Notes - Matter and Change

Chapter 1 ● Matter and Change - Notes
Chemistry is a ______________________________
Definition: Chemistry is the study of
The 6 branches of chemistry and what they primarily deal with are:
Definition: A chemical is any _______________________ that has a _____________________ composition.
Basic research is carried out for the sake of ______________________________
Example: Teflon, Roy Plunkett
Applied research is carried out to __________________________________ (driven by desire to solve a specific problem, not just
Technological development involves the _________________ and use of products that ____________ our quality of life.
Example: computers, cars, biodegradable materials
The three types of research often _______________________________
Definition: Matter
Definition: Volume
Building Blocks of Matter are:
Definition: Atom
Definition: Element
Definition: Compound
Extensive properties ______________ on the amount of ______________________that is present.
Intensive properties ____________________ on the amount of _________________ that is present.
Physical Property –a characteristic that can be __________________ without changing the ____________ of the substance.
Physical change - a change in a substance that does not involve a change in the ______________ of the substance.
A change of state is a ______________of a substance from one state to another.
Three common _____________________________ - solid state, liquid state, gas state
The solid state has ___________________ and __________________________.
The liquid state has a ___________________ but an ______________________shape.
The gas state has neither __________________ nor definite ____________.
Plasma - is a high-temperature physical state of matter in which atoms lose most of their electrons, particles that make up atoms.
(Found in fluorescent bulbs)
Chemical property relates to a substance’s ability to
Chemical change - A change in which one or more substances are converted into _____________ substances. Also called a chemical
Reactants are
Products are
Energy is ___________________involved when physical or chemical changes occur.
Energy can be in various forms.
Energy can be ______________ or released in a change, it is ____________ destroyed or created. (Law of Conservation of Energy)
Homogeneous mixtures are called _____________________
_____________________in composition (salt-water solution)
Heterogeneous mixtures
____________uniform throughout (clay-water mixture)
Pure Substances:
A pure substance has a _____________________composition.
Pure substances are either ________________or ____________________.
The vertical columns of the periodic table are called___________ or _____________________.
Each group contains elements with similar chemical properties.
The _____________________rows of elements in the periodic table are called periods.
Physical and chemical properties change somewhat regularly across a period.
A metal is an element that is a good electrical conductor and a good heat conductor.
Other Properties:
A nonmetal is an element that is a poor conductor of heat and electricity.
Other Properties:
A metalloid is an element that has some characteristics of metals and some characteristics of nonmetals.
Other Properties:
Noble Gases – Where are they located on the periodic table???
Other Properties: