CHAPTER 3 A. Research Design This chapter presents methods and procedures that were used to attain valid and relevant results for the study. This study focuses on the effectiveness of Musa acuminata Colla Peel extract as an alternative treatment for dyslipidemia. The research approach is experimental, quantitative, exploratory-descriptive and contextual. B. Materials COLLECTION AND AUTHENTICATION OF PLANT MATERIAL Peels of Musa Acuminata Colla will be collected from banana cue vendors in the school's canteen. Thus, the peels that must be collected should be fresh for a much effective research experiment. EXTRACTION OF MUSA EXCORIO One kilogram of banana peelings will be washed thoroughly before slicing it with the use of knife and chopping board. Chopped peelings are needed to be boiled in a casserole containing four cups of water. After boiling, use a clean and fine cloth to extract, decant and filter the boiled banana peelings. Four cups of water will be added again, together with a half cup of sugar and pasteurize for 10-15 minutes at 60-65 degree Celsius. Transfer to a sterilized container, half-filled. Let it cool, while adding a baker’s yeast for every 8 cups mixture. Ferment for 7-8 days by covering with a clean cloth, storing it in a room temperature. Then decant to separate the sediments from the banana extract. C.Procedure EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Eighteen 6 week old male albino rats will be assigned by weight into 3 groups for a 30 day study. The animals will be divided into 3 groups: Group 1 (negative control) will receive basal diet. Group 2 (positive control) will receive hypocholesterolemia-induced diet (high-fat diet). Group 3 will receive 90% high fat plus 20 ethanolic extraction of K.pinnata. Each group will be composed of 6 animals and will be matched for its body weight. Each diet must contain 1 percent on cholesterol and 30 percent of total calories from fat. The groups will be composed as follows: healthy rats receiving deionized water (normal group); cholesterol induced controlled rats administered ethanolic preparations of K.pinnata orally. Rats will be housed in cages and will be cleaned daily. High cholesterol will be confirmed (by pricking the rat tail for a drop of blood for cholesterol determination) on the 8th day after letting the rats take fatty and oily foods. Rats in all groups will be fed a normal rat diet. Body weight change and total food intake will be recorded weekly. DISPOSAL OF ALBINO RATS The animal will be donated in a veterinarian after 6 weeks of experimental diet feeding.