Remedies - alphabetic HOMOEOINDIA No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 NAME 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Compositae Cushing,devennter,gatchell C4H3O3 Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Sapindaceae Umlelliferae Jeanes Hahnemann Jeanes Dr. Cooly Nenning Acetic acid Aconitum nap Actaea rec Aesculus Aethusa Agaricus Toadstool , fly fungus Fungi Schbeter & Stapf Agnus Allium cepa Aloe Alumina Ambra grisea Amm carb Amm mur Amylenum nitrosum Anacardium orientale Anthracinum Chaste Tree Onion Socotrine Aloes Pure Clay Ambergris Smelling Salt Sal Ammoniac Nitrite Of Amyl Marking Nut Anthrax Poison Hahnemann & his followers Hering Helbig Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Nenning T.F.allen Stapf Antimonium crud Sulphide Of Antimony SbS3 Caspari Antim tart Tartar Emetic Stapf Apis mellifica Poision Of Honey Bee Apium virus Brauns Apocynum Arg met Arg nit Arnica apocynaceae Pure silver AgO,NO5 Compositae Freitag Hahnemann J.O. Muller Hahnemann As2O3 Hehnemann Arum triph Indian Hemp The Metal The Silver Nitrate Leopard Bane White Oxide of Arsenic Indian Turnip Araceae Jeanes Asarum europ European Snake Root Aristolochiaceae hahnemann Asterias rubens Aurum met Baptisia tinctoria Baryta carbonica Belladonna Benzoic acid Berberis vul Star Fish Gold Wild Indigo Barium Carbonate Deadly Nightshade Radiata The element Leguminosae BaCo3 Solanaceae CH6H5,CO,OH Berberidaceae Petroz Hahnemann W.H. Burt Hahnemann Hahnemann Jeanes Hesse BI2O3OH2 Hahnemann fungi The element Hahnemann Hartlaub hering Cucurbitaceae Hahnemann Cactaceae Rubini Arsenic Verbenaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Al2O3 A nosode 2NH4O,3CO2 NH4Cl C10H11O,NO3 anacardiaceae A nosode Carbo anamalis Carbo veg Barberry Hydrated Oxide Of Bismuth Biborate Of Soda Puffball Bromine White Bryony , Wild Hop Night Blooming Cereus American Arum Arsenite Of Lime Middle Layer Of Oyster Shell Phosphate Of Lime Marigold Camphor Indian Hemp Hemp Spanish Flies Cayenne Pepper or red pepper Animal Charcoal Vegitable Charcoal Carbolic acid Glacial Carbolic Acid Caulophyllum thali Berberidaceae Chelidonium majus Cicuta virosa Cina China Coca Cocculus indicus Coffea cruda Colchicum autumnale Collinsonia canadensis Blue Cohosh Hahnemann’s Tinctura Acris Sine Kali Matriacaria Chamomilla Celandine Water Hemlock Worm Seed Peruvian Bark Erythroxylon Coca Cocculus Indicus Coffee Meadow Saffron Stone root Colocynthis Bismuth Borax Bovista Bromium Bryonia alba Cactus grandiflora Caladium Calc ars Calc carb Calc phos Calendula Camphora Cannabis indica Cannabis sativa Canthradis Capsicum Causticum 66 67 68 PROVER Southernwood, lady’s love Glacial Acetic Acid Monkshood Black Cohosh Horse Chestnut Fool’s Parsley Abrotanum 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Common Name Dr. SHIVBALAK FAMILY/ chemical name/ group Chamomilla Araceae Hering Hahnemann Calcium phosphate Compositae Lauraceae Urticaceae Urticaceae Cantherideae Hering Solanaceae Hahnemann Hahnemann Dr. O. Shaughserry Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Burt Hahnemann Compositae Hahnemann Papaveraceae Umbelliferae Compositae Rubiaceae Lineae Menispermaceae Rubiaceae Liliaceae Labiate Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Clotar muller Hahnemann Hahnemann Stapf Burt Squirting cucumber Cucurbitaceae Hahnnemann Conium Crocus sativus Poison hemlock Saffron Umbelliferae Iridaceae Hahnemann Stapf Crotalus horridus Poison of rattlesnake Crotalidae Hering Croton tig Cuprum met Cyclamen Digitalis Croton oil seeds Copper Sow bread Foxglove Homoeopathic antitoxin Wild yam Sundew Bitter-sweet Scouring rush Boneset Eyebright Iron Hydrofluoric acid Yellow jasmine Nitro-glycerine Black lead Witch hazel Christmas rose Unicorn plant Sulphuret of lime Golden seal Henbane St. john’s wort St. Ignatius bean Iodine Ipecac Potassium bichromate Euphorbiaceae Cu Primulaceae Scrophulariaceae Henke Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Kali brom Potassium bromide KBr Kali carb Potassium carbonate K2O,CO2 Hahnemann Kalmia latifolia Mountain laurel Hering Diphtherinum Dioscorea Drosera Dulcamara Equisetum Eupatorium Euphrasia Ferrum met Fluoric acid Gelsemium Glonoine Graphites Hamamelis virginica Helleborus niger Helonias dioca Hepar sulph Hydrastis Hyoscymus niger Hypericum Ignatia Iodium Ipecacuanha Kali bi A nosode Dioscoreaceae Drosceraceae Solanaceae Equisetaceae Compositae Scrophularaceae The element HF Loganiaceae C3H5(NO2)O3 Amorphous carbon Hamamelaceae Ranunculaceae Melanthaceae CaS Ranunculaceae Solanaceae Hypericaceae Loganiaceae The element Rubiaceae Burt Hahnemann Hahnemann Smith Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Hering W.E. Payne Hering Hahnemann Hering Hahnemann Tully Hahnemann Burt Hahnemann C. Hering Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann K2Cr2O7 Drysdale Ericaceae 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Kreosotum Krteosote A distillation of wood tar Wahle Lac can Lac def Lac felinum Lac vaccinum Ledum pal Lilium tig Lobelia inflata Surukuku snake poison Dog’s milk Skimmed milk Cat’s milk Cow’s milk Marsh tea Tiger lily Indian tobacco Lycopodium Wolf’s foot, club moss Lycopodiaceae Lachesis Lyssin Magnesia carbonica The saliva of rabid dog Carbonate of magnesia Ophidia Hering Swan Swan Ericaceae Liliaceae Lobeliaceae Hahnemann W. Payne Jeanes Hahnemann A nosode Hering `MgCO3,3H2O Hahnemann Magnesia muriatica Chloride of magnesia MgCl Hahnemann Magnesia phosphorica Phosphate of magnesia Hahnemann Medorrhinum 114 115 Melilotus 116 Menyanthes 117 Mercurius The gonorrheal virus A nosode Swan Sweet clover Buck bean Quick silver Leguminosae Gentianaceae The element Bowen Hahnemann Hahnemann Mercurius cor 118 119 Mercurius dulcis Corrosive sublimate HgCl2 Buchner Calomel Hg2Cl2 Mercurius cyanide 120 121 Mercurius proto-iodide Cynanide of mercury Hg(CN2) Iodide of mercury Hg2I2 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Mercurius biniodide Phosphorus Physostigma Podophyllum Phytolacca Picric acid Platina Plumbum Psorinum Pulsatilla Pyrogen Ratanhia Ranunculus bulbosus Rheum Rhododendron Rhus toxidendron Rumex crispus Ruta graveolens Sabina Sabadilla Sambucus nigra Sanguinaria canadensis Hahnemann’s soluble mercury Sulphate of merury Daphne mezerium Yarrow A mollusk Hydrochloric acid Cobra virus Carbonate of soda Common salt Sodium sulphate Nitric acid Nut meg Poison nut Poppy Coal or rock oil Parsley Glacial phosphoric acid Phosphorus Calabar bean May apple Poke root Picric acid Platinum Lead A product of psora Anemone A product of sepsis Rhatany Butter cup Rhubarb Snow rose Poison oak Yellow dock Rue Savine Cevadilla Elder Bloodroot Sanicula Minieral spring water Sarsaparilla Secalae cor Selenium Sepia c Silicea Spigelia Spongia tosta Stannum Staphisagria Stramonium Wild liquorice Spurred eye, ergot Selenium Cuttle fish Pure silica Pink root Roasted sponge Tin Stavestcre Thorn apple Brimestone, flower of sulphur Sulphuric acid Comfrey Syphilitic virus Tobacco Dandelion Tarantula, Cuban & spanish Oil of turpentine Orange spider Shepherd’s purse Tree of life, white cedar Wake robin Mercurius solubilis Mercurius sulphuretum Mezereum Millefolium Murex purpurea Muratic acid Naja tripudians Natrum carb Natrum mur Natrum sulph Nitric acid Nux moschata Nux vomica Opium Petroleum Petroselium Phosphoric acid Sulphur Sulphuric acid Symphytum Syphillinum Tabacum Taraxacum Tarantula 178 179 Terebinthina 180 Theridion 181 Thlaspi Thuja 182 183 Trillium Tuberculinum ,bacillinum 184 185 Valeriana 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Biniodide of mercury MgI2 Variolinum Veratrum album Veratrum viride Zincum met Magnetis poli ambo Magnetis polus articus Magnetis polus australis Malandrinum 193 194 Ustilago Black oxide HgSO4 Thymelaceae Compositae Muricidae HCl Elapidae Na2,CO3,10H2O NaCl NaOSo310Aq HNO3 Mysristicaceae Loganiaceae Papavereraceae Anthracite Umbelliferae E. Stapf Nenning Petroz Hahnemann Russel & Stokes Hahnemann Hahnemann Schreter Hahnemann Helbig Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann HPO3 Hahnemann The element Leguminosae Berberidaceae Phytolaccaceae HC6H2(NO2)3O The metal The metal A nosode Ranunculaceae A nosode Polygalaceae Ranunculaceae Polygonaceae Ericaceae Anacardiaceae Polyganaceae Rutaceae Coniferae Liliaceae caprifoliiaceae Papaveraceae Hahnemann Hahnemann G. Bute Smilaceae A fungus, a nosode The element Mollusca Silicic oxide Loganiaceae Spongia The element Ranunculaceae Solanaceae Hahnemann H. C. Allen Hering Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann Hahnemann The element Hahnemann H2SO4 Borraginaceae A nosode Solanaceae Compositae Swan Araneideae A volatile oil Araneideae Cruciferae Hering Coniferae Hahnemann Smilaceae H. Minton Valerianaceae Burnett Hahnemann A nosode Melanthaceae Melanthaceae The element The magnet North pole of the magnet Sooth-pole of the magnet The grease of horses Ustilago maidis Franz Hahnemann Seidel Hahnemann Joslin Hahnemann Stapf J. G. Gundlach Pus (with bacilli) from A nosode tubercular abscess Valerian Pus from smallpox pustule White hellebore Green hellebore Zinc Jeanes Allentown college T. F. Allen Stapf Hartlaub Hering Hahnemann Drysdale Corn smut Hahnemann Burt