would suit you the most.
Please say
- How did you come to know about this job?
- Who can work in this field?
- Why is this job useful?
Talk about the best conversation you have had on
the phone with somebody, please say
Who did you talk to?
What was the conversation about?
Why was this conversation the best you’ve ever
Talk about your closest friend. Please say
- When did you meet at first?
- What do you do together?
- Why is this person important to you?
Describe a family event that you have enjoyed a
lot. Please say
- What was the event?
- What was the most enjoyable part of it?
- How important was this event to your family?
Talk about a restaurant where you often go with
your family and friends. Please say
- What restaurant is it?
- Where is it located?
- What does it look like?
- What do you usually eat there?
Talk about something expensive you would buy if
you had the money. Please say
- What would it be?
- What would you use it for?
- How would you like it to be?
Describe a journey that took longer than you
expected. Please say
- Where was it?
- Who was there with you?
- Why did it take longer?
Describe a garden you have visited. Please say
- Where is it?
- Why did you like it?
- Why do you like to go there?
Talk about a leader that you admire. Please say:
- Who is he/she?
- How did you know about him/her?
- Explain why you admire him/her?
Talk about two people from the same family.
Please say
- What do they look like?
- How similar are these two persons?
- How much time do they spend together?
- Why did you choose to talk about these two
Talk about a foreign movie that you have watched
lately. Please say
- What movie was it?
- What was the genre of the movie?
- What did you like or dislike about it?
Talk about a place you have visited at open air.
Please say
- Where did you go?
- Why did you go there?
- What did you do there?
Talk about your favorite book. Please say
- Who wrote it?
- Why do you like it so much?
- When did you read it?
- Would you like to read it again?
Talk about a positive change that you made in
your life recently. Please say
- Why did you do it?
- What happened next?
- How do you feel about that change now?
Talk about a person, whom you have seen in the
news and would like to meet personally. Please
- Who is this person?
- Why would you like to meet him/her?
- What would you like to talk about with him/her?
Talk about a TV program you have watched.
Please say
- What is this program?
- When did you watch it?
- What did you learn from it?
Talk about a foreign movie that you saw. Please
- What was it about?
- What did you like about it?
- Why did you remember that movie?
- What do you think about learning process for
- Do you think the learning process is changing?
- What is better, learning alone or with a teacher?
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of both
Talk about the kind of clothes you prefer. Please
- What kind of clothes do you like?
- Why do you like that particular kind?
- Where do you buy such clothes?
Describe a family function you have attended.
Please say
- What was the function?
- Who was there with you?
- How did you enjoy the function?
Talk about a song from your childhood that you
remember until now. Please say
- What is it about?
- What is the significance of this song in your life?
- What do you feel when you hear this song?
Describe an expensive thing that you have bought.
Please say
- What was it?
- How expensive was it?
- Was it for yourself or somebody else?
Talk about a place near water (lake, river, etc) you
have visited when you were a child. Please say
- When did you go there?
- Whom did you go with?
- Why was it interesting for you?
- What did you like/dislike about this place?
Describe a time when you helped someone. Please
- Who was that person?
- What did you do to help him/her?
- Do you think it helped that person?
Talk about a person that you know who has a
healthy life style, please say
- Who is he/she?
- Why do you think he/she has got a healthy life
- Do people in modern society eat more junk food
or healthy food?
Describe a walk that you have enjoyed. Please say
- When was it?
- Where was it?
- Whom did you go with?
Talk about something that you would like to learn.
Please say
- What is it?
- How would you like to learn this?
- How would it help you in the future?
Describe a character that influenced you in
childhood. Please say
- Who is that character?
- What does he/she look like?
Describe a peaceful place that you like to go to.
Please say
- What is this place?
- When do you go there?
- What do you do there?
- Explain why you feel it is peaceful there.
Talk about the recent news in media that made an
impression on you. Please say
- Whom was it about?
- What happened?
- Why did you remember it?
Describe a place where you would go for a holiday,
please say
- Where would you go?
- Why would you choose it?
- What would you do there?
Talk about a country or town you would like to
visit. Please say
- What country / town is it?
- With whom would you like to go?
- How do you plan to get there?
- Why do you want to go there?
Describe one of your days off, please say
- Where would you go?
- With whom would you spend the day?
- What activities would you do?
- Please explain why you like a day off?
Describe an adventurous person that you know or
read about. Please say
- Who is this person?
- Why do you find him/her an adventurer?
- What can you learn from him/her?
Talk about an unusual activity that you did
recently. Please say
- What was that activity?
- With whom did you do it?
- Why did you do it?
- How did you do it?
Talk about a house or an apartment you would like
to live in.
- Describe that house or apartment,
- say why you like it, and
- explain where it should be located.
Describe a leisure center in your city (a park, a
cinema, a shopping mall or similar). Please say
- Where is it located?
- What amenities does it offer?
- How often do you go there
Describe a neighbor that you know well. Please
- Who is he/she?
- How did you meet him/her?
- How long have you known him/her?
- Why do you like him/her?
Talk about the profession that can change the
world. Please say
- Do you know anyone working in that profession?
- Why would it change the world?
- What do you think can make this job enjoyable?
Talk about a magazine or a newspaper article that
you have really liked. Please say
- What was it about?
- Why did you like it?
- How often do you read this
Talk about fashion in clothes, please say:
- What type of clothes do you like?
- Why do you wear this type of clothes?
- How often do you go to markets to buy new
- Do you spend much money on new clothes?
- Explain the importance of clothes to you.
Talk about a family member you often want to
spend time with. Please say
- Who is he/she?
- How did you get to know each other?
- Why do you want to spend most of your time
with him/her?
Talk about a vehicle that you would like to buy.
Please say
- What vehicle is that?
- Why do you like it?
- Do you intend to buy this vehicle in future?
- What purpose would you use this vehicle for?
Talk about something that you would like to
succeed in doing. Please say
- What is it?
- How would you make it happen?
- Why do you want to do it?
- Do you know someone who has achieved it?
Talk about a good quality of your character. Please
- What quality is this?
- How do you manage to keep this good quality?
- Do your family members appreciate this quality
of your character?
Describe a friend who could be a good leader.
Please say
- What is his/her name?
- How did you meet him/her?
- Do people behave differently when he/she is
- Why do you think he/she can be a good leader?
Describe an unusual activity you have done
recently. Please say
- What was the activity?
- When did you do it?
- Why did you do it?
- With whom did you do it?
Describe a conversation on the phone that you
have enjoyed the most. Please say
- Was it long?
- Who were you talking to?
- Why was it special to you?
Talk about a successful small company you know.
Please say
- What is the name of the company?
- How did you come to know about it?
- Why do you think it is successful?
- What do they do to make it successful?
Talk about a historical place you have visited
lately. Please say
- When did you go there?
- Whom was it with?
- What did you like there the most?
Describe a teacher from your school that made an
impression on you, please say
- who the teacher was,
- describe the teacher,
- explain why you remember this teacher.
Talk about a recent advertisement that you have
seen. Please say
- What was it about?
- Describe the advertisement.
- Who do you think would be interested in it?
- Why was the advertisement so interesting?
Talk about an advertisement that you have seen
recently. Please say
- What was it about?
- Was it made well, and why?
- Why do you remember it?
Talk about the thing that you wanted and you had
to wait and save money to purchase. Please say
- What was it?
- When did you buy it?
- Why was it important to you?
Talk about a child that you know. Please include
the following points in your speech:
- Describe your relationship with that child.
- Explain what he/she looks like.
- How do you feel about that child?
- Discuss why you choose to talk about this child.
Talk about a historical building you visited recently
- describe the building,
- say what is it used for?
- explain why you visited it.
Describe a small company that you consider a
successful one, please say
- What company is it?
- What does the company do?
- What are the reasons for their success?
Talk about something you are really good at doing.
Please say
- What is it?
- When did you learn to do it?
- How often do you do it?
- How do you feel when you are doing it?
Talk about a law which you would like to propose
in your area. Please say
- What would that law be?
- Why do you think it is important?
- How would you enforce this law?
Describe a person you want to go traveling with.
Please say
- Who is this person?
- How did you meet him/her?
- Where do you want to go with him/her?
- Why would you go there with him/her?
Describe a noisy place you have visited recently.
Please say
- Why was it noisy?
- What effect does the noise have on you?
Talk about an expensive item that you bought,
please say
- What was it?
- When did you buy it? Why?
- Where did you buy it
Talk about the aspects of your life that you would
consider changing to improve your health. Please
- What are they?
- How would you change them?
- Do you think you could change them?
Talk about your last holidays. Please say
- Do you like to go on holidays?
- Where do you like to go to?
- Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?
- What do you do on your holidays?
Describe what type of books you prefer the most
(Novels, Sports, Travel Books)? Please say:
- Why do you like this particular genre?
- When did you first discover it?
- Please name a few of your favorite books.
- How often do you read these days?
Talk about something that you are good at, please
- When did you start doing it?
- How did you become good at it?
- How does it make you feel?
Talk about a celebration which is important in
your country, please say
- Why is it important?
- Why do people celebrate it?
- Why is it important to you?
- How do you celebrate it?
Talk about a foreigner you once met, please say:
- Who was he / she?
- Where did you meet him / her?
- How was the meeting?
Talk about the car you would choose if you could
buy any car. Please say:
- What car would you buy?
- Why would you buy this particular car?
Tell me about a specific skill that you have
learned. Please say
- Why did you learn it?
- How did you learn it?
- Why do you find it useful?
Talk about a person who is very successful in
his/her life. Please say
- Who is that person?
- How do you know him/her?
- Why do you like that person?
Describe a situation when something in your
house broke or stopped working. Please say
- What was it?
- What happened when it broke/stopped working?
- How did you feel about it?
Describe your ideal house. Please say
- Where do you want the house to be?
- What should it look like?
- How many people should it accommodate?
Describe a hotel you stayed in or know about.
Please say:
- What is its name?
- Where is it?
- What does it look like?
- Explain why people like to stay there.
Talk about something that you can do it to help
the environment, please say
- What is it?
- How can you do it?
- How would you suggest to somebody to do it?
Describe a project or a piece of work you did
together with someone, please say
- Who it was?
- What you have done?
-Why you have chosen this person?
Describe a thing you bought, that you had to save
money for, please say
- what it was?
- How long you saved money for it?
- What you felt when you bought it?
Talk about a job that you would like to try, please
- What the job is?
- What skills are necessary to do that job? And
- where you would like to work?
Talk about a cultural festival which people are
celebrating in your country, please say
- When and where is it celebrated?
- How is it celebrated?
- What is the difference between its celebration
the past and at present?
Talk about a story that is well known in your
country. Please say
- What is the story?
- Where have you heard this story?
- Is this story well known to people from other
countries too?
Describe a toy you had in your childhood. Please
- What was the toy?
- Who gave it to you?
- When and where did you play with it?
Talk about one skill you have learned, like driving,
cooking, etc. Please say
- How have you learned it?
- Why have you learned this skill?
- How difficult was this skill to learn?
- Why do you think it is useful? Cue card
Talk about a piece of home equipment that you
have (other than a computer), please say
- what the equipment is?
- How you got it?
- What purpose you use if for?
Describe a job that you applied for recently, please
- What type of job was it?
- How did you find out about it?
- Would you take the job, if you were accepted?
- Explain why you were interested in that job?
Talk about a wild animal that you like best, please
- What animal that is?
- Where you saw it?
- What it does?
Talk about a person who speaks a different
language to yours whom you have met. Please say
- Where & how did you meet this person?
- What was so special about this person?
- What did you learn from him/her?
Describe an occasion on which you were late,
please say
- Why were you late?
- What did you miss because of being late?
- What did you have to face after being late?
Talk about a wild animal that you like best, please
- What animal that is?
- Where you saw it?
- What it does?
Talk about the type of music which is popular in
your country, please say
- What type of music that is? And
- Why this music is popular in your country.
Talk about an activity that you do to protect the
environment, please say
- what activity that is?
- How often you do it?
- Who else does it with you?
- How it helps with protecting the environment?
Talk about a childhood hobby of yours, please say
- what hobby it was?
- How you developed this hobby?
- Why you liked doing this?
- How you enjoyed this hobby when you were a
Talk about an exciting message that you have
received through email or phone, please say
- Who sent it to you?
- What the message was about?
- Who you shared it with?
Talk about a useful application of computer that
you had a personal experience with, please say:
- How did you do this?
- Was it difficult for you?
- Has anyone helped you?
Talk about a family that you liked to spend time
with (other than your own family). You should say:
- Who were they?
- Why did you like to spend time with them?
- How did you meet them?
Talk about your favorite outdoor activity; please
- What activity is that?
- Where do you do it?
- How often do you do it?
- Why do you like that activity?
Tell me about a part of your city that is changing,
please say
- Where is it?
- How is it changing?
- Why is it changing?
- How do you feel about that?
Talk about a law or a rule that you would suggest
to improve your country, please say
- What law/ rule that is?
- Why you think it is needed?
- Explain how it would improve the situation in
your country.
Describe a knowledge quiz show on TV; please say
- Why do you like this kind of show?
- Is it easy to prepare for this show?
- Would you like to participate in it?
Talk about a childhood hobby of yours, please say
- What hobby it was?
- How you developed this hobby?
- Why you liked doing this?
Talk about a traditional story which is well-known
in your country; please say
- why you know this story?
- How you feel about this story?
- What the story is about?
- Why this story is well-known?
Talk about your favorite subject in
primary/secondary school, please say
- What subject it was?
- Why you liked it? And
- How long you have studied it?
Describe something naughty you did when you
were a child, please say
- What you did?
- Why you did it?
- What happened after that?
-Why you remembered this incident?
Describe someone who you think is successful;
please say
- Who he/she is?
- What his/her achievements are?
- What made him/her be your choice?
- How his/her success contributed to the society?
Describe a shop you like, please say
- Why you like this shop?
- What they sell?
- How you came to know about it?
- Whether you would recommend it to your
Talk about a public event you attended, you
should say:
- What was the public event and when was it?
- With whom did you go to the event?
- Why was this public event so important?
Talk about a famous person (not from your
country) that you want to meet, please say
- Who is this person?
- Why did you choose this person?
- Where do you want to meet this person?
Tell about a job advertisement which you recently
read, please say
- What job was it for?
- Where did you read it?
- Would you like to apply for that position, and
Talk about a school you went to in your childhood,
please say
- What school it was?
- Where it was?
- Describe the classrooms.
- What you remember about the teachers?
Talk about how you spent your last weekend,
please say
- Where were you gone?
- Who went there with you?
- What you did there?
Talk about changes in your hometown, please say:
- whether these changes happened / are
happening quickly,
- What your town looks like?
- What changes happened recently?
- What other changes are going to happen in
Talk about a subject you liked studying in a high
school or in a university, please say
- What the subject was?
- Who the teacher was?
- Why you liked studying that subject?
Talk about a wild animal that you like:
- describe the animal?
- say why you like it?
Describe a book you liked when you were a child,
please say
- What book it was?
- What the book was about?
- Who gave it to you?
- Why it was special to you?
Describe a sport you would like to play, please say:
- What that game is?
- How you will learn that sport?
- Why you like this game?
Describe something you bought and never used,
please say:
- What was that?
- When and where did you buy it?
- Why didn’t you use it?
Describe a piece of advanced equipment in your
home, please say
- What is it?
- How did you get it?
- How often do you use it?
Talk about a musical piece that you like, please say
- What is your favorite music?
- What musical instrument is playing there?
- When is it usually playing?
Describe a greeting card you have received that
was very special to you, please say:
- Who gave it to you?
- On what occasion?
- What was the message?
- Why was it special?
Talk about a birthday party you are going to
arrange, please say:
- Where will be the party?
- Who will be invited?
- What entertainment is going to be there?
Talk about one of the machines/devices that you
would like to buy, you should say:
- What it is ?
- Why you would like to buy it?
- What its features are?
Describe a trip that did not go as well as you
planned, please say:
- What happened?
- Where it happened?
- What did you do?
Talk about a person that you visit frequently, you
should say
- Who she/he is?
- Why you visit her/him?
- What you do with her/him?
Talk about a big event you attended (a party, or a
religious event), you should say:
- What kind of event that was?
- When and where you attended it?
- What you did there?
Describe an event happening recently that made
you happy. You should say:
- When and where was it?
- Who was involved?
- What happened?
Explain why it made you happy.
Talk about a journey you missed, you should say:
- When you were planning to go there,
- What had happened?
- How you felt about it?
Describe a shop that you like, please say
- What shop it is?
- What they sell?
- Why you like it?
Please explain what do you need to do to achieve
your goals, you should say:
- What your goals within the next year are?
- What things you have done so far?
- What your detailed action plan is?
Talk about a speech you heard which you liked,
please say:
- What was the topic?
- Who was the speaker?
- Why did you like it?
Talk about a person who cooks well, you should
- Who this person is?
- How she/he learned to cook?
- How long she/he has been cooking?
Talk about a place in your town you like most, you
should say:
- What place in your town that is?
- Why you visit the place?
- How often you visit the place?
- When you last visited the place?
Talk about a change you would like to make in
your life, you should say:
- What kind of change it would be?
- When would you like to make it?
- Why?
- What is the main reason for this change?
Talk about the climate in your country, you should
- How hot or cold is the climate?
- How much rain do you get?
Talk about a traffic jam you got in, you should say:
- How and where it happened?
- How long did you stay in it?
- How did it make you feel?
Talk about the last book you have read, you
should say
- What book was it?
- Why did you choose it?
- What did you like about it?
- Would you recommend it to anyone else?
Talk about the course you would like to take, you
should say:
- What kind of course is that?
- Why would you choose this course?
- How easy would it be for you?
Tell me about a person whom you think is
intelligent, you should say
- Who that person is?
- Where and when you met him?
- Why you think he is intelligent?
Talk about a position you would like to have in the
future. You should say
- What is it?
- What is the difference the future job and the
recent one that you have?
- Why do you think you can have that future job?
Talk about a movie that you’ve seen at cinema or
at home, you should say:
- Why did you like that movie?
- What was the movie about?
- What did you enjoy most in that movie?
Describe a place where you would like to live
abroad; you should say
- Where it is?
- How you know about the place?
- And why you are interested in living there?
Talk about a library you know, you should say:
– Where it is?
- In what type of building it is located?
- Describe it.
Tell us about something you want to be, but you
are not at present, you should say
- Who is the person you want to become?
– Why do you want the change?
Describe an interesting stage in your life, you
should say
- When was it?
- Where was it?
- Why you find it interesting?
What Television show you enjoy most?
- Describe the TV show you like
- why do you enjoy it?
- do you talk much about it?
Talk about a party you would like to hold
- What do you do to hold it?
- What special things you do at this party?
It was about performing arts.
- Describe a performance when and where you
have seen it?
- What sort of performance was it?
- What was special about it?
Describe a picture that you like, you should say
- Who is on the picture?
- When was it taken?
- What was happening?
Describe a magazine that you read, you should say
- Why is it interesting?
- Who reads them?
- Is it popular with other people?
Explain why it is important to read them.