Function of blood 1. Transport: o O2 – CO2 – Nutrients– waste products and hormones 2. Homoeostasis: o o Regulation of body temperature Regulation of ECF (pH, nutrients, ions……..etc) 3. Protection against infections by: White Blood Cells o Antibodies (Immunoglobulins). o 4. Haemostasis: o prevents blood loss by blood clotting Composition of blood 1. Plasma • • • Water 91% Ions Plasma proteins (Albumin , globulins, Fibrinogen) 2. Cellular components • Red Blood Cells • White Blood Cells. • Platelets The Plasma Composition 91% water 9% solids : of plasma: o 7% plasma proteins, o 2% inorganic salt; Na, HCO3,Cl) Types of plasma proteins: Albumin (4-4.5 gm/dl ) Globulins (2.5 gm/dl ) Fibrinogen (0.4 gm/dl) Prothrombin. • Total plasma proteins = 7.4 gm/dl. Functions of Plasma Proteins 1-Production of an effective osmotic pressure: Albumin causes the colloidal osmotic pressure which is about 25 mmHg. 2.Blood Viscosity: Caused by fibrinogen mainly. It helps in maintaining peripheral resistance. 3.Clotting of blood: by fibrinogen, prothrombin and other clotting factors. 4.Defensive function: Gamma globulins are immunoglobulins. 5.Act as carriers : for some hormones, drugs, metal ions and other molecules and prevent their rapid loss in urine (especially albumin). Formed Elements - Cells Erythrocytes (RBCs) (4.5-5.5 million/mm3). Platelets (200,000 - 400,000/mm3). Leucocytes (WBCs) (4,000-10,000/mm3). Erythrocytes (RBCs) Functions: Carry Hemoglobin Transport of O2 and CO2 Counts: In males 4.5-5.5 million /mm3 In females 4.0 -5.0 millions /mm3 Life span 120 days Types & causes of anemia 1. Normocytic normochromic anemia: The size of RBC’s & their Hb content are normal but their count is less than normal. Acute blood loss anemia: It results from rapid loss of an excessive amount of blood e.g. during severe hemorrhage. Aplastic anemia: It results from destruction or inhibition of B.M. due to: o Excessive exposure to X-ray or –radiation. o Chemical toxins e.g. cancer therapy, chloramphenicol or insecticides. Hemolytic anemia: It results from excessive destruction of RBC’s. 2.Microcytic hypochromic anaemia: The size of the RBC’s & their Hb content are decreased. It is caused by: o o o o Iron deficiency anemia: causes: intake: as in malnutrition. iron requirements: as in pregnancy & lactation. absorption: as in gastrectomy & malabsorption. Chronic blood loss due to: peptic ulcer, bleeding piles, bilharziasis, excessive menstruation. Thalassemia. Hypothyroidism (some cases are macrocytic). 3. Macrocytic (megloblastic) anemia (maturation failure anemia) o o o o o o o The red volume & its Hb content (MCH) are increased but the MCHC is normal. It is caused by: Folic acid deficiency anemia: Results from: intake in diet. requirements e.g. during pregnancy. Failure of absorption. Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia: (Pernicious anaemia) Results from: intake in diet (rare). absorption of vitamin B12 due to: Absence of gastric intrinsic factor: Atrophy of gastric mucosa, Partial or total gastrectomy, Cancer stomach. Distal small intestine diseases. Polycythemia 3. Definition: number of RBC’s above 6 million/mm Polycythemia Types & causes: Primary polycythemia (polycythemia vera): Caused by a tumor like condition of B.M. excessive production of RBC’s. Secondary polycythemia (physiological polycythemia) It is 2ry to prolonged tissue hypoxia overproduction of erythropoietin. e.g.:- High altitude & Newly born infants. Effects: o blood volume. o blood viscosity peripheral resistance diastolic blood pressure. o Stagnant hypoxia due to slow blood flow. Leucocytes (White Blood Cells) White cell count : 4.000 – 11.000 / mm3. 1 - Granulocytes: Neutrophils : (50 -70 % ) Phagocytosis of bacteria & some fungi. Eosinophils : (1 - 4 % ) Destroy parasitic worms & immune complexes. Basophils : (0 - 1 % ) Causes vasodilation by the release of histamine. 2 - Monocytes : (2 - 8 %) Differentiate into macrophages in tissues. 3 - Lymphocytes : ( 20 - 40 % ) two types: B-lymphocytes - Humoral Immunity (antibodies). T-lymphocytes - Cellular Immunity. Basophil Lymphocyte Eosinophil Neutrophil Monocyte Hemostasis It is the stoppage of blood loss from injured vessel There are three major steps: 1-Vasoconstriction: When a large artery or vein is severed, smooth muscle in its wall contracts. Platelets release serotonin which brings about vasoconstriction. 2-Platelet plug formation : When capillaries rupture, the damage is too slight to initiate the formation of a clot. The rough shape causes the platelets to change shape (swollen) and become sticky. They stick to each other and aggregate trying to close the whole in the injured vessel. o o Vascular Spasm Platelet plug formation Blood Coagulation 3- Blood Coagulation (Clotting): o It stops bleeding by occluding the opening in damaged vessels. o Clot is formed by conversion of soluble plasma fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin network with blood cells in its meshes. o The clot begins to develop in 15 – 20 seconds & within 3 – 6 min. clot is completely formed in the injured vessel. Intrinsic & extrinsic mechanism 17 Hemostasis process Hemophilia Definition: o It is a hereditary hemorrhagic disease transmitted by females (who are usually not affected but act as carriers) to males (who are affected) so, it is sex linked. o The injured vessel causes severe hemorrhage for long time. Types & causes: 1) haemophilia A (classic Haemophilia): 83 %: Caused by deficiency of factor VIII. 2) Haemophilia B (Christmas disease): 15 %: Caused by deficiency of factor IX. 3) Haemophilia C: 2 %: Caused by deficiency of factor XI Characters 1- Normal bleeding time. 2- Prolonged clotting time. 3- clotting factors VIII, IX & XI . 19 Hemophilia pictures Purpura Definition: It is a disease characterized by spontaneous small hemorrhages in skin & mucous membranes. Causes & types: A) Thrombocytopenic purpura: number of platelets (below 40, 000/ mm3). o Causes: 1) Idiopathic thrombocytopenia. 2) Platelet production. 3) Platelet destruction: As in case of hypersplenism. B) Non-thrombocytopenic purpura: Platelet count is normal but bleeding time is prolonged due to platelet or vascular abnormalities. Characters: o Normal clotting time. o Prolonged bleeding time o number of platelets (in thrombocytopenic purpura). 21 Purpura pictures ABO blood groups Blood group Agglutinogen on RBC’s Agglutinin in plasma % of population. A A Anti- B 42 % B B Anti- A 9% AB A,B –––– 3% O –––– Anti-A & Anti-B 46 % Blood type Group A Group B Group AB Group O Anti A Anti B Rh Factor People whose RBCs have the Rh antigen (D antigen) are Rh+ People who lack the Rh antigen are Rh-. Normally, blood plasma does not contain anti-RH antibodies. Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN): if blood from Rh+ fetus contacts Rh-mother during birth, anti-Rh antibodies are formed. Affect is on second Rh+ baby. Significance of Rh: 1) Blood transfusion: If an Rh –ve person receives Rh +ve blood the body starts to make anti Rh agglutinins that will remain in the blood. These agglutinins develop slowly & reach maximum after 2- 4 months. If 2nd transfusion of an Rh +ve blood is given later blood agglutination & hemolysis of the donor’s RBC’s occurs. 2) Erythroblastosis fetalis (hemolytic disease of the new born) If an Rh –ve mother becomes pregnant from an Rh +ve husband the fetus will most probably be Rh +ve like his father. Small amount of fetal blood leak into maternal circulation at the time of delivery & mother develops significant anti Rh agglutinins after delivery. During the 2nd pregnancy the mother’s agglutinins cross the placenta (IgG) to the fetus causing hemolysis of his RBC’s. The fetus is usually born dead & if he live he will have severe anemia & jaundice (due to excessive bilirubin formation). & as a compensation, the B.M. rapidly adds immature RBC’s (=Erythroblasts) to the blood (hence the name). Bilirubin may precipitate in the brain cells causing their damage (a condition called Kernicterus in which the infant suffers from mental retardation & motor disturbance). The hemolytic disease of the new born can be seen in the 1st pregnancy if the mother has previously received incompatible Rh +ve blood or has previous abortion of an Rh +ve fetus.