kite runner

Part 2 of Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
I am like Amir in this book. Just like him, I always rely on other to protect me when I am young.
Because of disabilities so most people always bully me. My friends and family will go that far to
protect me from these guys. One time, in school, one boy confronts me and try throw punch me
for no reason but my friend, who stand next to me, stop it and threaten to tell on him. Which I
can’t do it because it is scary. But my friend is best and give support. My friend say I will always
help you.
Just like Amir. His father talks about that when someone bully Amir then Hassan, his friend/halfbrother, confront him and held his slingshot toward to him and make them go away from Amir.
Later Hassan say for you, a thousand times over. After Hassan died, Amir took his brother’s son.
In ending, Amir ask his nephew Sohrab if you want him to get kite. He nod so Amir said, “For
you, a thousand times over”
F.I.C.T.I.O.N report on Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
By Osman Mohamed
FRICTION: The several conflicts in this book called Kite Runner. Main conflict is between Amir
and Hassan. They not know that they were brother. They are friend at beginning of book. After
Assaf talk out of Hassan. Hassan is truly friend and if Amir hit him, but Hassan will not hit him
back. Amir is angry because he is “loyal dog”. He called Hassan a coward. Other conflict is
government of Russia invaded his home country Afghanistan. Also, one of many conflict is
hardest one. It is that Amir was forced to go back to his home country and get his nephew when
he realized that Hassan was dead and he is Amir’s brother.
IDEAL: There is few moral lesson in this book. But one moral lesson that is my FAVORITE is
“There is a way to be good again.” Value your friend and family like Hassan act as body guard
for Amir because Amir can’t throw punch to Assaf, so Hassan pulled and held trigger of
slingshot and a small rock was in it and point toward to Assaf and his friends.
CHARACTER: The character in this book is so complicated and interesting. Amir and Hassan
was character that I admire to. Amir is brave to go back to his home country Afghanistan and
talk to Rahim and get his nephew with him to go back to US. Hassan is tough and strong boy. He
help his friend (his half-brother that they not know that) from bully superior Afghan boy and
their friends.
TITLE: Kite Runner is perfect title. Hassan is a successful "kite runner" for Amir; he knows
where the kite will land without watching it. Amir's father, a wealthy merchant Amir
affectionately refers to as Baba, loves both boys, but is often critical of Amir, considering him
weak and lacking in courage.
IMITATE: Hosseini’s writing style is best writing style. I was swept away with his vivid
description of places and the complexity of characters. It is unquestionably well-written and
emotionally impactful. I can understand of his vivid description of everyday situation. His
writing, the characters, and especially the portrait of a country that I, like so many Americans,
have many misconceptions and very little actual knowledge about.
ORGANIZATION: This book was organized in chronological manner with lot of flashbacks. It
involves the historic event in Afghanistan such as prewar, invaded of Russia in Afghanistan, etc.
This order helps me understand how it occur because it is not in order and flow it will be
NEW/NOVEL: This book is unique because it involves the history of Afghanistan that most
American not know yet. This author wrote this story in emotional because of his family and
friend was passed away. Well, there is a movie that was based on this book called (well, same
title as this book) Kite Runner. This book is best book ever I read.
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