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Executive Summary
Oh the universe, just thinking about it makes us question life, the reason we live or what's our purpose in
this cosmos. Well for what we know universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure or detect.
It includes everything, living and non-living things like stars, galaxy, planets, and alos us. The universe is
so big in fact, every grain of sand in our planet is not even close on how many stars in the universe, and
every stars like ours contain planets that maybe suitable for a living organism to survive. That's makes us
question "are we really alone in this universe?" Fun fact, there are estimated 300 billion stars in the milky
way alone! Imagine it, there are approximately 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe and each of
those galaxies contains 300 billion stars each! Wow! Maybe we are not really alone in this universe, but
we can't really tell them just yet because our technology is not that advance that's why even some parts
of our solar system is still a mystery to us.
In the past years, universe themed stuff starts to get trendy to us, mostly for teenagers. We don't know
why, maybe "It's out of this world!" There are a lot of product released when this trend became so popular
to us, like phone cases, journals, laces, stickers, posters, and much more. The business industry found
this trend to be a good way to make money out of. Because of people loving this universe themed
product, it's a good opportunity to an entrepreneur to take advantage of, to earn good amount of money
before the trend end. But we don't even know if this trend is going to be over because even today a lot of
people still fall in love in this kind of stuff, some people go as far as decorating their clothes and coloring
their food with universe themed colors!
Because of social media influences, we Filipinos also fell in love in this kind of stuff. We incorporate this
universe themed stuff in our daily lives, like in schools and in our home. That's why here's
(NEED IT, BUY IT, LAB IT) bringing you the hottest universe themed, proudly Filipino made
products that will sky rocket you to new heights, while your money will stay down to earth because of the
low price but quality good products.
Prepared by: James Heinrich G. Santos