24V, 2 15A A (360W) Powrer Supply – Suitable to run 3 X 400 GPD RO Pumps [S$ [ 29.922 per Uniit] X Qty : 1 unit https://www h w.aliexpress.ccom/item/AIFENG‐Lightinng‐Transform mer‐1A‐2A‐3A‐5A‐15A‐255A‐AC‐110V‐‐220V‐To‐ DC24V‐Led‐ D Driver/32858 D 8284005.htm ml?spm=2114 4.search01044.3.247.4421 181ecXrPUBj&ws_ab_tesst=searchwe eb0_0,search hwe b201602_2_1 b 10065_10068_319_328_ _10059_108884_317_10887_10696_1 100031_321__322_10084_ _10083_101 103 _10618_1030 _ 07,searchweb201603_55 5,ppcSwitch__0&algo_exp pid=4e42bda a0‐2b2e‐47d99‐9187‐3104 4bf6dd62f‐ 34&algo_pvid 3 d=4e42bda0‐2b2e‐47d9‐‐9187‐3104bbf6dd62f 24V, 2 20A A (480W) Powrer Supply – Suitable to run 4 X 400 GPD RO Pumps [S$ [ 33.455 per Uniit] X Qty : 1 unit https://www h w.aliexpress.ccom/item/Sw witch‐Power‐‐Supply‐for‐LLed‐strip‐Ada apter‐AC‐1100‐220V‐to‐D DC‐24V‐20A‐ 480W‐Transf 4 former/32771311343.htm ml?spm=a2gg0s.8937460..0.0.434c2e0 0eGIUlu8