OTR Exam Prep: Physical Dysfunction & Rehabilitation Questions

OTR Exam Prep Question: An OTR has completed a manual muscle test of a client.
Results indicate the client has Poor minus (2-/5) functional strength of the dominant
upper extremity. What is the MOST EFFECTIVE method for grading an activity to
improve the client’s muscular strength?
A. Increasing the number of repetitions while maintaining the same resistance
B. Decreasing the resistance and increasing the number of repetitions
C. Increasing the amount of time an isometric contraction is held
D. Completing movements through a full arc of motion against gravity
Correct Answer: C
Rationale: This client is very weak as noted in a muscle grade of Poor minus (2-/5). For
clients with this amount of weakness, the most effective method for increasing strength
is to increase the amount of time an isometric contraction is held.
A: This grading method is best for increasing endurance.
B, D: This may be too difficult for a client with Poor minus (2-/5) strength.
Classification: Domain 03 Task 05 Knowledge 04
Reference: Radomski, MV, Trombly-Latham, C (2008). Occupational Therapy for
Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. Page:
127,362 & Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages 433-434, 471-476
May 25, 2012
OTR Exam Prep Question: A client has moderate hemiplegia, dysarthria and diplopia secondary
to having had a CVA several weeks ago. An OTR and COTA in an outpatient setting are
collaborating to initially evaluate the client using an ecological model. Records indicate the client
is a single parent of an adolescent. The client plans to return to work as a librarian.
MC Question 1: What is the FIRST step the OTR should take when evaluating this client?
A. Assess deficits related to the client’s performance skills and patterns.
B. Observe specific client factors during a typical BADL task.
C. Perform a standardized assessment of motor and process skills.
D. Identify the areas of occupation the client wants or needs to do.
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: The practitioner should begin the evaluation process by learning what the
client wants or needs to do. This information can then be used to help determine the type
and focus of the remainder of the evaluation.
A, B, C: These could be included as part of the initial evaluation but only after learning
about the client’s wants and needs.
Classification: Domain 01 Task 01 Knowledge 01
Reference: "American Occupational Therapy Association (2008). Occupational Therapy
Practice Framework: Domain & Process (2nd ed.). American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 62(6), 649.
Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational Therapy: Practice
Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Page 38
MC Question 2: Which task-oriented approach would be MOST BENEFICIAL to include as part
of the intervention plan for maximizing the client’s physical abilities?
A. Augmentative communication
B. Constraint-induced movement therapy
C. Dominance retraining activities
D. Visual attention and scanning exercises
Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Constraint-induced movement therapy is a task-oriented approach to motor
control acquisition. This approach focuses on facilitating use of the affected arm during
activities and helping the client overcome learned nonuse.
A, C, D: These will not help the client maximize physical abilities.
Classification: Domain 02 Task 03 Knowledge 01
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages 38,793-798
MC Question 3: Which type of activity should be included as part of the INITIAL intervention to
remediate the client’s motor impairment?
A. Repetitive practice of an occupational performance skill in context
B. Training on the use of adaptive equipment to support an area of occupation
C. Weight bearing through the affected upper extremity prior to an activity
D. Dominance retraining during a variety of writing and drawing tasks
Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Evidence indicates that repetitive practice of a skill in context will help with
cortical map reorganization for regaining functional use of the affected extremity.
B, C, D: These are not remediation activities.
Classification: Domain 03 Task 01 Knowledge 05
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages 793-798, 815, 576 & Gillen G. (2009). Cognitive and Perceptual
Rehabilitation: Optimizing Function. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Pages 38-42
MC Question 4: Which assessment should be included as part of the initial evaluation and can
be administered by the COTA?
A. Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
B. Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation (BaFPE)
C. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)
D. Allen Diagnostic Module (ADM)
Correct Answer: C
Rationale: The ecological model looks at the unique and dynamic relationship between
people, environments, and occupations. The COPM is a client-centered tool that
supports this model by addressing a client’s perception of their performance in areas of
occupation and their satisfaction with this performance across 3 key areas: self-care,
productivity and leisure skills. This is a standardized assessment that a service
competent COTA could administer.
A: This tool is designed for collecting information about a client to generate group data
and analyze functional outcomes in inpatient rehabilitation settings.
B, D: These tools are designed primarily for clients who have a psychiatric diagnosis or
cognitive deficit.
Classification: Domain 01 Task 02 Knowledge 01 & Domain 04 Task 02 Knowledge 09
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages 38, 813
OTR Exam Prep Question:
Scenario: "A client has a middle finger PIP joint dislocation of the non-dominant hand 4
weeks ago. The client did not seek medical attention for the injury stating: “I just put it
back in place myself and wrapped the joint for comfort until it healed.” The client now
has limited ROM of the involved joint and decreased grip strength. The physician consult
reads: “Increase ROM, splint as indicated.” ROM of the involved digit is as follows: A
client has a middle finger PIP joint dislocation of the non-dominant hand 4 weeks ago.
The client did not seek medical attention for the injury stating: “I just put it back in place
myself and wrapped the joint for comfort until it healed.” The client now has limited ROM
of the involved joint and decreased grip strength. The physician consult reads: “Increase
ROM, splint as indicated.” ROM of the involved digit is as follows:
Active ROM (extension / flexion)
MCP joint = 0/75
PIP joint = 30/70
DIP joint = +15/0
Passive ROM
MP= 0/85
PIP= 20/80
DIP= +35/25
The client’s primary insurance company requires copies of the initial evaluation prior to
authorizing OT visits beyond the first visit. The client is concerned that wearing a splint
will interfere with work activities."
MC Question 1: At a minimum, what information should the OTR document to increase
the likelihood of additional authorized visits?
A. Five setting grip strength measurements of the involved hand
B. Functional problem statements indicating the need for skilled services
C. Calculation of the total active motion for each digit on the affected hand
D. Expected number of times the client will need to have the splint modified
Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Third-party payors typically based authorization for visits on medically
necessity for skilled care based on evidence of a client’s functional limitations.
A: Although the five setting grip strength measurement may indicate weakness, there is
no comparison to the non-dominant hand and no indication about the impact this has on
C: The total active motion calculations may indicate joint restriction but this alone does
not indicate a functional deficit.
D: Splint modification provides an indication of skilled services need, but does not
address the functional limitations and additional client needs.
Classification: Domain 04 Task 03 Knowledge 02
Reference: Borcherding S. (2005). Documentation Manual for Writing SOAP Notes in
Occupational Therapy (2nd ed.). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc. Page: 5
MC Question #2: Based on the information presented, which deformity BEST describes
the client’s finger injury?
A. Boutonniere deformity with joint stiffness
B. Swan-neck deformity with ligament laxity
C. Jersey finger with ligament tightness at the DIP joint
D. Mallet finger with lateral band disruption
Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Boutonniere deformity is described as posturing of the digit in PIP joint
flexion with DIP joint hyperextension.
B, C, D: These conditions are not consistent with the client’s current active and passive
ROM measurements.
Classification: Domain 02 Task 01 Knowledge 01
Reference: Cooper C. (2007). Fundamentals of Hand Therapy: Clinical Reasoning and
Treatment Guidelines for Common Diagnoses of the Upper Extremity. St. Louis, MO:
Elsevier Mosby. Pages: 305-307
MC Question #3: In addition to considering the use of serial casting, which of the
following splints should the OTR consider when deciding which type of splint would be
MOST BENEFICIAL for the client’s middle finger?
A. Dorsally-based static PIP and DIP joint extension gutter splint secured with selfadhering elastic wrap
B. Volar-based static DIP joint gutter splint that permits PIP joint active motion
C. Circumferential neoprene tube splint that extends the entire length of the finger
D. Finger-based dynamic PIP joint extension splint extending from the MCP joint crease
to the DIP joint creaseCorrect Answer: D
Rationale: This splint promotes PIP joint extension while allowing DIP joint flexion.
A, B, C: These splints do not adequately target the structures/joints needed to address
the specific deformity.
Classification: Domain 03 Task 01 Knowledge 09
Reference: Coppard BM, Lohman H. (2008). Introduction to Splinting: A ClinicalReasoning & Problem Solving Approach (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Pages:
MC Question #4: How should the OTR respond to the client’s concerns about splinting?
A. Listen empathetically and remind the client that wearing the splint is temporary.
B. Advise the client to avoid use of the injured hand to promote the healing process.
C. Encourage full participation in daily tasks by collaborating on ways to modify typical
daily activities.
D. Provide the client with a few assistive devices that require the use of only one hand.
Correct Answer: C
Rationale: The OTR use a client-centered strategy to determine the client’s needs and
priorities based on the client’s daily activity schedule.
A, B, D: It is most important to gather information about the needs and priorities of the
client prior to providing assistive devices or advice to the client.
Classification: Domain 02 Task 02 Knowledge 02
Reference: "Radomski, MV, Trombly-Latham, C (2008). Occupational Therapy for
Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. Pages:
Cooper C. (2007). Fundamentals of Hand Therapy: Clinical Reasoning and Treatment
Guidelines for Common Diagnoses of the Upper Extremity. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Page: 19
MC Question #5: What type of exercise should be included as part of the client’s home
program and would be MOST EFFECTIVE for facilitating lengthening of the oblique
retinacular ligaments and promoting glide of the lateral bands?
A. Active and passive DIP joint flexion with the PIP supported in extension
B. Passive PIP joint extension with the MCP joint supported in extension
C. Active PIP joint flexion with the MCP joint blocked in extension
D. Composite PIP joint and DIP joint passive flexion with the MCP joint supported in
Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Active and passive ROM of the DIP joint with the PIP joint supported in
extension facilitates lengthening of the oblique retinacular ligament which will help to
decrease the hyperextension of the DIP joint.
B, C, D: These exercises do not effectively target the structure impacted by this injury.
Classification: Domain 03 Task 01 Knowledge 04
Reference: Burke S, Higgins J, McClinton M, Saunders R, Valdata L. (2006). Hand and
Upper Extremity Rehabilitation: A Practical Guide (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Churchill
Livingstone. Page: 304
An OTR working in an outpatient clinic is using a 360 degree goniometer to measure client's
active shoulder internal rotation. The client is sitting upright with the shoulder abducted to 90
degree and the elbow flexed to 90 degree. At the start position, the OTR places the axis of the
goniometer on the olecranon process of the ulna. Where should the OTR position the movable
arm of the goniometer?
Correct Answer
A: Rationale: The stationary arm should be positioned parallel to the forearm
B,D: The stationary arm should be perpendicular to the floor, which will be parallel to the midline
of client's torso
C: This is the position for the movable arm when measuring other shoulder motions such as
horizontal abduction and horizontal adduction
OTR Exam Prep Question: A client has moderate hemiplegia, dysarthria and diplopia
secondary to having had a CVA several weeks ago. An OTR and COTA in an outpatient
setting are collaborating to initially evaluate the client using an ecological model.
Records indicate the client is a single parent of an adolescent. The client plans to return
to work as a librarian. - REPEAT
MC Question 1: What is the FIRST step the OTR should take when evaluating this client?
A. Assess deficits related to the client’s performance skills and patterns.
B. Observe specific client factors during a typical BADL task.
C. Perform a standardized assessment of motor and process skills.
D. Identify the areas of occupation the client wants or needs to do.
MC Question 2: Which task-oriented approach would be MOST BENEFICIAL to include as
part of the intervention plan for maximizing the client’s physical abilities?
A. Augmentative communication
B. Constraint-induced movement therapy
C. Dominance retraining activities
D. Visual attention and scanning exercises
MC Question 3: Which type of activity should be included as part of the INITIAL
intervention to remediate the client’s motor impairment?
A. Repetitive practice of an occupational performance skill in context
B. Training on the use of adaptive equipment to support an area of occupation
C. Weight bearing through the affected upper extremity prior to an activity
D. Dominance retraining during a variety of writing and drawing tasks
MC Question 4: Which assessment should be included as part of the initial evaluation
and can be administered by the COTA?
A. Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
B. Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation (BaFPE)
C. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)
D. Allen Diagnostic Module (ADM)
MC Question 1: What is the FIRST step the OTR should take when evaluating this client?
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: The practitioner should begin the evaluation process by learning what the
client wants or needs to do. This information can then be used to help determine the type
and focus of the remainder of the evaluation.
A, B, C: These could be included as part of the initial evaluation but only after learning
about the client’s wants and needs.
Classification: Domain 01 Task 01 Knowledge 01
Reference: "American Occupational Therapy Association (2008). Occupational Therapy
Practice Framework: Domain & Process (2nd ed.). American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 62(6), 649.
Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational Therapy: Practice
Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Page 38
MC Question 2: Which task-oriented approach would be MOST BENEFICIAL to include as
part of the intervention plan for maximizing the client’s physical abilities?
Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Constraint-induced movement therapy is a task-oriented approach to motor
control acquisition. This approach focuses on facilitating use of the affected arm during
activities and helping the client overcome learned nonuse.
A, C, D: These will not help the client maximize physical abilities.
Classification: Domain 02 Task 03 Knowledge 01
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages 38,793-798
MC Question 3: Which type of activity should be included as part of the INITIAL
intervention to remediate the client’s motor impairment?
Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Evidence indicates that repetitive practice of a skill in context will help with
cortical map reorganization for regaining functional use of the affected extremity.
B, C, D: These are not remediation activities.
Classification: Domain 03 Task 01 Knowledge 05
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages 793-798, 815, 576 & Gillen G. (2009). Cognitive and Perceptual
Rehabilitation: Optimizing Function. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Pages 38-42
MC Question 4: Which assessment should be included as part of the initial evaluation
and can be administered by the COTA?
Correct Answer: C
Rationale: The ecological model looks at the unique and dynamic relationship between
people, environments, and occupations. The COPM is a client-centered tool that
supports this model by addressing a client’s perception of their performance in areas of
occupation and their satisfaction with this performance across 3 key areas: self-care,
productivity and leisure skills. This is a standardized assessment that a service
competent COTA could administer.
A: This tool is designed for collecting information about a client to generate group data
and analyze functional outcomes in inpatient rehabilitation settings.
B, D: These tools are designed primarily for clients who have a psychiatric diagnosis or
cognitive deficit.
Classification: Domain 01 Task 02 Knowledge 01 & Domain 04 Task 02 Knowledge 09
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages 38, 813
OTR Prep Question:
A 15-year-old adolescent inpatient has renal disease. The patient has been socially isolated as
a consequence of the multiple medical procedures. One of the patient’s goals is to “be with
other kids”. During an OT session, the patient begins to work on a simple task, but suddenly
moves to a corner of the clinic to be alone, stating "the other kids can always do things better."
Which intervention strategy would be MOST BENEFICIAL for meeting the patient’s emotional
and social needs during task completion?
A) Have the patient engage in a simple but competitive game with just one peer.
B) Provide a group task experience with two or three peers of a similar skill level.
C) Allow the patient to find a safe place in the clinic to work alone.
D) Assist the patient to successfully complete key steps with the current task.
Correct Response: B
Classification Code: Domain 03, Task 05, Knowledge 01
Reference: Case-Smith J, O’Brien. (2010). Occupational Therapy for Children (6th ed.). St.
Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Page: 38-39, 409-410
Rationale: The OTR should grade the demands of the intervention to accommodate the
patient’s current ability to deal with social isolation due to a chronic medical condition.
This option allows the patient to participate in a social activity with peers of equal skill
level in order to promote successful task completion.
Incorrect Responses:
A: Engaging the patient in a competitive game does not address current emotional
C: This option does not support the patient’s goal of interacting with peers.
D: Assisting the patient to complete key steps does not address the patient’s need to
socialize with peers.
OTR Exam Prep Question:
A patient who had a myocardial infarction 2 days ago is participating in Phase I of cardiac
rehabilitation. Which of the following activities is CONTRAINDICATED for a patient to do during
this phase of rehabilitation?
A. Ambulate from the bed to the bathroom for BADL.
B. Sit on a chair at the bathroom sink to complete grooming tasks.
C. Measure perceived exertion during personal hygiene activities.
D. Complete isometrics and gentle stretching prior to lower body dressing.
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Isometric exercises can affect the cardiovascular system by causing a rapid
and sudden increase in blood pressure. This physiological response is contraindicated
during this phase of cardiac rehabilitation.
Incorrect Rationale: A, B, C: These activities are typically included in the OT intervention
during phase I cardiac rehabilitation.
Classification: Domain 01 Task 01 Knowledge 01
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages: 674, 1145-1147
OTR Exam Prep Question:
An inpatient sustained an incomplete cervical spinal cord injury 2 months ago. The patient’s
upper extremity functional strength is Trace (1/5) on the left and Poor Minus (2-/5) on the right.
The patient’s goal is to eat meals independently. Which factor MUST be considered when
determining if this patient is a candidate for a mobile arm support?
A. Amount of time needed to set up the device for each use
B. Amount of upper extremity passive joint mobility
C. Type of wheelchair the patient currently uses
D. Presence of upper extremity athetoid movements
Correct response: B
Rationale: A patient must have adequate passive mobility to be able to operate the MAS.
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages: 719-724
Classificaiton Code: Domain 03, Task 01, Kownledge 09
A: This should not influence the decision as to whether a patient is a candidate for using
this device.
C: Mobile arm support mounts are adjustable to fit a variety of wheelchairs.
D: Athetoid movements are typically associated with lesions of the basal ganglia.
OTR Prep Question: An inpatient is diagnosed with central cord syndrome. One of the patient’s
goals is to be independent with ADL when discharged to live at home. Which assessment
represents a biomechanical approach that can be used as part of the evaluation to determine
the patient’s progress toward this goal?
A. Upper extremity manual muscle test
B. Functional Independence Measure
C. Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
D. Structured self-care checklist
Correct Response: A
Rationale: The biomechanical approach emphasizes basic client factors related to
strength, ROM, and sensation. Manual muscle testing is a means of assessing muscle
strength and can be used to reflect the client’s abilities to engage in ADL at home.
Classification Code: Domain 01, Task 02, Knowledge 01
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages: 39, 664
Incorrect responses: B, C, D: These do not relate specifically to the biomechanical
OTR Prep Question:
What is the PRIMARY purpose for completing a dysphagia screening for an inpatient who had a
right CVA several days ago?
A. To detect silent aspiration and identify foods that are safe for the patient to eat
B. To identify causes for aspiration and the need for referral to speech therapy
C. To observe the patient's oral motor control and determine a need for further evaluation
D. To determine the patient's tolerance to various food textures prior to requesting a modified
Correct Response: C
A screening is not used for diagnostics or treatment planning. A screening allows the
OTR to quickly detect the presence of a deficit. It is used to determine if an in-depth
evaluation is indicated.
Reference: Gutman SA, Schonfeld AB. (2009). Screening Adult Neurological Populations:
A Step-by-step Instruction Manual (2nd ed.). Rockville, MD: AOTA Press. Page: 238
Classification Code: Domain 01, Task 01, Knowledge 02
Incorrect Responses: A, B, D: These require an in-depth evaluation and/or a collaborative
team approach
OTR Prep Question:
Which physical agent modality is MOST EFFECTIVE for reducing pain and inflammation within
the first 24 to 48 hours of sustaining a soft tissue injury?
A. Fluidotherapy
B. Moist hot packs
C. Cryotherapy
D. Thermal ultrasound
Correct response: C
Rationale: Cryotherapy is the application of cold to lower tissue temperature and
promote vasoconstriction. This sets up a metabolic process for decreasing inflammation
and edema. The application of ice also increases the threshold for pain.
Classificaiton code: Domain 03 Task 01 Knowledge 07
References: Crepeau EB, Cohn ES, & Schell BAB. (2009). Willard & Spackman's
Occupational Therapy (11th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Walters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams &
Wilkins. Page 676-677
Bracciano A. (2008). Physical Agent Modalities: Theory and Application for the
Occupational Therapist. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc. Pages 101-104, 112-114, 139-141
Incorrect responses: A: Fluidotherapy is a thermal modality that uses forced air that is
typically heated between 105-118o Fahrenheit. This modality is not an effective PAM for
cooling tissue temperatures.
B: Moist hot packs are a superficial thermal modality typically used to improve soft
tissue extensibility.
D: Thermal ultrasound is considered a deep heating modality. Therapeutic effects of
thermal ultrasound include increasing blood flow, improving extensibility of tendons
ligaments, decreasing muscle spasms and modulating pain.
OTR Prep Question: A client who has a C7 spinal cord injury has been admitted to an inpatient
rehabilitation facility and is beginning OT. One of the client’s goals is to be able to prepare
family meals. After identifying the client’s typical family mealtime routines and habits, what
should the OTR do NEXT to most effectively promote progress toward the client’s goal?
A. Observe the client during a standardized meal preparation task.
B. Assess current physical skills and abilities during a kitchen task.
C. Discuss the lay-out and type of appliances in the client’s home kitchen.
D. Provide assistive devices typically used by clients who have quadriplegia.
Correct response: B
Rationale: After identifying the client’s typical mealtime habits and routines, the OTR
should conduct a screening by observing the client perform a kitchen task. This will
assist the therapist to generate hypotheses regarding performance deficits.
Reference: Radomski, MV, Trombly-Latham, C (2008). Occupational Therapy for Physical
Dysfunction (6th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. Page: 56
Classification code: Domain 02, Task 03, Knowledge 05
Incorrect responses: A: This stage would occur after generating hypotheses regarding
performance deficits in order to quantify impairments or deficits flagged during a
C: This information is typically gathered during the initial interview as part of the process
in identifying the client’s typical meal preparation routines and habits.
D: The OTR should collect information about the habits, routines, and environments the
client is used to prior to providing assistive devices.
OTR Prep Question:
A client who has cognitive and motor deficits secondary to the onset of Huntington's disease is
participating in OT. One of the client's goals is to be independent with dressing. Which
intervention activity is BEST to include as part of the initial intervention plan?
A. Educate the client and caregivers about methods for adapting the fasteners on the client’s
B. Teach the client to use a sequenced checklist to mark off tasks as they are completed during
C. Have the client practice using a button-hook and long-handled reacher when completing
dressing tasks
D. Use backward chaining methods and hand-over-hand assistance to teach adapted dressing
Correct response: A
Rationale: HD is a disorder characterized by progressive neurodegeneration. Symptoms
typically include choreo-athetoid movements and alterations in behavior and cognitive
functions. A client who is in the early stages of HD would most benefit from learning
techniques to compensate for motor deficits
Classification code: Domain 03, Task 01, Knowledge 01
Reference: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby
Incorrect responses: B, D: These cognitive strategies may be indicated in the later stages
of HD. Cognitive symptoms typically are not associated with onset HD
C: These devices would not be helpful for the client due to the choreo-athetoid
movements associated with HD
OTR Prep Question: During which home maintenance tasks would symptoms related to
constructional apraxia be MOST EVIDENT?
A. Washing the interior sides of single pane windows
B. Using a roller brush to paint an interior wall of the home
C. Vacuuming floors in the main living area of the home
D. Following written instructions for installing curtain rods
Classification Code: Domain 01, Task 01, Knowledge 06
Correct response: D
Reference: Reference: Zoltan B. (2007). Vision, Perception, and Cognition: A Manual for
the Evaluation and Treatment of the Adult with Acquired Brain Injury (4th ed.). Thorofare,
NJ: SLACK Inc. Pages 123-128, 184.
Rationale: Individuals who have constructional apraxia have difficulty
constructing/assembling objects; as in following instructions for installing curtain rods.
Incorrect Responses: A, B, C
Rationale: These tasks require motor planning, but they do not require the detailed
attention required to follow instructions for installing the curtain rods.
OTR Prep Question:
A 10-year-old child has cerebral palsy with moderate athetosis and age-appropriate cognition.
The child currently requires moderate assistance with BADL. One of the child’s goals is to be
more independent with dressing. The OTR plans to use a cognitive approach during a dressing
session with this child. Which method exemplifies this approach?
Employing a top-down approach to encourage the child to problem solve when
difficulties are encountered during the dressing task
Incorporating a bottom-up method to enable the child to learn dressing tasks in a
developmentally appropriate sequence
Allowing the child to select preferred clothing in preparation for learning an ageappropriate dressing task
Adapting the child's clothing and teaching compensatory strategies to use during a
dressing task
OTR Prep Question: During an initial OT interview, a patient denies frequent cocaine use and
cites a recent bonus as proof that work performance is not being negatively affected by
substance use. The patient reports using cocaine only when under a deadline at work or when
having to entertain business clients. The patient’s account indicates a lack of insight related to
which of the following performance areas?
A. Leisure-time management
B. Current values and interests
C. Interpersonal and coping skills
D. Problem-solving and ethical behavior
Classification code: Domain 01, Task 02, Knowledge 03
Correct response: C
Reference: Cara E, MacRae A (2005). Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: A Clinical
Practice (2nd ed.). Thomson Delmar. Pages: 456-457
Rationale: Based on the patient’s account, the dependence on cocaine use appears to be
in direct relation to the patient’s inability to manage stress appropriately. These
performance areas should be addressed by developing an intervention plan that
facilitates effective interpersonal and coping skill acquisition with the goal of promoting
participation in all areas of occupation.
Incorrect responses: A, B, D: Although these areas may need to be addressed during the
occupational therapy intervention, they do not directly relate to the situations described
by the patient in the initial interview.
OTR Prep Question:
An OTR is facilitating a group for clients with polysubstance use. During the first group session,
the OTR describes how trigger events and irrational thinking can lead to substance misuse.
Which theoretical model does this approach exemplify?
A. Cognitive-behavioral
B. Psychodynamic
C. Motivational
D. Human occupation
Correct Response: A
Rationale: The premise behind cognitive-behavioral therapy is that the individual can
change their behavior (substance misuse) by first challenging their negative
assumptions (cognitions) relating to trigger events.
Reference: Cara E, MacRae A (2005). Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: A Clinical
Practice (2nd ed.). Thomson Delmar. Page: 453
Incorrect responses: B: The premise behind psychodynamic models is that the
individual’s substance misuse has resulted from earlier psychological conflicts
C: Motivational strategies encourage the individual to consider change through
exploration and feedback on alternative options.
D: The Model of Human Occupation emphasizes exploration, competence, and
achievement as related to a client’s areas of occupation.
An OTR is completing a self-care assessment with a resident in a long term care facility.
Nursing staff referred the resident to OT after observing a decline in the resident’s function
following an exacerbation of COPD one month ago. Medical hx is also significant for residual
cerebellar symptoms secondary to an excision of a brain tumor5 years ago. The client has Fair
Plus (3+/5) functional strength of bilateral upper extremities. During the assessment, the OTR
asks the resident to “pick up your shirt from the night stand”. When reaching for the shirt, the
resident has to stabilize the arm to prevent reaching beyond or short of the shirt. When
documenting the session what term should the OTR use to BEST describe the resident’s
A. Decreased motor planning
B. Generalized weakness
C. Dysmetria
D. Dysdiadochokinesia
A:The resident has the ability to plan the motor components needed for picking up shirt
B:Client’s functional strength is adequate to pick up shirt w/o resulting in these
D:Dysdiadochokinesia is the ability to perform rapidly alternating movements. These
movements are not required for picking up a shirt
Rationale: Dysmetria is a common-side effect of cerebellar dysfunction. It is
characterized as overshooting or undershooting an intended target
Classification: Domain 02 Task 01 Knowledge 03
OTR Exam Prep Question:
Review this: http://www.nbcot.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=241
An OTR is evaluating the ROM of a client who has rheumatoid arthritis. Goniometric
measurements of the long finger are as follows:
Active Motion
Passive Motion
Extension – Flexion
Extension – Flexion
(in degrees)
(in degrees)
MCP Joint
PIP Joint
DIP Joint
Long Finger
What do these finding indicate?
A. Dorsal subluxation of the MCP joint
B. Rupture of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
C. Lengthening of the lateral slips of the extensor digitorum communis tendon
D. Rupture of the central slip of the extensor digitorum communis tendon
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: "When documenting ROM measurements, a loss of full extension is
represented by a minus sign. In this case, the -50 – 90 measurement for the PIP joint
indicates a loss of 50 degrees extension (extension lag) and the ability to flex the PIP
joint to 90 degrees. Hyperextension is documented using the plus sign (+): +30 – 40
degrees of DIP joint motion indicates there is 30 degrees of hyperextension and the joint
is able to flex from 30 degrees of hyperextension to 40 degrees of flexion. These ROM
measurements indicate a boutonniere deformity. This is characterized by flexion of the
PIP joint and hyperextension of the DIP joint. It is typically caused by rupture or
lengthening of the central slip of the extensor digitorum communis tendon.
Incorrect Rationale: A: Dorsal subluxation of the MCP joint is not typically associated
with the deformity described.
B: Rupture of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon may result in a swan neck
C: Lengthening of the lateral slips of the extensor digitorum communis tendon results in
a swan neck deformity
Classification: Domain 01 Task 01 Knowledge 04
References: "Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Pages: 961-963
Cooper C. (ed.) (2007). Fundamentals of Hand Therapy: Clinical Reasoning and
Treatment Guidelines for Common Diagnoses of the Upper Extremity. St. Louis, MO:
Elsevier Mosby. Pages: 82, 305-307"
OTR Exam Prep Question: An OTR is teaching joint protection strategies to a client recently
diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The client enjoys cooking large family meals but pain in the
MCP joints and wrist are interfering with the ability to cut meats and vegetables. In addition to
recommending the use of an adapted cutting board, which type of knife would be beneficial for
the client to use?
A. Serrated knife with finger contoured handle
B. Universal cuff attachment for standard slicing knife
C. Wheel configured knife with non-slip padded grip
D. Carving knife with handle set at 90 degree angle
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: This type of grip minimizes ulnar forces against the MCP joints during
Incorrect Rationale: A, B, C: These options will not reduce ulnar-directed forces against
the MCP joints when cutting.
Classification: Domain 03 Task 01 Knowledge 09
References: "Radomski, MV, Trombly-Latham, C (2008). Occupational Therapy for
Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. Pages
1222-1225 Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Page 973-975."
OTR Exam Prep Question: A client had a repair of the median nerve on the dominant
upper extremity after sustaining a work-related laceration of the wrist 6 weeks ago. The
client has been undergoing rehabilitation and resumed light work as a warehouse
stocker several days ago. During a follow-up appointment, the OTR observes several
blisters on the client’s index finger. What INITIAL action should the OTR take based on
this observation?
A. Advise the client to file an incident report with the employer
B. Teach the client protective sensory re-education strategies
C. Contact the case manager to modify the client’s job tasks
D. Recommend strategies for minimizing the use of the index finger
Correct Answer: B
Rationale: It is important for the client to learn visual compensation techniques to
reduce secondary injury or trauma due to the loss of sensation.
Incorrect Rationale: A: The client’s blisters may not be due to a work-related injury.
C, D: The client should continue with daily routines using visual compensation and other
protective sensory re-education techniques.
Classification Code: Domain 03 Task 05 Knowledge 05
References: Pendleton HM, Schultz-Krohn W (eds). (2006). Pedretti’s Occupational
Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
Mosby. Page 848 Cooper C. (2007). Fundamentals of Hand Therapy: Clinical
Reasoning and Treatment Guidelines for Common Diagnoses of the Upper Extremity.
St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Page 242-243