Latin Menu Project Description

Nomen __________________________________
Hodie est ________________________________
Minimus: Chapter 2
Menu Planning Guide
You will be creating a menu for a restaurant that exclusively caters to an
ancient Roman clientele. Answer the questions below to help you
prepare and create your menu.
1. The name of your restaurant needs to be a Latin noun-adjective pair!
example: The Dirty Pig (Porcus Sordidus in Latin), The Friendly House
(Villa Benigna in Latin). What will the name of your restaurant be?
2. You will need to organize the food on your menu into categories.
You will need to have 3 categories on your menu.
ientāculum breakfast
holera vegetables
prandium lunch
potiōnēs beverages
cena dinner
bellāria desserts
gustātiōnēs appetizers
proxima sides
3. You will need to have 4-6 food items in each category for a total of 15
total food items on your menu. Make your items creative!
Here’s how:
(a) combine foods together!
pisa et asparagī cum embammate peas and asparagus with dressing
savillum cum socolatā et fragīs cheesecake with chocolate & strawberries
(b) use adjectives to describe your foods!
blandus, -a, -um sweet
condītus, -a, -um spicy
congelātus, -a, -um frozen
calidus, -a, -um hot
coctus, -a, -um baked, roasted
frīgidus, -a, -um cold
frīctus, -a, -um fried
sucōsus, -a, -um juicy
tostus, -a, -um roasted, broiled
vaporātus, -a, -um steamed
4. Once you have planned out which foods to include, you need to
create your menu in a Google Doc. Title your menu this way:
“Julius Caesar’s Menu”
Be sure to share your menu with all three of us!
Your final menu must be bilingual. You need to write your menu in
Latin and translate everything (all categories and food items) into
Did you…
☐ use correct spelling in both English and Latin?
☐ include macrons in Latin words?
☐ include an English translation of each menu item?
☐ include 3 categories on your menu?
☐ include15 total food items on your menu?
☐ use combinations and adjectives to make creative food items?
☐ organize and label your categories clearly in English and Latin?