TT T3CD proposal

Proposal template for a
“ESA Topical Team”
Title of the proposed Topical Team
Topical Team on the Toxicity of Celestial Dusts (T3CD)
Coordinator :
Francesco Turci; University of Torino (ESA bidder code: 1000001029), Department of
Chemistry, Via P. Giuria, 7 I-10125 – Torino, Italy;; Office: +39 011
670 7566, Mobile: +39 348 573 4293
Erin Tranfield (co-coordinator);Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Rua da Quinta Grande, 6,
2780-156 Oeiras, Portugal;; +351 21 446 4691
Dag Linnarsson (past coordinator); Karolinska Institutet, Dept of Physiology and
Pharmacology, Biomedicum Q6, Solnavägen 9, 171 77 Stockholm;;
+46 70 594 4401
Urs Staufer; Delft University of Technology, Dept. of Precision and Microsystems Engineering,
Faculty of 3mE, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD, Delft, The Netherlands;; Tel:
+31 15 2786804
Per Gerde; Karolinska Institutet; Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM),
Experimental asthma and allergy research, Imm/Eaaf Solnavägen 9, Kvarter 5b 171 65 Solna ,
David J. Loftus; NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035, United States;
Kim Prisk
University of California, San Diego, Department of Medicine 9500 Gilman
Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0852, USA; +1-858-534-3233;
Bice Fubini University of Torino, Department of Chemistry, via P. Giuria 7, I-10125 Torino, Italy;; +39 011 670 7566
Lena Palmberg; Karolinska Institutet; Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM), C6
Nobelsväg 13, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden;; +46 (0) 8-524 822 10
Lars Karlsson; Karolinska Institutet, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, Solna Vägen 9,
B5 171 77, Solna, Sweden;; +46 (0) 8-524 868 90
Wim van Westrenen Department of Earth Sciences; Faculty of Science, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands;
Topical Team Coordinator signature: __________________
Date: January 18th, 2019
1. Proposal Abstract
The Topical Team on the Toxicity of Celestial Dusts (T3CD) is composed by 11 well-respected
scientists in a broad spectrum of disciplines, holding a wide range of complementary skills and
expertise to address the most challenging questions in dust effects on human health. The team
works in close contact with the ESA Human Space Exploration. T3CD aims to:
O.1: identify the major knowledge gaps about celestial dust toxicity;
O.2: propose standardized methodologies to estimate the inhalation health risk on celestial
O.3: participate to research projects
The objectives will be achieved through the following actions:
A.1: Survey of activities on celestial dusts
A.2: Propose standards methods for the handling, activation, passivation/inactivation kinetics,
and curation of celestial dust analogues.
A.3: Submit CORA proposal
A.4: Propose experiments for celestial dust
A.5: Participate to calls
A.6: Attend workshops and conferences
A.7: Prepare Roadmap
Within the next two-year funding cycle, T3CD will deliver:
D.1: Report to ESA with a review of the literature
D.2: Internal report about standards required to develop a science-based knowledge of the
toxicity of celestial dusts
D.3: Project proposal under CORA to ESA
D.4: Report experimental ideas and concepts to ESA
D.5: Project proposal(s) shared with ESA
D.6: Presentation of T3CD recommendations and contribution to workshop(s)
D.7: Roadmap integration to ESA
2. Description of the topic to be addressed
With a composition of international scientists holding a broad range of complementary
skills and expertises in dust effects on human health, the Topical Team on the Toxicity of
Celestial Dust (T3CD) provides ESA with scientific and technical advances in addressing the
gaps in the scientific knowledge about features of the celestial dust and its toxicity. By filling
such gaps, we provide scientifically based possibilities for mitigating the exposure of astronauts
to potentially noxious dusts during planetary explorations and allow ESA to establish safe
exposure limits. Habitats and vehicles shall be designed so that exposures of crews to celestial
dusts would be limited to safe levels
3. Description of proposed work
The TT will achieve the defined goals and objectives by implementing a multidirectional strategy with the following actions: Meetings, Participation to Local and European
Calls, Interaction with SMEs, Preliminary Experimental Work, Participation to Ground based
facility (CORA) programme call.
Detailed description of the work is reported in Annex 2 (par. 1.4 - Strategies)
4. Specific Objectives and Goals
T3CD has three main objectives:
O.1) identify the major knowledge gaps that prevent an accurate assessment of celestial
dust toxicity;
O.2) propose standardized methodologies to estimate the inhalation health risk on
celestial soil/dust using ground-based, low-gravity, and in situ measurements;
O.3) participate in national and EU-funded competitive research projects
5. Duration/timeline of work
The duration we are proposing is two years (April 1st 2019 - March 31st 2021). To
achieve the project objectives defined in section 1.3, the following actions (A) will be
implemented through teleconferences, in-person meetings and site visits. The T3CD will
produce a number of deliverables (D), either directly delivered to ESA or to the broad Space
scientific community.
(see Annex 2 for further details)
6. Space Relevance and Justification for need of requested Topical Team
In the next decade, Space agencies, including NASA and ESA, are planning to (re)start
crewed missions toward the Moon and on to Mars. Future missions will allow scientists to learn
more about the resources and hazards for humans beyond Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) and will
advance broader scientific questions related to the history of the Solar System and the
emergence and co-evolution of life on Earth.
Ultimately, crewed missions will provide
information about the ability of humans to work
and live in extreme environments.
Crew members can be directly exposed to
celestial dust in several ways, including: i)
extravehicular activities (EVAs), they may
introduce into the habitat dust from space suits
and boots; ii) cleaning suits between EVAs and
changing of the Environmental Control Life
Support System filters; iii) returning to
microgravity, the dust that is introduced into the return vehicle will “float” thus increasing the
opportunity for ocular and respiratory injury.
In the context of a bio-sustainable planetary exploration, the determination of the
potential toxicity of celestial soils and dusts is a key element enabling human survival.
However, the formation, composition and physical properties of celestial dusts (CD), including
exposure routes, activation and passivation processes, are only partially investigated. Many key
issues related to the interaction of celestial dusts with biological tissue and cells are largely
unexplored, including the effect of microgravity on dust pulmonary cut-offs, the health effect
of surface molecular species, the activation/deactivation kinetics of UV and solar wind exposed
(see Annex 2 for further details)
Annex 1.
Short Biographical Sketches of all Team Members:
Francesco Turci
FT carries out research activities concerning the study of the physico-chemical properties of
micro- and nanometric inorganic particulates, including silica, asbestos, and industrial powders, in
relation to their toxicity. Within the activities of the "G. Scansetti" Center for Study on Asbestos and
other Toxic Particulates, of which he is Deputy Director since 2015, FT coordinates the
characterization facilities that include micro-Raman, micro-XRF spectroscopy, TGA-FTIR-GCMS
thermal analysis, and nano and micrometric dimensional analysis with DLS / ELS and optical
automated image analysis (details here). FT is co-author of more than 50 scientific publications on
peer-reviewed journals in the field of particle and fiber e toxicology, 4 book chapters and 2 patents
He is currently involved in the following scientific research projects:
● "Surface silanols as Key Describer of the Silica Hazard - Experimental Validation", financing
body: IMA - Eurosil, in collaboration with UCL, Brussels, role: PI
"Application of the Rietveld Method in the Quantitative Determination of Asbestos in
Complex Matrices", funding body: ARPA Valle d'Aosta, role: PI
"SERS Biosensing with Nanoporous functionalized Gold" (BiNGo), University research
projects 2014, funding body: Compagnia di San Paolo, role: WP coordinator
"Amiante et Bonnes Pratiques" competitive research project funded by the CNRT (Center
Nationale de Recherche Techonologique), Nouvelle-Calédonie, France
"The streets of asbestos" MIUR Notice 6/2000 "Dissemination of Scientific Culture", role:
"Use of irrigation water contaminated by asbestos: analysis of the risk related to dispersion,
migration and aerodispersion of the fibers", Reg. Piemonte, Health Projects Finalized (36529
/ DB2001), role: PI
Erin Tranfield
ET obtained her PhD studying the cardiovascular effects of particulate matter air pollution
and her first post-doctoral fellowship was studying the toxicity effects of lunar dust at NASA Ames
Research Center. Currently she is the head of the Electron Microscopy Facility at the Instituto
Gulbenkian de Ciência just outside of Lisbon Portugal. ET applies her extensive knowledge of
electron microscopy to projects ranging from the investigation of the influenza A virus infection on
cell function, to the cellular changes of tissues associated with aging, to de novo structure
development in plants. She is an active leader in several national initiatives for the establishment of
a national cryo-EM research facility and consortiums for methods development for scientific research.
She has been a member of the ESA Sponsored Topical Team on the Toxicity of Celestial Dusts since
Wim van Westrenen
WvW, professor of planetary evolution at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, is an experimental
geochemist by training. He uses a combination of physical and chemical property measurements of
extraterrestrial materials and remote sensing observations to study the internal differentiation and
evolution of the Moon, Mars, Mercury, asteroids and rocky exoplanets. He has been involved in lunar
science for the past 13 years. He uses a combination of information from high-pressure experiments
and results from lunar missions to study the mineralogy and composition of the surface, crust, mantle
and core of the Moon. His recent work focuses on the history and role of water in the interior of the
Moon. He co-chaired ESA’s Topical Team on Exploitation of Local Planetary Materials (TT-ELPM)
that focused in part on lunar volatiles, and coordinates the Netherlands membership to NASA’s Solar
System Exploration Virtual Institute (SSERVI).
Kim Prisk
KP is a pulmonary physiologist with 40 years of experience in the field. He was the lead
scientist on studies of pulmonary function in 5 flights of the Space Shuttle, worked with the ESA Life
Sciences teams on both D-2 and STS-107, and flew a study of pulmonary function on the ISS
(expeditions 3-6) in 2001-2003. In addition to the pulmonary function studies KP has extensive
experience in aerosol transport and deposition in the human lung and the effects of gravity on those
processes. These studies have involved many experiments performed in zero-G parabolic flight (over
3000 parabolas) and are the basis of much of our knowledge of the effects of gravity on aerosol
deposition. KP has been an active collaborator with ESA since ~1990, and served as the chair of the
oversight committee charged with ensuring proper scientific performance of the Pulmonary Function
System used on ISS (a team which included the topical team member DL). KP is based at the
University of California, San Diego and is active in the development and use of quantitative function
MRI for studies of lung physiology.
Urs Staufer
USt is Professor for Micro and Nano Engineering at the Delft University of Technology
studied experimental Solid-State Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy at the University of Basel,
Switzerland, where he received his PhD summa cum laude in 1990. He started his activities on
planetary exploration in 1998 with the development of an atomic force microscope [AFM] for the
MECA payload on the Mars Mission ‘Surveyor 2001’, which was cancelled. He led the AFM
experiment of the successor Mission ‘Phoenix’ of which he was Co-Investigator in 2008, and which
produced the first extra-terrestrial particle size distribution in the clay and silt size range. Later, he
participated in design studies of instruments for Lunar exploration and demonstrator experiments for
using magnetic force microscopy for the detection of nano-phase iron particles. His broader research
interest is in applying fundamental knowledge from nanoscience and microtechnology in scientific
instrumentation, and advanced instrumentation for in-line material characterization and materialmodifications.
Dag Linnarsson
Dag Linnarsson MD PhD has been active as researcher in environmental physiology for 50
years mainly in diving, aviation and space physiology. He is Senior Professor of Baromedicine at
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, and has been Principal Investigator for numerous space
flight experiments on the US Space Shuttle, on the Russian Space station Mir and on the International
Space station (ISS). On-going experiments on ISS focus on the pulmonary turnover of nitric oxide
(NO) and its role for the diagnosis of airway inflammation in case of inhalation of toxic planetary
dust. Other research areas have been the effects of artificial gravity as a countermeasure against
orthostatic hypotension after spaceflight and the effects of gravity on the distributions of ventilation
and perfusion in the lungs. Linnarsson has been advisor to ESA in many functions including
membership of ESA’s Topical Team for the Toxicity of Celestial Dust.
Per Gerde
PG PhD, associate professor in inhalation toxicology at Karolinska Institutet. He is the
inventor of the PreciseInhale inhalation exposure platform and founder of the company Inhalation
Sciences Sweden AB that provides this technology to the market. His main research interest is
inhalation pharmacokinetics and method development of small-scale aerosol exposure methods for
use in translational research from cell cultures to human subjects. A main focus of the technology
platform is to allow respirable aerosol testing of air pollutant particles or inhalation pharmaceuticals
with high precision dosing and with minimum consumption of test material.
Bice Fubini
Dr. Bice Fubini has just retired from the University of Torino, Italy, where she was full
professor of Chemistry. Her main research interest is the chemical basis of the toxicity of inhaled
particles and fibers which she developed by promoting multidisciplinary studies and leading the “G.
Scansetti” Interdepartmental Center for Studies on Asbestos and other Toxic Particulates, which
coordinates research and formation activities in a large spectrum of departments, from earth sciences
to occupational medicine. As president of the center she still follows several research projects in the
field. She took part to various “consensus workshops” and served in working groups at the
International Agency for Research on Cancer; JRC European Centre for the Validation of Alternative
Methods; International Sciences Institute (US); Institut de Recherches sur la Sécurité (F);
Environmental Protection Agency US, ANSES, Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire, de
l’alimentation d l’environnement et du travail (F).
Lena Palmberg
Lena Palmberg, MD is a Professor in Toxicology at Karolinska Institutet. The long term goal
with her research is to lay the foundation for effective, future treatments through better understanding
of the mechanisms behind chronic bronchitis and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
Her research is also providing new knowledge on environmental factors that cause these diseases
including exposure to particles/nanoparticles. She has developed advanced multicellular lung mucosa
models including human primary cells as an important tool in her research.
Lars Karlsson
LK, MSc PhD, is a senior researcher and group leader of the Environmental Physiology Group
at Karolinska Institutet Stockholm, Sweden. Currently, he is the PI for a large ongoing experiment
on ISS that evaluate the pulmonary turnover of the biomarker nitric oxide and its role for the diagnosis
of airway inflammation in case of inhalation of toxic planetary dust. This ongoing work on lung
function in reduced gravity and in reduced atmospheric pressure mimics conditions that will prevail
during future celestial exploration. LK has a background in both medicine and engineering with
experience of both the physiological effects of altered gravity and ambient pressure as well as in
technical and scientific management of medical research at the European Space Agency. LK is
advisor in the ESA’s Topical Team for the Toxicity of Celestial Dust.
David J. Loftus
Dr. Loftus is a principal investigator and Medical Officer at NASA Ames, affiliated with both
the Space Biosciences Division and the Center for Nanotechnology. The theme of Dr. Loftus’
research group is the interaction of novel materials with biological systems, ranging from
nanotechnology to planetary materials. Dr. Loftus brings expertise in the scientific disciplines of
biophysics, cell biology, biochemistry and materials science, and Dr. Loftus holds a Ph.D. in
molecular biology. Dr. Loftus is a fully trained physician (M.D.), and is board qualified/certified in
internal medicine and hematology. Dr. Loftus has extensive experience in performing both animal
studies and in vitro biological tests. Dr. Loftus is the co-inventor of LunaChem, a compact instrument
designed to measure the chemical reactivity of lunar dust, proposed to be delivered to the surface of
the Moon. Dr. Loftus holds the record for the most technology inventions by a life scientist at NASA
Ames. Dr. Loftus has lead successful animal and human research protocols, at both Stanford
University and NASA Ames. He brings highly relevant experience from the NASA-sponsored study
of lunar dust toxicity, and a wealth of relevant experience from a broad range of biomedical
Topical Team on the Toxicity of Celestial Dusts (T3CD)
Name and full contact details of the team coordinator:
Francesco Turci
University of Torino
Department of Chemistry
Via P. Giuria, 7
I-10125 – Torino, Italy
Office: +39 011 670 7566
Mobile: +39 348 573 4293
ESA bidder code of Università degli Studi di Torino: 1000001029
Name and full contact details of the team members
Erin Tranfield (co-coordinator)
Dag Linnarsson (past coordinator)
Urs Staufer
Per Gerde
David J. Loftus
Kim Prisk
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Rua da Quinta Grande, 6
2780-156 Oeiras, Portugal
Tel: +351 21 446 4691
Karolinska Institutet
Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology
Biomedicum Q6
Solnavägen 9
171 77 Stockholm
+46 70 594 4401
Delft University of Technology
Dept. of Precision and Microsystems Engineering
Faculty of 3mE, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD, Delft, The Netherlands.
Tel: + 31 15 2786804
Karolinska Institutet
Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM),
Experimental asthma and allergy research, Imm/Eaaf
Solnavägen 9, Kvarter 5b 171 65 Solna , Sweden
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035, United States
University of California, San Diego
Department of Medicine
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0852
Bice Fubini
Lena Palmberg
Lars Karlsson
Wim van Westrenen
University of Torino
Department of Chemistry
via P. Giuria 7, I-10125 -Torino, Italy
Karolinska Institutet
Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM), C6
Nobelsväg 13, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0) 8-524 822 10
Karolinska Institutet
Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology
Solna Vägen 9, B5 171 77
Solna, Sweden
+46 (0) 8-524 868 90
Department of Earth Sciences
Faculty of Science
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Topical Team on the Toxicity of Celestial Dusts (T3CD) is composed by 11 well-respected scientists,
carrying out research in a wide-ranging spectrum of disciplines. Holding a broad range of complementary
skills and expertises, team members are able to address the most challenging questions in dust effects on
human health. The team works in close contact with the ESA Human Space Exploration. T3CD aims to:
O.1: identify the major knowledge gaps about celestial dust toxicity;
O.2: propose standardized methodologies to estimate the inhalation health risk of celestial soil/dust;
O.3: participate to research projects
The objectives will be achieved through the following actions:
Survey of activities on celestial dusts
Propose standards methods for the handling, activation, passivation/inactivation kinetics, and
curation of celestial dust analogues.
Write CORA proposal
Propose preliminary experiments for assessment of celestial dust toxicity
Participate to calls
Prepare attendance at conferences and workshops
Prepare Roadmap
Within the next two year funding cycle, this topical team will deliver:
Critical review of scientific activities on CD
Internal report of standards for toxicity of CD investigation
Projects under CORA
Report with experimental ideas
Project proposal(s)
Report about workshop/conference(s)
Roadmap integration
Periodic in-person meetings and conference calls will foster the achievement of project goals and circulate
ideas through the team members. Primary project costs are meetings reimburses and participation to
conferences and workshops.
Human exploration, health effects, celestial dust, extraterrestrial soil, particle toxicology, inflammation,
surface reactivity, Moon, Mars
Project Description
In the next decade, Space agencies, including NASA and ESA, are planning to (re)start crewed missions toward
the Moon and on to Mars. Future missions will allow scientists to learn more about the resources and hazards
for humans beyond Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) and will advance broader scientific questions related to the history
of the Solar System and the emergence and co-evolution of life on Earth. Ultimately, crewed missions will
provide information about the ability of humans to work and live in extreme environments.
Crew members can be directly exposed to celestial
dust in several ways, including: i) extravehicular
activities (EVAs), they may introduce into the habitat
dust from space suits and boots; ii) cleaning suits
between EVAs and changing of the Environmental
Control Life Support System filters; iii) returning to
microgravity, the dust that is introduced into the
return vehicle will “float” thus increasing the
opportunity for ocular and respiratory injury.
In the context of a bio-sustainable planetary
exploration, the determination of the potential
toxicity of celestial soils and dusts is a key element
enabling human survival. However, the formation, composition and physical properties of celestial dusts
(CD), including exposure routes, activation and passivation processes, are only partially investigated. Many
key issues related to the interaction of celestial dusts with biological tissue and cells are largely unexplored,
including the effect of microgravity on dust pulmonary cut-offs, the health effect of surface molecular
species, the activation/deactivation kinetics of UV and solar wind exposed particles.
This Topical Team will report about the toxicity of celestial dusts, especially with exposure resulting from dust
inhalation. Human inhalation will be our primary focus because this is the most likely pathway for exposure
that has the potential for significant toxicity concerns. Nonetheless, skin sensitization following abrasion,
ocular and mouth mucosa damage, and general interaction of the dust with all kinds of Earthly life required
for space survival (plants first, but also livestock) will be our concern.
The members of this proposed team are well-respected scientists in a broad spectrum of disciplines from
geology to medicine, through physics and engineering, chemistry, and biochemistry. Taken together, they
hold a broad range of complementary skills and expertise able to address the most challenging questions in
dust effects on human health.
The team will work in close contact with the ESA Human Space Exploration working group.
With a composition of international scientists holding a broad range of complementary skills and expertise
in dust effects on human health, the Topical Team on the Toxicity of Celestial Dust (T3CD) provides ESA with
scientific and technical advances in addressing the gaps in the scientific knowledge about features of the
celestial dust and its toxicity. By filling such gaps, we provide scientifically based possibilities for mitigating
the exposure of astronauts to potentially noxious dusts during planetary explorations and allow ESA to
establish safe exposure limits. Habitats and vehicles shall be designed so that exposures of crews to celestial
dusts would be limited to safe levels.
T3CD has three main objectives:
O.1) identify the major knowledge gaps that prevent an accurate assessment of celestial dust toxicity;
O.2) propose standardized methodologies to estimate the inhalation health risk on celestial soil/dust using
ground-based, low-gravity, and in situ measurements;
O.3) participate in national and EU-funded competitive research projects
We will accomplish these objectives through the following strategies:
Prior experience has shown that the face-to-face meetings of the team are the most productive means of
finalizing deliverables and shaping the future activities of the team. As such we propose that the team meets
face-to-face at approximately 6-monthly intervals (2 meetings per year). Such meetings are the primary cost
of the team collaboration but they are also highly productive periods that are critical to the forward
progression of the action items. The meetings will be hosted at the institutes of the team members, as a way
of reducing the costs of the meetings. This will also give us the opportunity to visit host laboratories to foster
exchange of protocols and best practice. The team will also meet via teleconference calls on a regular basis
to prepare general discussion and coordinate ongoing initiatives.
Meeting Tentative
number date
Meeting agenda
University of Torino
Turin, Italy
● Kick-off meeting (new members’ introduction)
● Samples and work-packages definition for CORA
● Prepare of the draft scheme for the Critical
Review (D.1)
● Discuss Funding opportunities (D.5)
● Select conference(s) for D.6-1
Karolinska Institute
Stockholm, Sweden
● Feedback from ESA about Critical Review
● Define standard methodologies to investigate for
● Prepare provisional table of contents of Roadmap
● Discuss Funding opportunities (D.5)
To Be Defined
● Finalize report on standard methodologies (D.2)
● Evaluate to-do list and distribute task for the
Roadmap (D.7)
● Select conference(s) for D.6-2
● Discuss Funding opportunities (D.5)
To Be Defined
● Mid-term assessment on Roadmap. Evaluate
remaining work and distribute task.
● Discuss Funding opportunities (D.5)
● Select conference(s) for D.6-3
● Discuss about renewal to the T3CD project
To Be Defined
● Finalize Roadmap (D.7)
● Discuss Funding opportunities (D.5)
● Decision about T3CD renewal / termination
Participation to Local and European Calls
Several years ago, this TT submitted a proposal to the FP-7 framework opportunity. This proposal sought to
address the toxicity of lunar dust with specific emphasis on the reactivation of the (presumed lost) surface
chemical activity of the dust. This proposal, although not funded, received excellent reviews.
Since that time, we have refined and better focused our open questions and we plan to submit a revised
proposal for the next Framework opportunity (FP-9, Horizon Europe). As part of this expectation and the
refinement of our ideas, we have proposed to include the airlifted particulate deposition on cell cultures
grown in TransWell chambers. This has led to the proposed inclusion of Dr Lena Palmberg from Karolinska
Institutet as a new team member as she is an expert in this approach. It is planned that the team will continue
to refine our ideas and submit a refined and better-focused proposal to examine both Lunar and Martian
dust simulants using chemical and cellular responses.
In addition, we are in the process of providing a response to the ESA Roadmap n° 8. That includes
Recommendation for Heracles project specifically meant to describe requirements to properly collect
samples within the Lunar Surface Science - Lander connected to the Deep Space Gateway project. We will
prepare a response for the ALINA aspect of this initiative for proposed instruments to be placed on a Lunar
Lander with an instrument that will give us both in-situ size distributions of Lunar Dust, and a limited chemical
assay of the chemical reactivity of that dust though an innovative hydrogel patch approach.
Interaction with SME
The team is engaged in researches that will lead to the development of monitoring devices comparable to
dosimeter for radiation. These dust-monitoring devices will need to be fabricated in small amounts and a
market for the SMEs involved in the projects will be generated. Such monitoring devices are critical and,
hence, cannot depend on a single source.
Preliminary Experimental Work
The team will engage in limited and specific experimental work to gain preliminary findings to fuel future
research. Specifically we will:
define and secure Lunar and Mars analogue dusts from US and European space agencies
extend to Mars analogue samples the use of terephthalate assay (TA) successfully used to measure
surface radical reactivity of Lunar dust analogue in aqueous media
use the patented PreciseInhale platform to deliver Lunar- and Mars analogues to respiratory cells,
cultured at the air/liquid interface
include human primary lung epithelial cells in these tests using the TransWell system.
The aim of these preliminary experiments will be to advance the current scientific understanding in these
key areas providing added scientific strength to the recommendations of the team. These small experiments
will generate preliminary data to support much larger proposals for experimental investigations (for example
the upcoming FP-9, Horizon Europe call).
Ground based facility (CORA programme call)
As part of the development of the necessary infrastructure and fostering the capabilities that would benefit
a Horizon Europe proposal, the team plans to respond via the CORA mechanism. This will allow the
emergence of a clearer picture of how to approach questions surrounding the toxicity of celestial dusts. In
this context it is important to understand that much progress can likely be achieved through the use of dust
simulants, both for Mars and the Moon. Such an approach lends itself to activities under the CORA
framework. The team is already active in defining the simulants to be used for both Lunar and Martian toxicity
studies. A common approach will likely include the grinding (ball milling) of such simulants to produce dust
samples of a size range comparable to that known to exist in the relevant environments. Such a process will
serve to enhance surface chemical reactivity for the Lunar simulant. In the case of the Martian simulant, the
plans include the intent to study the effects of perchlorate addition to the simulant, as perchlorate is a known
component of the Martian surface with (at present) unknown toxicity effects in the context of inhaled
Action plan and deliverables
The duration we are proposing is two years (April 1st 2019 - March 31st 2021). To achieve the project
objectives defined in section 1.3, the following actions (A) will be implemented through teleconferences, inperson meetings, and site visits. The T3CD will produce a number of deliverables (D), either directly delivered
to ESA or to the broad Space scientific community.
Critically review the past and ongoing scientific activities on dust toxicity on Earth relevant to the
toxicological evaluation of celestial soils and dusts.
D.1: Report to ESA
Propose standards for the handling, activation methods, passivation/inactivation kinetics, and
curation of celestial dust analogues.
D.2: Expose and discuss at workshops/conferences (under A.7) and report to ESA
Prepare CORA Proposal(s). The T3CD members will engage in the participation to the CORA
programme of ESA to submit proposal(s) about experiments required to gain a clearer picture of how to
approach questions surrounding the toxicity of celestial dusts. Importantly, much progress can be achieved
through the use of dust simulants, both for Mars and the Moon. Such an approach lends itself to activities
under the CORA framework.
D.3: Project under CORA to ESA
Propose to ESA experimental ideas for celestial samples in the event of a sample return mission.
D.4: Report to ESA with the experimental ideas
Respond to RFI from ESA and participate in calls for Enabling Technology for Lunar Surface Science,
including deployment of science packages for obtaining the desired measurements to provide long-term
monitoring of the surface and subsurface environments for fundamental lunar science and crew safety. For
example, the previous topical team sent a response ‘INSTALD’ to the RFI 09112018 of ESA proposing a Lunar
surface experiment package.
D.5: Project proposal(s) (dates are TBD and will be based on call dates)
Attendance at ESA workshops and Space scientific conferences. The T3CD members shall attend to
joint workshop with other TTs.
D.7: presentation of T3CD work (dates are TBD and will be based on conference dates)
Preparation of a Roadmap towards a safe human space exploration. The TT will develop a roadmap
integration for making human space exploration safe in terms of exposure to celestial dust. The group
attention will be focused also on the fundamental question of life sustainability, including plants and
livestock. This traces and links the three fundamental phases outlined in Figure 1 (‘Vision’): Phase 1:
Assessment of the toxicity and acceptable levels of exposure, Phase 2: Definition of monitoring procedures
and countermeasures against exposure, decontamination procedures; and Phase 3: Development of
monitoring equipment and support of human space exploration. The roadmap will be a working document
regularly updated and shared with funding agencies and decision bodies. It shall help steer the research in
the field of dust toxicity. The roadmap will includes recommendations for the Heracles Project specifically
meant to describe requirements to properly collect samples within the Lunar Surface Science - Lander
connected to the Deep Space Gateway project.
D.8: Roadmap integration to ESA