Practice Worksheet – Plant Anatomy 1. Label the structures on the cross-section of a leaf: 2. Describe these leaves as simple, pinnately compound, or palmately compound: 3. Identify these leaves as belonging to a monocot or dicot: 4. Flowering plants are grouped into 2 categories – monocots and dicots. Determine which characteristics belong to each category by writing an M or D in the table next to each illustration. Characteristic Monocot or Dicot?? Leaf Venation (organization of veins in leaves) parallel branching Root type taproot fibrous Number of flower parts (petals) multiples of 3 often 4 or 5 Veins in the stem scattered throughout circle around outside Practice Worksheet – Plant Anatomy ANSWERS 1. Label the structures on the cross-section of a leaf: 2. Describe these leaves as simple, pinnately compound, or palmately compound: simple pinnately compound palmately compound palmately compound pinnately compound 3. Identify these leaves as belonging to a monocot or dicot: 5. Flowering plants are grouped into 2 categories – monocots and dicots. Determine which characteristics belong to each category by writing an M or D in the table next to each illustration. Characteristic Monocot or Dicot?? M Leaf Venation (organization of veins in leaves) parallel Root type M fibrous M multiples of 3 Veins in the stem branching D taproot Number of flower parts (petals) D M scattered throughout D often 4 or 5 D circle around outside